Sunday, April 1, 2018

069: Strange Black Feather Chamber of Commerce

#1069: Strange Black Feather Chamber of Commerce
Comments 400
Vast god ter­ri­tory 40,000 Star Realm, Low-Rank Star Realm mo­nop­o­lizes 30,000, enough 70% also many.
Al­though, on all -round strength, in­her­i­tance, re­sources and back­ground, they are un­able com­pared with Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm and High-Rank Star Realm, but on the quan­tity, they are the God Realm main body.
In nu­mer­ous Lower Realm Star Realm, Heiya Realm is ex­tremely spe­cial ex­is­tence, par­tic­u­larly in East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Heiya Realm even if, al­though the strength is not counted the level, but the pop­u­lar­ity is not weak in any.
The cham­ber of com­merce quan­tity, sit­u­ated in East­ern God Ter­ri­tory all Low-Rank Star Realm.
If god ter­ri­tory pro­found prac­ti­tioner lacks any won­drous item rare trea­sure, comes Heiya Realm, cer­tainly will not re­turn empty-handed... But the premise, takes enough pur­ple stone pur­ple crys­tal.
Heiya City, the cen­ter sit­u­ated in Heiya Realm, the en­tire city has big of thou­sand li(500 km) fully, con­cen­trates is being well-known mas­sively the God Realm cham­ber of com­merce, the small cham­ber of com­merce is count­less. In the city the sect in­flu­ence are not many, the Realm King in­flu­ence, ac­tu­ally can­not in the name of Star Realm „Heiya”, ob­vi­ously Heiya City in the Heiya Realm sta­tus.
Yun Che comes in the Heiya City sky, over­looked this strange Star Realm strange Main City to be very long is very long.
His cog­ni­tion to the God Realm, has Snow Song Realm ba­si­cally. But Snow Song Realm as a re­sult of ice-cold, life is year to year scarce, is quite spe­cial ex­is­tence. But pre­sent Heiya Realm, is ac­tu­ally bustling, stream of peo­ple con­tin­u­ous, ex­tremely busy, lets Yun Che when just came, there are such sev­eral in­stant to re­turn to the mis­con­cep­tion of Lower Realm lively city.
„Heiya Realm... Heiya City.” Yun Che med­i­tates one, Snow Song Realm passes in his mind, in heart end­less dis­con­so­late.
Re­ceives Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, has changed a white cloth­ing, then fell slowly, treads in com­pletely strangely, com­pletely was not on his land.
In Blue Pole Star, he then con­trols.
In Snow Song Realm, he has Great Realm King for the backer, di­rect dis­ci­ple that every­body ad­mires... When ini­tially to Snow Song Realm, also Mu Bingyun can de­pend upon.
But now, is ac­tu­ally alone in the world. Bound­less Star Realm, bound­less huge crowd, not the place of his being fa­mil­iar, not the per­son of his being fa­mil­iar.
Per­haps trades to be a per­son, al­ready by not gasp­ing for breath that the se­ri­ous des­o­late and fright­ened feel­ing pressed.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter...” Yun Che has pro­nounced un­stressed one.
After long-time dis­con­so­late­ness, the Yun Che's look and train of thought re­store clear un­der­stand­ing. Things have got­ten to this point, he only has alone faces, at pre­sent must do, is tries to seek Wood Spirit Bead... Is pre­cisely good Wood Spirit Bead.
pur­ple pro­found stone, pur­ple pro­found crys­tal and pur­ple pro­found jade, this is the God Realm cur­rent money. Thou­sand pur­ple stone fold pur­ple crys­tal, thou­sand pur­ple crys­tal fold pur­ple jade.
When en­ters the Ice Phoenix 36 palaces with Mu Bingyun, but can also each month re­ceive five thou­sand pur­ple stone monthly salaries, but after be­com­ing Mu Xu­anyin dis­ci­ple, then one jiao did not have.
But, went to Ice Wind Em­pire, is the har­vest is many in its trea­sure store­house, has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly such quickly used.
Al­though be­cause of fear­ing to touch the in­sti­tu­tion, only took that part near Qilin Horn, but that after is a mem­ory of huge Em­pire trea­sure store­house, with­out doubt can be a huge digit, Yun Che took in­ven­tory once more...
Al­to­gether has three hun­dred thou­sand pur­ple pro­found crys­tal, as well as 200 pur­ple pro­found jade.
Under the con­ver­sion, is en­tire 500 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!
„The wealth of a Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm great na­tion plun­der­ing, can spend freely one in Low-Rank Star Realm reck­lessly.” Yun Che talked to one­self.
How­ever, where should go to?
Yun Che has put out Huo Rulie to his black jade, along with it vi­sion fierce con­cen­trates.
Re­ceived from the Huo Rulie hand, this is to­gether aura of death heavy black jade. But at this time, the black jade cen­ter has shone un­ex­pect­edly, has ap­peared quiet black such as the plume feather of night.
„Black feather?” Weak fluc­tu­a­tion that Yun Che with rapt at­ten­tion, the sen­sa­tion above is trans­mit­ting slightly, quick, his vi­sion looked to the front, went straight... This black jade flood pro­found en­ergy fluc­tu­a­tion, clearly in di­rec­tion di­rec­tion.
Al­though is be­gin­ning Heiya Realm, but Low-Rank Star Realm and Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm dis­par­ity is ac­tu­ally clear. Here spir­i­tual en­ergy rich and fine must be greatly in­fe­rior in Snow Song Realm and Flame God Realm... Nat­u­rally, is not Blue Pole Star may com­pare as be­fore by far.
The Heiya City traf­fic is enor­mous, every­where one visit is ex­tremely busy. But here for­bids pro­found ark or the mount ob­vi­ously, air­borne has the per­son's shadow to fly un­ceas­ingly, ac­tu­ally does not see any pro­found ark pro­found beast.
This class pro­found prac­ti­tioner, cul­ti­vates for mostly is ini­tial pe­riod Di­vine Dao, de­fends a city in all di­rec­tions ob­vi­ously city guard, pro­found strength ba­si­cally is Di­vine Essence Realm or Di­vine Soul Realm.
But in Heiya Realm... As well as al­most all Low-Rank Star Realm, can achieve­ment Di­vine Essence Realm, enter Di­vine Dao, is makes the per­son look askance, can enter Di­vine Soul Realm, al­ready in man­ner above, achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, then es­tab­lish a sect, if can cross Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion, achieve­ment Di­vine Spirit Realm, but is a side over­lord.
Achieve­ment Di­vine King Realm, can be a con­trol!
If which Low-Rank Star Realm pre­sents one or more Di­vine Sov­er­eign, then very pos­si­ble en­tire Star Realm with the sub­li­ma­tion, will be to Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm.
There­fore, after Yun Che one step sur­mounts to Di­vine Soul Realm, same age under pro­found strength can be called in Snow Song Realm is the tal­ent rank, has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to enter the Ice Phoenix 36 palaces. But to Low-Rank Star Realm, his pre­sent cul­ti­vat­ing is, in young one gen­er­a­tion is suf­fi­ciently no­tice­able.
Fol­low­ing the di­rec­tion of black jade weak pro­found strength, the Yun Che sen­sa­tion Heiya City aura and in­ter­course pro­found prac­ti­tioner, moves to­ward the Heiya City cen­tral area at the same time.
Worthily in 30,000 Lower Realm Star Realm, even Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm il­lus­tri­ous trans­ac­tion Star Realm, Yun Che every­where one visit, pleas­ant most is var­i­ous cham­bers of com­merce. The thing that be­side cham­ber of com­merce, also in­nu­mer­able shop stalls, sells is all sorts of strange and un­usual.
The Yun Che foot­steps walked sev­eral dou­ble-hour at a mod­er­ate pace, is so.
En­tire Heiya City, the re­versed image is a huge rural fair is the same.
Fi­nally, Yun Che stopped the foot­steps in a place, the in­duc­tion from black jade, com­pletely van­ished at this time.
Yun Che's at pre­sent, is one pala­tial plain, the con­struc­tion of reach­ing to the sky, in Heiya City, is an ab­solute con­spic­u­ous colos­sus.
This is a large-scale cham­ber of com­merce, looks, fully dozens main hall en­trances, as­sorted crowd con­tin­u­ous is pass­ing and out.
Yun Che raises head high, looked that en­tered sev­eral large char­ac­ters in the clouds to the peak, dis­cussed lowly: „Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce.”
Black plumose that on black jade ap­pears, is ex­actly the same as in­scrip­tion seal of giant cham­ber of com­merce at pre­sent.
Yun Che walks, pre­sent Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, is hugest one that he sees. From its plain broad con­struc­tion, has con­sid­er­able deep back­ground and re­mote his­tory surely.
Yun Che stands in same place, looks puz­zled deeply: Huge will the so cham­ber of com­merce, do why also the un­der­ground busi­ness? Es­pe­cially... Also re­lated to per­son­ally has got­ten down Wood Spirit Bead of pro­hi­bi­tion rule by Eter­nal Sky God Realm?
Has care­lessly, the in­nu­mer­able gen­er­a­tion of fame and base in­dus­try of per­haps slightly will be de­stroyed in a mo­ment. This Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce is so the scale, stand­ing proudly and ap­proach­ing the clouds, per­haps en­tire Heiya City few can in com­par­i­son, why also prob­a­bly take such big risk?
He thinks can be the cham­ber of com­merce or the gang of small scale makes this un­der­ground black mar­ket for the sud­den and huge prof­its, has not thought that can be un­ex­pect­edly the scale is so huge, an­cient his­tory giant cham­ber of com­merce.
Can could it be that not ex­posed to the light the un­der­ground trans­ac­tion real sud­den and huge prof­its to so the de­gree?
Yun Che no longer thinks that moves to­ward the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce out­er­most hall gate, in the hall gate, a sub­debu­tante wel­comed there, to each guest Ju Xiao, but rit­ual.
„Wel­comes to Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, the hon­ored guest please enter, if de­sired, please mo­men­tar­ily tell.” Sees Yun Che to enter, a young girl slightly bow.
This fe­male has cul­ti­vat­ing of Em­peror Pro­found Realm is, in Blue Pole Star may be one gen­er­a­tion of mas­ters of great learn­ing and in­tegrity, to this, only has ac­tu­ally been able to make a gate to wel­come. Yun Che has not en­tered, but is sus­pen­sion of move­ment be­fore the young girl body, has put out that black jade silently.
Sees black jade in Yun Che hand, the young girl look slightly changes, along with the it upper body deep bow , the sound be­comes even more re­spect­ful and pru­dent: „Orig­i­nally is the hon­ored guest vis­its, please come along with me.”
Yun Che re­ceives black jade, fol­low­ing of keep­ing silent in young girl be­hind... Be­fore he was also filled with the doubts, now un­der­stood clearly, his this has seen his en­tire life the hugest cham­ber of com­merce, was mak­ing Wood Spirit Bead un­ex­pect­edly re­ally this and other un­der­ground trans­ac­tions.
Re­ally felt strange!
Will the dark trans­ac­tion have multi- mak­ing money?
My body five hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone... Total does im­pos­si­ble link Wood Spirit Bead un­able to af­ford?
Five hun­dred mil­lion, ab­solutely the huge wealth, the ab­solute as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures, be­fore he was self-con­fi­dent. But, can let so giant cham­ber of com­merce se­cret sale Wood Spirit Bead... If no enough giant sud­den and huge prof­its, how pos­si­bly dares so to vi­o­late the dan­ger­ous dis­obe­di­ent Eter­nal Sky God Realm pro­hi­bi­tion rule!
There­fore to the pre­sent, Yun Che started a lit­tle afraid.
Yun Che fol­lows be­hind the young girl, took a quite long sec­tion of road, along with going to a long stair­case, the sur­round­ings were com­pletely peace­ful, can­not hear any sound again.
Hall gate that young girls be­fore leaf of shut­ting tightly stopped the foot­steps, Yun Che knew, this hall was seal­ing sev­eral large-scale pro­found array, iso­lated the sound and line of sight even aura suf­fi­ciently com­pletely. How­ever, is the uni­di­rec­tional iso­la­tion, in­side per­son can see, sen­sa­tion to ar­rive at out­side all clearly.
Yun Che brow big wrin­kle... But thinks that Huo Rulie im­pos­si­ble harms him de­cid­edly, brow along with it slow, but has not put aside the vig­i­lance slightly.
„Mr. Ji, has the hon­ored guest.” The young girls stand in front of hall, re­spect­ful [say / way].
The short si­lence, along with it, the hall gate opens slowly.
„Hon­ored guest please enter, Mr. Ji in in­side you.”
A young girl rit­ual, turns around to leave gen­tly.
Yun Che has not hes­i­tated, the stride walked sev­eral steps, just stepped into, the be­hind hall gate then firmly closes.
The hall is quite spa­cious, be­fore a wooden table, sat an old man, should be in the young girl mouth „Mr. Ji”. Sees Yun Che, he sets out to wel­come, said with a smile lightly: „This hon­ored guest quite looks un­fa­mil­iar, does not know that what my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce does want to seek?”
„I take Wood Spirit Bead, spirit strength is purer is bet­ter!” Yun Che comes straight to the point to say.
The Yun Che's words make the old man com­plex­ion happy ex­pres­sion dis­ap­pear, micro dew angry look: „Did hon­ored guest this say what in­tent? Hunts and kills Wood Spirit is the ac­tion of per­son god al­to­gether in­dig­nant, dis­obe­di­ent heaven de­fy­ing [say / way]! My Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce in­her­i­tance num­ber ten thou­sand years, al­ways only does the proper busi­ness, how to make this and other ugly mat­ters, if the hon­ored guest asked Wood Spirit Bead, feared that comes to the wrong place.”
„...” Yun Che knits the brows in se­cret... The angry look of this old man is not in­stalls likely, par­tic­u­larly in men­tion­ing ‚hunts and kills Wood Spirit’ four word-time, he clearly felt an in­tense right­eous in­dig­na­tion and re­sent­ful anger.
What ghost? Did could it be that come to the wrong place?
Thinks that Yun Che lifts the step to for­ward, say­ing noth­ing gives his black jade to pat Huo Rulie on the table.
After tak­ing up black jade that the old men did not say a word, pro­found strength swept, said in­dif­fer­ently: „Can have the thing of proof?”
The Yun Che arm ex­tends again, gives his token also to put out Huo Rulie, un­emo­tion­ally say­ing: „You, if knows that who the right­ful owner is, should know that by his strength, im­pos­si­ble is I steals again or snatches.”
The vi­sion has swept one on the Golden Crow token, the old man fa­cial color re­laxed, has smiled: „Orig­i­nally is Flame God Realm Sect Mas­ter Huo rec­om­mends un­ex­pect­edly, just now was re­ally dis­re­spect­ful. Sect Mas­ter Huo for one of the I cham­ber of com­merce most im­por­tant guests, he per­son of rec­om­mend­ing, nat­u­rally is also the hon­ored guest in hon­ored guest, please sit down.”
„Sits does not use.” Yun Che is straight­for­ward: „I need to buy Wood Spirit Bead.”
The old men are look­ing straight ahead his eye: „May I ask the hon­ored guest Ven­er­a­ble the name?”
„Ling Yun.” The Yun Che tran­quil [say / way], he will cer­tainly not use the real name.
„He he he,” old man has smiled: „The Old Man life is man­ag­ing cham­ber of com­merce, the per­son of see­ing are too many are too many, has ex­er­cised eyes of judge. Per­son speech is true or false, or is the sin­cer­ity trades has some­thing else planned, ap­par­ent.”
„For ex­am­ple, you want to buy Wood Spirit Bead are real, Ling Yun this name, is the va­ca­tion.”
Yun Che: „...”
„Might as well. The name is unim­por­tant, but is a name, does not have other to at­tempt then. After all, among trans­ac­tion with hon­ored guests, both sides keeps se­cret the code of honor is the most im­por­tant prin­ci­ple. With Sect Mas­ter Huo, in Heiya City ex­cept for Old Man, from no­body knows that he once had been to Heiya City, so, Young Mas­ter Ling com­pletely may feel re­lieved, must ob­serve.” Old man thin smile [say / way].
His words, Yun Che be­lieves ac­tu­ally, oth­er­wise, Huo Rulie will not go in per­son Heiya Realm each time.
„You could rest as­sured that this mat­ter, I did not have the face to say.” Yun Che said.
„He He.”
The old men smiled, does not know is un­in­ten­tional, when he looked askance looked at Yun Che one, the vi­sion re­turned, the deep place flashes through a flick­er­ing dif­fi­cult word com­plex, said: „About Wood Spirit Bead, you comes is very skill­ful, very un­for­tu­nately.”
„How did this words say?” Yun Che asked.
„What is skill­ful, our cham­ber of com­merce will just ob­tain one in the near fu­ture ‚Wood Spirit Bead’, and will pre­pare to sell to­mor­row. But what un­for­tu­nately is... This ‚Wood Spirit Bead’ very spe­cial... No, is ex­tremely spe­cial! In our cham­ber of com­merce these year of ob­tained Wood Spirit Bead, most spe­cial. There­fore, it can sell is very ex­pen­sive! Very pos­si­bly loses every­thing to you ex­pen­sively can­not af­ford.”
The Yun Che brow sinks: „Where is spe­cial? Is could it be that spirit strength is ex­tremely high?”
„He He, this point, Old Man has no right to re­spect­fully in­form, can say that said.” Old man thin smile [say / way]: „You, if has enough con­fi­dence to own body wealth, that leaves be­hind sound trans­mis­sion mark. To­mor­row 9 to 11 p.m., will in­form you to trade the place.”
„Good.” Yun Che nods slowly: „I awaited calmly to­mor­row!”