Wednesday, September 19, 2018

3508: Somewhat is not feeling well



#3508: Somewhat is not feeling well


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„se­nior, be­fore leav­ing, Chu Feng had a mat­ter to say.”„Al­though this mat­ter said that se­nior was not nec­es­sar­ily able to be­lieve that but I thought that some ne­ces­si­tiessaid.” Chu Feng said.„Oh?” Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head item of dew cu­ri­ous color, there­fore said: „Chu Feng lit­tle friend, but saidthat might as well.”„se­nior, you speak the truth, that isn't Black Haired Specter, by bend­ing down the mon­ster great for­ma­tionstrength, able to write off it di­rectly?” Chu Feng asked.„......”Chu Feng such re­marks, most peo­ple on the scene, allare the look move.Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, even if su­per­fi­cial notany change, but the in­ner­most feel­ings ac­tu­ally also shake.He thinks that he has de­ceived Chu Feng, has not ac­tu­ally thought that Chu Feng has com­pletely un­der­stood allun­ex­pect­edly?At this time, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, wants to open the mouth, wants to con­tinue to de­ceive Chu Feng, but has not needed Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head to speak, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally once again opened the mouth.„se­nior, if un­able to write off it, I urged se­nior to itshould not be ex­tremely harsh, do not speak the in­sult, oth­er­wise if in the fu­ture its to break the for­ma­tion, your Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan feared that had the dis­as­ter.” Chu Fengsaid.„The Chu Feng lit­tle friend, why will you have this idea?”„That evil spirit, had been bent down mon­ster great for­ma­tion to sup­press, just you also saw, its strength, com­pared with it for­merly, had been weaken, this is the great for­ma­tion strength.”„I , to kill it, rea­son that mo­men­tar­ily can kill it, I do not kill it , be­cause wants to in­ves­ti­gate thor­oughly the where­abouts of Liluo miss.”„Al­though, the Liluo miss has pos­si­bly en­coun­tered the mishap, may die, wants to a Chu Feng lit­tle friend ex­plicitan­swer, but does not want to make you in­ex­plic­a­ble.” Onthe face of Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, emerged someangry look.Just like Chu Feng re­ally wrongly ac­cused him to be or­di­nary.„That was ju­nior has pos­si­bly thought that se­nior no won­der, but ju­nior had thought that sound that Black Haired Specter made, was held the be­fore­hand scream, was held the later low roar, likely did not whin, but seemed like smil­ing.”„This smil­ing, is very dan­ger­ous, be­fore ju­nior, could not think through, why it will exude such laugh­ter.”„But in just, me sud­denly has thought a pos­si­bil­ity, oneis very the fear­ful pos­si­bil­ity, pos­si­bly is not that Black Haired Specter, was bent down mon­ster great for­ma­tion to op­press, but is all, in the con­trol of that Black Haired Specter.” Chu Feng said.„What?” Hears this words, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan theseElder, the face was green.„Is im­pos­si­ble, the Chu Feng lit­tle friend, your thisguess, was too rather ab­surd.”How­ever quick, they then de­nied Chu Feng, they do not be­lieve the Chu Feng's words.„Did not need se­nior say­ing that I also thought ab­surd, there­fore said in me from the be­gin­ning, this mat­ter said that you pos­si­bly did not be­lieve that but I thought... Ineeded to say with you that as for be­liev­ing, that was yourmat­ters.”„se­nior, many thanks re­ceives cor­dially, many thanksyour gift, Chu Feng said good­bye.”After Chu Feng spoke these words, has held hold­ing the fist in the other hand to Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, then di­rectly turns around to de­part.Pos­si­bly be­cause Chu Feng said that words that Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan is not will­ing to speak, their some were not happy, there­fore pre­pared to de­liver Chu Feng's to­getherthem, again has not ac­tu­ally de­liv­ered Chu Feng.Wum­ing Xingyun, pur­sued ac­tu­ally.„The Chu Feng lit­tle friend, you were rude, is only the guess words, should not say, par­tic­u­larly your for­merlythese words, they are not will­ing to lis­ten.”„Not only ques­tioned them, but also chaotic Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan will of the peo­ple.” Wum­ing Xingyun said.„Ques­tioned them, in­deed made them not happy, but myques­tion was right, I then had noth­ing to be guilty they.”„As for the chaotic will of the peo­ple, but ac­tu­ally not, be­cause they do not be­lieve my guess.” Chu Feng said with a smile.„ The Chu Feng lit­tle friend, why you just wanted see again/good­bye Black Haired Specter, you... What has dis­cov­ered re­ally? ” Wum­ing Xingyun asked.Chu Feng smiled, had not said di­rectly, but to the sound trans­mis­sion way, open the mouth in se­cret.„I for­merly had de­ter­mined a mat­ter, but now had the an­swer.”Chu Feng said.„What have you de­ter­mined?” Wum­ing Xingyun to the sound trans­mis­sion way ask in se­cret.„Liluo Elder Sis­ter she, in­deed in Black Haired Specterwithin the body, my pre­mo­ni­tion, in­deed is she trans­mitsfor my.”„Be­fore had not dis­cov­ered that but after just dis­cov­ered that I then fol­low Liluo Elder Sis­ter to trans­mit to mynews, can sim­ple com­mu­ni­cates with her.”„There­fore I knew, some­what fear­ful mat­ter.” Chu Fengsaid.„What mat­ter?” At this time, in the Wum­ing Xingyun eye, has been full of the color of shock.Be­cause, he has also been ob­serv­ing Black Haired Specter, any­thing dis­cov­ered ob­vi­ously does not have.„Black Haired Specter, is in­ten­tion­ally, was sup­pressedby that volt mon­ster great for­ma­tion in­ten­tion­ally.” Chu Feng said.„? Why that can Black Haired Specter do this?”„The Liluo miss she, why has in Black Haired Specterwithin the body, ac­tu­ally that can Black Haired Spectermake what?” In the heart of Wum­ing Xingyun has been full of ques­tion.„I do not know that I can only com­mu­ni­cate sim­ply, only then these that knows, what can de­ter­mine, Liluo Elder Sis­ter she, is very safe.” Chu Feng said.„There­fore the Chu Feng lit­tle friend, you for­merly saidwith Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, is not the guess, but is the fact?”Wum­ing Xingyun asked.„Un.” Chu Feng nod­ded.„Why didn't you tell the facts?” Wum­ing Xingyun asked.„Told the facts, will they be­lieve?” Chu Feng asked.„Can­not.” Wum­ing Xingyun shook the head.„Ac­tu­ally, I am also a lit­tle self­ish­ness.” Chu Feng saidsud­denly.„Un?” Hears this words, Wum­ing Xingyun to look once again to Chu Feng.But Chu Feng smiled: „Pos­si­bly be­cause of them, does not want to res­cue Liluo Elder Sis­ter ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­allysuch de­ceives me, but many some­what is not feel­ing well.”PS: The im­por­tant no­tice, the Mar­tial God reader mustlook.So far, 90% read­ers, read in the pi­rat­ing web­site.But now, the coun­try en­hanced the ef­fort of at­tack pi­rat­ing, can­not do well some day, all pi­rat­ing web­sites will van­ish.At that time, could not find the reader in legal copyweb­site, will lose reads Mar­tial God Asura this book the way.In ad­di­tion, the issue of pi­rat­ing web­site very many, will have fre­quently the chap­ter con­fused sit­u­a­tion, even alsohas the rob­ber num­ber wooden horse, threat­ens the ac­count num­ber safe and per­sonal pri­va­cies of read­ing pub­lic.In brief, pi­rat­ing web­site is il­le­gal ex­is­tence, oth­er­wisethe coun­try will not at­tack them.There­fore the hon­ey­bee in­vited the Mar­tial God reader, paid at­ten­tion to the micro let­ter pub­lic num­ber of hon­ey­bee.The micro let­ter pub­lic num­ber of hon­ey­bee, meetspushes the Mar­tial God lat­est chap­ter every day, so long aspaid at­ten­tion to the micro let­ter pub­lic num­ber of hon­ey­bee, every­body also knows that the newest trend of hon­ey­bee, did not fear after pi­rat­ing was at­tacked, could not findplace that reads.But in the micro let­ter pub­lic num­ber of hon­ey­bee, the Mar­tial God chap­ter of push, is the legal copy con­nec­tion, and is free read­ing, every­body can feel re­lieved read­ing.But the broth­ers who these, have not paid at­ten­tion tothe hon­ey­bee micro let­ter pub­lic num­ber, begin quickly.Name: Kind­hearted Bee sup­port­ers'as­so­ci­a­tionIn the micro let­ter in­creases in the friend, found the pub­lic num­ber, searches the Kind­hearted Bee sup­port­ers'as­so­ci­a­tion in the pub­lic num­ber, the at­ten­tion then.


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