Monday, February 5, 2018

1872: Final — Our Love / Marriage D'amour!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1872: Final — Our Love / Marriage D'amour!
Comments 1
The trai­tors, in­deed make the per­son have scru­ples!
Lyle for­merly be­trayed Or­ga­ni­za­tion, who can guar­an­tee that Lyle won't be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion? Any­body can­not af­firm!
Shi Lei had not replied.
Lyle con­tin­ues say­ing: „Sir, I be­tray the rea­son of Or­ga­ni­za­tion, be­cause, if I do not be­tray, will then be killed by [Chaos Ser­pent]. [Chaos Ser­pent] makes me re­search and de­velop the [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject, the time of but giv­ing is very short, is un­able the ex­per­i­ment of ac­com­plish cor­re­spon­dence. My for­merly has told [Chaos Ser­pent], but [Chaos Ser­pent] does not ac­cept, but told me, mak­ing me try to find the so­lu­tion. While com­pelled by cir­cum­stances, I can only be­tray!”
Shi Lei thinks, ac­tu­ally, re­gard­less of Lyle whether will be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion, the re­la­tions are not big. So long as the Lyle arrange­ment in the Or­ga­ni­za­tion sur­round­ing, does not make Lyle con­tact Or­ga­ni­za­tion Core in­for­ma­tion, be­trayed was also what kind of?
Let Lyle join Or­ga­ni­za­tion, hap­pen to can help the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ac­com­plish Bi­o­log­i­cal Con­trol Chip tech­nol­ogy.
„You can join Or­ga­ni­za­tion, but my [Hope] you un­der­stand, once be­trayed Or­ga­ni­za­tion, your fate will be piti­ful. You have the 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar prop­erty now, why not re­lieved be­comes a wealthy man, life well?” Shi Lei asked.
Lyle help­less smil­ing, „be­cause of Or­ga­ni­za­tion rem­nant, will sooner or later sus­pect me, then tries to ask me to take re­venge. Sir, all my be­hav­iors, to main­tain life.”
„Un­der­stood, al­low­ing you to join, but if there is a be­trayal, your de­sire. Will be dis­il­lu­sioned!” Shi Lei was say­ing coldly.
„Is clear!” The Lyle re­sponse said.
„This, some peo­ple can with your con­tact!” Shi Lei had fin­ished with the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion of Lyle.
Two days of time in a hurry, in an in­stant has been on July 19, Shi Lei and five fe­male friends, will hold the wed­ding in Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) in Mal­dives.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron, rushed to Mal­dives to con­duct the is­lands of wed­ding ahead of time. Car­ries on the Safety de­fense arrange­ment.
Mean­while, [Izual] in two days, rushed a job ac­com­plish the pro­duc­tive work of 36 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], to­gether with orig­i­nally sur­vival 14 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], al­to­gether 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], be­comes the Safety se­cu­rity strength. And Forty frame, al­ready in Mal­dives and Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany to­gether. Car­ried on Safety to de­ploy troops for de­fense.
An­other ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], in today's and Shi Lei's pri­vate plane to­gether, go to Mal­dives to­gether.
Shuanghu Dis­trict.
Shi Lei looks at five fe­male friends, on the face is hav­ing the light smil­ing face, „did you pre­pare?”
Five younger sis­ter did not speak. Ob­vi­ously is the de­fault con­di­tion. Even if has de­ter­mined must to­gether and Shi Lei in the same place, but they, as be­fore very shy.
The 12 black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, has formed a mo­tor­cade. From Shuanghu Dis­trict, goes to Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port. Rides Shi Lei's pri­vate plane.
Shuangqing City non-stop flies Male Air­port, prob­a­bly takes ten hours, Shi Lei's pri­vate plane in the morn­ing ten o'clock launch­ing, means that eight o'clock can ar­rive ap­prox­i­mately in the evening.
Luck­ily. Shi Lei's pri­vate plane, has made the com­fort­able trans­for­ma­tion, the even though long-range flight, will not have the sit­u­a­tion of back­break­ing.
In the evening close eight o'clock, the Shi Lei five peo­ple ar­rive in Male Air­port, Elite Squadron ac­com­pa­ny­ing of ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] and two Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany, pro­tect them to go to con­duct the dou­ble fish is­land of wed­ding.
Shi Lei with five younger sis­ter wed­dings, the choice is­lands is the dou­ble fish is­land, has the is­lands of two kilo­me­ters length pure white sand beach. This is­lands, for­merly in 2001, in 2002 and in 2006 won the best seashore award, is very beau­ti­ful is­lands.
The per­son rides the speed­boat ar­rived in the dou­ble fish is­land the time in the pres­ence of every­one, the local time six points just passed, is under the set­ting sun west time.
The beach hotel that Shi Lei and five younger sis­ter, check into, for them in the pure white sand beach, has pre­pared one table of sump­tu­ous sup­pers. With the set­ting sun af­ter­glow, six peo­ple are tast­ing the for­eign land good food.
The set­ting sun grad­u­ally sinks, falls into the deep sea.
When the cur­tain of night raises, Shi Lei and Li Zhiyue they stroll in the sand beach, Shi Lei is pulling a Ling Yumo per­son, be­cause Ling Yumo is small­est, is Younger Sis­ter of all peo­ple, every­body likes pure Ling Yumo very much.
„To­mor­row, you must marry me, I ac­tu­ally feel now am sim­i­lar to the dream.” Shi Lei sighed that was say­ing.
Five younger sis­ter have not replied Shi Lei, is only the dis­cus­sion of happy talks and laugh­ters the sand beach and sea breeze, the Ling Yumo happy propo­si­tion col­lects the shell, ob­tained every­body adopts unan­i­mously.
Local time, 9 : 00 pm.
Shi Lei through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, the audio in­quiry that the use med­i­tates said that „[Izual], did pre­pare?”
„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Got the [Izual]'s an­swer, Shi Lei has clapped say­ing: „, I have one pleas­antly sur­prised to you!”
Ling Yumo first in­quired: „What pleas­ant sur­prise?”
He Wan­qiu white Shi Lei, „is the di­a­mond ring?”
Shi Lei shook the head, „is not!”
He Wan­qiu said im­me­di­ately: „Shi Lei, you have not de­liv­ered the di­a­mond ring to us!”
Shi Lei smiles not to speak, then points at the sky say­ing: „Today's moon­light is very beau­ti­ful!”
In­deed, the Mal­dives sky is spot­less, bright [Moon­light] tempts. Peo­ple. Five younger sis­ter are per­plexed looks to the sky, when they were pon­der­ing, why Shi Lei men­tioned the moon­light sud­denly time, saw only in the sky, sud­denly has blasted out one group of gor­geous fire­works.
Af­ter­ward, dense and nu­mer­ous fire­works, bloomed in the night­time sky, has out­shone the en­tire night­time sky.
The col­or­ful fire­works, in the night­time sky, in­ter­weaves very beau­ti­fully. The Shi Lei's five fe­male friends, were al­ready at­tracted by the fire­works.
Ling Yumo is pat­ting the small hand, cheers: „Quite at­trac­tive, is quite at­trac­tive!”
Mu Shuang nods, stands in the eco­nom­i­cal view­point, does not cal­cu­late other ex­penses, only cal­cu­lates the own cost of fire­works merely, per­haps has also sur­passed the au­di­ences of mil­lion.
If counted the cartage ex­pense again and sets off the per­mis­sion ex­pense, per­haps as well as the re­lated en­vi­ron­ment sup­port ex­pense, this gor­geous fire­works, will spend to count mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan.
Fire­work dis­play close ten min­utes, when five younger sis­ter re­cover, dis­cov­ered that Shi Lei sin­gle Xigui in sand beach, both hands hold a small box, the sound sin­cere start to talk were say­ing: „Zhiyue, mar­ries me!”
Li Zhiyue is Big Sis of five women, Shi Lei First pro­poses to her ap­pears nat­ural, a Li Zhiyue face shames the nod of in­tent, in­di­cated that ac­cepts Shi Lei's to pro­pose.
Ac­cepts the Shi Lei's time in Li Zhiyue, in sand beach shone the white, but not daz­zling ra­di­ance, Shi Lei opened the small box, in box, a ap­pear­ance of di­a­mond ring quiet.
Di­a­mond ring Or­di­nary, mo­saic Di­a­mond, im­pres­sively is not the pre­cious pur­ple drill!
Shi Lei was Li Zhiyue has put on the pur­ple drill di­a­mond ring, sup­ported into Li Zhiyue the bosom, af­ter­ward has kissed on the cheeks of Li Zhiyue. Li Zhiyue al­ready shamed red­dens all over the face, does not dare to see other four fe­males.
Shi Lei lets loose Li Zhiyue, ar­rives in front of Ouyang Xiang sin­gle Xi to kneel down, took out a small box, looks at Ouyang Xiang say­ing: „Ouyang, al­though my very fickle, but mar­ries me?”
Ouyang Xiang nods, al­though is also very shy, but Ouyang Xiang has not ac­tu­ally moved aside, ex­tends the left hand, waited for that Shi Lei puts on the ring for her.
Shi Lei opens the box, in box in­side di­a­mond ring, is not the pur­ple, this time is blue. Sim­i­larly is the rare color drill, blue rep­re­sents firm and res­olute, is sim­i­lar to Ouyang Xiang is the same.
Third by the ob­ject of propos­ing is Mu Shuang!
The Mu Shuang age is listed at the Third po­si­tion, her propos­ing ring is the green drill, emer­ald green fresh and ten­der green, very scarce, price­less.
He Wan­qiu age com­pared with the Ling Yumo big­ger point, there­fore He Wan­qiu is listed at the Fourth po­si­tion, Shi Lei is the propos­ing di­a­mond ring of He Wan­qiu prepa­ra­tion is Red Di­a­mond, is sim­i­lar to He Wan­qiu is the same, as if a small hot pep­per, is very mis­chie­vously fierce.
Last is small­est Ling Yumo!
Shi Lei and Ling Yumo meet ear­li­est, de­ter­mined that the male girl­friend re­la­tions ear­li­est, Shi Lei has filled the re­morse to Ling Yumo, al­though Ling Yumo has for­given the Shi Lei's be­hav­ior, but Shi Lei thinks the shame as be­fore to Ling Yumo.
For the propos­ing di­a­mond ring of Ling Yumo prepa­ra­tion is the rare pow­der drill!
Pink Di­a­mond, has filled with the naive ro­man­tic aura, as if Ling Yumo is the same, that pure Good.
After Shi Lei is Ling Yumo has put on di­a­mond ring, Ling Yumo happy is watch­ing the pow­der drill, ob­vi­ously she likes pink Di­a­mond very much.
Shi Lei looks at five fe­male friends, in the heart has been full of thanks, they con­tained his fickle, con­tained his greed, be­cause they are lov­ing Shi Lei whole­heart­edly, even if the Shi Lei's heart, can only give them one-fifth.
Shi Lei can only silently pledged in in the heart that this life this life, no, ex­cept for this life this life, next life next life, as well as the fu­ture gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tions, Shi Lei must trea­sure them well!
Shi Lei will ex­haust all strengths, pro­tects them, mak­ing them happy!
‚Thank you!’ Shi Lei dis­cussed.
Sun­set sun­rise.
In July twenty date, dou­ble fish is­land local time, 10 : 00 am.
In the sand beach hotel in dou­ble fish is­land, is ar­rang­ing the Xia Na­tion type tra­di­tional mar­riage scene, has not used the West­ern type church -type mar­riage plan.
[Raphael] has acted as char­ac­ter of mas­ter, the pres­i­dent wed­ding.
„Bows to heaven and earth!” [Raphael] is using the Xia Na­tion lan­guage skilled.
With­out the elder to pre­sent, two Bai par­ents' steps by can­celled, re­main­ing were only bowed to heaven and earth with the hus­band and wife to doing obei­sance. Luck­ily, Shi Lei mar­ries five women, hus­band and wife to doing obei­sance the process is long enough!
Shi Lei one by one and five woman drink­ing the nup­tial cup liquor, when handed over the cup to fin­ish with Ling Yumo fi­nally, Shi Lei and five woman ac­com­plish sim­ple nup­tial cer­e­mony.
„Zhiyue, Ouyang, Shuang Shuang, Wan­qiu, Lit­tle Mo, from now hence­forth, I will treat you whole­heart­edly, my try­ing hard will make you happy, I can not leave with you not aban­doned, can we for­ever in the same place?” Shi Lei was say­ing af­fec­tion­ately.
Five women said with one voice: „We must for­ever in the same place!”
Under the sun­light, Shi Lei and five women, promised for­ever in the to­gether promise.


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