Wednesday, September 19, 2018

3507: Venerable Rank temple bead



#3507: Venerable Rank temple bead


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„se­nior, al­though is very ab­surd, but I be­lieve that LiluoElder Sis­ter she is also liv­ing.” Chu Feng said.„That then hopes, Liluo miss she, heaven pro­tects the good.” Wum­ing Xingyun said.„se­nior, I feared that must leave, but be­fore de­par­ture, but also wants to say good­bye with Tan­tai Ce­les­tial ClanClan Head.” Chu Feng said.„Good, the old man ac­com­pa­nies you to go to­gether.”Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng then and Wum­ing Xingyun, had found Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head once again.When Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, hear­ing Chu Fengmust leave, and now after must walk, de­tains vig­or­ously, but when knew that Chu Feng has the im­por­tant mat­ter, after must leave, ac­tu­ally also has to put Chu Feng to de­part.He has ac­tu­ally pre­pared a big rit­ual, wants Chu Feng to ac­cept.This big rit­ual, is rich.But he pre­pares this big rit­ual the rea­son is very sim­ple, Bai Liluo van­ishes in Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, now un­known where­abouts, he is the same like Wum­ing Xingyun, the in­ten­tion is guilty.But fac­ing this rich pre­sent, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally does not want.It is not Chu Feng is ar­ro­gant, Chu Feng is not suchper­son, if trades to do usu­ally, he will ac­cept these pre­sents, at the worst in the fu­ture, after one­self will have the abil­ity, traded again then.This rit­ual, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally can­not re­ceive.Chu Feng does not think that be­cause of dis­ap­pear­anceof Bai Liluo, trades such pre­sent.That by one­self, will have to be­tray the Bai Liluo guilty con­science.How­ever what makes Chu Feng not think, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, ac­tu­ally must make him ac­cept.And, if Chu Feng does not re­ceive, then did not makeChu Feng walk.But ev­i­dently, he also in­ces­santly was says, must this.Under has no al­ter­na­tive, Chu Feng sym­bolic ac­ceptedsome pre­sents.That is four beads.Sim­i­lar bead, Chu Feng had seen, not only has seen, hehas also used.That is Li Yue'er gives Chu Feng's.That bead, is called the tem­ple bead, this tem­ple bead, is di­vided into Key Bead and Lock Bead.When two beads put the same place, then can enter a place.That place, is called Heav­enly Court­yard Tem­ple.But tem­ple bead, has the di­vi­sion of rank.Ini­tially, Li Yue'er gave Chu Feng's, was the True Im­mor­tal Level tem­ple bead.But at pre­sent, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, is thesefour beads of Chu Feng prepa­ra­tion, is the Ven­er­a­ble Ranktem­ple bead, gave Chu Feng's com­pared with ini­tially Li Yue'er, wanted not to know many times pre­ciously.In fact, the Ven­er­a­ble Rank tem­ple bead, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, is the Chu Feng prepa­ra­tion is not only four, Key Bead and Lock Bead has ten re­spec­tively, al­to­gether 20.But be­sides the Ven­er­a­ble Rank tem­ple bead, the Mar­tial Im­mor­tal Rank tem­ple bead, the Mar­tial Im­mor­tal Ranktem­ple bead were more, has 100.But Chu Feng, only took four Ven­er­a­ble Rank tem­plebeads.Be­cause, he wants also a Li Yue'er favor, par­tic­u­larly to think that pos­si­bly im­me­di­ately must see Li Yue'er, Chu Feng wants also this favor.Why this is also, Chu Feng does not want to re­ceivethese pre­sents ob­vi­ously, is fi­nally, took four rea­sons.„Can se­nior, put Chu Feng to leave now?” Chu Fengasked with a smile.„Oh, it seems like that the Chu Feng lit­tle friend, se­ri­ously is not a greedy per­son, such being the case, I alsothen no longer felt em­bar­rassed.” Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head said.„se­nior you have made a mis­take, my Chu Feng is ac­tu­ally a very greedy per­son, is only my greed, will de­cide be­cause of the sit­u­a­tion.” Chu Feng said.„The idle work by the wealth, se­nior you were not owedme, I should not ac­cept your gift, but I took four tem­plebeads, is ex­ces­sive, how may also take again.” Chu Fengsaid.„Chu Feng lit­tle friend, is not re­ceives a re­ward with­out desert, be­cause of the mat­ter, I must in­vite Chu Feng andSir Wum­ing Xingyun helps.” Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Headsaid.„se­nior said the mat­ter, is the mat­ter of Black Haired Specter?” Chu Feng asked.Chu Feng had guessed cor­rectly that Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, wants to let Chu Feng and Wum­ing Xingyun ac­tu­ally, keeps se­cret the mat­ter about that Black Haired Specter.After all this mat­ter, re­gard­ing his Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, is not the hon­ored mat­ter . More­over, if some peo­ple know, under Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, is de­tain­ing such fear­ful mon­ster.To Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, nat­u­rally can have cer­tain in­flu­ence, par­tic­u­larly was hos­tile to­ward the Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan per­son by these, af­fects will be very big.„The Chu Feng lit­tle friend is a smart per­son, such being the case, that then had the work.” Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head holds the fist in the other hand to say.„se­nior please be­lieve the Chu Feng's man­ner, this mat­ter I will not say with any­body.”„Is only, be­fore leav­ing, ju­nior also has my pre­sump­tu­ous re­quest.” Chu Feng said.„Chu Feng lit­tle friend, but said that might as well.” Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head said.„I also think, one side see again/good­bye that Black Haired Specter.” Chu Feng said.Hears this words, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head some­what hes­i­tates, but fi­nally, com­plied with the Chu Feng's re­quest.Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng and Wum­ing Xingyun, then en­teredout­side that volt mon­ster great for­ma­tion For­ma­tion Aper­ture, saw that Black Haired Specter once again.Bent down the mon­ster great for­ma­tion strength be­comes stronger, the Black Haired Specter aura be­cameweak, in ad­di­tion, with­out any change.Black Haired Specter, said noth­ing, a char­ac­ter did not say, but sent out that in­ter­mit­tent strange low roar.This time, Chu Feng has not stayed for a long time, butafter hav­ing treated the short mo­ment, then left.This time, Chu Feng must walk, not only Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head must de­liver him, Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clanthese Elder, must de­liver him.After short ex­chang­ing greet­ings, in de­cid­ing to go out of the palace, said good­bye to light of this time, Chu Fengac­tu­ally sud­denly opened the mouth.


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