Tuesday, May 21, 2019

1458: Genuine disaster

#1458: Genuine disaster
Comments 272
Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror talked to one­self at a loss, even has not noted, the Yun Che vi­sion of her body side has been chang­ing slightly.
Evil God cre­ation first planet?
Wait! In the past Golden Crow Spirit had men­tioned spe­cially, first planet of Evil God cre­ation is......
Jie Yuan gets back one's com­po­sure, she re­al­ized that the Yun Che's vi­sion and aura have the change, the cold words said: „To say any­thing, wants to ask any­thing, di­rectly said that should not be over­cau­tious and in­de­ci­sive, cov­ered-up, past he, may not be your this ap­pear­ance!”
Jie Yuan the hear of chill­ing a few words, ac­tu­ally ex­pose...... She in­deed Yun Che to a cer­tain ex­tent, has re­garded the Evil God Nix­uan shadow.
All have all turned over to the dust, ended in­clud­ing that era. But Yun Che, is the only trace that he stays be­hind...... Also is the at­tach­ment that she can seek only.
Yun Che said: „Se­nior Devil Em­peror, you be­fore me ex­pected that is com­pletely dif­fer­ent.”
„Do you ex­pect?” Jie Yuan smiles in­dif­fer­ently: „You thought that after I re­turn, will vent the angry hate heartily, the demon being near world, myr­iad spir­its apply car­bon, the bi­o­log­i­cal dying thing com­pletely melts the ruins...... Then our demon this mat­ter of doing, right?”
„ju­nior...... In­deed thinks.” Yun Che hon­est say/way.
Not is only he, all peo­ple so think that and goes be­yond...... Be­cause of the demon in com­mon peo­ple in the eyes, is ex­is­tence of cru­elest evil, let alone hates sev­eral mil­lion years of Devil God Devil Em­peror full.
„But, ju­nior so thinks, not be­cause Se­nior is a devil, any life, re­ceives such plot­ting, re­ceived these many years calami­ties, will be­come......” words, Yun Che then said: „Al­though is only the short con­tact, but ju­nior felt, the se­nior is ac­tu­ally a very good per­son, no won­der can re­sult in the Evil God se­nior so to lean the sen­ti­ment.”
„......” Jie Yuan smiles des­o­lately: „Good per­son? What is a good per­son? What is an evil per­son? The gods are the good per­son, the evil per­son who the demon should not save the world...... In the past so, now, is so. Oth­er­wise, at pre­sent this stretch of place of demon los­ing, how also be­comes so lowly!”
Yun Che sub­con­scious rais­ing the head looks to the front...... Here, is North­ern God Ter­ri­tory is re­ally at!
Also was past Devil Race in it place.
„Does not dare to de­ceive the se­nior, pre­sent world, in­deed still so.” Yun Che said: „In pre­sent this era, cul­ti­vates the dark pro­found strength life, is still called ‚devil’. Re­gard­less of Devil, devil beast and demon spirit, was hated to rep­ri­mand by the life of non- demon, is re­garded as should not exist in the heresy of world.”
„Also there­fore, this piece of North­ern God Ter­ri­tory was also the place of past Devil Race, was piece of God Realm Star Ter­ri­tory, rather...... Is one is the ‚devil’ pris­oner's cage. Be­cause they, once leaves, was de­tected by by­stander, then full power will be ex­ter­mi­nated, will not have any luck.”
„Demon must not hes­i­tate to ex­tin­guish kills ex­ists...... This in the pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos myr­iad spir­its cog­ni­tion, and water may fight fire equally sim­ply uni­ver­sal, in­grained. Is young when in­clud­ing ju­nior, is so...... This ha­tred m to demon rep­ri­manded, per­haps, com­pared with that era of se­nior.”
Jie Yuan: „......”
„More­over, be­lieves that the se­nior felt cer­tainly, pri­mor­dial chaos aura al­ready dras­tic change. Be­cause of God Race and Devil Race de­struc­tion, en­tire pri­mor­dial chaos power plane/level plum­meted, aura also be­comes the weak pol­lu­tion. These peo­ple who you saw a mo­ment ago, then stand in the pre­sent this world apex per­son.”
„That has True Dragon aura, strength most pow­er­house...... Per­haps can­not with­stand in se­nior in the eyes raises, but he is now pri­mor­dial chaos most pow­er­house.”
He men­tioned Dragon Sov­er­eign spe­cially, rever­ing of pre­sent age pri­mor­dial chaos, so, can more con­ve­nient Jie Yuan un­der­stand the pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos level.
„An­other change of pri­mor­dial chaos aura, is pri­mor­dial chaos Yin en­ergy has been re­duc­ing con­tin­u­ally...... Prob­a­bly is be­cause cul­ti­vates the dark pro­found strength life to be get­ting fewer and fewer. North­ern God Ter­ri­tory Star Ter­ri­tory do­main, year by year is there­fore re­duc­ing. Per­haps will hap­pen one day, North­ern God Ter­ri­tory will van­ish for­ever.”
Yun Che said is very di­rect, but these, in pre­sent God Realm, are the gen­eral knowl­edge.
„You and I said these, to guide my at­ten­tion?”
„......” Yun Che flow­ery lips slightly opened, Jie Yuan a few words, have punc­tured his thoughts di­rectly.
„Snort, the pre­sent world, God in­her­i­tor is also good, Devil in­her­i­tor is also good, whether they live or die, saved or de­stroyed, what does that have to do with me?”
The Jie Yuan vi­sion has trans­ferred, looks at Yun Che cold: „Has a mat­ter, you al­ways made a mis­take. You think, he con­sumes enor­mous price to leave be­hind the source strength in­her­i­tance, after is fears me to re­turn, calamity world?”
„...... Asked the se­nior to in­di­cate clearly.” In Yun Che heart star­tled. could it be that...... Isn't?
„He is in this world, most un­der­stands me, most be­lieves my per­son. He knows, if I some day am liv­ing com­ing back, even if there is huge hate, huge anger, will only kill this per­son of killing!”
„If not Old Bas­tard Mo E died, var­i­ous Gods ex­tin­guished, I will not be in­sane for a while, make a move to kill that three to in­herit the Brahma Di­vine Power per­son a mo­ment ago!”
Jie Yuan fa­cial ex­pres­sion at this time can­not help but be­comes must be gen­tle, vi­sion also soft sev­eral points: „Be­cause, this was the past years...... I and his com­mit­ment.”
Yun Che: „com­mit... ment?”
„He hopes that the Gods and Dev­ils two clans get rid to de­fend stub­bornly many years of prej­u­dice, can the peace­ful co­ex­is­tence...... He hopes that can make God Race grad­u­ally change to the Devil Race cog­ni­tion. Past I, hope along with his hop­ing, I pledged to him, did not kill God Race and mor­tal for no rea­son in vain...... To his com­mit­ment, to this life, I also will not have vi­o­lated.”
Yun Che: „......”
The cog­ni­tion of Yun Che to „devil”, has been hav­ing var­i­ous changes. But today, is with­out doubt earth-shak­ing.
Did Evil God once want the Gods and Dev­ils two clans to put aside the prej­u­dice in the past, the peace­ful co­ex­is­tence? Very ob­vi­ously, he failed, more­over heart, if dying em­bers...... There­fore, in the world did not have El­e­men­tal Cre­ation God, but were many Evil God.
„Rea­son that he leaves be­hind the in­her­i­tance, in­deed is re­minds me to kindly treat the later gen­er­a­tion. Be­cause after the re­turn, al­though I can­not the calamity world, but...... My clans­man meet­ing.”
„Your...... Clans­men?” The Yun Che brow jumps.
„Out­side pri­mor­dial chaos world fear­ful, you can­not imag­ine.” Jie Yuan slow and low and deep say/way: „Al­though I and my clans­man de­pend upon World Nee­dle to live on dis­hon­or­ably, but, you know how we live?”
She ex­tends the arm...... That in­nu­mer­able scar, each shock­ing.
The scar, Yun Che this sees en­tire life many are too many. But! These scars do not ap­pear above every body, but is Devil Em­peror body.
Is pre­cisely in­clud­ing the scar that Devil Em­peror du is un­able to can­cel......
Yun Che only looked at one, do not put aside the vi­sion, asks: „Re­turn only has Se­nior Devil Em­peror one per­son, the clans­man of se­nior, is al­ready......”
„These sev­eral mil­lion years, they died one after an­other, but also the part lives today. it's just... only not even one hun­dred.”
In the past was sent into exile by Mo E to­gether with Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror to­gether, also Heaven Smit­ing Devil Clan's nine hun­dred Devil God.
not even one hun­dred, means lives at this time, only then about 10%, but these four char­ac­ters, makes in the Yun Che heart se­cret be star­tled.
not even one hun­dred, is ap­proaches hun­dred num­bers.
About hun­dred also liv­ing Devil God!?
Al­though they are un­able to com­pare with Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror, but...... After all is Pri­mor­dial True Devil!
„That...... Why haven't they come back along with the se­nior to­gether?” The Yun Che in­ner­most feel­ings are sud­denly tight.
„World Nee­dle opens, con­nects in­side and out­side pri­mor­dial chaos 【Space chan­nel】. That chan­nel, by the con­di­tion of ex­ter­nal force in­ter­fer­ence, can­not exist is very long.”
In the Yun Che's mind, has ap­peared water chest­nut shape crim­son crys­tal of that embed on Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos. That is a chan­nel, but fis­sure that in­hu­man thinks.
After all, the in­ter­fer­ence of World Nee­dle to Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos, is not An­ces­tral Sword and Evil In­fant Wheel like that to ex­tremely power of top level de­stroy, but is the space in­ter­fer­ence!
Is equal, that part of Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos the strength of space, re­placed World Nee­dle di­men­sion Di­vine Power!
Also means that so long as that chan­nel does not van­ish, any
The life may through its free turnover in­side and out­side pri­mor­dial chaos world!
„Out­side the pri­mor­dial chaos en­vi­ron­ment is very com­plex fear­fully. Wants that Small World that since we sur­vive moves World Nee­dle in the chan­nel that on Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos opens, needs to model a space chan­nel again. I by the strength of World Nee­dle, may ar­rive di­rectly, but they...... Gets to­gether their strength, is moon/month can make.”
„That...... Why don't the se­niors lead them by the strength of World Nee­dle to to­gether?” Yun Che asked again.
„Gath­ers their strength, is moon/month can make”...... These words, let in the Yun Che heart again tight.
He thinks that only pre­sented Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror one per­son, ex­plained that other Devil God died...... Was not such. More­over, sev­eral months later, even if Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror does not go back „meet­ing” they, they can also enter vol­un­tar­ily!
„Snort!” Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror coldly snorted: „I think, for opens on Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos the chan­nel has used these many years, God Race re­al­ized surely, and early pre­pares for ‚wel­come’, if flowed, will pos­si­bly be an­ni­hi­lated...... Has not thought, they pre­de­ceased un­ex­pect­edly cer­tainly!”
Yun Che: „......”
„More­over......” the Jie Yuan arm lifts, is look­ing in the hand that shape rule not dif­fer­ent, sharp thorn that red light over­flows: „World Nee­dle power, has been not much left.”
„This also thinks that can rapidly re­store, but pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos aura, let alone sev­eral months, feared that are sev­eral thou­sand years, can­not re­store power that they carry over. It seems like that can only de­pend on them.”
„They, was al­ready im­pa­tient.” Jie Yuan looks at the dis­tant place, the in­to­na­tion is quiet.
But Yun Che is fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive, dili­gently calm gas chan­nel/an­grily said: „At the ap­pointed time, if every­one/nu­mer­ous Devil God re­turns, but also asked Se­nior Jie Yuan to...... Must com­fort them. Oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise this world dis­as­ter rises from all di­rec­tions surely.”
Since, this is Evil God leaves be­hind the will that the rea­son of in­her­i­tance and wants to ex­press, he be­lieves that Jie Yuan should not refuse to be right.
But, Jie Yuan is ac­tu­ally coldly makes noise: „Com­fort­ing? Snort! You thought that I com­fort?”
„Se­nior is Devil Em­peror, is the Heaven Smit­ing Devil Clan's em­peror, be­cause of World Nee­dle of se­nior, they can sur­vive and re­turn...... There­fore, so long as the Se­nior Devil Em­peror opens the mouth, they do not have rea­son not to com­ply with!” Yun Che also par­tic­u­larly em­pha­sized: „Such as the se­nior said that this was also hop­ing of Evil God.”
„Naive!” Jie Yuan light cold words: „You know, sev­eral mil­lion years of hate, suf­fered, painfully, des­per­ate, death...... What means?”
Yun Che: „......”
„It in­deed is un­able to twist my nat­ural dis­po­si­tion...... But, ac­tu­ally suf­fi­ciently twists any True God and True Devil will and Soul! Let them turn into gen­uine devil!”
„......” Jie Yuan these words, Yun Che did not sus­pect.
„God Race com­pletely ex­tin­guished, but, their hate of­fenses must vent! Be­fore they vented com­pletely, any­body im­pos­si­ble pre­vented them! In­clud­ing me!”
„How­ever as their Devil Em­peror, my these years looks at their pain, vis­its them to hate, vis­its them to be crazy, looks that they died...... How could I pre­vent them!”
„How­ever I, im­pli­cate they to­gether sent into exile chief cul­prit! My how can there be qual­i­fi­ca­tions pre­vent them!”
Her body has leaned, coldly looks at Yun Che: „I can con­trol, only has me. You have his power, I can pro­tect you, can pro­tect the per­son of your side. But, after they re­turn, must make any­thing, wants to make any­thing, I will not in­ter­fere! Also can­not in­ter­fere! Does not match the in­ter­fer­ence! Even if he...... Also can­not.”
„Not, but!” Jie Yuan voice/sound is colder: „Achieves so, is my limit. Let alone, this world, al­ready was not my world, I care, has be­longed to the ashes and ni­hility com­pletely, all, all have noth­ing to do with me...... But other peo­ple life and death, has noth­ing to do with you! These that you say today, has done right by pre­sent age all peo­ple, does not need to talk too much again!”
„No!” Yun Che slow and firm shak­ing the head: „Se­nior Devil Em­peror, this world, has not re­lated with you by no means.”


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