Monday, February 5, 2018

1869: Final-092 means!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1869: Final-092 means!
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How to con­vince the fu­ture Fa­ther-In-Law mother-in-law, mar­ries one­self the daugh­ter, in­deed is a big dif­fi­cult prob­lem!
Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group is very in­deed strong, even pow­er­ful ar­rived, the forc­ing Yin­jia Na­tion de­gree, mak­ing Yin­jia Na­tion suf­fer loss with­out re­dress, has not pre­pared to re­volt.
And, Shi Lei has Su­per­nat­ural Force!
But is that also what kind of?
Is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group strong also again what kind of?
Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate, can Shi Lei also the threat in force fu­ture Fa­ther-In-Law mother-in-law? Is uses the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group strength to in­tim­i­date them to marry the daugh­ter?
If Shi Lei has so done, per­haps he with sev­eral younger sis­ter fates, thor­oughly broke!
„How? Shi Lei, did you think of the means?” He Wan­qiu makes up the blade once more.
Shi Lei has smiled bit­terly, he does not have what means prob­a­bly, lets their par­ents, mar­ries one­self them to­gether.
„You Just Wait And See!” Al­though Shi Lei has not thought of the means that but Shi Lei does not have the empty im­pos­ing man­ner, but said di­rectly: „[Izual], con­tact Com­man­der He.”
[Izual] passes LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor im­me­di­ately, con­tact Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict He Zhen­bang.
Prob­a­bly waited for close one minute, the He Zhen­bang sound, ap­pears through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece.
„Shi Lei?” He Zhen­bang does not know that Shi Lei has saved the fe­male friend suc­cess­fully, he also thinks that Shi Lei must con­tinue to de­stroy De­stroy the World! „Time Is Up?” The He Zhen­bang ex­pres­sion is very se­ri­ous.
„ke ke!” Shi Lei was al­most choked by He Zhen­bang that se­ri­ous ex­pres­sion, „Com­man­der He. I have a good news with a bet­ter news, the prepa­ra­tion to tell you. What news do you want to hear first?”
He Zhen­bang has hes­i­tated slightly, then se­cretly re­laxed. From the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, He Zhen­bang de­ter­mine comes out, Shi Lei's has any good news.
„First hears the news!” The choice of He Zhen­bang is very sim­ple, first hears the news to help get over a shock, then hears a bet­ter news, comes a pleas­ant sur­prise.
„Good news, is data that I ob­tained need­ing. Your daugh­ter will not die, I can­not De­stroy en­tire World. These in­for­ma­tion in net­work, I do not plan to spike a ru­mour, makes it the most Top Level laugh­ing­stock!” Shi Lei smil­ingly was say­ing.
Most In­ter­net users, do not know that de­stroys the truth of De­stroy the World event. Thinks merely that is cracks a joke.
Shi Lei also so planned that does not give any ex­pla­na­tion, does not do any spikes a ru­mour, mak­ing it the laugh­ing­stock in In­ter­net, mak­ing every­body smile also!
He Zhen­bang has shown the smil­ing face, is re­ally this good news!
„Bet­ter news? Shi Lei, truly speak­ing, in my opin­ion, you just said. ex­actly as stated best news!” He Zhen­bang said with a smile.
Re­gard­ing He Zhen­bang, just news, in­deed was the best news!
Shi Lei has saved the He Wan­qiu life. Re­gard­ing He Zhen­bang, isn't this best news? In ad­di­tion Shi Lei im­ple­ment World De­struc­tion Plan, He Zhen­bang in­deed will un­able to think, but also there is any news is a bet­ter news.
„A bet­ter news, please let me fer­ment the mood. Right, Com­man­der He. You look for a chair to sit down. After all, this news is good. I am wor­ried about you un­able to with­stand, if heart at­tack what to do?” Shi Lei is hit­ting say­ing of hā hā.
He Zhen­bang snort|hum, „your brat, have not kept guess­ing! More­over, I may not have heart dis­ease! My is healthy! Sim­i­lar to the twenty year good young fel­low!”
Shi Lei bears the happy ex­pres­sion, af­ter­ward the ex­pres­sion said se­ri­ously: „Um, did I say?”
„Said!” He Zhen­bang clenches teeth to say.
„Com­man­der He, start­ing today, our re­la­tions are dif­fer­ent! Um, the gen­eral sit­u­a­tion, in other words, I later should change a state­ment, call your fa­ther.” The Shi Lei one breath said that af­ter­ward with the ex­pres­sion of crack­ing a joke, the sup­ple­ment said that „this is bet­ter news Right?”
„Shi Lei! Your does brat court death?” He Zhen­bang thinks Shi Lei to crack a joke, but in­quired, „ac­tu­ally what sit­u­a­tion?”
ga that „you un­der­stand, I did not say be­fore, Wan­qiu was poi­soned, isn't that right? Um, I be­lieve that you have cer­tainly read the Film and Tele­vi­sion work, or is the novel work. Gen­er­ally, the fe­male was poi­soned, should save? There­fore... Um... I... ke ke! Com­man­der He, you like me call­ing your fa­ther, is the fa­ther? Also or our re­gional di­alects?”
„Damn! Shi Lei, I told you, your brat died! I said re­ally! Your brat died! Dares to bully my He Zhen­bang daugh­ter un­ex­pect­edly!” The He Zhen­bang breath­less anger ex­claimed.
This is the Shi Lei's means!
Shi Lei makes He Zhen­bang be­lieve in­ten­tion­ally that he had any­thing with He Wan­qiu, thus makes He Zhen­bang not choose.
„Com­man­der He, ap­peases anger! Had such mat­ter, I also un­usual re­gret, but in choice whether saves the Wan­qiu life on issue, I have made the cor­rect choice!” Shi Lei flat­tered is say­ing, „can­not look at Wan­qiu to leave Right? help­lessly”
He Zhen­bang is pant­ing in in­dig­na­tion: „Shi Lei, when your does brat plan to marry Lit­tle Qiu?”
„Mo­men­tar­ily! I will arrange, mak­ing per­son cal­cu­late well our records of one's horo­scope, then choose a lucky day and time.” Shi Lei pledged.
„Hēng! was cheap your brat!” He Zhen­bang cold -ly snorted and said, in fact, He Zhen­bang in the heart is very sat­is­fied. Re­gard­ing Shi Lei this Son-In-Law, He Zhen­bang sat­is­fies sim­ply se­ri­ous!
Wealth that not to men­tion Shi Lei has, merely is Shi Lei in sup­ple­men­tary of Mil­i­tary Field and He Zhen­bang, then can strengthen the power and in­flu­ence of both sides.
Re­gard­ing He Zhen­bang, He Wan­qiu mar­ries Shi Lei, ab­solutely is the most ap­pro­pri­ate choice!
Even if He Wan­qiu mar­ries high-level lead­er­ship male off­spring, has not mar­ried Shi Lei to be ap­pro­pri­ate. After all, the Shi Lei dis­so­ci­a­tion be­yond the sys­tem, the im­mo­bi­liza­tion that re­ceives is smaller, the law­ful right that has is big­ger.
„Com­man­der He, since we were whole fam­i­lies, I had...” Shi Lei also planned to say any­thing, was bro­ken by He Zhen­bang.
„Hey, your this brat, since is the whole fam­ily, but also called me Com­man­der He?” He Zhen­bang pulls closer the re­la­tions on own ini­tia­tive, was only a pity that He Zhen­bang was too anx­ious a point. If be­fore He Zhen­bang is will­ing to lis­ten to Shi Lei per­haps a few words, the He Zhen­bang man­ner, will have 180 de­grees shal­low­turn!
„Fa­ther!” Shi Lei is not ar­ti­fi­cial, he in­deed pre­pares to get mar­ried He Wan­qiu, al­though He Wan­qiu is only a bride, but He Zhen­bang as be­fore will be his fu­ture Fa­ther-In-Law.
„Èn!” He Zhen­bang in the heart is ex­cep­tion­ally com­fort­able, Shi Lei be­came his Son-In-Law. Later, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group ad­vanced weapon, pre­ferred Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Right?
„Fa­ther, I have a mat­ter, want­ing you to help to process!” The Shi Lei care­ful probe said that in the mean­time, in giv­ing under He Zhen­bang sheath.
Re­ally, He Zhen­bang has not re­al­ized issue slightly, said di­rectly: „What mat­ter?”
Shi Lei uses an awk­ward lan­guage gas chan­nel in­ten­tion­ally: „Fa­ther, issue was a lit­tle per­haps thorny, in­volves two Gov­ern­ment as­pect high lev­els. Gov. Of­fi­cial.”
He Zhen­bang also dis­crete, „what Gra­da­tion?”
„The Third ech­e­lon, should is on the wait­ing list El­ders Level. Be­sides these big el­ders, be­side the elder of Head­quar­ters gate, they should be Third ech­e­lon most High Grade.” Shi Lei an­swered.
He Zhen­bang ac­tu­ally re­laxed, „ac­tu­ally what trou­bles? What do you want to make?”
„Fa­ther, you will cer­tainly help me, right?” Shi Lei pulls closer the re­la­tions with He Zhen­bang say­ing that sup­posed the com­plete set once more, waited for He Zhen­bang to jump to­ward.
Al­though the He Zhen­bang feel­ing does not suit, but he can­not think, ac­tu­ally will be any dif­fi­cult prob­lem, Shi Lei to ask him to help un­ex­pect­edly. How­ever, since is Xia Na­tion, He Zhen­bang some­what can strive.
„Does not have issue! I help cer­tainly you, gives you dowry ahead of time!” He Zhen­bang af­firms to say.
Shi Lei ex­pressed grat­i­tude hastily, „fa­ther, thanks!”
„Does not need to look on as an out­sider! We are the whole fam­i­lies!” Speak­ing is a whole fam­ily time, He Zhen­bang has smiled once more.
Hears the He Zhen­bang laugh­ter, Shi Lei to show the strange ex­pres­sion, but does not know that waits a while He Zhen­bang also to smile com­ing out that?
„Said! Ac­tu­ally to in­volve to which two high-level Gov. Of­fi­cial? I am also good to arrange ahead of time! More­over, what do you want me to help to make?” He Zhen­bang pur­sues asks.
Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „One is Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters Bu­reau Chief, an­other is Shengjing City Mayor!”
„Um?” He Zhen­bang felt fi­nally does not suit!
„You know that fa­ther, Bu­reau Chief Ling and Mayor Mu daugh­ter, was poi­soned! You guess right, in them the toxin is just the same as Wan­qiu! As for the dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing method, should not need me to say Right?” Shi Lei was say­ing with a help­less ex­pres­sion.
He Zhen­bang was ac­tu­ally shocked!
Until after ten sev­eral sec­onds, He Zhen­bang roared: „Shi Lei, your this bas­tard, Daddy comes Shuangqing City im­me­di­ately, you pre­pare to with­stand the Daddy anger!”
Per­haps also only then Shi Lei can think, mak­ing Fa­ther-In-Law han­dle an­other two Fa­ther-In-Law!
Has say­ing that Shi Lei's idea, a lit­tle ‚un­con­ven­tional’ fla­vor!
„Fa­ther! Fa­ther! We have the mat­ter to be open to dis­cuss! Be open to dis­cuss!” Shi Lei begs for mercy to say hastily.
He Zhen­bang does not agree say­ing: „Shi Lei, I warned you, should not be too greedy! You can only choose one! More­over, I can be clear told you, which re­gard­less of you chose, an­other two, ex­actly as stated your enemy!”
The Shi Lei cough said: „Fa­ther! I am timid! Do not frighten me!”
Al­though He Zhen­bang very pissed, but He Zhen­bang had not in­di­cated that does not make Shi Lei call his fa­ther, had in­di­cated the mat­ter also has the pos­si­bil­ity of tran­si­tion.
In fact, He Zhen­bang was also con­sid­er­ing that Shi Lei si­mul­ta­ne­ously chooses three pos­si­bil­i­ties.
Al­though some law in­deed stip­u­la­tions, but stip­u­lated that dies, the per­son lives, when sta­tus ar­rives at the cer­tain ex­tent, law will only serve for him, all not Law­ful, changes into Law­ful.
After all, the so­ci­ety of hu­man­ity, is a so­ci­ety of Pyra­mid, stands the peak in Pyra­mid, al­ways some priv­i­leges. Al­though is not will­ing to ac­knowl­edge, but fact is the fact, even if 99.99% Or­di­nary peo­ple do not know, equal to does not exist.
„What opin­ion are they?” He Zhen­bang slightly tran­quil get­ting down, was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei in the heart one happy!
Since He Zhen­bang in­quired that He Wan­qiu, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang three peo­ple of opin­ion, that in­di­cated that the mat­ter in­deed is not im­pos­si­ble!


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