Monday, February 5, 2018

1873: Postscript / postscript: King gathers!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1873: Postscript / postscript: King gathers!
Comments 5
Some date in the af­ter­noon, sun shines brightly. △¢
Shuangqing City, Bei­jiang Dis­trict, closes bridge Busi­ness Dis­trict.
Wears the black long gown, the 15-16 Year Old white-skinned red-eyed blond youth, cu­ri­ous is siz­ing up the sur­round­ing sit­u­a­tion, in the vi­sion of young fel­low, dis­closed that is sur­prised and strange. Dress­ing up of young fel­low of as if Eu­rope mid­dle ages in ad­di­tion, let the en­vi­ron­ment of him and sur­round­ings, being in­com­pat­i­ble.
The sur­round­ing pedes­trian, some peo­ple are gaz­ing at the young fel­low un­ceas­ingly, al­though in the eyes of pedes­trian has the cu­rios­ity, but well-meant, in­stead when the young fel­low looked in the past, but also showed a faint smile.
Young fel­low in the heart plans darkly, the sur­round­ing stranger so is un­ex­pect­edly ge­nial, ac­tu­ally quite rare sit­u­a­tion.
Sud­denly, the nose of young fel­low pulled out pulling out, on the face has shown the happy look, the fla­vor that the look some­what fondly re­mem­bered, even stretched out the tongue to lick the lip.
„ice cream fla­vor!” The young fel­lows talked to one­self in a low voice, is not the Xia Na­tion lan­guage, is not Eng­lish, or the lan­guages of other over­seas areas, but is an un­known lan­guage.
The young fel­lows fol­low smell in­for­ma­tion, gets to a ice cream flag­ship store en­trance, if to the ice cream fa­mil­iar fel­low, then can rec­og­nize, this ice cream flag­ship store is the hd ice cream brand has.
The young fel­lows frown looks to the shop en­trance glass door, he ex­tends the index fin­ger of right hand, has aimed at the glass door, but puts down af­ter­ward.
‚Strange, al­though there is knot fledg­ling stage, has not ac­tu­ally pro­tected the strength.’ Young fel­low in the heart whis­pered se­cretly, then looks that other peo­ple shoved open the glass door to enter in the shop, he also had to study to have the type push­ing gate to enter.
In the ice cream shop, just first one step en­tered the young lover in shop, sat. The wait­ing serves per­son­nel to de­liver the ice cream menu.
The young fel­lows presently study once more presently sell, sit in an­other idle booth. in the heart some­what sat­is­fied is think­ing, ‚orig­i­nally is al­most the same as the City of Mir­a­cles ice cream shop!’
The young fel­lows come from City of Mir­a­cles!
Waited for less than one minute. A young girl, is tak­ing the ice cream menu, ar­rived at side the young fel­low, opens the mouth say­ing: „Hello, school­mate, what needs?”
Al­though the young fel­low puts on to do strangely, but iden­tity of For­eign friend, mak­ing strange putting on do also be­comes the na­ture.
Al­though the young fel­lows could not un­der­stand her to say any­thing, but also knew her opin­ion. The young fel­lows open the chart menu, looks at great va­ri­ety ice cream, the look shines has re­ferred.
„This, this, this, this, this, this” young fel­low one breath has se­lected close ten ice cream.
The young girl some­what awk­wardly looks at young fel­low, she could not un­der­stand the young fel­low to say any­thing. Also does not know how should ex­press, she wor­ried that a young fel­low per­son could not fin­ish eat­ing that many. Mean­while, she also wor­ried issue whether the young fel­low can pay. After all, putting on young fel­low does strangely. Even if the For­eign friend, who can guar­an­tee that the For­eign friend doesn't eat Over­lord ice cream?
The young fel­lows see the young girl who starts to speak but hes­i­tates, his eye­ball moves slightly. Spir­i­tual fluc­tu­a­tion that is un­able to be re­al­ized to­gether, has cov­ered the young fel­low and young girl. Af­ter­ward. nu­mer­ous in­for­ma­tion en­ters the en­er­getic do­main of young fel­low, in the wink of an eye. The young fel­lows have then learned a strange lan­guage.
Sees only the young fel­low tune strange start to talk, „I must eat ice cream!”
The young girl lis­tens to the young fel­low to speak, al­though the tune has felt strange a point, but at least is the Xia Na­tion lan­guage, she re­laxed, opens the mouth to ex­plain: „school­mate, you could not fin­ish eat­ing that many, how many wants can­celled? More­over, the ice cream price is a lit­tle ex­pen­sive.”
The young fel­lows have learned the Xia Na­tion lan­guage, nat­u­rally un­der­stands that young girl's opin­ion, the young fel­low says with a smile: „Please feel re­lieved that I like eat­ing ice cream, more­over my ap­petite is very big. As for the price, is not issue!”
After say­ing, fluc­tu­a­tion that all around space, flood was un­able to be re­al­ized, the young fel­low dis­guises the right hand to enter in the sleeves of left hand, af­ter­ward in a big way ex­tracted one to fold the red bill, has placed on the table that sig­nif­i­cant pinched.
„Did here, suf­fice?” Young fel­low faint smile sees the young girl.
Young girl com­plex­ion one red, in the heart whis­pered, ‚are the For­eign friends so rich? A kid, along has car­ried un­ex­pect­edly also these many cashes, is re­ally help­less!’
„In­vited wait a mo­ment, school­mate!” Since the young fel­low in­sisted that can fin­ish eat­ing ice cream, in the mean­time, the young fel­low also has enough money pay­ment, what can the young girl also pre­vent?
A mo­ment later, ice cream were car­ried, the young fel­low is tak­ing the sil­ver white metal ladle, fast sends in the mouth ice cream, the young fel­low rad­i­cally is funds that raw and cold does not envy, enough ten ice cream, the gross weight have achieved 2.7 kg, fin­ished eat­ing by the young fel­low un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely, and also shows the ex­pres­sion that has not given full ex­pres­sion.
„Gave me to come just ice cream again, um, all va­ri­eties wanted!” The young fel­lows open the mouth to say.
Young girl shock­ing looks at the young fel­low, she is not clear, why the young fel­low can eat that many ice cream, but ab­solutely doesn't have any un­to­ward ef­fect?
How­ever, the cus­tomer is God!
Al­though young girl in the heart has cu­ri­ously with the doubts, but de­fers to young fel­low's in­struc­tion, gave the young fel­low to get up ten ice cream once more.
When the young fel­low eats Eighth, out of the door walks a man and a woman sud­denly, the man wears the leisure T-shirt and jeans, the fe­male wears the white long skirt.
„Dax! Your this small thing, was mis­chie­vous!” Men help­less looks at the young fel­low, has not used the Xia Na­tion lan­guage, but be­fore is, that un­known lan­guage of Dax use.
Re­sponse that the named Dax young fel­low, the use un­known lan­guage, flat­ters sim­i­larly: „Mas­ter, is this your for­merly life World?”
young­ster has hes­i­tated, af­ter­ward shakes the head, „is not!”
„Ah?” the Dax strange [say / way], „didn't this World sit­u­a­tion, al­most de­scribe with the mas­ter same? How not?”
„Dax!” young­ster frowned, as if not sat­isfy the reply of Dax, „you are not do not know par­al­lel spa­tial the­ory! We passed through Crys­tal Wall Sys­tem, in com­pletely strange Crys­tal Wall Sys­tem, this Crys­tal Wall Sys­tem rule and our Clem­tia is com­pletely dif­fer­ent. Al­though and for­merly that World is al­most same, but is not that World. Per­haps is only that World par­al­lel space.”
This young­ster, ex­actly as stated for­merly from a cer­tain time and space Earth, passes through to Magic World Clem­tia Vin­cent Au­gus­tine. As for the Vin­cent Au­gus­tine given name. Vin­cent has also for­got­ten, he com­pletely be­longs to Clem­tia.
Vin­cent after achieve­ment Demigod Fifth Step to high strength. Stepped to seek into the true God road, stepped sought for his Earth jour­ney.
„Oh oh oh! Mas­ters. We what to do? After all, our In­tel­li­gent Core here. Mean­while, has dis­cov­ered Ori­gin En­ergy Crys­tal­lized.” Dax in­quired.
„Our In­tel­li­gent Core, early are not for­merly In­tel­li­gent Core, and in­te­grated in this Plane Child of For­tune Soul. Dax, you be­lieve that you can re­sist en­tire Pla­nar Con­scious­ness? You be­lieve that your mas­ter I, al­ready for­mi­da­ble to that de­gree?” Vin­cent hēng hēng was say­ing.
Dax has smiled bit­terly. „Mas­ter, we what to do?”
Each Plane, has each Plane Child of For­tune, Child of For­tune re­ceives look­ing after of Pla­nar Con­scious­ness, trades a view ex­pres­sion, that is Child of For­tune, is stand­ing For­tune God­dess, can al­ways in the most cru­cial time, help­ing Child of For­tune solve trou­ble­some.
Child of For­tune equiv­a­lent to Pla­nar Con­scious­ness bi­o­log­i­cal son. Mo­men­tar­ily was being paid at­ten­tion by Pla­nar Con­scious­ness. Once sim­i­lar Vin­cent and Dax this out­comer, tries to per­se­cute Child of For­tune, even if has re­vealed a wee bit evil in­ten­tions, will be re­pelled by Pla­nar Con­scious­ness.
To re­sist Pla­nar Con­scious­ness. Demigod Fifth Step, ab­solutely is merely im­pos­si­ble!
„Do you like this World?” Vin­cent in­quired.
Dax thinks that first nod­ded. Af­ter­ward shakes the head, „, al­though this World ice cream very tasty. But I do not like this World. This World air was too awful, dur­ing I feel. This World air, even might as well End­less Abyss nice-smelling. Also, this World evil thought too much, char­i­ta­ble dis­po­si­tion sum total un­ex­pect­edly only then 10% of evil thought sum total. I like Clem­tia, I like that good and evil, Light and Dark, al­most co­or­di­nated World.”
Stands in Vin­cent fe­male, opens the mouth say­ing: „Vin­cent, I also fondly re­mem­ber Clem­tia, I fondly re­mem­ber my fa­ther very much!” This wears the fe­male of white long skirt is Ra­di­ant Em­pire Princess Ale­gra.
Vin­cent sighed: „We also came out for a long time too to be too long, was the time re­turns to Clem­tia. How­ever, be­fore, us has a look, this Plane Child of For­tune, says a hello! After all, he ob­tained our City of Mir­a­cles [In­her­i­tance], I want to see him, per­haps we also be­come friend.”
„hēi hēi, this ac­tu­ally great idea!” Dax has smiled ex­cit­edly, as if has thought any in­ter­est­ing mat­ter, the cor­ners of the mouth flood have wiped the vil­lain­ous smile.
After mak­ing the de­ci­sion, three peo­ple of forms sud­denly dis­ap­pear in the ice cream shop, but just for the young girl who Dax served, was other cus­tomers, has not shown any strange ex­pres­sion, they as if could not see three peo­ple.
The next flash, three peo­ple ap­pear sky over the stretch­ing to the hori­zon sea, in their not far away, a float of is­land quiet in sea.
Vin­cent sur­prised looks at the pre­sent is­land, af­ter­ward has shown the bright smil­ing face, „worthily is Plane Child of For­tune, com­pre­hended the space force un­ex­pect­edly, and in­te­grated the Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy do­main.”
The sur­round­ings of en­tire is­land, ac­tu­ally have the dense and nu­mer­ous space faults, has been cut off the space trans­mis­sion, di­rectly en­ters the is­land.
When the Vin­cent three peo­ple ap­pear, the is­land, Shi Lei was watch­ing the tele­vi­sion with five wife, on his face re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion, as if un­der­stood in a flash a lot, opened the mouth say­ing: „We had the guest to come!”
Shi Lei and Vin­cent as if feel like old friends at the first meet­ing, in the short­est time, be­came friend. Dax also be­came with Shi Lei friend, is very af­ter­ward in­sen­si­tive, has plun­dered some good thing, in­clud­ing Tenth Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] and Eleventh Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
One week later, Vin­cent pro­posed farewell, in the sky of is­land, city of the plain sky ap­peared.
„see you again later, my friend! Wel­come to Clem­tia to so­journ!” The Vin­cent ex­pres­sion was say­ing sin­cerely.
Shi Lei nods with a smile, „see you again later, my friend! More­over, thank pre­sents!”
„No, my friend, that be­longs your! It has cho­sen you, is your, aren't we friend? Also serves a need to thank?” Vin­cent earnest an­swered.
Shi Lei shows a faint smile, in the heart feels re­laxed.
Dax looks at Shi Lei, blows own horn say­ing: „Stone Boss, when you came Clem­tia World, I am cer­tainly lead­ing you, tours each Plane, Ra­di­ant God Realm, is Dark Demon Realm, or is End­less Abyss.”
Shi Lei has pat­ted the shoul­der of Dax, „your this kid, is obe­di­ent much!”
„hēi hēi!” Dax had not replied.
Vin­cent waves to hint see you again later once more, af­ter­ward three peo­ple lifted off slowly, have been sep­a­rated from the space de­fense range of is­land, the form dis­ap­peared in void.
Shi Lei and five wife, wave to re­spond.
see you again later!
Next era, see you again later!


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