Monday, July 30, 2018

1176: hell heaven

Yun Che places in hour wheel for­ma­tion, does not have what un­usual feel­ing.
„Uni­verse Five Jade Pill em­bod­i­ment greatly strength­ened power, may let low Realm Di­vine Dao pro­found strength sud­denly to in­crease, but also has very high risk. Rea­son that must fuse ‚Wood Spirit Bead’, then for gen­tle ef­fi­cacy.”
Mu Xu­anyin both hands sway, the Yun Che's side sud­denly has layer upon layer light ice mist: „Wood Spirit Bead that you ob­tain re­tained all spir­i­tual en­er­gies rarely, but, the heart of an­cient dragon from Di­vine Lord Horned Dragon, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura is com­plete, Qilin Horn is also em­bod­i­ment strange Zhong cold qi, thus, al­though there is ex­is­tence of per­fect Wood Spirit Bead, the ef­fi­cacy also vi­o­lently ar­rives at the ex­treme, you are un­able to re­fine de­cid­edly vol­un­tar­ily.”
„Even if there are me to as­sist in the side, may out-of-con­trol, there­fore, you must be ex­tremely dis­crete, un­der­stood!”
„dis­ci­ple knows.” Yun Che nods, holds Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, under the Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion, its care­ful cloth­ing/tak­ing under.
Cool aura en­ters body, van­ishes slowly, was again un­sen­si­ble. Yun Che closes the eye, trans­fers aura, the prepa­ra­tion starts to re­fine the ef­fi­cacy, but his pro­found strength has not touched Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, then sud­denly the whole body shakes.
That flash, as if some in­nu­mer­able vol­canos and in­nu­mer­able glac­i­ers si­mul­ta­ne­ously erupt and blast open in his within the body, hav­ing the in­nu­mer­able berserk mighty cur­rents to ex­plode to flee, these mighty cur­rent half ice-cold, half are scald­ing hot, but even if small­est, the fear­ful­ness of its ac­cu­mu­lated power, far ultra Yun Che's ex­pec­ta­tion.
Yun Che to pro­mote pro­found strength force­fully, once were many time de­pends own spe­cial con­sti­tu­tion to swal­low ef­fi­cacy ex­tremely fierce med­i­cine pill, such as the gold/metal scale when Lower Realm melts Dragon pill, ini­tially Snow Song Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, but, if their ef­fi­ca­cies like Nu­jiang vi­o­lent...
Ef­fi­cacy that this Uni­verse Five Jade Pill re­leases, then such as wanted to swal­low the Tianfu place the bound­less sea.
Yun Che car­ries on the guid­ance con­trol rad­i­cally with­out enough time, the whole per­son likely was then in­volved to Heav­enly Fury Tao , the end­less pain sub­merges his whole body com­pletely, whole body each bone, each cell crazily is trem­bling, as if will mo­men­tar­ily rup­ture...
When the Yun Che heart surges end­less is panic-stricken, ice-cold and gen­tle aura sud­denly from his body sur­face well up, im­me­di­ately, under this cold qi, orig­i­nally hot tem­pered in­com­pa­ra­ble ef­fi­cacy mighty cur­rent fast re­laxes, fi­nally, un­ex­pect­edly is be­comes es­pe­cially docile, flows in his whole body and merid­i­ans slowly.
The fear­ful agony ex­tin­guishes fast. The ex­is­tence of Yun Che again sen­sa­tion to the body and Pro­found Vein, he un­der­stands where in­stan­ta­neously this de­presses the ef­fi­cacy cold qi to come from, hastily the re­strain­ing mind, re­leases pro­found en­ergy fully, si­mul­ta­ne­ously rev­o­lu­tion Great Way of the Bud­dha Art.
That far ultra ex­pected a mo­ment ago the non- sev­eral fold the ef­fi­cacy, let Yun Che knew this clearly „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill” the fear­ful­ness, how dare also to have the least bit to idle. He seals up the sen­sa­tion com­pletely, guides pro­found en­ergy and world spir­i­tual en­ergy slowly, care­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble build­ing up melts the ef­fi­cacy that is docile.
Body that in hour wheel for­ma­tion, in the line of sight of Mu Xu­anyin, Yun Che for­merly fiercely trem­bled gen­tle, under en­tire body the beads of sweat pro­lif­er­ate. If he opens the eye to look at this time to his body, will de­cide will be sur­prised... Be­cause of his body sur­face, is all col­ors shines im­pres­sively, the scar­let, blue, azure, blue and white chaotic cir­cu­la­tion, the ray is in­tense from time to time, from time to time is weak.
Mu Xu­anyin is sit­ting be­fore the Yun Che body, di­rects only, one group of ice mist are cov­er­ing Yun Che through­out. cul­ti­va­tion base sum­mit sit­u­ated in God Realm she , the pupil light is ac­tu­ally a dig­nity.
Pro­motes pro­found strength med­i­cine pill force­fully, even if pro­motes small Realm, is ex­tremely rare, and is ac­com­pa­nied by very big risk. But Uni­verse Five Jade Pill... Mu Xu­anyin ini­tially per­son­ally had said that can let at that time only then Di­vine Essence Realm cul­ti­va­tion base Yun Che en­tered Di­vine Tribu­la­tion --- this is the what kind con­cept!
The ef­fi­cacy and risk that cor­re­sponds, can be imag­ined.
But, be­cause „the heart of an­cient dragon” counts hun­dred thou­sand year life essence from one, Di­vine Lord Realm Horned Dragon, „Qilin Horn” from an­cient times Qilin, „Wood Spirit Bead” was per­fect Wood Spirit Bead that al­most im­pos­si­ble saw, „Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass” under Sky Poi­son Pearl spe­cial power, did not have a out­flow of spir­i­tual en­ergy.
Fi­nally is also ob­vi­ous, this „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill”, the great strength of its ef­fi­cacy, but also wants by far Mu Xu­anyin known all about „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill” record.
Ef­fi­cacy and risk... Mu Xu­anyin was un­fore­seen.
She must help Yun Che to sup­press the Uni­verse Five Jade Pill ef­fi­cacy, but her power is ex­tremely also huge to Yun Che, has slightly care­lessly, or ef­fi­cacy out-of-con­trol, the Yun Che heavy losses, ei­ther Yun Che was in­jured by her power di­rectly... Can re­fine Yun Che of ef­fi­cacy com­pared with it at this mo­ment re­lieved, she is less re­laxed.
If no Mu Xu­anyin to as­sist in the side, Yun Che eats up vol­un­tar­ily, even if he has the body of strength and the Dragon God Rage God, must die with­out doubt... Does not have the sec­ond re­sult cer­tainly.
There­fore ini­tially Yun Che ran away from Flame God Realm, from Heiya Realm starts to seek for re­fine­ment dili­gently vol­un­tar­ily „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill” the ma­te­r­ial, not to men­tion can he re­fine. Even if the suc­cess, swal­lows re­ally force­fully... Fi­nally is through court­ing death.
In hour wheel for­ma­tion, the time is past­ing slowly.
A day... Two days... Five days... Seven days...
The Uni­verse Five Jade Pill ef­fi­cacy re­leases con­tin­u­ally, was built up grad­u­ally, Yun Che's body sur­face, through­out five col­ors cir­cu­la­tion.
Mu Xu­anyin can achieve only has the gang he to sup­press the ef­fi­cacy, but can­not help him to re­fine. For serveral days, every sev­eral other dou­ble-hour, the ef­fi­cacy then meets berserk one time ba­si­cally, Yun Che will trem­ble all over, is very painful, but is also quick by Mu Xu­anyin power is de­pressed, cal­cu­lates that not star­tled does not have the dan­ger.
Al­though Yun Che be­yond the seal knows, all sen­sa­tions con­cen­trate in Lian­hua the ef­fi­cacy, but can also the ob­vi­ous feel­ing own pro­found strength in fast is for­mi­da­ble, ef­fi­cacy re­fin­ing up also be­cause of pro­found strength for­mi­da­ble, but is even more smooth.
His soul thor­ough sta­bil­ity, does not have again ini­tial with amaze­ment and worry.
But, as sur­face layer Uni­verse Five Jade Pill the ef­fi­cacy was built up grad­u­ally, fi­nally... Started to move the core.
Rum­bles --- ---
Tran­quil for a long time, is only oc­ca­sion­ally flood the mighty waves sea level, sud­denly does not have the omen has raised the Heaven Cov­er­ing rough sea waves.
Yun Che such as was put on soul by Wan Ren, a pain re­cited. That flash, seemed to be that only the abyss giant beast roared in his within the body surely, whole body each blood, each merid­i­ans, each cell was flooded to peak power by berserk, wish of Yun Che doom guided the ef­fi­cacy that ex­ploded sud­denly flees with pro­found en­ergy, ac­tu­ally such as the fly wasp shook the tree.
The ef­fi­cacy of Yun Che within the body erup­tion makes in the Mu Xu­anyin pupil the blue glow dodge sud­denly, ice mist cov­ers... But, but will sup­pressed sev­eral in­stances, the ef­fi­cacy of ex­tremely omi­nous of­fense ac­tu­ally layer upon layer works loose, wreaks havoc crazily.
„This is...”
Ef­fi­cacy of this Uni­verse Five Jade Pill core ex­tremely, this point Mu Xu­anyin early is pre­pared surely, even if is she, has not thought com­pletely that un­ex­pect­edly meets tyran­ni­cal to so the sit­u­a­tion.
The Mu Xu­anyin brow sinks, jade wrist turns over, changes refers to for the palm, wipes a pro­founder blue light to cover under... Im­me­di­ately, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion starts to relax, but this re­lax­ing only con­tin­ued less than half quar­ter, then started to trans­fer more and more deep pain.
Quick, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion is pale like the paper, the whole body per­spi­ra­tion like the rain­storm.
„...” A pair of ice eye­brow is more pressed is tighter, the Mu Xu­anyin jade wrist turns again, under a snow refers to the rich blue light shines upon such as ice jade grad­u­ally gen­eral clear, but, this wipes the con­den­sa­tion, in she refers to the blue light ac­tu­ally stag­nat­ing in the midair, through­out has not cov­ered.
The vi­o­lence of Uni­verse Five Jade Pill core ef­fi­cacy, com­pletely has been above her an­tic­i­pa­tion. Under the one had only known, she de­cided will not choose to make Yun Che take it at this time.
Such ef­fi­cacy, Yun Che im­pos­si­ble with­stands ab­solutely.
Al­though, even if vi­o­lent hun­dred times, by her power, can de­press again in­stan­ta­neously... But, she is very clear, suf­fi­ciently power that this ef­fi­cacy sup­presses, sim­i­larly is Yun Che is un­able to with­stand, be­fore sup­press­ing ef­fi­cacy, then al­ready the Yun Che heavy losses.
But if not sup­press...
If gets rid of the abyss wicked beast of shack­les to scurry about in within the body in­nu­mer­ably, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion is get­ting more and more painful, the body un­ceas­ing twitch­ing, under en­tire body, al­most every flesh tex­ture sud­denly is twist­ing.
The palm of Mu Xu­anyin stays in the Yun Che's chest... The time winds through fast, grad­u­ally, her fin­ger starts slightly shiv­ers, but con­denses ice glow in hand, is still not ac­tu­ally able to cover.
„...... Aaah...”
In the Yun Che mouth of close con­scious­ness is still send­ing out painful moan, this came from call­ing out in grief of Soul. Along his body sur­face mo­bile five col­ors dif­fer­ent light is rich to nearly daz­zling, along with the chaotic sparkles of these rays, the Yun Che's body the bal­loon­ing, shrinks from time to time from time to time sud­denly... And starts to fol­low in­ter­mit­tent joint col­li­sion „ka ka” sound.
If not he has Dragon God's Mar­row, the skele­ton of his whole body, feared that was de­stroyed at least half.
Even if such as falling des­per­ate abyss, but the com­plex­ion of Yun Che that pain, is also prov­ing the will of his un­will­ing col­lapse.
The breath of Mu Xu­anyin is rapid grad­u­ally, body that stand­ing tall and erect chest fluc­tu­at­ing fierce of more and more, looks at the Yun Che pain to the ex­treme fa­cial fea­tures and mo­men­tar­ily de­stroyed, her pupil light was al­ready chaotic... Then grad­u­ally, changes into strug­gles.
„... Aaah...”
The scar­let blood thread, flows off from the Yun Che's lip angle to­gether.
This scar­let blood­stain, such as punc­tures and scar­let nee­dle of Mu Xu­anyin soul, has routed in her pupil pupil all strug­gling.
Stays in his chest very long palm fi­nally let­ting fall slowly.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
This time Yun Che, was in­volved in the sea high sea likely a small boat, strug­gles more and more palely can­not with­stand. He puts to­gether com­pletely all wills to sup­port stub­bornly, was wait­ing for aura of that sup­pressed ef­fi­cacy, for a long time has not ac­tu­ally waited.
„Mas­ter... Ven­er­a­ble...” His Soul in un­ceas­ing is call­ing out, he felt that he leaves abyss to be get­ting more and more near, that power that but he longs, through­out has not ac­tu­ally ar­rived.
When his power, will and body bor­der on col­lapses thor­oughly, ice-cold aura sud­denly wells up to...
This cold qi and for­merly sup­pressed ef­fi­cacy cold qi to be com­pletely dif­fer­ent, from body, but ap­pears from his body sud­denly... He pro­claims the sen­sa­tion, is un­able to infer ac­cu­rately from body where, but in­deed from the body wells up to with­out doubt.
This cold qi is not in­tense, but pure to peak, and is bring­ing plane/level ex­tremely high mys­te­ri­ous aura... Dim , but also is tak­ing to a Yun Che fuzzy fa­mil­iar feel­ing.
This... Yes...
The pure aura quick vine to the Yun Che whole body, let him is creaky­ing Soul for a it clear(ly), but these like aura of wild beast riot under cold qi, short counted breaths then to relax.
More­over, this cold qi al­ways doing noth­ing but sends fuses with Yun Che's pro­found en­ergy, starts to re­fine the ef­fi­cacy to­gether. As if, that ice-cold aura when flood­ing into Yun Che within the body, then started to change into be­longs to his power.
As un­ceas­ing emerg­ing of ice-cold aura, Yun Che fulls floaded op­er­a­tion the soul the agony to van­ish com­pletely, dis­places, is an in­de­scrib­able peak com­fort­able feel­ing, the en­tire pho­to­graph soaked in the cool pure pool of water, was ca­ressed by the gen­tle mo­bile pool of water is touch­ing the whole body, let his Soul, in sat­is­fied com­fort­able was trem­bling.
To fi­nally, all ef­fi­ca­cies such as frozen gen­eral mo­tion­less, what­ever Yun Che lit­tle re­fin­ing up.

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