Tuesday, July 3, 2018

3444: Keeping an appointment



#3444: Keeping an appointment


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Looked that Chu Feng is so ex­cited, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu once again opens the mouth.„World Spiri­tist may ther­apy, but to break the for­ma­tion, may cast Cul­ti­va­tor un­able the fortress of cast­ing, mayarrange pre­cise ruins, the method is ex­ceed­ingly high, seems like om­nipo­tent, is the god in close com­mon peo­pleeyes.”„Looked that is how the strength to be too low, why thisis also many peo­ple, has the tal­ent of tech­nique of cul­ti­va­tion World Spirit ob­vi­ously, is ac­tu­ally not will­ing in the tech­nique of World Spirit, ex­pen­di­ture too many en­ergy.”„But after Saint-cloak, the World Spiri­tist strength, startsto pro­mote fi­nally.”„In­sect Mark level Saint-cloak, en­dures com­pared withFirst Rank Ven­er­a­ble, al­though, has been have fought Ven­er­a­ble, this also looks at in­di­vid­ual strength, but under Ven­er­a­ble, ab­solutely un­ri­valed.”„How­ever to the Snake Mark level, the strength will have pro­moted, the strength may com­pare fa­vor­ably with Fifth Rank Ven­er­a­ble.”„How­ever the old man now, steps into the Dragon Marklevel, I can feel me now, the strength of strength of For­ma­tion.”Hears this words, the Chu Feng vi­sion be­comes in­com­pa­ra­bly bright, a face an­tic­i­pates is star­ing at Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, is wait­ing for Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, said this time strength.Looks at the ap­pear­ance of Chu Feng so an­tic­i­pa­tion, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu but ac­tu­ally has not kept guess­ing, but blurted out: „Is en­dures to com­pare First Rank Sov­er­eign.”„Hiss­ing”Heard this words, Chu Feng to hold breath first cold air, af­ter­ward said: „Can­not think that the tech­nique of World Spirit, may have such strength.”„That God-cloak, Grand­mas­ter, God-cloak World Spiri­tist , whether has , does to de­stroy the heav­ens and ex­ter­mi­nate the lands, tear the world the strength?” Chu Feng pur­suesasks.„I thought that should.”Af­ter­ward, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, was Chu Feng nar­rates, he knew, all mat­ters about World Spiri­tist strength.Also in­cludes, he from Grand­mas­ter Longx­uan there, hears, mat­ter about True Dragon World Spiri­tist.„Re­ally can­not think, orig­i­nally above God-cloak, strongerRealm.”Al­though Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu ex­plicit telling Chu Feng, this is also he hears from Grand­mas­ter Longx­uan there, can­not de­ter­mine the gen­uine and fake.But at this time, in the Chu Feng's eye, ac­tu­ally emergedthe color of strong yearn­ing.„......”Sud­denly, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, fierce cough.That sound is rend­ing, and every time coughs, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu prob­a­bly was weak a point.„Grand­mas­ter.” Sees this sit­u­a­tion, Chu Feng not onlywor­ries, and ashamed.If not for un­ties the seal for him, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiuis im­pos­si­ble be­comes more se­ri­ous.„Un­ob­struc­tive.” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu beck­oned with the hand, af­ter­ward after hav­ing sta­bi­lized own cough, looks to Chu Feng: „Lit­tle friend, that Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak, but also on you?”Rea­son that Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu asked like this thatbe­cause of the same day Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak, falls onChu Feng on own ini­tia­tive, the Chu Feng daz­zling po­ten­tial, is sim­ply un­matched.But at this time, ac­tu­ally does not see the Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak signs.But Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, from the Liangqiu Chengfengmouth, heard the mat­ter that Chu Feng ex­pe­ri­enced, knowsthat on the same day Chu Feng did not reply, and sud­denlyvan­ishes, is Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak causes trou­ble.This made Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu know, Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak strength, that strength... As if com­pared withpre­sent him, but also is strong.But, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu ac­tu­ally does not know, thatNine Drag­ons Saint-cloak, now where.„I do not know, Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak also on me, to be hon­est se­nior... I can be in­dis­tinct to feel the Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak aura, but that aura is very weak, but could not feel that my body has any thing/per­son, that aura... Also from sur­round­ings, but is not my body.” Chu Fengsaid.„It seems like this Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak is the thingof in­tel­li­gen­tial, this ac­tu­ally also nor­mal, Se­cret Skill, byEm­peror Ar­ma­ment in­tel­li­gen­tial, let alone is World SpiritSaint-cloak that World Spirit Im­mor­tal King makes.”„The Chu Feng lit­tle friend, you do not need to be wor­ried that I thought that that Nine Drag­ons Saint-cloak alsoon your body, be­cause it is ex­tremely for­mi­da­ble, there­forewants to uti­lize its strength, you also need cer­tain strengthto be good, the op­por­tu­nity ar­rived, it should ap­pear.”Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu said.„Tak­ing ad­van­tage of the Grand­mas­ter aus­pi­cious words.” Chu Feng said.„The Chu Feng lit­tle friend, the mat­ter, in the teacherheart did not have the an­swer ac­tu­ally, does not know the Chu Feng lit­tle friend, whether now to give the old man an an­swer?”„On the same day the old man, wants to re­ceive you forthe dis­ci­ple, is whole­heart­edly, does not know when the Chu Feng lit­tle friend you......” this words leave, al­ways calmGrand­mas­ter Liangqiu, looks to the Chu Feng's vi­sion, emerged some tense col­ors un­ex­pect­edly.But he dis­plays is so, it can be imag­ined, at this timehis heart of hearts true mood, is anx­ious.After all, Chu Feng for him, may not only be able to make up for re­gret­table dis­ci­ple, hopes that ar­rives at himnot to ar­rive at peak dis­ci­ple.„Grand­mas­ter, I......” re­gard­ing Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu thisissue, Chu Feng do not have the di­rect re­ac­tion, how­everon his face, ac­tu­ally emerged ex­tremely the color of feel­ing em­bar­rassed.„Old man knew the an­swer of Chu Feng lit­tle friend, butthe old man ac­tu­ally wants to know why the lit­tle friend is not will­ing to ac­knowl­edge as teacher, is it pos­si­ble that... Was you have the teacher?” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu asked.„Re­turned to se­nior, ju­nior once pledged that no longerac­knowl­edged as teacher.”„Walks, ac­tu­ally many a per­son of abil­ity se­nior, want to re­ceive Chu Feng is dis­ci­ple, be­cause of this pledge, Chu Feng re­jected.” Chu Feng said.„In these peo­ple, but does the tech­nique of World Spirithave above me?” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu asked.„In these peo­ple, Grand­mas­ter your strength isstrongest, is... Be­cause ju­nior by no means these se­niorstrengths re­ject their, ini­tially had re­jected them, if todaycom­plied with Grand­mas­ter you, how not to men­tion thesese­nior think that in the ju­nior heart also feels sorry.” Chu Feng said.„Lit­tle friend, Linghu Hongfei you also saw, the this childsur­face seems like awe-in­spir­ing, the reg­u­la­tions are mean, frank, pre­dic­tion of that youngest World Spiri­tist, is the news that they let out, for is the con­sol­i­dated Linghu Hongfei rep­u­ta­tion.”„How­ever you, seized his glory, he like this will not give ab­solutely up.”„The skill of old man, al­though is un­able to con­tendwith that Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan, but the old man also hassome per­sonal con­nec­tions, if you are old man dis­ci­ple, the old man may guar­an­tee you to be safe.” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu said.„The many thanks Grand­mas­ter good in­ten­tion, is only......”„Lit­tle friend, the first re­jec­tion, you do not con­sider anx­iously again, so long as you are will­ing to re­quest me to bethe mas­ter, old man not only all abil­i­ties give every­thing one has to give, is will­ing after you will fin­ish an ap­pren­tice­ship in the fu­ture, old man life­time ob­tained trea­sure, teaches in you.” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu said.„Grand­mas­ter, I re­ally......”Chu Feng wants to re­ject, but Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, ac­tu­ally hur­ries to open the mouth: „Lit­tle friend, is con­sid­er­ing.”„......”And the words, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu fierce cough.Sees Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu so, Chu Feng is not good to re­ject, al­though in the heart very ex­plicit de­ci­sion, will not re­quest him to be the mas­ter, but ac­tu­ally must say at this time: „Good, Grand­mas­ter... I will con­sider se­ri­ously.”„... Good, old man and oth­ers your news.” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu still in the fierce cough, was his mood, ob­vi­ouslybe­came happy many.Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng after Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu chat­tedsome, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu then con­tin­ues ther­apy, sup­presses the pain of back­lash, but Chu Feng also went outfrom that for­ma­tion tech­nique, had found Wuma Shengjieand Wuma Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head.Knew, after Chu Feng's seal al­ready by un­sealed, Wuma Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, as well as Wuma Shengjie, re­laxed for Chu Feng.„Chu Feng lit­tle friend, eval­u­a­tion of that An­ces­tral Mar­tial Ten Stars, your par­tic­i­pate?” Wuma Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head asked.„par­tic­i­pate.” Chu Feng said.„Good, the old man and oth­ers is your this de­ci­sion.”Hears this words, Wuma Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head was sim­ply hap­pier than Chu Feng.„From the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Ten Stars eval­u­a­tion, but also some time, do you go now?” Liangqiu Chengfengasked.At this time, Wuma Shengjie and Wuma Ce­les­tial ClanClan Head, goes to Chu Feng the vi­sion, ob­vi­ously was wait­ing for that Chu Feng de­cided.„I need to look for Liluo Elder Sis­ter, has a look at hersit­u­a­tion.” Chu Feng said.„Good, the old man leads you to go to Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, keeps an ap­point­ment.” Wuma Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head said.

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