Wednesday, January 23, 2019

3714: The hopeless situation depends on itself



#3714: The hopeless situation depends on itself


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„Your shadow?”„You also rather too high looked at you.”How­ever, re­gard­ing the Chu Feng's words, that shadownot only does not ap­prove, in­stead also felt that is not feel­ing well ex­tremely.-There­fore, dur­ing the speeches, that shadow once againhas then at­tacked to Chu Feng.But at this point, in Chu Feng's hand, had al­ready re­vealed Blue Jade Sword.There­fore Chu Feng has not flinched, but wields be­ginsBlue Jade Sword, fights one with the op­po­site party.More fights, Chu Feng is def­i­nite, the op­po­site party cer­tainly is own shadow.Be­cause Chu Feng's all meth­ods he is grasp­ing, but be­sides method that Chu Feng has, has not seen him to useother meth­ods.And, the forms of de­fen­sive ac­tion of op­po­site party, fight cus­tom, is ex­actly the same as Chu Feng.It is not own shadow, who can also be?„My shadow, so long as de­feats you, can at­tain thatBat­tle God's Hal­berd?”Chu Feng fights with it, while asked.„Em­pha­sized again, I was not your shadow, my sta­tusmany that you were no­bler.”„And, you are im­pos­si­ble to de­feat me.”„Your life, in my hands.” That shadow said.„I, al­though is un­able to de­feat you, but you are un­able to de­feat me, since you are my shadow, might as well dis­cuss, puts a water to be what kind of?” Chu Feng asked.„Ha­haha...”Chu Feng such re­marks, then trades that crazy laugh­ing.„To be op­por­tunis­tic on me, stu­pid.”„Such as your this stu­pid gen­er­a­tion, when dies here.”This words said, the of­fen­sive of op­po­site party is then get­ting stronger and stronger, these time is not sim­plecom­par­ing notes, must de­mand the Chu Feng's life sim­ply.„Damn.”Under this sit­u­a­tion, Chu Feng does not dare to be neg­li­gent.Be­cause the of­fen­sive of op­po­site party so real, if hasslightly care­lessly, Chu Feng will then be de­feated by the op­po­site party.If de­feats in other per­son of hands, it is worth men­tion­ing, de­feats in own shadow hand, that too was also ag­grieved.„Chu Feng, you must fight a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, be­cause the time is longer, you are more dan­ger­ous.”But in this time, sud­denly to­gether the sound maps inthe Chu Feng's ear, that is Ox-nosed Old Daoist sound.„se­nior?”After hear­ing the Ox-nosed Old Daoist sound, Chu Fengthen waits and sees, wants to seek for Ox-nosed Old Daoist.But after an ob­ser­va­tion, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that around this, can­not see the Ox-nosed Old Daoist sil­hou­ette.„Did not need to look, in your world did not have me.”„You now, were stranded in il­lu­sion that in Bat­tle God's Hal­berd has made.”„You only have the time of burn­ing a joss stick, within burns a joss stick, if you are un­able to de­feat your Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd will re­lease its truestrength, at that time, you may un­able to con­tend with it.”The Ox-nosed Old Daoist sound, re­sounds in the Chu Feng's ear once again.And his sound is ex­tremely earnest, this makes Chu Feng know, his words do not crack a joke.„There­fore, in front of me, is not my shadow, but is Bat­tle God's Hal­berd?”Chu Feng asked.„Also can say like this.”„You just en­tered time, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd can du­pli­cate all your strengths, in­clud­ing magic weapon and ar­ma­ment that you grasp, strength that in brief you grasp, hegrasps.”„But, that is only he du­pli­cates your be­fore­hand methodand strength.”„There­fore, wants to de­feat him, you must de­feat be­fore­hand, how should do, should you be clear?”The Ox-nosed Old Daoist words come here, the clearsound, started un­ex­pect­edly be­comes some­what fuzzy.„Chu Feng, re­mem­ber, you only have the time of burn­ing a joss stick, only then an op­por­tu­nity, must de­feat it, oth­er­wise you will pos­si­bly be in dan­ger.”Ox-nosed Old Daoist ex­hausts fully, said these words.But after these words fall, Ox-nosed Old Daoist sound, van­ishes thor­oughly.As if, Ox-nosed Old Daoist, is un­able with this time Chu Feng, to carry on to com­mu­ni­cate.„De­feats be­fore­hand?”Chu Feng knows how should de­feat be­fore­hand.To de­feat be­fore­hand, that must now im­me­di­atelygrasp, a more for­mi­da­ble method is good.The op­po­site party presses on step by step, Chu Fengdoes not dare to be neg­li­gent, where can also di­vert at­ten­tion , to pro­mote it­self?Chu Feng has not pro­moted own method.„Was right, Se­cret Skill.”Sud­denly, Chu Feng has thought of Blood De­vour­ing Demon Ven­er­a­ble, teaches own Se­cret Skill.„se­nior, whether your strength, with tak­ing ad­van­tage ofju­nior?”The Chu Feng at­tempt com­mu­ni­cates with that Se­cret Skill, but that Se­cret Skill does not pay at­ten­tion to Chu Feng un­ex­pect­edly, how re­gard­less of Chu Feng said, hehas not re­sponded.Even Chu Feng in­sulted that Se­cret Skill, that Se­cret Skill ac­tu­ally did not re­spond.This makes Chu Feng ex­tremely help­less.„Hate­ful, re­ally at this time, can only de­pend upon it­self.”After that Se­cret Skill re­jects, Chu Feng has not been dis­cour­aged, in­stead in his eyes, emerged to wipe to have made up mind.-Sud­denly, Chu Feng backs up to go, after with­draw­ing is very far, Chu Feng stops.After stand­ing firm the fig­ure, Chu Feng both hands grip tightly Blue Jade Sword, first is holds up high, af­ter­wardfalls sud­denly, to that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, is di­vid­ing to chop to go.Chu Feng this move­ment, forms a co­her­ent whole, veryfierce, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd also thinks that Chu Feng mustuse the what kind of method, not only does not dare to at­tack, in­stead to back down draw­ing back.-How­ever, after Chu Feng this chops to cut to fall, the method re­lease of not to men­tion any pow­er­ful, Mar­tial Power has not had the re­lease.Re­sem­bles, this is only a move­ment, but at all is notthe of­fen­sive.But, after di­vid­ing cuts, Chu Feng has gawked star­ing, then once again lifts the hand, to that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, has been dis­play­ing the same move­ment once again.One time,Twice,Three times,Five times,Ten times,...How­ever the time of mo­ment, Chu Feng has dis­playedtwenty this move­ments con­tin­u­ously.But with­out ex­cep­tion, Chu Feng's these move­ments, have not cre­ated any lethal­ity.„Are you play­ing me?”That Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, cold voice asked that can lis­ten from his sound, Chu Feng's this ac­tion, has en­ragedhim.But, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally does not pay at­ten­tion to Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, in­stead is con­tin­ues to make this move­ment.Chu Feng not only does is quite earnest, oc­ca­sion­allyalso will think deeply about the mo­ment, then con­tin­ues...Chu Feng such ac­tion, lets Bat­tle God's Hal­berd angereven more.„Dares so to play me, you court death!!!”Sud­denly, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd ex­udes one to an­grily roar.Rum­ble -The thun­der­clap is in­ter­mit­tent.In this sea area, pre­sented the in­nu­mer­able say/wayblack thun­der un­ex­pect­edly.That black thun­der, is sim­i­lar to big dragon is com­mon, gal­lops in this sea area.that is Chu Feng's strongest at­tack method, Im­mor­tal Taboo Bloody Thun­der Tech­nique!!!The Im­mor­tal Taboo Bloody Thun­der Tech­nique might, how Chu Feng can not know.How­ever Chu Feng has not ac­tu­ally dodged, but to thatBat­tle God's Hal­berd, is con­tin­u­ing the move­ment that makes that to di­vide to chop.Rum­ble -Quick, every­where black thun­der, goes to the Chu Fengbom­bard­ment un­ceas­ingly.The Im­mor­tal Taboo Bloody Thun­der Tech­nique mightwas greatly strength­ened, in ad­di­tion Chu Feng does not dodge, has not made any po­ten­tial of re­sist­ing, quick thenby that thun­der bom­bard­ment soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken.How­ever, after the Bloody Thun­der Tech­nique of­fen­sivestops, ac­tu­ally five strengths of el­e­ments emerge, af­ter­wardin­ter­weaves, the Chu Feng's mor­tal body once again re­stores un­ex­pect­edly.Is the Five El­e­ments Se­cret Skill strength!!!


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