Friday, May 17, 2019

1452: Devil Emperor near world (Last Part)

#1452: Devil Emperor near world (Last Part)
Comments 525
The Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror roar lis­tens to not less than im­mor­tal sound in the peo­ple.
World Nee­dle power ex­hausts, but Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos has not cracked com­pletely, after not hav­ing World Nee­dle power, Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos will re­store rapidly. When re­stores to break open Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos to World Nee­dle power suf­fi­ciently once more, does not know needs many years later.
Even has the pos­si­bil­ity, be­yond Pri­mor­dial Chaos all dev­ils did not sup­port the next time.
But this, be­fore pre­cisely Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror , said that „al­most im­pos­si­ble pre­sents” best re­sult!
After count­ing hun­dred feet, speed of Crim­son Crack con­trac­tion slow, but is still re­duc­ing. The eyes of all peo­ple stub­bornly is star­ing, orig­i­nally rich to scary crim­son bril­liance in their pupils fast is dim, as if in­di­cates that a cri­sis has not bro­ken out, then dis­si­pated.
„It seems like, is heaven bless my East Ter­ri­tory.” Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian said.
„No, is heaven bless pre­sent age.” Qianye Wuai of three Brahma God sighed.
„Good to have a false alarm.” Qilin Em­peror shakes the head, in the old face shows the smile.
The uni­verse storm stops, the red light dis­si­pates, all, were prov­ing this dis­as­ter went far away.
„It seems like, pre­sented that best re­sult.” Mu Xu­anyin said, she is also heav­ily breathed a sigh of re­lief.
All peo­ple are the fa­cial ex­pres­sion stretch, such as re­leases ex­tremely heavy...... But only has Yun Che, the brow that he tight­ens does not have stretch/leisurely to open through­out.
„No, per­haps is not sim­ple.” Yun Che said in a low voice: „Ice Phoenix Di­vine Spirit and I have said that this is ‚in­evitably’ the dis­as­ter of erup­tion, and has said more than once. By her ex­is­tence, I do not think her to be able the wild talk.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
„More­over......” Yun Che lifts hand, ac­cord­ing to under chest cav­ity, breath grad­ual dis­or­der: „My Pro­found Vein...... Tur­bu­lent is very fierce, and...... More and more fierce.”
hun­dred feet...... Five zhang (3.33 m)...... Three zhang (3.33 m)...... Two zhang (3.33 m)......
crim­son glow con­tin­ues to con­tract, in that mo­ment that it com­pletely van­ishes, per­haps is prov­ing thor­ough ex­tin­guish­ing of this dis­as­ter.
Fi­nally, the red glow con­tracted, be only one zhang (3.33 m), then, again have not ac­tu­ally con­tin­ued to van­ish, more­over de­cided there.
Along with it, crim­son bril­liance started to pre­sent the tremor, then, the ray had the con­spic­u­ous mu­ta­tion slowly, from rich grad­u­ally be­came clear, again, also faintly be­came more and more bright......
From ray, lit­tle tends essence.
Ex­cited color on Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror face starts to re­move, trans­fers the deep doubts.
Fi­nally, in some time, the change of crim­son bril­liance stopped.
The crim­son light mark van­ished, the front of line of sight, one zhang (3.33 m) long, ap­pears the long and nar­row water chest­nut shape the crim­son crys­tal, mounted on Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos.
The Yun Che's fa­cial ex­pres­sion play moves...... Con­tin­ues his Pro­found Vein, his heart, such as in­sane the gen­eral crazi­ness jumped at this time, al­most must jump out the chest. He opens the mouth, wants to speak, ac­tu­ally sud­denly dis­cov­ered, one­self is un­able to send out voice/sound un­ex­pect­edly.
This is...... Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror opens the mouth, in mouth that but he opens, sim­i­larly does not have slight voice/sound.
But the world, when does not know from, be­longs to an in­com­pa­ra­bly fear­ful deathly still­ness.
The uni­verse storm com­pletely van­ishes.
pro­found en­ergy that nu­mer­ous Di­vine Lord for­merly surged, in­vis­i­ble was swal­lowed likely void, dis­ap­pear with­out a trace that van­ishes com­pletely.
The stars stopped re­volv­ing and vac­il­la­tion......
All voice/sound, all el­e­ments com­pletely are quiet......
Order...... prin­ci­ple...... Heaven's Way...... Van­ishes com­pletely.
The deathly still­ness world, each pupil of per­son does not know when has put in a big way, does not have one per­son to make noise for a very long time, does not have one per­son to send out voice/sound. They can hear, whether there is only to com­pare the de­pressed heart tic­tac.
En­tire world, as if by thor­ough seal.
But this fear­ful deathly still­ness con­tin­ued to be very long, no one will break...... It is not able to break.
Fi­nally, has not known how long, the world in line of sight had the change.
The embed in the Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos crim­son crys­tal, has screened a jet black shadow.
A shadow of per­son!
The shadow is get­ting more and more near in the crim­son crys­tal, more and more clear...... Fi­nally, looked like broke the wall bar­rier of di­men­sion, the black per­son's shadow, trod slowly from the crys­tal.
voice/sound of heart beat stopped com­pletely, has the ray ob­vi­ously, they likely have ac­tu­ally crashed into the end­less dark space...... That is one type is un­able with trem­bling and con­strain­ing that any spo­ken lan­guage de­scribed.
This is not a big form, black clothes bro­ken ragged, ex­posed skin, also his face, is pre­sent­ing the in­com­pa­ra­bly scary azure black, more­over is cov­er­ing en­tirely to the ex­treme scratch closely...... Just like ex­pe­ri­enc­ing being cut to pieces, the ma­li­cious ghost who goes out of Nine Nether Hell.
From its fig­ure, but sees this to be a fe­male in­dis­tinctly. Her body is as­cend­ing dark black qi, her eye is darker than the pro­found­est dark night, in her hand, grasps a shape not to have the sharp thorn of dif­fer­ent place, above the sharp thorn is over­flow­ing al­ready es­pe­cially dim crim­son bril­liance.
But even if dim, punc­tures that red light on point, still com­pares any stars the ray to be daz­zling.
Grasps snowy hand on Yun Che arm in tight­en­ing slowly, in slight trem­bles...... Yun Che both eyes en­large, the tooth bites tightly, the whole body by seal in the space, is un­able to send out any voice/sound likely stub­bornly, is un­able to make any move­ment.
The Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror dou­ble pupil cow­ers to crack, the whole body shiv­ers to sev­eral near col­lapse......
They never so trem­ble, so fears, so des­per­ate.
Dark pupil light is look­ing straight ahead this be­cause of her ar­rival, but the sealed world, sweeps these to come „wel­come” her life, her lift­ing hand slowly, is mov­ing this al­ready the long-sep­a­rated for a long time world......
„Mo... E... you... bas­tard... I, Jie Yuan... have re­turned!”
Her voice/sound, wants com­pared with the ma­li­cious ghost hoarse fear­some, if there are in­nu­mer­able con­t­a­m­i­na­tion stingers, digs in Soul of all peo­ple.
But this voice/sound, looked like has awak­ened the cap­tiv­ity en­tire pri­mor­dial chaos night­mare, cold and still for a long time space play, the stars of dis­tant place made a fresh start the vac­il­la­tion fi­nally, but all de­vi­ated path orig­i­nally.
The el­e­ment re­stored the life and ex­is­tence, ac­tu­ally be­comes the in­com­pa­ra­ble riot...... With­out them of con­scious­ness, un­ex­pect­edly also trem­bling fear.
Space storm col­lapses, the anal­ogy uni­verse storm is fear­ful, the front Di­vine Em­peror and rear Di­vine Lord all Di­vine Body shake, was opened by the dis­tant vol­ume, dozens Di­vine Lord bod­ies crack, whole body blood-stained.
But she...... From be­gin­ning to end, has not moved in­clud­ing the foot­steps, merely when is only she comes to the aura change.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror backs up in a panic, whole body blood in­sane gen­eral boil­ing, but the blood in boil­ing is ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­ble ice-cold. He lifted the item to look at the front, mouth even/in­clud­ing open/stretch sev­eral times, fi­nally sends out voice/sound that this life trem­bled fright­ened: „Heaven Smit­ing...... Devil Em­peror!”
Fright­ened...... The in­de­scrib­able fear, such as Devil of con­scious­ness, crazily mul­ti­plies and in­flates in the soul most deep places of all peo­ple.
Be­fore less than half dou­ble-hour, they knows the Crim­son Crack truth, they rad­i­cally also with­out enough time slow under heart from that truth, in Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror mouth „Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror”, un­ex­pect­edly such...... Across pri­mor­dial chaos with out­side pri­mor­dial chaos di­men­sion, comes in them at pre­sent.
Came in this world.
This is how bru­tal, how in­cred­i­ble night­mare!
Dark pupil light fell on Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror body, only one in­stant, then made him feel that own body and Soul had been torn the in­nu­mer­able frag­ments: „Dirty God Race, sends your this crowd of lowly mor­tal to greet this ven­er­a­ble!?”
She, an­cient times one of the Devil Race four Devil Em­peror, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror Jie Yuan, was sent into exile to out­side pri­mor­dial chaos sev­eral mil­lion years later, after all pri­mor­dial chaos!
This world aura changed, com­pletely changed. Be­com­ing so muddy can­not with­stand.
She thinks, these years of Wall of Pri­mor­dial Chaos change, will make God Race pre­pare enough „wel­come” her re­turn, have not thought, greet her, un­ex­pect­edly are only mor­tal that one crowd of lowly can­not with­stand!
Shui Qian­heng keeps off be­fore two daugh­ter bod­ies, his dou­ble fist grips tightly, a pair of eyes cov­ers en­tirely the blood threads, the alarmed and afraid de­sire cracks.
„Ah...... Ah...... Ah......”
Trem­bling moan fol­lows the crowd the High-Rank Realm King throat deep place to over­flow...... That in­de­scrib­able pres­sure, that type al­most con­strain­ing that their bod­ies and Soul grind com­pletely, their life­time first time knows what for true fright­ened and de­spair.
Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror...... True Pri­mor­dial Devil Em­peror!
Most ex­ists in Pri­mor­dial Era, wants supreme Devil Em­peror com­pared with pre­sent world myth leg­endary Di­vine Spirit!
Night­mare...... They hope that this is a night­mare.
Dragon Sov­er­eign...... Pre­sent age Pri­mor­dial Chao's most supreme, his body slightly is also trem­bling, each knuckle of both hands, woods white piece.
The true fear is never the will can re­sist. A pres­sure from Devil Em­peror, only needs the twin­kling, can tear any mor­tal will eas­ily.
The tribu­la­tion of Devil Em­peror ar­rives fi­nally truly, ex­pects, mir­a­cle not to ap­pear. Under Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror en­tire body each spot and each hair are trem­bling, al­though he early has the con­scious­ness, left the sev­eral years prepa­ra­tion com­pared with it other peo­ple, when re­ally di­rect, so can­not with­stand as be­fore.
It is not he is too frail, more­over Devil Em­peror that is born ex­tremely is ex­tremely re­ally fear­ful.
Far ex­ceeds Soul to with­stand the limit the fear­ful­ness.
He bites the tip of tongue tightly, the stab­bing pain and fills blood en­ergy of mouth to make him re­store some clear un­der­stand­ing force­fully, his raised the head, ex­hausts ex­claims full power: „Devil Em­peror...... Sir...... Lis­tens to me lightly...... A word...... We...... Non- God Race...... In this world...... Also al­ready...... With­out God Race!”
„No...... God Race?” Jie Yuan vi­sion slightly rev­o­lu­tions, jet black pupil, such as can swal­low the myr­iad spir­its end­less demon deep pool.
Devil Em­peror pre­sent world, dif­fer­ing from that but the sit­u­a­tion, ex­pects with Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror.
When him, as well as „old an­ces­tor” in the ex­pec­ta­tion, ac­cu­mu­lated Devil Em­peror and Devil God of sev­eral mil­lion years of ha­tred re­turned, de­cides the hate and ha­tred crazy re­lease and vent, de­struc­tion, tram­pled all life dead souls......
Hates the full uni­verse to re­turn fi­nally, how to have the rea­son and re­straint!
Devil Em­peror re­turns, has not ac­tu­ally seen other Devil God.
But, re­turn Devil Em­peror ac­tu­ally com­pared with want­ing that he ex­pects „tran­quil” and „rea­son” many, at least when see­ing them, has not made a move di­rectly, de­stroys to ex­tin­guish them com­pletely.
Re­sem­bling was in des­per­ate abyss sees that a wee bit hopes, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror said strongly: „Yes! Sir Devil Em­peror just turned over to pri­mor­dial chaos, some does not know, God Race and Devil Race, then be­came ex­tinct 1 mil­lion years ago, pre­sent world...... Only has mor­tal...... By Spirit Sense of Sir Devil Em­peror, de­cided to be pos­si­ble sen­sa­tion until now pri­mor­dial chaos and...... With the dif­fer­ence of that era!”
Not long a few words, ac­tu­ally re­sem­bled are pull out to empty Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror all power, his chest fluc­tu­ated fiercely, the whole body cold sweat drip­pinged.
„Ex­tinc­tion......” Jie Yuan looks at dis­tant place, slowly twit­ter­ing: „Cer­tainly...... Ex­tin­guishes......”
This world, be­comes the in­com­pa­ra­ble frailty. Out­side dev­as­ta­tion of pri­mor­dial chaos, mak­ing the strength of her Devil Em­peror be well below the past years, but her Spirit Sense, can ac­tu­ally ex­tend in this world far­ther......
Ac­tu­ally could not find any god and devil aura.
Only has the world that the pol­lu­tion can­not with­stand, with life that lowly can­not with­stand.
„Mo E...... Also died?” She opens the mouth slowly, if the sound demon re­cited.
„Yes!” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror said hastily: „Mo E...... Many years ago, died. He also al­ready was the an­cient times leg­end...... Pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos, is an­other era world.”
The space fell into the ice-cold deathly still­ness sud­denly once again,
„...... Hehe......” she has smiled sud­denly, smiles es­pe­cially ice-cold with ter­ri­fy­ing: „Died...... Died! How he can die...... How he can die! this ven­er­a­ble has not de­stroyed the corpse bro­ken soul him per­son­ally, how he can die!!”
Ha­tred, re­sent­ful anger and hos­til­ity, un­will­ing...... The Jie Yuan body black fog as­cends, dark devil breath has the neg­a­tive mood of erup­tion to re­lease fi­nally vi­o­lently, the space is send­ing out des­per­ate sor­row­ful roar.
The Jie Yuan vi­sion in this time one rev­o­lu­tion, stared fiercely to a di­rec­tion...... There, is the Brahma Em­peror God Realm four peo­ple are.
Qianye Fant­ian, Qianye Wusheng, Qianye Wubei, Qianye Wuai!
„Brahma... God... Clan!” Her chants in a low voice, in black pupil re­leases the deeply in­grained hate of­fense: „Old Bas­tard Mo E's lack­eys!!”


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