Friday, May 24, 2019

1460: Two daughters

#1460: Two daughters
Comments 164
One point of pain that the chil­dren bear, to parental body, will often en­large the ten points. Yun Che after find­ing daugh­ter, true un­der­stand­ing.
This point, even if Devil Em­peror is un­able to avoid...... No, to Jie Yuan prob­a­bly must. Be­cause of Yun Che from her body, felt to the ex­treme gravely guilty with re­buk­ing one­self.
But this feel­ing, Yun Che is ex­tremely clear......
„After se­nior in the past Mo E sent into exile, Evil God and a Mo E war, that war, will de­cide you and Evil God daugh­ter's des­tiny. But fi­nally, under spec­u­lates, should be Mo E de­feats first, lat­ter does not hes­i­tate to use An­ces­tral Sword, thus counter- vic­tory.”
Yun Che was nar­rat­ing to Jie Yuan Ice Phoenix Spirit in­forms his these guesses, but this guess, Jie Yuan does not have a wee bit sus­pi­cions.
Be­cause, she knows com­pared with any­body, Mo E is such per­son.
He is a jus­tice, as tena­cious as the ex­treme god. Be­cause knew Evil God to unify with her, also a taboo de­scen­dant, has not hes­i­tated to use An­ces­tral Sword, and with her plots by the dirty trick that his nat­ural dis­po­si­tion dis­dained ab­solutely.
His im­pos­si­ble al­lowed ab­solutely she and Evil God de­scen­dant ex­ists...... There­fore, he will not allow that fights the fail­ure.
„Is Mo E knew prob­a­bly wins it to have the shame, thus al­lows not com­pletely de­struc­tion you and Evil God's daugh­ter, but must write off the part of her ‚devil’, and...... Never can make the com­mon peo­ple know that she is your daugh­ters.”
Jie Yuan: „......”
„There­fore, her body was de­stroyed, Soul was sep­a­rated...... But Evil God does not en­dure to de­stroy fi­nally her devil soul, there­fore takes the enor­mous risk, has hid­den the truth from Mo E with some spe­cial method, hides her devil soul here. Also there­fore, mak­ing her evade that world cov­er­ing tribu­la­tion, has today.”
„......” Jie Yuan has not spo­ken for a long time, dull sees only odd/sur­plus rem­nant soul the daugh­ter, does not know that has is lis­ten­ing to Yun Che to speak.
„Should be­cause of the rea­son of Soul flaw, she not have the ver­bal skill, the mood fluc­tu­a­tion and ex­pres­sion are also very weak, but can also un­der­stand oth­ers' words.”
„More­over, she as if very much likes the bright color, sees the color beau­ti­fully vivid thing each time, her emo­tion fluc­tu­ates ob­vi­ously.”
„Oh was right.” Yun Che con­tin­ued: „I do not know her name, there­fore names You'er for her vol­un­tar­ily ‚’.”
„Quiet...... The son......” Jie Yuan fi­nally to the Yun Che's words some re­sponse, this name to her, with­out doubt is also a bru­tal­ity.
Yun Che names You'er for her, its rea­son its mean­ing, nat­u­rally is...... She is a ghost.
„She called the counter tribu­la­tion.” Jie Yuan not be­cause of this name, but loses one's tem­per to Yun Che, she is light when word, speech, the vi­sion looks at You'er as be­fore, the world in line of sight does not have other again.
Counter tribu­la­tion......
This name, takes „Nix­uan” re­spec­tively and „Jie Yuan” a char­ac­ter, but a it big­ger pro­found mean­ing, is hopes that she can break the counter dis­as­ter peace­fully, the life...... After all, her birth, is the pre­sent age biggest taboo.
At this mo­ment, the girl in sea of Nether­world flow­ers has opened her eye slowly, in­creased for this world has wiped four color Qi light.
She felt the Yun Che's ar­rival.
The Jie Yuan whole body trem­bles, so was then stiff there...... This star­tles nu­mer­ous Di­vine Lords and Di­vine Em­per­ors scared shit­less Pri­mor­dial Devil Em­peror, in this mo­ment un­ex­pect­edly flur­ried to being at a loss.
You'er set­ting out slowly, saw Yun Che's form. Im­me­di­ately, orig­i­nally is dim eyes color light Glazed Glass, face bloomed is very shal­low, but dis­tin­guishes suf­fi­ciently is „joy­ful” emo­tion.
Pe­tite body hikes up, she is anx­ious fly­ing ap­proaches Yun Che very much, con­tin­u­ously af­fec­tion­ate mov­ing to his chest front...... Then had dis­cov­ered other peo­ple's ex­is­tence, the color pupil has trans­ferred, looked to Jie Yuan, and re­vealed
Should be the mood of doubts.
But after the doubts, her eyes has not ac­tu­ally trans­ferred, but sud­denly dull looks, doubts grad­ual trans­fers a dim­ness.
Sud­denly near at hand, Jie Yuan stiff­ens thor­oughly, she looks at You'er, You'er vis­its her...... This to leav­ing sev­eral mil­lion years of mother and daugh­ter, gath­ers fi­nally once more.
But this time gath­ers, is ex­tremely re­mote, is bring­ing the iso­la­tion and in­com­plete of war ca­su­alty soul.
„You...... You also...... Re­mem­bers me?” Faces the girl to be star­tled vi­sion how­ever, Jie Yuan ask­ing gen­tly.
Yun Che's lip often...... Soul splits, all mem­o­ries along with it being de­feated and dis­persed, You'er im­pos­si­ble still will also re­mem­ber Jie Yuan. But Jie Yuan, as ex­is­tence in world high­est plane/level, will un­der­stand this point com­pared with any life.
Orig­i­nally Devil Em­peror, can think that med­i­cine de­ceives it­self.
You'er was unan­swer­able, her hand lifted at this time sud­denly, reach­ing Jie Yuan slowly, moved on her body...... As if, wants the sen­sa­tion her ex­is­tence.
She in­deed does not re­mem­ber Jie Yuan, does not re­mem­ber all.
But, she is Jie Yuan lives, the de­part­ment of mother and daugh­ter that type takes root in Soul each cor­ner, is for­ever im­pos­si­ble is sub­sti­tuted, for­ever im­pos­si­ble oblit­er­ates.
„......” Daugh­ter's hand puts from own body, she felt the con­fused­ness of You'er, also from being in­ti­mate with in­stinct, her body squat­ting down slowly, the palm stretched out, wants to move her cheeks...... But when is close, how is ac­tu­ally not able to for­ward again, the cor­ners of the mouth of shiv­er­ing, are un­able to send out voice/sound for a long time.
Found the daugh­ter on such as past Yun Che, that de­cides in air­borne, palm how does not dare to move for­ward.
Be­cause he feared that all these touch the bro­ken bub­ble, feared one­self full were the bloody evil palm blem­ish dyed her hav­ing no time, be­cause of heart in end­less guilty......
Yun Che do not go ex­ces­sively...... Orig­i­nally the per­son is also good, Devil Em­peror is also good, when as parental sta­tus, is the same.
„You'er,” Yun Che said with very light voice/sound: „You later, will not be lonely a per­son. Be­cause, she is your......”
„Do not say!”
Jie Yuan star­tled shouted sud­denly, the words in­ter­rup­tion that Yun Che will soon ex­port, Yun Che raised the head, looks star­tled.
„Do not say that......” Jie Yuan looks at You'er, shakes the head gen­tly, voice/sound be­comes very low: „Do not tell her.”
„......” Yun Che nod­ded, looks at Jie Yuan this time ap­pear­ance, he at once, is un­able two char­ac­ters to con­tact again with „Devil Em­peror” her.
The state of mind some­what is at once com­plex, Yun Che thinks, slightly one clenches teeth, fi­nally said: „Se­nior, ac­tu­ally ‚she’ past split an­other part of Soul, is still alive.”
Jie Yuan vi­sion fierce has leaned: „What did you say?”
Yun Che in­spires, said: „In the past, after ‚she’ was sep­a­rated, that part ‚was per­mit­ted has’ Di­vine Soul, Evil God en­trust­ing to God Race in Sword Spirit God Clan. Sword Spirit God Clan Pa­tri­arch as if by own Di­vine Soul, mod­els her Soul in the com­plete­ness, then has re­moulded the body to her.”
„......?” Jie Yuan moves the brow slightly, be­cause of Yun Che's these words, coun­ter­acts with her cog­ni­tion, but she has not bro­ken.
„Later, she then kept Sword Spirit God Clan, in that time God Race cog­ni­tion, she was the Sword Spirit Pa­tri­arch daugh­ter, Sword Spirit Pa­tri­arch has been very good to her, re­gards, if one's own, en­tire clan also to her es­pe­cially pam­per, thus these years, she should cross very joy­fully. In­clud­ing...... Pre­sent she, is care­free.”
„ Af­ter­ward the dis­as­ter erupted, Sword Spirit God Clan be­comes first by Devil Race de­struc­tion God Race, but she, had sent in pri­mor­dial by Sword Spirit God Clan...... The vol­ume, the uni­verse spirit world, es­caped into space crevice it
Thus had evaded that ex­tin­guishes the tribu­la­tion of world. ”
„Uni­verse spirit world? Did you say the uni­verse spirit world?” Jie Yuan some slightly fierce re­sponse.
She knows the uni­verse spirit world, that was long ago, when Evil God or El­e­men­tal Cre­ation God, do­na­tion Sword Spirit God Clan. Space Di­vine Power that the car­ries, en­graves by World Nee­dle, can in­deed long-time hid­ing out in the space crack.
Also means that Yun Che in wild talk!
„Now where is she at?” Does not wait for Yun Che to reply, Jie Yuan al­ready anx­ious ask­ing.
The You'er color pupil has trans­ferred, on face com­pletely is va­cant, does not know that has to un­der­stand any­thing.
The Yun Che left arm stretches out, at heart still is very dis­turbed. As on his arm sword seal flashes, wipes the ver­mil­ion light glow to be re­leased by him force­fully.
Yun Che has not ad­justed to sum­mon the pos­ture, Hong'er is sleep­ing soundly, under red light, the Hong'er but­tocks are well-grounded, her pain re­cited, this woke: „wu......! Ai?”
She just about to de­nounces se­verely the atroc­ity that Yun Che dis­turbs her to sleep, sud­denly noted here dark­ness and pur­ple glow, saw You'er, im­me­di­ately, her eye­brow warpage, beck­oned to You'er: „You'er hello/you good, I asked you to play.”
Then, her ver­mil­ion eyes "Sou" changed to Jie Yuan body, then...... Some­what dull how­ever looked at her for a long time.
Jie Yuan is also star­tled how­ever vis­its her...... Dif­fer­ent with You'er, the pre­sent girl, she has the com­plete life, the com­plete body and Soul, have with You'er ex­actly the same cheeks, with aura that she for­ever and ever will not fade from the mem­ory.
Daugh­ter's aura.
Hong'er and You'er, Evil God and Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror daugh­ter.
„They” birth and ex­is­tence, is the taboo that the world does not ac­com­mo­date, „they” en­coun­tered mother to be sent into exile, Soul was sep­a­rated, the fa­ther was de­jected. Half, cross freely, ac­tu­ally can never know that who own birth par­ents are, half, can only hide in dark abyss, eter­nal alone......
„They” des­tiny sadly er­ro­neous, strange had ac­tu­ally evaded that place has world cov­er­ing tribu­la­tion that the Gods and Dev­ils life buries.
„Big Sis­ter, who are you?” She looks to be star­tled how­ever Jie Yuan, sud­denly opens the mouth to ask, clear elu­sive voice/sound, ap­pears es­pe­cially clear in this dark world.
Big...... Elder sis­ter...... Elder sis­ter...... The Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth pull out ruth­lessly.
Looks ap­pear­ance that she flies up­wards, stars bright red eyes, is lis­ten­ing to her deep val­ley clear spring voice/sound, the Jie Yuan soul, if the duck­weed, is un­able to say a word un­ex­pect­edly.
„Eh?” Hong'er eyes blinked, looked at Jie Yuan very much earnestly some lit­tle time, has smiled sud­denly: „Big Sis­ter, al­though does not know that who you are, but, you look at very at­trac­tive Oh.”
On the face of Jie Yuan is cov­er­ing en­tirely the scary scar, more­over for­ever is un­able to can­cel. Any­body saw, will be fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive. But Hong'er was say­ing „at­trac­tive”, more­over her pupil light, her fa­cial ex­pres­sion, keep­ing any life from sus­pect­ing her each spo­ken lan­guage.
The Jie Yuan cor­ners of the mouth move lightly, re­sem­ble wipe the smile: „You think me...... at­trac­tive?”
„Right!” Hong'er very earnest nod: „Al­though your looks has lit­tle strange, but Hong'er thinks very at­trac­tive.”
„......” Jie Yuan flow­ery lips tight sips, she has smiled, the teardrops also fall along with happy ex­pres­sion out-of-con­trol.
„Mas­ter,” Hong'er tilted the head, asked: „Whose this at­trac­tive is Big Sis­ter Iya? is the wife who Mas­ter looks for newly?”
„~! @#¥%......” Yun Che's under foot fierce one soft, nearly at the scene kneels the ground.
„......” Jie Yuan also slowly trans­ferred the pupil at this time, voice/sound sinks sud­denly: „Mas­ter?”


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