Friday, May 3, 2019

3925: Person of understanding

MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战
#3925: Person of understanding
Comments 31
„Spir­i­tual spring water, the Asura lit­tle friend, how many do you need?” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter asked.
„Prob­a­bly 1 mil­lion kilo­grams.” Chu Feng said.
„1 mil­lion kilo­grams?”
Hears this num­ber, red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter some­what is sur­prised.
She is also World Spiri­tist, al­though the tech­nique of World Spirit is in­fe­rior to Chu Feng, may she know about spir­i­tual spring water.
Spir­i­tual spring water, al­though did not say spe­cially pre­cious thing/per­son, but the quan­tity are not many, and words that the or­di­nary per­son uses, gen­eral one jin (0.5 kg) quan­tity is full.
Even many peo­ple, so long as sev­eral two.
But Chu Feng he, needs 1 mil­lion kilo­grams spir­i­tual spring water un­ex­pect­edly, this makes her some­what sur­prised.
„Does not know the Asura lit­tle friend, with so many spir­i­tual spring water, what is to make?”
„Should be cul­ti­va­tion is so in­ces­santly sim­ple?”
„More­over, spir­i­tual spring water, al­though can strengthen Spirit power, but also is tem­po­rary, being used for cul­ti­va­tion is not quite prac­ti­cal.”
„There­fore I also re­ally am some­what cu­ri­ous, the Asura lit­tle friend, with so many spir­i­tual spring water, what mat­ter must make.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter looks at Chu Feng with that cu­ri­ous vi­sion.
„se­nior, you have the se­cret, I have the se­cret, there­fore asked se­nior to for­give my im­po­lite­ness, ju­nior can­not tell se­nior.” Chu Feng said.
„Ok, I then do not ask.”
„1 mil­lion tons spir­i­tual spring water, gives me, but so many spir­i­tual spring water, I re­quire some time to get so far as, and I am re­cent, does not have the time, like this, one year later, you ask me to take.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„A year?”
Hears this num­ber time, Chu Feng felt, red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter helped to one­self.
Chu Feng needs such many spir­i­tual spring water, to com­pre­hend that stone , to pro­mote own Spirit For­ma­tion tech­nique to Dragon Mark level Saint-cloak.
A year, that was also too long, Chu Feng ab­solutely does not have the means.
„many thanks se­nior good in­ten­tion, but did not use ex­hausted se­nior, I was try to find the so­lu­tion.” Chu Feng said.
„Waits for, Asura lit­tle friend, if ur­gently needs, the ac­tu­ally place, could help you.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„Is what place?” Chu Feng asked.
„Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm, like the moun­tain val­ley, there is a place that pro­duces spir­i­tual spring water.”
„There, over­flows with spir­i­tual spring water year to year, is only lim­ited, and spir­i­tual spring water that over­flows, was col­lected by every­one.”
„But some peo­ple guessed that looks like spir­i­tual spring water in moun­tain val­ley, the quan­tity should be very big, but does to that to look like the moun­tain val­ley the stone, has the for­ma­tion tech­nique pro­tec­tion, no one can find the spring water root.”
„If you can find the root, per­haps your 1 mil­lion kilo­grams spir­i­tual spring water, is not a dif­fi­cult prob­lem.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„Like moun­tain val­ley? se­nior, does that look like the moun­tain val­ley where?” Chu Feng asked.
„Is some­what re­mote like the moun­tain val­ley, but through an­cient times Tele­por­ta­tion Array, ar­riv­ing there could not want is too long.”
„It looks like the moun­tain val­ley, by clouds the Spirit Clan guard­ing, that clouds that Spirit Clan is some­what strange, is a fear­less fam­ily.”
„The Asura lit­tle friend, you are so anx­ious, if you are not anx­ious, waits for my some date and time, some date and time, I and you go to­gether.”
„Al­though, by that clouds that the Spirit Clan in­di­vid­u­al­ity, is not nec­es­sar­ily able to my face coun­te­nance, but the nec­es­sary time, I can sup­press them with Mar­tial Power ac­tu­ally.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„That clouds that most pow­er­house in Spirit Clan, prob­a­bly is what cul­ti­va­tion realm?” Chu Feng asked.
„clouds that most pow­er­house in Spirit Clan, the past years was Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, the pre­sent words, I am in­def­i­nite.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„Sec­ond Rank is Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, so strong?” Hears this words, Chu Feng is some­what sur­prised.
Red clothes sa­cred land, is Over­lord that Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm de­serves.
But even if red clothes sa­cred land, be­sides this Sir Head­mas­ter, is Third Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, in Supreme Elder, only has ex­is­tences of two Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm.
Thus, this so-called cloud Spirit Clan, strength very can­not be un­der­es­ti­mated, and lis­tens to red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter mean­ing, that clouds that the Spirit Clan tem­pera­ment is also very strange, is race that whose face does not give.
„It seems like, the Asura lit­tle friend is very anx­ious, but I re­ally can­not get out of the way.”
„This, I send Elder to go as you like.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„Does not use se­nior, I ac­tu­ally know a place, there is spir­i­tual spring water, is only the jour­ney is some­what re­mote, not in this Star Re­gion, but that place is ac­tu­ally very suf­fi­cient, I went to there to be then OK di­rectly.” Chu Feng said.
Ac­tu­ally, Chu Feng lied.
He knows, red clothes sa­cred land that two Supreme Elder, al­though is also Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble.
But be­fore the an­cient times blood re­fine the pond, ac­tu­ally they made into the se­vere wound by Linghu Hongfei, now the in­jury has not re­stored.
At this time, trou­bled them, some Chu Feng at heart did not en­dure.
There­fore Chu Feng scat­tered this ner­vous.
Chu Feng lies, does not want to trou­ble them, but Chu Feng de­cided, which so-called shape moun­tain val­ley goes to have a look.
Which spir­i­tual spring water if there is an op­por­tu­nity to ob­tain to be good, if very dif­fi­cult, that.
Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng also with the red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter smalltalk sev­eral, then ex­plained com­ing out that the wish that one­self must leave, red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter looks, Chu Feng is very ur­gent, wants spir­i­tual spring water, there­fore pours has not de­tained.
Then, Chu Feng then left here, looks Yin Zhuang­hong and oth­ers to say good­bye.
After Chu Feng walks, red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter, was open­ing a stone door same place.
Af­ter­ward, then car­ries that Chu Feng was think­ing that the some­what weird jug, en­tered in stone door.
In this stone door, the gloom is more abun­dant, here every­where is the thick ice layer, what is strange, here ac­tu­ally very dim, and here is plac­ing the blood red can­dle every­where, that can­dle gives out ray, un­ex­pect­edly is also the blood red.
And once for a while, in this space, but also twin­kle he­m­or­rhage red trace.
That is for­ma­tion tech­nique, in this en­tire space, is ar­rang­ing great for­ma­tion.
If Chu Feng sees this great for­ma­tion, un­der­stand­ing is star­tled.
Chu Feng knows, this gath­ers soul, is fuses the soul Taboo for­ma­tion tech­nique.
„Just, are you speak­ing with whom?”
Sud­denly, the ex­tremely old sound con­veys to­gether.
That sound is worn out, looks like one per­son of dying.
„Re­turns to the Sir, is a later gen­er­a­tion, but the tech­nique of this later gen­er­a­tion World Spirit is very strong, was he helps me fuse this to de­cide the thing of soul.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter, after hear­ing this sound, sud­denly showed the ex­tremely hum­ble and re­spect­ful at­ti­tude.
„Ju­nior? What did he call?” That sound re­sounds again.
„Re­turns to the Sir, he is called Asura.” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter said.
„Asura?” That sound changes some­what gloomy.
„Sir, what's wrong?” Red clothes sa­cred land Head­mas­ter asked.
„All right, tone that but just he spoke, I felt per­son who some­what looks like my un­der­stand­ing.” That sound said.


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