Thursday, February 7, 2019

3757: Battle God's Halberd strength



#3757: Battle God's Halberd strength


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„I have not felt wrong, is that aura, prob­a­bly Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm?”„Not wrong, I also felt, in­deed was Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, they in­deed com­pletely were Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm.”„What thing/per­son that is, un­ex­pect­edly has Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm cul­ti­va­tion realm com­pletely?”Looks at that to stand be­fore the Chu Feng body, bends down the Supreme Ven­er­a­ble army of kneel­ing place, peo­ple shock­ing at the same time, is un­able to con­ceal theirin­ner­most feel­ings the fear.The fear, nat­u­rally the fear, after all that is ex­is­tences of over ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm.Ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, are rep­re­sent­ing any­thing, each of them is very clear.„What in your hand is grasp­ing is what?”Linghu Zhishi, looks at the sil­ver in Chu Feng hand to fight the hal­berd con­geal­ing sound to ask.Com­ing out that after all the peo­ple look, that ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, are in the sil­ver by Chu Fenghand fights the hal­berd to con­trol.That is rare trea­sure, so long as had it, was equal tohav­ing the Supreme Ven­er­a­ble army.There­fore, Linghu Zhishi also very much wants to know, this trea­sure, when the enemy is what back­ground.„That is Bat­tle God's Hal­berd.”How­ever, but also does not need Chu Feng to speak, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu then opened the mouth.„Bat­tle God's Hal­berd?!”But hears these four char­ac­ters, peo­ple orig­i­nally inshock­ing eye, in­creased has wiped the ex­cla­ma­tion.After all Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, in the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion pres­tige il­lus­tri­ous, the peo­ple may know.But also be­cause just knows that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, the peo­ple also had have wiped the sus­pi­cion.After all Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, con­ceals in Bright Mir­ror Sea, that Bright Mir­ror Sea dan­ger­ous, every­body is very clear.That is hon­ored as, one of the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion most dan­ger­ous places.Was the thing of this type of leg­end, at­tained by Chu Feng re­ally?„Bat­tle God's Hal­berd in pre­cisely Bright Mir­ror Sea.”Re­sem­bling is un­der­stands the sus­pi­cion in peo­pleheart, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu opens the mouth once again.„Un­ex­pect­edly is re­ally Bat­tle God's Hal­berd.”After Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu this words said that the peo­ple have opened the mouth sur­pris­edly.Mean­while, looks again to the Chu Feng's vi­sion, hasthe change once again.Chu Feng today, has re­ally given them too many pleas­antly sur­prised.De­feats Linghu Hongfei, re­leases heaven de­fy­ing for­ma­tion tech­nique, now un­ex­pect­edly in Bat­tle God's Hal­berdin­clud­ing leg­end, is at­tained by him.Chu Feng today's per­for­mance, has far ex­ceeded an­tic­i­pated of peo­ple, even broke the imag­i­na­tion of peo­ple.„Re­ally can­not think, your Bat­tle God's Hal­berd at­tained.”„But, only re­lies on these thing/per­son, do you also wantto win me?”„Chu Feng, in vain you are also cul­ti­va­tor, does not un­der­stand the realm dis­par­ity un­ex­pect­edly, is not the truththat the quan­tity can make up.”„Today, I let the clear­ness that your Chu Feng dies, yousee clearly with own eyes, your First Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, be­fore me, are col­laps­ing at the first blow how.”When Linghu Zhishi speech, the cloth­ing waves, thatbound­less pres­sure, then moves moun­tains gen­eral, goesto the Chu Feng op­pres­sion.This time, he does not uti­lize the pres­sure, threat­ensChu Feng to be so sim­ple.He is true mak­ing a move, launched the of­fen­sive toChu Feng.But in this mo­ment, the peo­ple can also feel, tyran­ni­calof Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble.Al­though ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm, are in­deed im­pres­sive.But in the face of the Linghu Zhishi pres­sure, that ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm, ac­tu­ally ap­pears tinycan­not with­stand.This is, the strength dis­parate show­down.Buzz--May sud­denly, sil­ver glow hold, sweep away greatlyvoid.While that sil­ver glow cov­ers the world, Linghu Zhishipres­sure, un­ex­pect­edly also stiffly keep­ing off.After the Linghu Zhishi pres­sure kept off next, the peo­ple first eyes look to ap­proach, is Gu Mingyuan.How after all re­gard­less to think, can dis­pute withLinghu Zhishi re­luc­tantly, only had Gu Mingyuan.But the peo­ple look at to Gu Mingyuan time, ac­tu­allydis­cov­ered that Gu Mingyuan is also be­wil­dered, this ex­plained that keeps off the Linghu Zhishi pres­sure, is not Gu Mingyuan.There­fore, the peo­ple all vi­sion, went to Gu MingyuanChu Feng.After all the daz­zling sil­ver ray, is trans­mits from the Chu Feng's di­rec­tion.But this looks, the peo­ple are also the as­ton­ished dis­cov­er­ies, orig­i­nally keeps off Linghu Zhishi is re­ally Chu Feng.Be­cause of the pre­sent, on Chu Feng's, is not only past­ing, with that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd same sil­ver ray, the aurais also ex­actly the same as Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, this timeChu Feng, prob­a­bly fused to­gether with Bat­tle God's Hal­berd was the same.What is most im­por­tant, at pre­sent Chu Feng the gives out pres­sure, is Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble!!!„You had not un­der­stood, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd truestrength.”„But, does not blame you, its strength, only then gripsits time, you can feel.”Chu Feng said to Linghu Zhishi.What Chu Feng said is the truth, ini­tially Chu Feng sawOx-nosed Old Daoist, grips Bat­tle God's Hal­berd time, healso with other peo­ple think, thought that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd strength, pos­si­bly is that over ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm pro­tec­tion spirit.How­ever, when Bat­tle God's Hal­berd grasps after hand, Chu Feng knows, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd strong.Freely, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd en­trusts with the Chu Feng's strength at this time, is Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble.But Chu Feng can ac­tu­ally feel, this at all is not the Bat­tle God's Hal­berd true strength.Just, that true strength, one­self are un­able to con­trol.Be­fore re­sem­bling Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, to said is the same.Chu Feng, but ob­tained the ap­proval of Bat­tle God's Hal­berd ini­tially, there­fore he is un­able to grasp thor­oughly, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd strength.But, even if only Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, looks like in Chu Feng, was enough.„Chu Feng, we cope with him to­gether.”Dur­ing the Gu Mingyuan speeches, then pre­pares to eatto switch hands for­bid­den med­i­cine, pre­pares to give it all.How­ever, she has not de­liv­ered in that for­bid­den med­i­cine en­trance with enough time, that for­bid­den med­i­cinethen com­pletely dis­rupts.That for­bid­den med­i­cine, was all de­stroyed.„Chu Feng, what are you mak­ing?”At this mo­ment, Gu Mingyuan looked at the vi­sion toChu Feng.Be­cause she knows, ruins in his hand for­bid­den med­i­cine, pre­cisely Chu Feng.But must know that for­bid­den med­i­cine is their hopes, now Chu Feng that for­bid­den med­i­cine de­struc­tion, is then equal to killing their hope.There­fore, this time Gu Mingyuan vi­tal­ity/angry, she did not un­der­stand why Chu Feng must this.How­ever, sees Chu Feng that Gu Mingyuan is angry, not only not flus­tered, in­stead is light smiles:„se­nior, copes with him, has not needed you to make a move.”„You rest first, this Clan Head Linghu, gives me.”The words, Chu Feng then vi­sion, went to Linghu Zhishi, said: „I said that I must kill you per­son­ally.”„......”, how­ever, re­gard­ing Chu Feng this words, thatLinghu Zhishi is the satire smiles, at once said:„Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble, there is the di­vi­sionof strong and weak, takes ad­van­tage of pointed weapons, but the strength that ob­tains, with Gu Mingyuan through the strength of blood­lines, strength not qual­ity that ob­tains dis­tin­guishes.”„Chu Feng, since your such act­ing reck­lessly, I make youfeel by one­self, Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble truestrength.”--How­ever, Linghu Zhishi this words just said, Linghu Zhishi then look big change.He dis­cov­ered as­ton­ished, Chu Feng al­ready van­isheddoes not see.But when Chu Feng ap­pears once again, be­fore ar­rived at the Linghu Zhishi body.And, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd in Chu Feng hand, is cutsvoid, is sweep­ing away to go to Linghu Zhishi.Bang--Strikes, Linghu Zhishi fly­ing up­side down goes.All come is too quick, peo­ple can­not see clearly the con­crete process.When the peo­ple see clearly, they then dis­cov­ered, Chu Feng stood in Linghu Zhishi for­merly po­si­tion.But Linghu Zhishi, has fallen back on the place sev­eral tens of thou­sands me­ters away.And, in his chest, had a bloody wound.


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