Tuesday, February 19, 2019

3769: Heavyhearted



#3769: Heavyhearted


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„Girl, in that is the crim­i­nal who de­tains, do they havewhat dan­ger?”Gu Mingyuan asked.This time her mood is very com­plex.At the same time, she thought that Bai Liluo is not crack­ing a joke.But made, on the one hand, she thought, Blood De­vour­ing Hall these peo­ple at all were not the threats.Oth­er­wise, she just suf­fered the Blood De­vour­ing Hallhall mas­ter grand­son, why Blood De­vour­ing Hall doesn't hall mas­ter re­volt?Only if, has any plot.„Crim­i­nal? Did you de­tain the mon­ster?” Bai Liluo asked.„Mon­ster?”How­ever, she such re­marks, the peo­ple re­al­ized that does not suit.Very pos­si­ble Bai Liluo to refer, is not Blood De­vour­ing Hall these peo­ple.After all these peo­ple, al­though dan­ger, but is also far isthe mon­ster, at least did not de­scribe like Bai Liluo was so dan­ger­ous.„The Liluo elder sis­ter, you said that in thing/per­son of that per­son within the body?”Chu Feng points at the di­rec­tion of that prison cell to ask.But that per­son who Chu Feng refers, is the Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter grand­son.„That per­son? I can only feel that mon­ster, can­not feelthe per­son.” Bai Liluo said.Hears here, Chu Feng un­der­stood, Bai Liluo as Nat­ural Odd­ity, she has the spe­cial in­duc­tion force.But her in­duc­tion force, but aims at spe­cial ex­is­tence, but nor­mal cul­ti­va­tor, it can­not in­duce.But that de­tains the Blood De­vour­ing Hall and oth­ersplace, has For­ma­tion, that For­ma­tion can in­deed pre­ventthe in­duc­tion force.Just, that For­ma­tion, al­though has pre­vented, the in­duc­tion force of Bai Liluo to Blood De­vour­ing Hall and oth­ers, ac­tu­ally can­not pre­vent Bai Liluo, to in­duc­tion that has spe­cially.„Ok, I have a look care­fully.”Dur­ing the Bai Liluo speeches, the vi­sion starts to change, and si­mul­ta­ne­ously once again looked that saidthe For­ma­tion gate to that.How­ever, after the Bai Liluo vi­sion changes, Chu Fengand Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu are ac­tu­ally the look move.„This girl?”Chu Feng is but ac­tu­ally good, but Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu is ac­tu­ally the eye­ful star­tled col­ors.At this time, Chu Feng and Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu canfeel, Bai Liluo is using the spe­cial ob­ser­va­tion method.That is Spirit For­ma­tion tech­nique, but through themethod that Bai Liluo uses, Chu Feng and Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu can in­duce, now Bai Liluo the tech­nique of World Spirit, is Dragon Mark level Saint-cloak.This is, ex­is­tence with Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu same rank.There­fore, after Bai Liluo uses this method, the Spirit For­ma­tion law of that block­ade in­duc­tion force, im­me­di­ately be­comes ex­ists in name only.At this time, the sit­u­a­tion in that prison cell, is all clear, fell into both eyes of Bai Liluo.„Lit­tle Brother Chu Feng.”„Did you also feel?”After an ob­ser­va­tion, Bai Liluo went to Chu Feng the vi­sion.„Re­ally is the Liluo elder sis­ter, thing/per­son in that manhead?” Chu Feng asked.„Right, is that thing/per­son.” Bai Liluo said.Heard this words, in the Chu Feng heart to have somefear.Mon­ster that Bai Liluo said that is Blood De­vour­ing Hallhall mas­ter the poi­son of grand­son within the body.For­merly, Chu Feng also had the con­tact with that mon­ster, al­though Chu Feng also felt, strange­ness of thatthing/per­son, but had not ac­tu­ally re­al­ized that it was so dan­ger­ous.Luck­ily was Bai Liluo came, oth­er­wise no­body will pos­si­bly dis­cover, had such dan­ger­ous thing/per­son, am­bushedin its Chu Ce­les­tial Clan.„Chu Feng, what's the mat­ter?”At this time, Gu Mingyuan and Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head and oth­ers, is a face cu­ri­ous looks at Chu Feng.How al­though Chu Feng un­der­stood a mat­ter, but otherpeo­ple, were still ac­tu­ally con­fused.Sees that Chu Feng also prob­a­bly said the sit­u­a­tionwith them.„Is that Blood De­vour­ing Hall grand­son within the body, hid­ing the mon­ster un­ex­pect­edly?”Hears all, the peo­ple all are sur­prised.But is most ac­ci­den­tal, ac­tu­ally must be Gu Mingyuan, after all she just, may also suf­fer the Blood De­vour­ing Hallhall mas­ter grand­son.And, that Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter grand­son, isGu Mingyuan grasp­ing.„Girl, that is thing/per­son very for­mi­dabe?” Gu Mingyuanasked.„It is not good to de­ter­mine, but also in the deep sleep, after only has re­gains con­scious­ness, can de­ter­mine the strength.”„Do not take risk, I can feel that thing/per­son is very dan­ger­ous, even is heav­ier than the Black Haired Spectervi­cious ten­den­cies, if it re­vives, we cope with­out com­fort­ing, that may ask for trou­ble.” Bai Liluo said.„Hiss--”Hears this words, Chu Feng can­not bear hold breathcold air.Bai Liluo, is heav­ier than the Black Haired Specter vi­cious ten­den­cies, has proven that thing/per­son dan­ger­ously.After all Black Haired Specter, had just slaugh­tered Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, this is the make the blood boil be­hav­ior.Com­pared with Black Haired Specter vi­cious ten­den­ciesalso heavy ex­is­tence, can make what kind of mat­ter, that is also con­ceiv­able.„Girl, did that mon­ster, lodge in that per­son within the body?” Gu Mingyuan asked once again.„Al­most.” Bai Liluo said.„If there is killed the host, it can die?” Gu Mingyuanasked once again.„Kills? Best not to en­rage him, oth­er­wise the mood of host, will af­fect that mon­ster.” Bai Liluo said.„This......”Hears here, Chu Feng and Chu Xuan Zhengfa as well asGrand­mas­ter Liangqiu, sub­con­sciously looked at Gu Mingyuan.But fac­ing the Chu Feng and oth­ers vi­sion, Gu Mingyuan is also some­what awk­ward.After all her just ac­tions, are en­rage the op­po­site partyto be so sim­ple in­ces­santly.It can be said that just the Gu Mingyuan be­hav­ior, thatwas quite dan­ger­ous.„That then can only bleed off.” Chu Feng said that thiswords, looks to Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head: „Sir Clan Head, whether?”„Put.” Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head nod­ded.Re­gard­ing this de­ci­sion, other peo­ple had not op­posed,Gu Mingyuan had not op­posed.Prop­erly speak­ing, Blood De­vour­ing Hall these peo­ple, new­comer is bad, mak­ing them live is being the biggestfor­give­ness, bleed­ing off is im­pos­si­ble.How­ever, now had the rea­son of that mon­ster, then can only bleed off, after all can­not anger the Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter grand­son.Al­though Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter grand­son, but is the lodg­ing body of mon­ster, but Bai Liluo said that if angers the host, will af­fect that mon­ster.There­fore kills is im­pos­si­ble, can only bleed off.After the de­ci­sion, Chu Feng they re­ally have then put, Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter as well as Blood De­vour­ing Hall ex­pert, nat­u­rally also has the Blood De­vour­ing Hallgrand­son.Nat­u­rally, was im­pos­si­ble this di­rectly to put, Chu Fengthey have per­formed in a major drama in­ten­tion­ally.Let Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter they think, is the Chu Feng using en­ergy strength, can let Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers, com­plies to give their way out.And, be­fore bleed­ing off, Chu Feng also put for­ward a con­di­tion.After that has put them, mak­ing Blood De­vour­ing Hallhall mas­ter lead his sub­or­di­nate as well as the grand­son, leaves An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion, can­not come backagain, and ar­rived at other Star Re­gion, can­not slaugh­ter in­no­cents.Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter, as well as the Blood De­vour­ing Hall per­son, has not thought that they can also live ex­it­ing.There­fore, re­gard­ing this con­di­tion, nat­u­rally is with­out hes­i­ta­tion should.And they have not put on an act, but is earnest, evenwas wear a look of grate­ful as well as com­plies guilty.But who Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter is, Chu Fengand Gu Mingyuan many had some un­der­stand­ing.Al­though he is in a hand, moist­ens is fuller the in­no­centblood the crim­i­nal, but from an­other per­spec­tive, he is also the per­son who pays great at­ten­tion to the loy­alty.There­fore since he com­plied, Chu Feng then thought, hecan achieve mostly.Then, Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter as well as hissub­or­di­nate with the grand­son, then left Chu Ce­les­tial Clan.After just, Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter walks, Chu Feng is ac­tu­ally heavy­hearted.„Chu Feng, did you just with Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter in se­cret sound trans­mis­sion, what chat?”Gu Mingyuan asked.They know, Chu Feng and Blood De­vour­ing Hall hall mas­ter sound trans­mis­sion way, chat­ted some­thing in se­cret.But Chu Feng so is at this mo­ment anx­ious, de­cideshow­ever is re­lated with that mat­ter.„I as if knew, that mon­ster came from where.”Chu Feng said.„?”Hears this words, the peo­ple all are the mind shake.Ac­tu­ally, they also want to know that mon­ster came from where.But looks at Chu Feng's to re­flect, this whence, is not as if sim­ple.Very pos­si­ble, is con­cern­ing their des­tiny.PS: The erup­tion can­not come in time, the hon­ey­beedeeply feels to be sorry, but must wish every­body Lantern Fes­ti­val joy­ful.


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