Thursday, February 14, 2019

3764: Being filled with emotion



#3764: Being filled with emotion


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Things have got­ten to this point, the peo­ple do not want, can only rec­og­nize.But what sim­ply is, good Chu Ce­les­tial Clan has Chu Feng.Al­though is the ju­nior, and real cul­ti­va­tion realm alsoVen­er­a­ble Realm.But Chu Feng by that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, then can re­lease ten thou­sand Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm ter­rors to exist, ap­pointed he dis­patches, this is greatLet alone, that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, but can also letChu Feng, ob­tains the Sec­ond Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­blestrength.pre­cisely by the Bat­tle God's Hal­berd strength, Chu Fengpre­vi­ous, was even Linghu Zhishi sup­presses.Also is Supreme Elder of that var­i­ous fontanel acts, oth­er­wise only re­lies on Chu Feng and Gu Mingyuan, fearedthat can make Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan ex­ter­mi­nate the clan.Al­though, Chu Feng cul­ti­va­tion realm did not have, be­comes the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion Over­lord strength.How­ever he can con­trol Bat­tle God's Hal­berd this gradeof trea­sure, had ex­plained his un­com­mon­ness, in ad­di­tionthe Chu Feng's tal­ent, every­one had un­der­stood.If he con­tin­ues to grow, even if ex­ceeds Long Daozhi, is still sooner or later mat­ter.There­fore, Chu Feng's ex­ists, pour­ing was also makes inpeo­ple heart have some com­forts.Looks in the Chu Feng's face, every­one is also starts to urge it­self from the bot­tom of the heart, ac­cepts Chu Ce­les­tial Clan.It is pre­cisely for this rea­son, al­though now Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, is the Star Re­gion Main Realm mas­ter.But in peo­ple opin­ion, the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gionac­tual mas­ter, has ac­tu­ally fallen in the form of that ju­nior.Looks at Chu Feng, the peo­ple are filled with emo­tion.Chu Feng has been shoul­der­ing, the given name of childof Chu Xu­anyuan.But pre­sent he, has ac­tu­ally ex­ceeded his fa­ther and hisgrand­fa­ther.After all past Chu Hanx­ian and Chu Xu­anyuan, does not have the strength and Star Re­gion Main Realm con­tends.But today, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally only al­most, routs Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan.But even the char­ac­ter of older gen­er­a­tion, is such feel­ing, that young gen­er­a­tion of char­ac­ter, sighed.Es­pe­cially, Xia Yun'er, Song Yun­fei, Chu Huanyu, Chu Haoyan, Li Anzhi and oth­ers.Wants ini­tially, they to be able with the per­son who Chu Feng con­tend, but now Chu Feng ac­tu­ally has be­come, ex­is­tence that the en­tire An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion ownerlooks up.Al­though has re­al­ized, they and Chu Feng's dis­par­ity.But they have not ac­tu­ally thought that this from pulling open speed un­ex­pect­edly such rapid­ness, and dis­par­ity un­ex­pect­edly such big.How­ever sighed at the same time, their cor­ners of the mouth, are ac­tu­ally also brim­ming with the same curve.Al­though has known, Chu Feng will grow into the fu­ture, An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion most pow­er­house, their dif­fi­cult pur­sues on Chu Feng for a life­time.So long as thinks, such Chu Feng, once con­tend withthem un­ex­pect­edly, has fought with them, they also felt,this is a good for­tune.After short pay­ing re­spect, the peo­ple also set out in abun­dance, but Long Daozhi this is the vi­sion, swept toTan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan and other in­flu­ences.But these in­flu­ences, with Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan, havethe fam­ily of close re­la­tion.„Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan, Jiaoli Ce­les­tial Clan, Night­mare Ghost Clan, Con­nect­ing Heaven Beast Clan.”„You are not and Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan are the al­liances, why Linghu Zhishi walked, you not with the past?” The Long Daozhi tone, be­comes taunts.„City Lord Long, we be­fore and Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan in­deed was the ally re­la­tions, but the things about var­i­ousfontanel, we did not know, if knew this mat­ter, we were in any event, will not com­ply to help his.”„More­over, Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan and Wum­ing Clan war, we have not ac­tu­ally added on any busy, but in­creasedsome mo­menta.”„City Lord Long, we now and Linghu Ce­les­tial Clantreaty of al­liance has re­lieved, the things of var­i­ousfontanel we re­ally do not know.”At this time, four Clan Head, were ar­gu­ing vig­or­ously.Even is sim­i­lar to Tan­tai Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head, ex­is­tence of this Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm, looks the scared look.Feared, nat­u­rally feared, Long Daozhi is so strong, theydo not think the step Linghu Ce­les­tial Clan foot­steps.„You with other in­flu­ence al­liances, re­sist the An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion orig­i­nal mas­ter, this re­volts the be­hav­ior, has re­lieved the treaty of al­liance, wants to get rid ofthe re­spon­si­bil­ity?” Long Daozhi cold voice asked.„This”Hears this words, four Clan Head com­plex­ions were uglier.After all Long Daozhi said in the prin­ci­ple, prop­erly speak­ing they did, was not in­deed right.Was sim­i­lar to Long Daozhi say­ing that in­deed re­volted.In this case, four Clan Head scared, they felt one­selfcould but ac­tu­ally big mildew.In fact, not only they be­lieve like this, oth­ers also thinklike this.But is ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised, Long Daozhi after one cre­ates ob­sta­cles, has not pun­ished Four Clans, but how to pun­ish the de­ci­sion of Four Clans, gave Chu Ce­les­tial ClanClan Head.But with the Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head char­ac­ter, nat­u­rally peaces is pre­cious.There­fore, Four Clans suf­fered the ver­bal warn­ing, andno sub­stan­tive penalty.And after this, Long Daozhi then an­nounced that the mat­ter of today stops.The per­son of all in­flu­ence, un­der­stands Long Daozhimean­ing, there­fore after say­ing good­bye, then re­turns tothe world that each one is in abun­dance.Thinks, after the peo­ple walk, some Long Daozhi con­fes­sion.But whose to be­come thinks, Long Daozhi any­thing con­fesses not to have, de­parted with an­other two city city lordlike this.It seems like, their re­ally this, An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion, giv­ing Chu Ce­les­tial Clan ran was the same.How as to run, that is the Chu Ce­les­tial Clan mat­ter, they will not med­dle.In this case, may make Chu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Headvery awk­ward.To him, Star Re­gion main weight/quan­tity, was too heavy, with­stands to some dif­fi­cult se­ri­ously.Nat­u­rally, al­though most in­flu­ences walked, the smallsome in­flu­ences have not ac­tu­ally left di­rectly.But is con­grat­u­lates Chu Ce­les­tial Clan, cap­tures the po­si­tion of An­ces­tral Mar­tial Star Re­gion Over­lord.Al­though also knows, these in­flu­ences are the peo­ple with no mind of his own, but ac­tu­ally can­not ne­glect, evenChu Ce­les­tial Clan Clan Head en­ter­tains per­son­ally.How­ever, Chu Feng and Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers, ac­tu­ally does not care about these in­flu­ences.There­fore, they have not en­ter­tained the in­flu­ence that these con­grat­u­lated, but re­turned to the clan to rest.„Chu Feng, your pro­tects great for­ma­tion, came from where?”Fi­nally, Gu Mingyuan opened the mouth.After this words say­ing, Chu Lingxi, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu and oth­ers, went to Chu Feng the cu­ri­ous vi­sion.Com­pares in that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, that pro­tects the great for­ma­tion strength to be ob­vi­ously more tyran­ni­cal.There­fore, they want to know that pro­tects the great for­ma­tion ori­gin.„This ac­tu­ally I did not say, you can also guess.” Chu Feng said.„, Re­ally is that Ox-nosed Old Daoist?”At this time, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu asked.Ac­tu­ally, in the Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu heart has the guess.After all he has known his friend, but is a cam­ou­flage of Ox-nosed Old Daoist, Ox-nosed Old Daoist real strength, onin­deed im­mea­sur­ably deep.„What, Ox-nosed Old Daoist?”How­ever, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu such re­marks, Gu Mingyuan and Chu Xuan Zhengfa and oth­ers, is ac­tu­ally sur­prised.Af­ter­ward they look to the Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu vi­sion, to re­gard­ing the fool is the same.„Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu, what you said that should notbe ver­mil­ion se­nior, how can be the ox muz­zle?”Even knows, the Ox-nosed Old Daoist suc­cess helpedChu Feng fuse Di­vine Body, may look like in Gu Mingyuanand oth­ers, Ox-nosed Old Daoist was still very weak, after all the Ox-nosed Old Daoist far-fetched image, is deep-rooted.There­fore, Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers was guess­ing, givesChu Feng that to pro­tect for­ma­tion tech­nique, should bethat Zhu old per­son.After all in their opin­ion, that Zhu old per­son is true im­mea­sur­ably deep.But looks at so shock­ing Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers, Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu smiles sud­denly.„Ac­tu­ally, Brother Zhu is Ox-nosed Old Daoist, Brother Zhu is a cam­ou­flage of Ox-nosed Old Daoist.”„Gu Mingyuan, we un­der­es­ti­mated the ox muz­zle, thatfel­low, may com­pared with many that all of us strove to excel.”Grand­mas­ter Liangqiu said with a smile.„Grand­mas­ter, what you said is real?”Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers, feels dif­fi­cult be­liev­ing.„Does this mat­ter have the va­ca­tion? Does not be­lieveyou to ask the Chu Feng lit­tle friend.” Grand­mas­ter Liangqiuasked.„In­deed is this.” Chu Feng also nods.„This”After Chu Feng also opens the mouth to con­firm, Gu Mingyuan and Chu Lingxi and oth­ers look at each other in shock, the face color on shock was stronger.Re­gard­ing this mat­ter, they are some dif­fi­cult ac­cept se­ri­ously.Be­cause, this was re­ally shock­ing.not to men­tion is they, this mat­ter said to any­one, theywill have the same re­flec­tion.„It seems like, is re­ally the per­son may not the fa­cial ex­pres­sion.”When shock, Chu Xuan Zhengfa voiced the feel­ing sud­denly.But re­gard­ing the feel­ing of Chu Xuan Zhengfa, Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers also has pro­found un­der­stand­ing.BuzzBut sud­denly, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd in Chu Feng hand, starts the fierce tremor un­ex­pect­edly.Such sit­u­a­tion, be­fore you per­son of pres­ence every­one's at­ten­tion.Under the peo­ple gaze, above Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, starts the ray cir­cu­la­tion, that is for­ma­tion tech­nique, hasthe pow­er­ful Spirit For­ma­tion method, the Bat­tle God's Hal­berd pack­age.The sound, con­veys from Bat­tle God's Hal­berd in to­gether un­ex­pect­edly.But that sound, pre­cisely Ox-nosed Old Daoist.„Boy, this thing/per­son uses tak­ing ad­van­tage of you, did not give you.”„Now, you needed the thing re­turn­ing to right­ful owner, re­mem­ber, do not for­get to com­ply with my mat­ter, do not lose face to fa­ther.”ClangThis words say­ing, Bat­tle God's Hal­berd in Chu Fenghand, was sep­a­rated from the Chu Feng's palm, fast grazesto go to out­side, the rapid­ness of speed, has van­ished sud­denly does not see.Orig­i­nally, Gu Mingyuan also wants to leave to pur­sue, but has not left, she then stopped.Be­cause she dis­cov­ered, the speed that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd leaves is too fast, even if she spells to try, can­not catch up.Al­though Bat­tle God's Hal­berd left on own ini­tia­tive, buton the Chu Feng's face, has not had wor­ried slightly.He knows that Bat­tle God's Hal­berd, should be con­trolled by for­ma­tion tech­nique, at this time should go tothe po­si­tion that Ox-nosed Old Daoist is.Al­though Chu Feng is calm, but Gu Mingyuan and oth­ers is neat, floods the star­tled color vi­sion that went to Chu Feng.„Is that also the Ox-nosed Old Daoist method?”


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