Friday, April 19, 2019

1410: change of nature?

#1410: change of nature?
Comments 208
The Yun Che friv­o­lous im­po­lite words let the Mu Feixue pale face and lax eye pupil slightly pre­sent angry look, but under his power, own all power such as by seal, is un­able to re­lease again.
Two Glac­ier Be­he­moth that was shaken fly into a rage, throws sud­denly, but, ter­ri­fy­ing power of two Di­vine Spirit giant beasts si­mul­ta­ne­ously under the bang, mak­ing big piece Snow Re­gion un­der­cut in­stan­ta­neously.
Is away from dozens li (0.5 km) away, Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple be­fore Mys­tic Mist City and de­fends a city pro­found prac­ti­tioner to feel that whole body such as du­pli­cate ex­tremely heavy, is un­able to pant for breath. They turn the head to look to plac­ing Mu Feixue under two giant beast shad­ows, in the heart exude the deep de­spair.
The Yun Che vi­sion re­turns, looks at Glac­ier Be­he­moth one that two threw.
Im­me­di­ately, looks to their split sec­ond, that two dis­ap­pear with­out a trace that over­laps in the to­gether fear­ful pres­sure on van­ish all of a sud­den, such as sud­denly the soap bub­ble of shat­tered no trace.
Peo­ple have not re­cov­ered from this un­think­able change, Yun Che's palm has stretched out at a mod­er­ate pace......
Two deep pur­ple light­ning put on spa­tial strike down, passed through the bod­ies of two Glac­ier Be­he­moth......, in they also want on the body of tena­cious thou­sands of times of Di­vine Spirit to pass through two to have more than ten zhang (3.33 m) wide large cave/hole com­pared with the fine steel fully.
If bro­ken rot­ten wood.
Two Glac­ier Be­he­moth in air­borne stag­nate in­stantly, then crashes in the rain­storm fly­ing blood, pounds the Nascent Pro­found beast group the in­stance, the light­ning bolt vi­o­lent erup­tion that body has not cleared as be­fore, ex­plodes two huge Light­ning Calamity Do­main un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast will be in­volved, with hav­ing in­nu­mer­able painful des­per­ate the pro­found beast wail.
light­ning crack­ling voice/sound is deaf­en­ing, rips the heart check soul......, but, be­fore Mys­tic Mist City, all pro­found prac­ti­tioner ac­tu­ally main­tain the eye pupil to en­large, stance that the face twists......
Let them fall into des­per­ate Glac­ier Be­he­moth...... is two,...... died!?
Ap­peared sud­denly the per­son who...... eas­ily kills all of a sud­den...... by that seems like run over and dies con­ve­niently two grasshop­per that jumps da!
„Died...... dies......” Mys­tic Mist City Lord to read lowly, for a very long time could not get back one's com­po­sure.
„......” Mu Feixue is also star­tled there.
Yun Che has acted, that then does not need any scru­ples again, his arm wields, in the world sud­denly has the thun­der­clap, sev­eral hun­dred light­ning chop from the dif­fer­ent po­si­tions sud­denly, each light­ning strike down in­stantly, will then blast out huge light­ning do­main, shortly, vast Snow Re­gion has changed to huge who does not see the bound­ary.
pur­ple glow has pressed Snow Re­gion white glow com­pletely, flooded the world in every­one's pupil. All Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple and de­fended a city pro­found prac­ti­tioner to de­cide there, all stared dumb­founded, such as near il­lu­sion.
In light­ning do­main, in­nu­mer­able light­ning bolt are re­leas­ing de­struc­tion crack­ling. But each a light­ning ray of light also as if there is in­de­pen­dent life and con­scious­ness, their fast con­duc­tion and spreads, pro­found beast draw in de­struc­tion light­ning do­main, has not ac­tu­ally touched, wound and any pro­found prac­ti­tioner cer­tainly......, even if close.
The sword in Mu Feixue hand dan­gles slowly, be­fore the body, Yun Che from her close dis­tance, she looks at the Yun Che's back grad­u­ally, the vi­sion crazy......
The Yun Che arm wields, in the world re­sounds in­com­pa­ra­ble ter­ri­fy­ing im­me­di­ately „Rip” sound, en­tire hun­dred li (0.5 km) Snow Re­gion was raised hor­i­zon­tally, in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast, the in­nu­mer­able corpses are flung by far in light­ning bolt that ex­plod­ing flashes...... in ex­treme of line of sight, had jet black rain­storm.
Stops thun­der­ously grad­u­ally, the world be­comes peace­ful im­me­di­ately. This piece was just tram­pled by pro­found beast, is nearly forced into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion land, in the en­tire hun­dred li (0.5 km) does not have ex­is­tence of pro­found beast again.
But dis­tant these sur­viv­ing pro­found beast, de­cides al­ready by the scared out of one's wits, does not dare to ap­proach half step.
The cri­sis re­lieves, be­fore Yun Che swept Mys­tic Mist City , the dumb­founded peo­ple, turn around to ask: „Are you all right?”
When speech, his brow slightly can­not be ob­served moved.
Be­cause Mu Feixue is look­ing straight ahead his eye, the eyes pass are being weak and lax, is ac­tu­ally straight is star­ing at him, until he speaks, she still has not put aside the vi­sion, had not replied.
But Mu Feixue in Yun Che mem­ory is per­son of cold tem­pera­ment to bone, will not look at each other like this. Even if and she has „par­tic­u­lar re­la­tion­ship” he asks her to talk on own ini­tia­tive, she is the vi­sion don't, pays no at­ten­tion, will get out of the way di­rectly.
„......?” Yun Che put out a hand ac­cord­ing to the tip of the nose, said with a smile: „This Fairy, you stare at me to look, I am very em­bar­rassed.”
Yun Che fin­ishes speak­ing, ice sword in Mu Feixue hand lets go sud­denly, her body also in a flash, then falls slightly weak.
„Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue!!”
The dis­tant place, delay for a long time Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple sees this, this seems to be awak­en­ing from a dream, is call­ing out in alarm to clash fast.
Yun Che sub­con­scious putting out a hand, but the arm ex­tends half, ac­tu­ally takes back in­stan­ta­neously, changes to re­leases one group of tem­per­ate pro­found en­ergy, sup­ports the body that Mu Feixue fell gen­tly, let her light falling on the ground.
Al­though he trigs Bro­ken Moon De­struc­tion that Mu Feixue will soon re­lease force­fully, but her blood essence has in­jured, the vi­tal­ity was also dam­aged again, in adding on her in the in­jury of under two Glac­ier Be­he­moth power re­ceiv­ing...... fol­low­ing a long time, she must be the weak con­di­tion.
Only if he serves with Rage God's Power or light pro­found strength.
Mu Feixue sits cross-legged slowly in the place, the be­tween the eye­brows Ice Phoenix mark flashes, opens the jelling heart sup­pres­sion in­jury and chaotic weak vi­tal­ity.
„Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue!”
But nu­mer­ous Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple in a panic, sev­eral cul­ti­va­tion base high­est Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple ar­rives at side Mu Feixue, forms a bat­tle for­ma­tion for her Pro­tec­tor fast. But is Ice Phoenix male dis­ci­ple of head bows to do obei­sance in front of Yun Che: „This se­nior, thank you to up­hold jus­tice to act, res­cues my Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue, my Ice Phoenix God Sect for­ever se­nior benev­o­lence.”
Yun Che rec­og­nizes, this is male dis­ci­ple named Mu Hanyan of head, is Ice Phoenix God Hall dis­ci­ple, was par­tic­i­pated in one of the Pro­found God Con­fer­ence dis­ci­ple on be­half of Snow Song Realm in the past...... the re­sult is mis­er­able of set­ting the base.
But to say Se­nior... ?
Yun Che at­mos­phere beck­ons with the hand: „Slight ef­fort, does not need to care.”
Be­hind, Mys­tic Mist City nu­mer­ous pro­found prac­ti­tioner also but in a hurry, is Mys­tic Mist City Lord of head „plop” one kneels down di­rectly in front of Yun Che, sob­bing sound said: „Se­nior...... thanks res­cues the oblig­a­tion! Today if no se­nior here, my Mys­tic Mist City de­cides has de­stroyed in the dif­fi­culty of pro­found beast, ask­ing the bene­fac­tor se­nior and oth­ers to be done obei­sance by me.”
His be­hind, an nu­mer­ous de­fend a city pro­found prac­ti­tioner also to kneel neatly, does obei­sance to­ward Yun Che se­ri­ously.
„......” The Yun Che cor­ners of the mouth, just about to speak, sud­denly the brow moves.
Be­cause he feels, be­hind has one bunch of vi­sion to look straight ahead own back silently...... that is the Mu Feixue vi­sion, she when not sup­press­ing the in­jury to close both eyes with rapt at­ten­tion, in­stead ices the pupil to open, thinks so his back, for a long time has not put aside the half a point the vi­sion.
What ghost? Is dis­in­clined to look at a tem­per by Mu Feixue that Heav­enly King fa­thers, how pos­si­bly to stare at a stranger to look after...... could it be that she be­comes Hon­ored Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, even did the tem­per also change?
„Also asked the bene­fac­tor se­nior to in­form a name, my Mys­tic Mist City al­ways re­mem­bered...... some bene­fac­tor se­nior but in­struc­tion the gen­er­a­tion, I and other will­ing to risk one­self through ten thou­sand death!” Mys­tic Mist City Lord words sonorous say/way.
In­deed, only on that two fear­ful Glac­ier Be­he­moth, if today does not have Yun Che, Mys­tic Mist City will be tram­pled flat ab­solutely. How they feel grate­ful Yun Che should again.
Yun Che beck­ons with the hand again, the whole face is still op­tional: „Said is only the slight ef­fort, does not need to care....... Below sur­named Ling, does given name just the char­ac­ter Yun, re­mem­ber that does not mat­ter.”
Mu Feixue: „......”
Mu Hanyan said im­me­di­ately: „ju­nior Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple Mu Hanyan, the name of se­nior, ju­nior will re­port my sect Elder surely...... Eh, ju­nior in­quired with great courage where the se­nior does come from? Whether is one...... Di­vine King?”
What Yun Che uses is the strength of light­ning, ob­vi­ously is not the Snow Song Realm per­son.
Yun Che said: „You said right, I in­deed am Di­vine King, is not the Snow Song Realm per­son, but passed by this place ac­ci­den­tally, as for other, do not ask.”
Hears Yun Che to ac­knowl­edge per­son­ally, the peo­ple are the heart big quakes.
Di­vine King...... in Snow Song Realm, even if in Realm King sect Ice Phoenix God Sect, is Palace Mas­ter and char­ac­ter of Elder level!
The Mys­tic Mist City Lord wain­scot low­ered three points, is in rev­er­en­tial awe: „My Mys­tic Mist City can re­sult in Di­vine King to visit, ac­tu­ally hun­dred years of good for­tune. Also asked the bene­fac­tor se­nior to enter the city is the guest, mak­ing me and oth­ers slightly show the grat­i­tude.”
„Does not use, I must hurry along, you also hurry to clean up this mess.”
The vi­sion that the back is not will­ing to leave makes Yun Che some­what rest­less slightly, he says two words ca­su­ally, is about to leave di­rectly, sud­denly, falls on his back vi­sion not nor­mal tremor......
The Mu Feixue body sways, then puts out big scar­let fiercely, the in­jury, not only has not de­pressed, in­stead in­ten­si­fies sud­denly, the com­plex­ion also be­comes paler.
„Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue!” Au­di­ence Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple is the fa­cial color dis­as­trous in­ci­dent, being thrown into con­fu­sion puts out var­i­ous types ther­apy spirit med­i­cine, does not have one to dare to use in Mu Feixue body. Be­cause she not only causes heavy losses, but must add on the ex­tremely fee­ble that blood essence and vi­tal­ity dam­age greatly, the ex­ter­nal force is pos­si­ble, not only use­less, in­stead will make the con­di­tion in­ten­sify.
Yun Che turned round to look at a Mu Feixue con­di­tion...... the Mu Feixue in­jury, al­though was heavy, but can def­i­nitely sup­press de­pend­ing on her. Her such shape, clearly by Bro­ken Moon De­struc­tion back­lash.
Very shortly after ob­vi­ously, Bro­ken Moon De­struc­tion she should prac­tice suc­cess­fully, can­not con­trol com­pletely. Al­though was sup­pressed by Yun Che force­fully, but back­lash as be­fore rel­a­tive heav­i­ness.
If not for Yun Che acts, even if she force­fully at risk of life Glac­ier Be­he­moth , the life will fall at the scene.
Now if leaves alone, even after Mu Feixue to re­cover com­pletely, keeps the hid­den wound surely, nat­ural tal­ent also greatly will be a buckle.
„I help you, can­not move heed­lessly!”
Ac­cord­ing to him un­der­stand­ing Mu Feixue, even if this con­di­tion, will not allow any man to touch ab­solutely. There­fore he does not need she to have what re­sponse from the start, the fin­ger point like light­ning, touched in her chest, Rage God's Power drove World's Spir­i­tual En­ergy, such as the clear spring, flooded into Mu Feixue within the body con­tin­u­ously.
In order to pre­vent the Mu Feixue vi­o­lent re­sis­tance, he has con­densed pro­found strength, pre­pares sup­presses her body and power force­fully. But, those who let his ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised is, the Mu Feixue body is only slight trem­bles...... then to be then peace­ful, re­gard­less of the spo­ken lan­guage or the body, has not re­pelled his touch­ing.
„???” What sit­u­a­tion didn't the Yun Che's brow beat one vol­un­tar­ily......? could it be that real change of na­ture?
Al­ways was not she will rec­og­nize me to come...... no, no, this was ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble. His dis­guise and easy sound to be al­ways per­fect, aura that use power and is re­leased ex­ter­nally is also light­ning pro­found strength, do not say that he in every­one's cog­ni­tion has died in God Realm.
Also, al­though in one sect three years, but Mu Feixue and he is not quite ripe, hap­pen­ing to­gether of two peo­ple sup­ports, only then that time got down the blood of Horned Dragon by Mu Xu­anyin, mak­ing under his partly out-of-con­trol fall down to dig up the light...... her not to hes­i­tate fi­nally, since bang, but does not have on to be­come.
Later oc­ca­sion­ally meets, her words will not say one with him.
This can rec­og­nize come out...... to kill Yun Che not to be­lieve!
The Yun Che's ac­tion has not been star­tled to Mu Feixue, has a scare sur­round­ing all Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple ac­tu­ally...... looks that Yun Che's fin­ger un­ex­pect­edly and body of Mu Feixue touches di­rectly, they are the eye cir­cle stare all, then look at each other in blank dis­may.
Under Yun Che's Rage God's Power, the Mu Feixue com­plex­ion changes for the bet­ter at the ex­tremely quick speed, the chaotic vi­tal­ity also re­turned to nor­mal.
Re­main­ing, is then enough by Mu Feixue.
The Yun Che arm took back, looked at nu­mer­ous Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple strange com­plex­ion one, anti- wav­ing the arms about, did not mum­ble very much: „Re­ally is trou­ble­some, what are you kids just stand­ing there stunned for, not hur­ry­ing leads her to re­turn to sect, feared she dies is too slow!”
As Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, Snow Song Realm who dares to dis­re­spect to them. But Yun Che these rep­ri­manded, they were hastily nod. Mu Hanyan said for­ward: „Our re­turns to the sect with Se­nior Sis­ter....... Does not know ac­tu­ally Se­nior Ling does want to­ward where? If not shut out, whether to enjoy the sur­face to enter my sect for the guest, mak­ing my sect show the grat­i­tude.”
„Does not use,” Yun Che im­pa­tient turn­ing around: „My body mat­ter are many, with­out that free time, if not looked that this fe­male doll looks is beau­ti­ful, I was dis­in­clined to in­tend...... to walk!”
Then, he then turns around di­rectly, one step treads, then be­side count­ing hun­dred feet...... has not ac­tu­ally marched for­ward, but stopped sud­denly there.
He looked ahead, his eyes lost the look of im­pa­tience and changed to one of a deeply im­pos­ing and quiet chill.


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