Sunday, April 28, 2019

1424: Violent anger

#1424: Violent anger
Comments 470
Fought from Luo Guxie and Mu Xu­anyin at this mo­ment, only passed hun­dred breaths.
Under East Ter­ri­tory King Realm the first per­son, de­feated in hun­dred breaths in the hand of Snow Song Realm King...... could be imag­ined, after today, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory started in­com­pa­ra­bly giant mighty waves surely, other God Ter­ri­tory also for it big are shock.
Snow Song Realm, this be­cause of hav­ing Yun Che, but rep­u­ta­tion big chirp Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, its pres­tige, will step into an­other com­pletely dif­fer­ent Do­main with­out a doubt.
pro­found strength of Mu Xu­anyin in the world cog­ni­tion is Fourth Level Di­vine Lord, al­though ex­ceeds a large num­ber of High-Rank Realm King, but is weak be­cause of the Snow Song Realm en­tire form, as be­fore sit­u­ated in Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm.
But, Tenth Level Di­vine Lord Mu Xu­anyin, even if in weakly weak­est Lower Realm Star Realm, will make its one night ad­vance into High-Rank Star Realm.
Be­cause, that is the great strength of Di­vine Em­peror class!
At this mo­ment, the Ice Phoenix God Sect high and low every­one felt one­self are hav­ing a dream.
But most be­lieves one­self are hav­ing a dream, with­out doubt is Luo Guxie.
Fac­ing the Mu Xu­anyin cold words and ice glow, her pupil light is lax, pro­found en­ergy is im­prac­ti­cal, the body cow­ers, for a very long time could not say a char­ac­ter.
She in any event, is un­able to be­lieve and ac­cept all these.
The space fluc­tu­ates, the Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror form ap­pears. He looked that al­ready and was en­tirely dif­fer­ent to the Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion pre­vi­ously, even/in­clud­ing voice/sound, was also gen­tler than pre­vi­ously: „Snow Song Realm King, the Luo Guxie after all non- av­er­age man, break­ing its mat­ter is small, de­stroy­ing the their name mat­ter is big, the body de­feat, has then for­given her. She re­calls with deep feel­ing in the heart, will not of­fend Snow Song Realm,”
Mu Xu­anyin stared at Luo Guxie one, not hes­i­tant, ice glow that refers to dis­si­pates im­me­di­ately: „Not is only Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror asks favor, ju­nior from, when com­plies with.”
„Un.” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror nod smiles, the palm pro­motes, one group of tem­per­ate pro­found light not sound changed go to Luo Guxie body cold qi: „Luo Guxie, Snow Song Realm King has been le­nient and tol­er­ant, the fault of your of­fend­ing, per­mit­ting you to leave well, so, you and Snow Song Realm, and re­sent­ment of Yun Che then stop there, can not in­ves­ti­gate again. Oth­er­wise, not only Snow Song Realm, Old Man will also not allow.”
Luo Guxie com­plex­ion slightly slow, her trem­bling stand­ing up, pro­found en­ergy re­volves fi­nally, di­verges body cold qi com­pletely, her tooth bites, looks to Mu Xu­anyin, just about to has two ag­gres­sive state­ments, but col­lides to her ice-cold vi­sion, her soul bot­tom trem­bles, the in the eyes hate light changes rapidly alarmed and afraid......
She turns around, is breath­ing heav­ily, sends out hoarse voice/sound: „My Luo Guxie...... today ac­knowl­edges that the pun­ish­ment is de­served...... your mas­ter and dis­ci­ple............ to record to me......”
The words that she said made Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror make an ef­fort to knit the brows, dis­ap­pointed shak­ing the head.
Her dis­ci­ple Luo Chang­sheng plants , on Yun Che who comes Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, but today, she planted in Yun Che's Hon­ored Mas­ter, in a hand of Mid­dle-Rank Realm King...... her foot­steps trod slowly, every time walked one step, in the heart gets angry hates, hu­mil­i­a­tion then to meet a boil­ing point.
Once, the Luo Chang­sheng per­son sup­posed what kind of to be per­fect, East Ter­ri­tory Four Di­vine Chil­dren leader, all Star Realm no one did not sigh the name of Young Mas­ter Chang­sheng, ac­tu­ally be­cause of Yun Che...... an evening dis­as­trous de­feat, the per­son sup­posed the avalanche.
But her Luo Guxie, sneak at­tacks Yun Che in­stead to cause heavy losses, a ten thou­sand years of pres­ti­gious dy­nasty was de­stroyed, even be­comes the East Ter­ri­tory big joke, today she to give vent to in­dig­na­tion to come, ac­tu­ally not only can­not achieve wishes, in­stead in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion...... also wants the Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror plea to guar­an­tee her in the hand of Mu Xu­anyin......
Her tooth closes tightly lit­tle, the both feet is trem­bling...... her body pro­found strength to surge slowly, in every­one thinks when she wants the mov­ing quickly to es­cape, her eye pupil deep place, ac­tu­ally sud­denly passes wipes the crazy hate light, the arm that has drooped rum­bles sud­denly, the cyan pro­found light pen­e­trates hun­dred li (0.5 km) space to­gether in­stan­ta­neously, straightly shoots Yun Che.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror fa­cial color chang­ing sud­denly: „You!”
Act­ing of sud­denly Luo Guxie, al­most all peo­ple are un­ex­pected. In the past, she lashed out Yun Che in Di­vine Be­stow­ment Stage, but may also un­der­stand that for ex­tremely cher­ished about Luo Chang­sheng, acted cher­ished. But this time, is thor­ough de­mented and de­spi­ca­ble...... lets de­mented and de­spi­ca­ble that the per­son is un­able to un­der­stand sim­ply.
These acts time, even if she kills Yun Che...... „Fairy Guxie” the name, will be­come the un­bear­able stink.
The strength of Luo Guxie, 10,000 Yun Che also im­pos­si­ble re­sist. But, Xia Qingyue in his body side not far away, has lifted the first in­stance of hand in Luo Guxie, the palm of Xia Qingyue also stretches out, in­vis­i­ble Moon Realm keeps off when the Yun Che body...... Moon Realm took shape, panic-stricken bel­low­ing be­fore the Yun Che body re­sounds.
„Be care­ful!!”
Huo Poyun a vi­o­lent roar, dashes, at the max­i­mum speed opens piece of fire do­main force­fully, at the same time, Shui Meiyin also changes to to­gether the black phan­tom, stood in Yun Che the front.
The re­sponse of con­versely Shui Qian­heng slow partly flick­ered......, be­cause kills his im­pos­si­ble to think, Luo Guxie this grade of char­ac­ter will make the so crazed ac­tion un­ex­pect­edly.
Above cyan pro­found light straight most the front fire do­main...... Luo Guxie, al­though under is dam­aged act­ing sud­denly, but still non- Huo Poyun can re­sist, the in­ferno in­stan­ta­neous dis­in­te­gra­tion that he haunches force­fully, dis­perses every­where flame, Huo Poyun is also one stuffy, draws back con­tin­u­ally counts hun­dred feet, the cor­ners of the mouth stream­ings the ooz­ing of blood.
Huo Poyun now after all is Fourth Level Di­vine Lord, al­though is un­able to keep off com­pletely, but also weak­ened Luo Guxie's power, and made the cyan pro­found light the di­rec­tion have the dis­place­ment. Be­hind, Shui Meiyin strokes, a water cur­tain is partly vis­i­ble.
A light sound, touched the pro­found light above water cur­tain such as to touch the mir­ror sur­face, the di­rec­tion steep rev­o­lu­tions, the re­frac­tion ap­proached the re­mote west......
West­ern world blasted out shoot­ing up to the sky cyan light screen, under the light screen, sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5 km) re­gional storm sweeps across, changes to thor­ough calamity Pur­ga­tory, myr­iad spir­its not fresh.
The Xia Qingyue palm takes back, looked at Huo Poyun and Shui Meiyin silently. Shui Meiyin a mo­ment ago that in­stant pro­found en­ergy re­lease, mak­ing her heart be star­tled slightly. But Huo Poyun...... is clearly tak­ing the life re­sis­tance.
„Brother Poyun!” Yun Che moved side­ways rapidly, ar­rived at the Huo Poyun body side: „Are you all right?”
„All right, some small wounds.” Huo Poyun shakes the head, the breath is quite rapid, he lifts the item to look to Luo Guxie, clenches teeth fiercely: „How the Guxie se­nior...... will make the ac­tion that so can­not with­stand de­spi­ca­bly...... Ss!”
But an­other side, Mu Xu­anyin has flown into a rage, the pro­found light that just col­lected in erupts sud­denly vi­o­lently, pro­found en­ergy that re­leases sud­denly rep­ri­manded sev­eral steps Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror.
Mu Xu­anyin palm bang ruth­lessly on Luo Guxie back...... her in a blaze of pas­sion, not pitied and re­tained rad­i­cally, Ice Phoenix's spec­tre ex­plodes to­gether in Luo Guxie back, has such as the sky blast open loud sound!
And, ear-pierc­ing to ex­treme the sound of bone split.
The Luo Guxie a blood arrow di­rect in­jec­tion to sev­eral li (0.5 km) be­yond, the body also split open dozens fis­sures, the en­tire pho­to­graph was punc­tured the blood bag, sprin­kles the blood to de­part in the wind and snow.
On Mu Xu­anyin the blue light flashes, Snow Princess Sword con­denses the cold glow, under the cold glow, is vi­o­lent to nearly the ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences and killing in­tent of out-of-con­trol, in light screen that in one bunch flashes sud­denly straight thrust Luo Guxie.
This sword Yun's cold qi and mur­der­ous aura make the Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror fa­cial color change, anx­ious sound to yell: „For the time being re­ceives the hand!”
This sword, clearly must take the life of Luo Guxie!
His form plun­ders anx­iously, an in­vis­i­ble pro­found en­ergy fast hin­drance in Mu Xu­anyin the front. But...... in the Mu Xu­anyin pupil cold light has not dis­si­pated, in­stead flashes sud­denly, Snow Princess Sword punc­tures sud­denly, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror hasty re­lease the strength of im­ped­i­ment such as cloth was torn com­pletely, the blue light also raids to to­gether si­mul­ta­ne­ously, straight bang above the fore­head of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror.
An ex­plo­sive, ice glow blast­ing open, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror was shaken in the sky turns sev­eral som­er­saults, when his body force­fully stop, Mu Xu­anyin Snow Princess Sword from Luo Guxie al­ready, only then three chi (0.33 m) dis­tance, the sword refers to sharp, pre­cisely her chest is.
Luo Guxie by Mu Xu­anyin in a blaze of pas­sion strikes the di­rect bang to fall half life, the back opens sev­eral fis­sures bro­ken, al­most col­laps­ing, but at this time, close to her, ac­tu­ally clearly is death aura!
She does not dare be­lieve, Mu Xu­anyin this sword re­ally must take her life...... to be­lieve on such as no one un­ex­pect­edly her Luo Guxie will in­tend to kill Yun Che to be the same un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly.
She is Luo Guxie, the body in fly­ing up­side down has trans­ferred after all, in the mouth cries out strangely, the arm bran­dishes, a storm vol­ume ap­proaches more and more near Snow Princess Sword at risk of life.
How power of Luo Guxie bro­ken con­di­tion pos­si­bly pre­vents Mu Xu­anyin the strength of great anger, the storm is flick­ered tear­ing with­out a doubt, but Snow Princess Sword sword light re­ferred to also had the slight dis­place­ment, punc­tured sud­denly above the right arm of Luo Guxie, the stag­na­tion, then put on in­stantly.
With a ear-pierc­ing cloth tear­ing sound, right arm of Luo Guxie by Snow Princess Sword neat cut­ting, ac­tu­ally sprin­kles half drop of blood bead with­out enough time, then had been frozen be­comes to­gether the through ice sculp­ture, but the ample force that Snow Princess Sword blooms sweeps again on the body of Luo Guxie, mak­ing her spurt a blood arrow again, pound­ing ruth­lessly ap­proached under.
The Mu Xu­anyin body steep rev­o­lu­tions, Snow Princess Sword ice glow flashes again, again straight thrust Luo Guxie......, but at this time, be­fore her body, pur­ple glow flashes be­fore, the Xia Qingyue form ap­pears, the right hand holds on Snow Princess Sword, dur­ing the pur­ple glow re­leases, frames Snow Princess Sword firmly in her re­fer­ring.
Looks at Mu Xu­anyin, is wel­com­ing her as­ton­ish­ing ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences and killing in­tent, she shakes the head slowly: „Se­nior Mu, do not kill her.”
„......” Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion gloomy and cold in­com­pa­ra­ble scary, body shakes some­thing ob­vi­ously is cold qi, ac­tu­ally vi­o­lent such as boil­ing vol­cano, her chest is fluc­tu­at­ing fiercely, body and sword flash­ing on cold glow crazy, she looks at Xia Qingyue, counts breaths, cold glow on sword fi­nally slowly weak under.
The Xia Qingyue palm loosens, Mu Xu­anyin grasps the arm of sword also to let fall slowly.
In­deed, she can­not kill Luo Guxie......
Al­though Luo Guxie has left Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm, but she after all is the younger sis­ter of Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm King Luo Shangchen. Since she be­comes the mas­ter of Luo Chang­sheng, al­most never vis­ited Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm her also to start for a long time to oc­cupy Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm, has the po­ten­tial of re­turn greatly.
How Luo Guxie in­jures again well, but, if killed her, Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm im­pos­si­ble gives up in any event.
A Mu Xu­anyin per­son can not fear, but Snow Song Realm has to fear!
Is feel­ing Mu Xu­anyin, al­though ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences still, but aura has started to re­strain, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror is also re­lieved......, but re­called pro­found en­ergy that at this mo­ment her in a blaze of pas­sion erupts, in his heart starts ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves.
Loses Luo Guxie of right arm to pound to fall in the snow, her big mouth is spurt­ing the blood, strug­gles con­tin­u­ally, is not ac­tu­ally able to stand up for a long time.
Mu Xu­anyin hangs the item to look to her, vi­sion com­pared with any ice-cold: „Luo Guxie, you are lis­ten­ing to me, this King does not kill you today, later, you , to re­tal­i­ate, this King ac­com­pa­nies mo­men­tar­ily.”
„But, if you dare to in­jure and Yun Che...... I must butcher Luo Chang­sheng per­son­ally!”
The word of Mu Xu­anyin makes Luo Guxie in the eyes hate the light flash to move, when but „Luo Chang­sheng” three char­ac­ters bring from the Mu Xu­anyin mouth killing in­tent said that she such as is stabbed vul­ner­a­ble spot, fierce rais­ing the head, the pupil is cow­er­ing in the fear: „You...... you......”
She wants say­ing that „you dare” two char­ac­ters, but, Mu Xu­anyin fear­ful such as the strength of night­mare she just asked for ad­vice, under that al­most buries into the death­trap her killing in­tent is close...... even her Luo Guxie dares the ex­treme meth­ods, how doesn't she dare?!
She did not have to speak a few words again, has not looked at any­body again, she is shiv­er­ing stand­ing up, spurted sev­eral blood after con­tin­u­ally, flew dif­fi­cultly, Pluck­ing Star Palace that grad­u­ally when went far away...... re­turned to her to come to ride, es­caped to leave dis­tress­edly.
She to give vent to in­dig­na­tion and wipe out a dis­grace to come, to ob­tain, is ac­tu­ally thor­ough frus­tra­tion and a big­ger shame.


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