Friday, April 19, 2019

1411: Divine Sovereign giant beast

#1411: Divine Sovereign giant beast
Comments 142
Looks Yun Che that must leave stands there sud­denly is mo­tion­less, body aura also ob­vi­ously changes, the peo­ple all are at heart one tight, Mys­tic Mist City Lord asked: „Bene­fac­tor se­nior, but also what told?”
„......” Yun Che turns around slowly, the se­ri­ous com­plex­ion and quiet cold vi­sion make in all per­son hearts live steep anx­iously, he asked: „In Snow Song Realm, has Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pro­found beast to exist?”
„This......” Mys­tic Mist City Lord is shocked, other de­fend a city pro­found prac­ti­tioner all is a face are also ig­no­rant.
In Snow Song Realm, achieve­ment Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm al­to­gether has two peo­ple, re­spec­tively is Ice Phoenix's 36 Palaces' Head Palace Mas­ter Mu Bingyun and Great Elder Mu Huanzhi. To this Mys­tic Mist City, Di­vine King is myth­i­cal ex­is­tence, Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm...... that is plane/level that they are un­able to con­tact, was nat­u­rally unas­nwer­able.
„Has!” Mu Hanyan replied: „ju­nior be­fore for sev­eral years, once lis­tened to Hon­ored Mas­ter to raise ac­ci­den­tally, Snow Song Realm not only has Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pro­found beast, but also al­to­gether has three. Dis­tin­guishes hid­den in North Ter­ri­tory, East Ter­ri­tory and South Ter­ri­tory, is the Snow Song Realm all pro­found beast total over­lords.”
„But they will never tread one­self ter­ri­tory, some peo­ple have never seen them. Dis­cov­ers and knows them to exist, hav­ing Sect Mas­ter...... is also our Snow Song Realm Great Realm King.”
De­tailed that very Mu Hanyan replied, then probed: „Is it pos­si­ble that Se­nior Ling this comes Snow Song Realm...... to hear, wants to visit this kind of pro­found beast over­lord?”
„......” Yun Che stared at Mu Hanyan one...... I to seem like such brain to have the pit ap­pear­ance silently!
These high level pro­found beast al­most never step into a per­son of ter­ri­tory, but, their ter­ri­tory con­scious­ness also ex­tremely. Vis­its? Dares to step into its do­main as human, is equal di­rectly there­fore pro­vokes!
„You walk quickly.” The Yun Che vi­sion re­turns, coldly said.
„Eh? Is the mean­ing of se­nior?”
„Takes Mu Feixue, hur­ries!” The Yun Che com­plex­ion sinks scary.
Mu Feixue: „......”
„This......” peo­ple com­pel ig­no­rant.
Yun Che both hands grip tightly, stares at the front, the dis­cov­ery rear peo­ple do not have the sound as be­fore, im­me­di­ately the vi­o­lent jumps: „My words you can­not un­der­stand! Hur­ries! Does not walk......”
His voice/sound stops sud­denly: „Hū...... al­ready with­out enough time.”
Just the tran­quil Snow Re­gion vi­o­lent shake......, al­most trans­mit­ted roar­ing that sky shat­tered sud­denly sud­denly.
Land surges, roar­ing star­tled day, split sec­ond, all Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, de­fend a city pro­found prac­ti­tioner to be shaken turns in the place, the larger part per­son seven ori­fices over­flow­ing blood, but pro­found prac­ti­tioner that had pre­vi­ously been in­jured is the wound cracks, spits blood to con­tinue.
Yun Che first puts out a hand, pro­found en­ergy pro­tected in Mu Feixue body...... the in­jury that oth­er­wise, she just pressed cracked surely com­pre­hen­sively.
„How...... what's the mat­ter......” Mys­tic Mist City Lord voice/sound trem­bles...... rad­i­cally be­yond con­trol shiv­er­ing.
In the ter­ri­ble roar­ing sound, under a ter­ri­fy­ing peer­less spirit pres­sure dis­tant cover...... that is one type ex­ceeds their cog­ni­tion and imag­i­na­tion power com­pletely, anal­ogy two Glac­ier Be­he­moth wants fear­ful far more than thou­sand times of ten thou­sand times.
Mu Hanyan partly kneels on the ground, the whole body trem­bles, is un­able to stand up un­ex­pect­edly for a long time. Dur­ing trem­bles, he thinks sud­denly the ques­tion that Yun Che asked a mo­ment ago, the in­stan­ta­neous pupil changes col­ors, fright­ened said: „Se­nior Ling, could it be that...... could it be that......”
„This small town luck is good,” Yun Che stares at the front say­ing: „Un­ex­pect­edly brings in a Di­vine Sov­er­eign beast, can make this pro­found beast total over­lord leave the ter­ri­tory, it seems like en­raged heavy.”
„Wha...... wha...... wha......”
Yun Che's words words like the thun­der­ing, is all star­tled all Mys­tic Mist City pro­found prac­ti­tioner ghosts to brave.
Ex­cept for Mys­tic Mist City Lord, their life, even Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner misses to see, never of­fi­cially in­formed the Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pro­found beast over­lords hid­den...... they un­able to be­lieve in same side Snow Re­gion, Di­vine Sov­er­eign beast that small Mys­tic Mist City, have what skills and abil­i­ties brought in vi­o­lent anger!
„Be­fore first...... , be­fore ,...... the se­nior......” Mu Hanyan voice/sound is trem­bling as be­fore: „If is re­ally the Di­vine Sov­er­eign beast, what to do we should............ the se­nior...... be pos­si­ble to have the means......”
„...... I can have the means!” Yun Che some­what ag­i­tated say/way.
He even more sus­pects now, one­self re­ally isn't an un­lucky star? This Mys­tic Mist City such lean­ing, such small, is the small town that a bird does not defe­cate...... will ob­vi­ously bring in a Di­vine Sov­er­eign beast that in Snow Song Realm un­ex­pect­edly treads the ter­ri­tory!
Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm power...... his im­pos­si­ble re­sists de­ci­sively force­fully! Can­not take to as­sign Asura's Sal­va­tion again.
Must run away ac­tu­ally eas­ily, but...... Mu Feixue, also here owner is doomed dead!
„Your run­ning away as far as pos­si­ble,” Yun Che slightly breath­ing one breath: „Runs away the far­ther the bet­ter, is lives dies, must look at your fates.”
Dur­ing the speeches, Yun Che's body pro­found en­ergy erupts, rolls up and pushes along huge whirlpool.
„Se­nior, you......”
„I try to per­suade to quit it, if broke off con­ver­sa­tion , can only delay ten breaths at most......”
The words say­ing half, his form in a flash, ap­peared side Mu Feixue, ig­nored some of she pos­si­bly re­sponses, arm strong em­brac­ing on her waist: „I can pre­serve, only then her life, you bring in good luck.”
Then, he how­ever changes to the flow­ing light in every­one dull, has not given them any re­sponse time.
If uses Es­cap­ing Moon Im­mor­tal Palace, he can save many peo­ple ac­tu­ally im­me­di­ately......, but, he lends a hand to as­sist has shown ex­treme tol­er­ance, for how could the un­re­lated per­son ex­poses Es­cap­ing Moon Im­mor­tal Palace.
But Mu Feixue, she has be­come Mu Xu­anyin di­rect dis­ci­ple, if she died, Mu Xu­anyin will lose surely...... si­mul­ta­ne­ously, this was also blas­phemed her in the past, dam­aged her rep­u­ta­tion some made up.
Al­most at the same time, the sky of dis­tant place, ap­pears in­stantly, the peo­ple who a huge white shadow...... the white shadow ap­peared felt that as if en­tire sky pressed, in heart panic-stricken en­larged dozens times again.
„Se­nior Brother, what to do?”
„But Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue she......”
„Se­nior Ling said that he can pre­serve the Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue life...... we, only then be­lieves! Com­plete dis­pers­ing, walks!!”
„Sir City Lord......”
„Walks quickly!!”
Fac­ing the huge beast tides and two Di­vine Spirit beasts, they will re­volt at risk of life. But Di­vine Sov­er­eign beast...... in its front, them all like ants. ba­si­cally im­pos­si­ble gives birth to the heart of least bit re­sis­tance.
They do not dare to have the least bit to hes­i­tate, is un­able to care about the Mys­tic Mist City safety, full speed es­capes to...... only has Yun Che, is only pale the giant beast with Mu Feixue di­rect im­pact that.
In the line of sight, is more than 300 zhang (3.33 m) huge bod­ies, Glac­ier Be­he­moth that the anal­ogy kills also wants on big sev­eral times fully. Its snow white, if re­strains aura, lies in Snow Re­gion, will melt with the trim pale world per­fectly.
Feels Yun Che to ap­proach, it does not have to for­ward again, stops in air­borne, a pair of dark blue great pupil and Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm huge aura...... this aura strongest human solidly locks Yun Che.
Yun Che with is com­pletely in pas­sive con­di­tion Mu Feixue to stop the body in pale giant beast the front, com­par­a­tively speak­ing, form in­com­pa­ra­ble small of two peo­ple.
„You......” Mu Feixue want to open the mouth.
„Let alone words.” Yun Che said in a low voice, he looks the pale giant beast said: „Does this se­nior, you rever­ing as Snow Song beast clan, why con­de­scend to come today, vi­o­lates city of the small human?”
Pale giant beast huge arm wields, sky shakes, its voice/sound also brings the anger to spread over sur­round­ing trim Snow Re­gion: „this King has never of­fended your Human Race, but in this year time, your slaugh­ter this King many peo­ple! De­spi­ca­ble human! Un­ex­pect­edly the also face coun­te­nance in­stead in­ter­ro­gated this King!”
„......” Yun Che is speech­less for a while, wants very re­sent­ment: You spe­cial blind! Clearly is pro­found beast first goes crazy to step into the ter­ri­tory of per­son!
„Se­nior ap­peases anger for the time being.” Yun Che lifts the hand say­ing: „Be­lieves that the se­nior will not de­tect, your peo­ple have the mood to be un­usual in this year mas­sively, leaves the ter­ri­tory, at­tacks human, our human is also is the self-preser­va­tion......”
„Shut up!” The pale giant beast roared: „Re­gard­less of what rea­son, this King in peo­ple short one year of buckle nearly num­ber of surely this side world, but these all are do obei­sance human to be­stow! How this King may sit by and do noth­ing again!”
„You may, if wants the con­se­quence!” In this only Snow Song beast the em­peror treads the ter­ri­tory, ob­vi­ously is the great anger is hard to damp, wants to sub­side its anger by the spo­ken lan­guage is ba­si­cally im­pos­si­ble. Yun Che's com­plex­ion sud­denly cold , the tone also be­comes gloomy: „By your plane/level, should know that Snow Song Realm Great Realm King is the what kind of char­ac­ter! If you act, she must not be aloof, at the ap­pointed time...... , is not only your peo­ple, even you, must be buried in this for­ever!”
„this King has trod the ter­ri­tory, then does not fear any con­se­quence!” The Yun Che's ad­vice is un­fruit­ful, in­stead makes the pale giant beast an­grier: „Our pro­found beast clan ca­su­al­ties are in­nu­mer­able, the four di­rec­tions on the wane...... should be your Human Race pays the price the time!!”
This pale giant beast was not af­fected ob­vi­ously crim­son, but in the in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast riots and demise. After being grad­u­ally on the wane, is un­able to stay quiet again.
De­layed such long time, is un­ex­pected in Yun Che. When the pale giant beast anger erupts, Yun Che's arm a point, has en­clasped Mu Feixue back­ward, said in a low voice: „Don't worry, can­not die.”
Mu Feixue: „......”
„Good, such being the case......” Yun Che both eyes nar­row the eyes: „A mo­ment ago that crowd of pro­found beast that wants to at­tack this human Ice City, I kill most, un, hun­dreds of thou­sands. Hey...... killed off you by me quickly come out, feared that is also only the tur­tle!”
The Yun Che's words, ag­gra­vated the sit­u­a­tion to the pale giant beast in great anger with­out doubt, mak­ing a it pair of dark blue beast pupil catch sev­eral points of scar­let.
„Since wants to our human re­tal­i­a­tion, then...... had to plant first killed me! Let me have a look at you to have that skill!”
In the big roar, his body pro­found en­ergy erupts, such as the thun­der ex­plodes shoots, but...... flies to ap­proach, pre­cisely and Mys­tic Mist City op­po­site di­rec­tion.
Flees full power Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple and pro­tects city pro­found prac­ti­tioner to turn head at this mo­ment, saw that a me­teor rapid flight to the dis­tant place...... they were clear this is Yun Che with the life for them the time that wins to run away, in the heart deeply touches.
Nat­u­rally, they do not know, Yun Che leads away for the bait it with one­self real, but will not have any dan­ger from the start.
The pale giant beast vi­o­lent anger, the great claw bran­dishes, sky sud­denly dark , the in­nu­mer­able glac­i­ers ap­pear base­less, fly to Yun Che that bring­ing Mu Feixue es­capes in­stan­ta­neously.
But , below split sec­ond, these glac­i­ers frames sud­denly, pale giant beast that then strange dis­ap­pear­ance, will kick out also such as by ten thou­sand moun­tains pressed on the body, de­cid­ing stub­bornly in air­borne.


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