Saturday, April 20, 2019

3874: Has the dispute

MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战
#3874: Has the dispute
Comments 19
„But, ob­vi­ously, this thing/per­son is not very good to ob­serve.”
„My words , can only ob­serve as far as pos­si­ble, ac­tu­ally does not dare guar­an­tee to ob­serve re­sult.”
„Pos­si­bly fi­nally, but must count on your Yin-Yang marker light.”
Chu Feng said.
„Un, words that Lit­tle Brother Asura, you spoke like this, my may be more com­fort­able at heart.”
„All right, you have a look on the line ca­su­ally, has the Yin-Yang marker light in any case.”
se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.
Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng then starts to uti­lize Heaven's Eyes, ob­serves that two For­ma­tion gates.
But that Yin-Yang marker light, ac­tu­ally also needs to uti­lize the spe­cial strength, ob­serves the For­ma­tion gate, there­fore waits for it to have the re­sult words, needs to spend some time.
There­fore, se­cret Dongqun the Saint is to also start to use to their ob­ser­va­tion method, ob­serves that two For­ma­tion gates.
Then, the time 1 0.1 points pass.
But, ac­tu­ally also had passed three dou­ble-hour.
Enough three dou­ble-hour, the Chu Feng's eye has not winked, the vi­sion con­tin­u­ously be­tween two For­ma­tion gates, back and forth move­ment.
Fi­nally, Chu Feng took back the vi­sion, and long breathes a sigh of re­lief.
He fi­nally, stopped the ob­ser­va­tion.
„Lit­tle Brother Asura, what kind of, what can see?”
At this time, se­cret Dongqun the Saint en­cir­cles Chu Feng, wants to know Chu Feng's re­sult.
„What can you have to see?” Chu Feng does not have the di­rect re­ac­tion, in­stead was held re­spon­si­ble se­cret Dongqun the Saint.
„Saw ac­tu­ally.”
„The spell of our within the body, as if cursed in­ces­santly, that was also qual­i­fi­ca­tions.”
„Al­though chose right the gate, can be in­her­ited, but ac­tu­ally can ob­tain many in­her­i­tance, seemed re­lated with the spell quan­tity of our within the body.” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.
„Does not seem like, but is this.” Chu Feng said.
„That Lit­tle Brother Asura, which is gate Gate of Life?” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child asked.
„This to­gether.” Chu Feng aimed at the right that gate the hand.
„, Is Lit­tle Brother Asura is cred­i­ble.”
„This any­thing non­sense Yin-Yang marker light, had not judged that by the pre­sent which say/way is Gate of Life.”
„Big brother, we were de­ceived, this Yin-Yang marker light is fake.”
After Chu Feng judges, the peo­ple of se­cret Dongqun Saint said.
They can ar­rive today this step, thanks to Chu Feng, there­fore now they to the Chu Feng's words, are very be­liev­ing.
Chu Feng said that is the right that say/way is Gate of Life, they then felt, right that say/way, cer­tainly is Gate of Life.
Chu Feng judged that which say/way was Gate of Life, that Yin-Yang marker light had not re­sponded, this nat­u­rally made them some­what un­com­fort­able.
The so pre­cious trea­sure, they did not hate to use for these years.
Re­main­ing, is when the im­por­tant oc­ca­sion uses again.
Now, fi­nally used, but this ef­fect un­ex­pect­edly is this un­sat­is­fac­tory.
This com­pletely with, the strength of Yin-Yang marker light they know is in­com­pat­i­ble.
Also no won­der, they start sus­pect­ing that this Yin-Yang marker light is fake.
„Should not, this Yin-Yang marker light, ab­solutely real.”
How­ever, oth­ers who com­pare in Mi­dong the group Saint, the el­dest child of se­cret Dongqun Saint, to the gen­uine and fake of this Yin-Yang marker light, is ac­tu­ally the very de­ter­mi­na­tion.
„Re­ally, how not to have the ef­fect?”
se­cret Dongqun Saint small 11 still ex­pressed the ques­tion.
„I pour also felt, that Yin-Yang marker light real.”
Chu Feng said.
„? Lit­tle Brother Asura, do you also feel real?”
After see­ing Chu Feng opens the mouth, the oth­ers of se­cret Dongqun Saint, is some­what sur­prised.
After all now, they trust Chu Feng, par­tic­u­larly re­gard­ing the Chu Feng's abil­ity, that is docile.
There­fore, when Chu Feng said that that Yin-Yang marker light re­ally time, pos­si­bly said com­pared with se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child that is real, is more con­vinc­ing.
„That an­cient aura, and mys­te­ri­ous strength, not seem to be able to fab­ri­cate.”
Chu Feng said his feel­ing.
But Chu Feng fin­ishes speak­ing, that Yin-Yang marker light, shone one sud­denly.
After shines, that Yin-Yang marker light, an­other then starts to change, changed to huge dead char­ac­ters un­ex­pect­edly, seal above that For­ma­tion gate.
At this time, plun­ders into two For­ma­tion gates two lamps re­spec­tively.
Shines, but an­other changed to dead char­ac­ters.
What is Gate of Life, what is four, is clear.
Sees this one, se­cret Dongqun the Saint all stares, Chu Feng was also shocked.
Chu Feng, what left is Gate of Death, right is Gate of Life.
But at this time, that Yin-Yang marker light shines, is left that gate.
As for the right, is huge dead char­ac­ters, seal above the For­ma­tion gate, that is so strik­ing.
„How can like this?”
At this time, se­cret Dongqun the Saint waits and sees mu­tu­ally, does not know at once should should do.
They have not re­ally thought that when the Yin-Yang marker light achieves the ef­fect fi­nally, un­ex­pect­edly is such re­sult.
The Yin-Yang marker light, this may break the life and death trea­sure, re­sult that gives, en­tirely is un­ex­pect­edly op­po­site with Chu Feng.
„Al­lows me to ob­serve again.”
Chu Feng first closes the eyes, he rests the time of burn­ing a joss stick, later the eye pupil opens again, then has been star­ing at that two gates.
This time, Chu Feng does not have the ex­pen­di­ture too long time, but spent half dou­ble-hour.
After an ob­ser­va­tion, Chu Feng opens the mouth again: „My judg­ment as be­fore, right is Gate of Life.”
„Lit­tle Brother Asura, can you judge wrong?”
se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child asked.
„Be­lieves me, I will not judge wrong.” Chu Feng said.
„Lit­tle Brother Asura , do you care­fully ob­serve one again?” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child asked.
„Did not need to ob­serve, I had de­ter­mined, to be in­her­ited, should walk the right.” Chu Feng said.
Chu Feng to own Heaven's Eyes, has the ab­solute self-con­fi­dence.
He from An­ces­tral Mar­tial Lower Realm, then starts to use Heaven's Eyes, walks, only if Heaven's Eyes can­not see through, so long as Heaven's Eyes can see through, his judg­ment, al­most is right.
But Chu Feng can judge at this time, right gate, al­though is in­deed cri­sis-rid­den, but there con­tains the clue of in­her­i­tance, there­fore Chu Feng judged, the right cer­tainly is Gate of Life.
„You made cer­tainly a mis­take, Lit­tle Brother Asura, is not I do not be­lieve you, but is this Yin-Yang marker light, will never judge that makes a mis­take.” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.
„Right that Lit­tle Brother Asura, my big brother said that this Yin-Yang marker light will want, cer­tainly not to make a mis­take, you did not say, this Yin-Yang marker light re­ally?”
„Lit­tle Brother Asura, we are re­ally not do not trust you, but the per­son will let slip, the jockey club loses the hoof, but this Yin-Yang marker light, will not make a mis­take.”
The oth­ers of se­cret Dongqun Saint, is starts to con­sole Chu Feng.
After they open the mouth, Chu Feng had known their choice.
Chu Feng and be­tween the Yin-Yang marker lights, they chose the lat­ter.
„Be­cause of being re­lated to the life and death, I hopes that you can be­lieve me.”
„Be­lieves my one time, I will not harm you.”
Chu Feng said this say­ing time, has the mean­ing of sev­eral points of hope un­ex­pect­edly.
Al­though, is very short with se­cret Dongqun the Saint being to­gether time, even be­fore or op­po­nent.
May con­tact, Chu Feng felt to­gether with them very hap­pily, and they are greedy for money like the life even, but the nat­ural dis­po­si­tion does not go bad ac­tu­ally, Chu Feng does not hope they were dri­ven to death after suf­fer­ing an in­jus­tice.
„Lit­tle Brother Asura, you felt that Yin-Yang marker light is re­ally fake?” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child asked.
„I felt that is real.” Chu Feng said.
„There­fore, you hes­i­tate any­thing, let­ter Yin-Yang marker light, ab­solutely right, do not take your life to take risk.” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.
„But I felt, at this time, should be­lieve it­self.”
Even if Chu Feng rec­og­nizes that Yin-Yang marker light real, but ac­tu­ally also strength­ens own view.
After this, Chu Feng and se­cret Dongqun the Saint starts to con­sole mu­tu­ally.
They hope that can con­vince the op­po­site party, is re­sult is not op­ti­mistic.
It is not able to per­suade in the sit­u­a­tion of se­cret Dongqun Saint, Chu Feng also has no al­ter­na­tive, he can only choose, one­self, move to­ward the right that gate.
Ac­tu­ally, Chu Feng wants to vi­o­late the dan­ger by the body, mak­ing them be­lieve that own choice is right.
„Lit­tle Brother Asura, is re­lated to the life and death,”
„Do not blame me......”
In Chu Feng, is going to step into the right that gate the time, re­sounded se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child's voice sud­denly.
When that sound re­sounds at the same time, a bound­less pres­sure, from in within the body re­lease of se­cret Dongqun Saint el­dest child.
That is the First Rank Supreme Ven­er­a­ble pres­sure, that pres­sure at­tacks to come to Chu Feng, like in­vis­i­ble tide, the Chu Feng pack­age.
At this time, Chu Feng's Chu Feng, by bound, was un­able to step into the pre­sent that gate again.
The el­dest child of se­cret Dongqun Saint, wants with Mar­tial Power, comes force­fully Chu Feng, draws in the left that gate.


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