Friday, June 7, 2019

1469: Southern Sea threat

#1469: Southern Sea threat
Comments 343
„Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror in­deed is you now most for­mi­da­ble pro­tec­tive tal­is­man.” Xia Qingyue has not de­nied the word of Yun Che: „Her ex­is­tence, has cre­ated the un­equalled de­ter­rent to com­mon peo­ple. But be­sides de­ter­rent, also what? Her can power, use for you?”
Yun Che: „......”
„You do not need to reply.” Does not wait for the Yun Che opens the mouth, Xia Qingyue is lightly not the say/way that al­lows to ques­tion: „I de­ter­mine the im­pos­si­ble meet­ing. As Pri­mor­dial Devil Em­peror, to be urged how pos­si­bly by human! More­over, as Evil God power in­her­i­tor, if must the strength flaunt the pres­tige by other peo­ple, she will be only dis­ap­pointed and de­spise, even is angry.”
Xia Qingyue words, a char­ac­ter not wrong...... In some time ago, Jie Yuan also so has warned him, wants him for­ever not to pre­sump­tu­ously think with the aid of her power.
„I so be­lieve firmly, other peo­ple also sim­i­larly so.” Xia Qingyue con­tin­ued: „How­ever this point, was still sec­ondary. Do you have to think, if one day, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror this pro­tec­tive tal­is­man van­ished, what con­se­quence will have?”
„She is Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror, who can make her dis­ap­pear?” Yun Che said.
„Dis­ap­pear­ance that I said that is not her dis­ap­pear­ance, but is she to you ‚favor’ dis­ap­pear­ance. Be­cause you after all are only the Evil God Di­vine Power suc­ces­sor, is mor­tal, but ab­solutely not Evil God one­self.”
„......” Yun Che has not re­futed, but in the heart ac­tu­ally thinks oth­er­wise. Be­cause be­side Evil God Di­vine Power, his also Hong'er, also You'er, the worry of Xia Qingyue, will not ap­pear ac­tu­ally.
Xia Qingyue as if saw Yun Che's thinks oth­er­wise, in the heart sighed one lightly, said: „Also per­haps which day, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror re­ally will leave or van­ish in some form from this world.”
„I know that you want cer­tainly to say im­pos­si­ble, then, I asked your sev­eral ques­tions......”
Xia Qingyue fine eye­brows leans, said slowly: „You died when Star God Realm in the past, has thought will also live?”
Yun Che: „......”
„In the past, you ini­tially to God Realm, knew the con­cept of King Realm, if some peo­ple tell you me sev­eral years later be­come Moon God Realm's Di­vine Em­peror, you will think the pos­si­bil­ity?”
Yun Che: „.........”
„In the past in Float­ing Cloud City, you may have the least bit to think, can one­self one day save the en­tire pri­mor­dial chaos des­tiny?”
Yun Che: „............”
„Many mat­ters in this world, are not you think im­pos­si­ble, re­ally will not occur. Es­pe­cially...... Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror wants to make any­thing, good wicked, is good to you are not good, com­pletely is de­cides by her, but is not you. Ini­tia­tive from be­gin­ning to end in her hand!”
„There­fore, she now in­deed is your pro­tec­tive tal­is­man, but is ac­tu­ally pro­tec­tive tal­is­man that mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly van­ishes. But if this pro­tec­tive tal­is­man van­ishes, fol­low­ing can be the in­com­pa­ra­bly huge side ef­fect.”
Xia Qingyue voice/sound sinks slightly, words is heavy: „When you did not have Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror this pro­tec­tive tal­is­man, you are only Yun Che, but today in Snow Song Realm, these for you, but, to your hum­ble/de­spise Gong what kind of char­ac­ter is? Has High-Rank Star Realm Realm King, has King Realm Di­vine Em­peror! If which day, you turned into pure Yun Che, then, to Lower Realm fam­ily back­ground ju­nior pro­found prac­ti­tioner flat­ter­ing hum­ble/de­spise Gong, then be­comes the shame of their life!”
„......” Yun Che clear re­mem­ber­ing, Jas­mine in the past and he has spo­ken sim­i­lar words: „This was you said that was my sit­u­a­tion very dan­ger­ous?”
„Far not only that.” Xia Qingyue beau­ti­ful eyes shot a look at a West sub­con­sciously, faintly said: „You are clear, your cul­ti­va­tion base is in­deed dif­fi­cult in peer some peo­ple, plane/level that but you con­tact is too high. If there are to hate your per­son to dis­re­gard all con­se­quences to you get rid...... Every­one pro­tects your life with­out enough time.”
„This is in­suf­fi­cient?” Yun Che knit the brows: „Must say that God Realm most hates my per­son, is Luo Guxie that in­sane woman, but is in­suf­fi­cient to with­stand/top the Se­nior Jie Yuan anger to kill me again?”
„Human na­ture, once be­cause of some vi­o­lent rea­son dis­tor­tion, some­times fear­ful is above the imag­i­na­tion.” Xia Qingyue lightly said: „How­ever is most fear­ful, is never the per­son who these fangs ap­pear ex­ter­nally, in­stead is these is al­ways often po­lite kind­heart­edly, lets per­son who the per­son will not gar­ri­son.”
„This I see, alert heart type of thing, I con­fessed that is keener than any­body.” Yun Che both hands lost/car­ry­ing after the brain, mum­bled: „Qingyue, we are the peo­ple who same year the same moon/month was born! Feels you like lec­tur­ing ju­nior.”
„You can not lis­ten not to be­lieve that but the fol­low­ing mat­ter, you must lis­ten to my words.” Xia Qingyue said: „You can feel re­lieved, if failed, you will not have any­thing to lose, but if suc­cess­ful, you will be many...... True pro­tec­tive tal­is­man.”
The Xia Qingyue pupil light con­cen­trates, if the pupil deep place has round Hanyue to glit­ter: „Can con­trol for you com­pletely, even if under Di­vine Em­peror this grade of pow­er­house wants to kill you to block pro­tec­tive tal­is­man!”
Yun Che is as­ton­ished, Xia Qingyue these words, let God Realm any­body sur­prised not ab­solutely suf­fi­ciently.
In this world also such pro­tec­tive tal­is­man!?
„Is the out­come that you said what?” Yun Che asked.
„I can­not tell you now, will oth­er­wise ex­pose weak­nesses.” Xia Qingyue looks to the south, the sen­sa­tion that more and more near aura: „You knew quickly.”
„Good.” Yun Che does not closely ex­am­ine, sud­denly smiles: „Has be­come Moon God Em­peror, has not for­got­ten to hold the bro­ken heart for own hus­band. Worthily is my prop­erly mar­ried big wife.”
„You want.” Xia Qingyue said in­dif­fer­ently: „I use your unique abil­ity, does mat­ter that I am un­able to achieve, as for that ‚pro­tec­tive tal­is­man’, is I uses you to achieve the re­pay­ment of goal, that is all.”
„Okay good.” Yun Che re­signed-look­ing show­ing the whites of the eyes.
East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Brahma Em­peror God Realm.
Qianye Fant­ian con­cern heav­ily that leaves from Snow Song Realm, there­fore the speed of re­turn trip is not fast, re­turns to Brahma Em­peror God Realm, just en­tered cen­tral God Ter­ri­tory, he then re­al­ized aura that should not pre­sent.
The brow wrin­kles, he falls slowly, at a mod­er­ate pace trend Brahma Di­vine Palace, en­ters in the palace, his brow stretch/leisurely open/start, on the face also has then shown the light happy ex­pres­sion.
„Ha­ha­haha,” a big laugh­ter re­sounds in the palace. This Brahma Em­peror God Realm most sa­cred, Brahma King God Hall of most core, some peo­ple have ac­tu­ally been built on, he has turned around, with a laugh looks to walk into Qianye Fant­ian that: „Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian, you make this King good.”
sil­ver clothes, the face is del­i­cate and pretty, floats the vir­tual state, at first sight seems in­dulges in sen­sual plea­sure the ex­ces­sive aris­to­cratic fam­ily young mas­ter, but happy ex­pres­sion ir­reg­u­lar on his face par­tic­u­larly, the vi­sion touches it, heart in can­not help but will send coldly.
Im­pres­sively is South­ern God Ter­ri­tory num­ber one Di­vine Em­peror...... South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror Nan Wan­sheng!
On the Qianye Fant­ian face wears a smile, the foot­steps speed up, lift the hand say­ing: „Orig­i­nally is the hon­ored guest ar­rives, Qianye leaves be­cause of events lit­tle, is makes the hon­ored guest wait for a long time, Qianye is re­ally ashamed.”
„South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror this time once more goes in per­son East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, is it pos­si­ble that also to in­quire the Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror mat­ter to Yun Che?” Qianye Fant­ian asked.
„no, no, this mat­ter, is acted to be most ap­pro­pri­ate by your East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, South­ern Sea is the suit­able meet­ing.” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror face thin smile, did not ask that Yun Che and Jie Yuan mat­ter, as if con­cerns the pri­mor­dial chaos fu­ture des­tiny the im­por­tant mat­ter not to care to this un­ex­pect­edly: „South­ern Sea this comes, nat­u­rally for Ying'er. Was only a pity, Ying'er ac­tu­ally as if, South­ern Sea is re­ally not the heartache.”
„Hehe,” Qianye Fant­ian has smiled say­ing with a smile: „Ying'er al­ways trav­els out­side, moves back ex­tremely, lit­tle can see her in­clud­ing me. If South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror wants to see Ying'er, feared that wanted the ex­treme thoughts.”
„no, no, South­ern Sea this comes, for Ying'er right, but to not see her, but an­other more im­por­tant mat­ter.”
Qianye Fant­ian: „Oh?”
On South­ern Sea face happy ex­pres­sion re­strain­ing, an in­vis­i­ble em­peror pres­tige re­lease: „South­ern Sea lives in the po­si­tion of Di­vine Em­peror al­ready 20,000 years, ac­tu­ally never had an Em­press, this thinks that on this day after under the fe­male does not have a per­son matches is South­ern Sea, until the past years must see Ying'er, after ap­par­ent this South­ern Sea, ex­cept for Ying'er, again not pos­si­bly is other peo­ple.”
The Qianye Fant­ian brow moves slightly, the happy ex­pres­sion is in­vari­able.
„Now Devil Em­peror re­turns, the pri­mor­dial chaos mu­ta­tion, every­body is ter­ri­fied, if South­ern Sea con­tin­ues to hes­i­tate gets down hes­i­tant, which Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion falls dif­fi­cultly sud­denly, then this life again did not have the op­por­tu­nity, that be­came the life­time re­gret­ted greatly. There­fore......” on the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror face happy ex­pres­sion reap­pears, to the Qianye Fant­ian re­spect­ful and pru­dent rit­ual: „South­ern Sea this comes today, with Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian dis­cussed that two realms ties the mat­ter of mar­riage, but also asked Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian to marry Ying'er in South­ern Sea, to fin­ish South­ern Sea life­time wish.”
„Hehe,” Qianye Fant­ian does not change coun­te­nance: „South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror also chat­ted.”
„This time, not.” The South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror waist is straight, the happy ex­pres­sion on face grad­u­ally be­comes some­what daz­zling: „In the past our two realms treated as an equal, if your Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian did not hope, this King also had no al­ter­na­tive. But now, not hav­ing three Brahma God Brahma Em­peror God Realm, this King to pro­pose this word again, the en­ergy may full.”
The pre­vi­ous breath is re­spect­ful and pru­dent, but the rit­ual, the happy ex­pres­sion wind sound/rumor, the next breath turns hos­tile sud­denly...... Is pre­cisely one never in front of Qianye Fant­ian has pre­sented the face, the brow of Qianye Fant­ian sud­denly sinks, smiles: „South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror, your this say­ing this King may un­able to un­der­stand, there are three Brahma God, my Brahma Em­peror God Realm is Brahma Em­peror God Realm, who im­pos­si­ble shakes, has what pass/test with your en­ergy?”
„Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian chat­ted,” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror smiles say­ing: „What book­let is three Brahma King also on for­get it/that's all, three Brahma God die an un­timely death com­pletely, tch tch, even if your Brahma Em­peror God Realm is su­per­hu­man, can­not en­dure. Broke Brahma Em­peror God Realm of three arms all of a sud­den, at least in this era, al­ready not with the qual­i­fi­ca­tions that my South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm treated as an equal, did Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian think?”
Qianye Fant­ian: „......”
„oh right,” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror con­tin­ued: „Hears Moon God Em­peror new em­peror and Ying'er has the long stand­ing grudge, is re­ally un­friendly to your Brahma Em­peror God Realm, but now re­sults in Yun Che that Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror mo­nop­o­lizes favor...... South­ern Sea hid­den has a knowl­edge, in the past he fled Dragon God Realm, can­not enter in­clud­ing Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm, as if is also and your Brahma Em­peror God Realm re­lated...... Under these syn­the­ses, mak­ing the per­son think that does not worry for you dif­fi­cultly.”
„How­ever at this time, if some peo­ple be­cause of do not cause some small nails again hap­pily,” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror shook the head, one is Brahma Em­peror heart sor­row con­di­tion: „Feared that is this East Ter­ri­tory first King Realm in the fu­ture day more and more will not feel bet­ter, can­not do well, again does not have the op­por­tu­nity to pre­sent next Brahma God.”
Qianye Fant­ian both eyes fierce nar­rows the eyes: „South­ern Sea, are you threat­en­ing me?”
South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror had not de­nied, in­stead laughed heartily: „Ha­ha­haha, so long as can get mar­ried Ying'er is, South­ern Sea can not hes­i­tate any price, any method. If an­noys Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian not to be quick, when will marry Ying'er in the fu­ture, Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian is the South­ern Sea fa­ther-in-law, how the fa­ther-in-law Sir wants to pun­ish the re­spon­si­bil­ity to blame, South­ern Sea nat­u­rally must com­pletely re­ceive it, does not dare to have any re­volt.”
„Snort!” Qianye Fant­ian heav­ily one: „The Ying'er tem­per, you should be clearer than any­body. If she mar­ries you, no one could pre­vent, if she does not want to marry any­one, who im­pos­si­ble force.”
„No, was ex­tremely know­ing about Ying'er be­cause of South­ern Sea, there­fore in my opin­ion, Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian may urge Ying'er surely.” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror said with a laugh: „Be­fore per­haps, can­not, but now, so long as Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian wants, cer­tainly can achieve.”
„Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian first anx­iously the re­jec­tion.” Does not wait for Qianye Fant­ian to re­spond, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror is lifts the hand say­ing: „Your my two realms, if mar­ries, after Ying'er is my South­ern Sea, two realms the broth­ers, ver­ti­cal will be Dragon God Realm also will not fear from now on. But a lit­tle, be­lieves that Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian will not un­der­stand......”
„The bound­ary of pre­sent, if my South­ern Sea does not hope, Brahma Em­peror God Realm wants to pre­sent next Brahma God again, feared that is rare. If my South­ern Sea wants, and helps one an­other, birth of next Brahma God, will not be re­mote.”
South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror words is tem­per­ate, words such as quenches deadly poi­son, the huge threat is mix­ing huge tempt­ing with the promise of gain.
What is more fear­ful, his threat is real, but his tempt­ing with the promise of gain, you do not know that which sen­tence is real, which sen­tence is the va­ca­tion.
„The words that South­ern Sea wants to speak said, be­lieves Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian will de­cide busy tight in the near fu­ture, then no longer thank your for your hos­pi­tal­ity, this then re­turns to South Ter­ri­tory to await calmly the good news.”
South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror lightly laughed, lifts the step to walk off. Qianye Fant­ian has not stopped and spo­ken, but both hands silent grip.
„oh right,” the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror foot­steps stop slightly, half rev­o­lu­tion pale face: „Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian should be very clear, my South­ern Sea pa­tience is al­ways bad, once did not have being angry of pa­tiently, some­times in­clud­ing me to fear very much.”
The cor­ners of the mouth slightly check, the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror foot­steps lift again, at a mod­er­ate pace goes out of Brahma King God Hall, goes far away along with it aura fast, van­ishes in Qianye Fant­ian Spirit Sense quickly.
Under a Qianye Fant­ian fist bang, col­lapses to count the hun­dred zhang (333 m) fis­sure the main hall to­gether.
„damned bas­tard!” The Qianye Fant­ian cut­ting tooth clenches teeth, the whole body trem­bles.
Brahma Em­peror God Realm three Brahma God snapped fin­gers to wipe to ex­tin­guish by Jie Yuan, per­for­mance of Qianye Fant­ian be­fore per­son is very light, the smile on face does not re­duce, no mat­ter what no one can see least bit the color of deeply re­gret­ting, what as if loses is only three im­ma­te­r­ial small.
But, this month, Qianye Fant­ian does not know in se­cret has swal­lowed many mouth counter blood.
Ac­tual least bit that South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror said not wrong, lost three Brahma God, was equal to break­ing off three arms of Brahma Em­peror God Realm!
Al­though is only three peo­ple, is ac­tu­ally three Tenth Level Di­vine Lord, three Di­vine Em­peror plane/level pow­er­houses! Con­se­quence that causes, was Brahma Em­peror God Realm and South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm strength pre­sented the wrong level all of a sud­den!
Orig­i­nally, in God Realm, under Dragon God Realm, is strongest by South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm and Brahma Em­peror God Realm, both who im­pos­si­ble shakes any­one, who im­pos­si­ble has sup­pressed any­one.
But Brahma Em­peror God Realm lost three Brahma God all of a sud­den, then South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm def­i­nitely had sup­pressed the Brahma Em­peror God Realm abil­ity, so long as and it wanted, Brahma Em­peror God Realm that can press was for a long time dif­fi­cult to raise the head.
Al­though this will let the South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm self-in­flicted in­jury 800, but Qianye Fant­ian is clear, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror this fear­ful lu­natic makes cer­tainly come out!
This lost three Brahma God, causes con­se­quence that core power falls sud­denly...... More­over, Qianye Fant­ian un­der­stands, this was also only just started! God Realm bru­tal sur­vival prin­ci­ple al­ways so, and is the peak, often is bru­tal.


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