Friday, June 7, 2019

3962: Who this fellow is


MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战

#3962: Who this fellow is


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Orig­i­nally All Heav­ens Sect, can def­i­nitely open this trea­sure se­cretly, does not ab­solutely need to in­vite so manypeo­ple to come here.They in­vited so many peo­ple hence, then had the ab­solute self-con­fi­dence, can cap­ture that so-called trea­sure.But after an ob­ser­va­tion, Chu Feng not only dis­cov­ersNan­gong Yifan, self-con­fi­dent.Chu Feng also dis­cov­ered, the body of Nan­gong Yifan, as if some are not quite right.There­fore, Chu Feng starts care­fully to ob­serve, evenused Heaven's Eyes.But after care­ful ob­ser­va­tion, Chu Feng dis­cov­ered, the body of Nan­gong Yifan, has with that stone box sameaura.„All Heav­ens Sect enough de­spi­ca­ble.”At this time, Chu Feng knows where the Nan­gong Yifanen­ergy came from.In the past ob­tained this trea­sure, an­other five in­flu­ences, took a key re­spec­tively, after all needs five keys, to open this pack.But All Heav­ens Sect, then ob­tained the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of tak­ing care of pack.But they, are not sim­ple pack are so sim­ple, they startto do every­thing pos­si­ble, spy on the pack strength, wantsto peep from stone box takes the ini­tia­tive.Now, they suc­ceeded, al­though Chu Feng does not know, what kind of strength they ob­tained.But the Nan­gong Yifan that stone box aura, had at least proven this point.„Hear, in this For­ma­tion world, what kind of bad riskhas, but also is un­known, after this wants you to enter, spies on is good.”„Your du­ties, hid­ing trea­sure in this For­ma­tion world tak­ing.”„But since the trea­sure is lim­ited, the bat­tle is un­avoid­able, but reaches an agree­ment be­fore­hand, bat­tle, butmust pro­vide some clues, may not the wound and life, can not abol­ish cul­ti­va­tion realm, can not cause heavy losses tothe body.”„If some peo­ple dare to vi­o­late this point, which in­flu­ence re­gard­less of he is, our six big in­flu­ences, will pun­ishin him to­gether.”The All Heav­ens Sect sonorous sound re­sounds through.But re­gard­ing his these words, the ju­niors also re­sponded with one voice , in­di­cat­ing that they will com­ply with the pro­vi­sion.„More­over, the most im­por­tant point, did you see thatmir­ror above de­sign?”„That is the time, your times, only have ten time of dou­ble-hour.”All Heav­ens Sect Head­mas­ter, aimed on that mir­ror, de­sign that is con­tract­ing grad­u­ally.„Orig­i­nally, is that the time?”„This For­ma­tion world, un­ex­pect­edly time?”After hear­ing these words, many peo­ple on the sceneare sur­prised.How­ever per­son from six big in­flu­ences, in­clud­ing sixbig in­flu­ences ju­niors, ac­tu­ally not too big re­flec­tion.Ob­vi­ously, they have long known, in this For­ma­tionworld, has the time limit.„Time ar­rived, you will be trans­mit­ted that For­ma­tionworld.”„But the key point is, this For­ma­tion world, can only open one time, you only have op­por­tu­nity a time.”„Ac­cu­rate, you only have ten time of dou­ble-hour, there­fore this time you, can say on shoul­ders the heavy re­spon­si­bil­ity.”„Suc­cess or fail­ure, on you.”„Goes, com­pletes your tasks, any­one, at­tains the trea­sure in that leg­end.”„He is, the pride of our six big in­flu­ences.”All Heav­ens Sect Head­mas­ter this words say­ing, dis­ci­pleof six big in­flu­ences then leave im­me­di­ately, grazes to goto that For­ma­tion world.How­ever, after all only then five en­trance, there­fore twoin­flu­ences, being doomed to enter same en­trance.But en­ters the same en­trance in­flu­ence, is the wind and thun­der sword fac­tion, and nine Tian­shan.But per­son who the wind and thun­der sword sends, isthe peo­ple in nine Tian­shan, each other when waits and sees, in the eye was full of the hos­til­ity un­ex­pect­edly.Why as, Chu Feng will have so known.This mat­ter, but also wanted for­merly some date and time to men­tion.These six big in­flu­ences are the union, there­fore the co­op­er­a­tion is the fre­quent mat­ter.But be­fore , some date and time, the wind and thun­dersword sends with the Big Dip­per Tian­shan, co­op­er­ates de­codes ruins time, ac­tu­ally pro­duced was un­happy.Elder that the wind and thun­der sword sends, in­juredElder of nine Tian­shan, and it is said the in­jury is very se­ri­ous.This mat­ter, has spread in two schools.But here dis­ci­ple, not only the tal­ent is out­stand­ing, issu­per­cil­ious, there­fore has de­cided se­cretly, even the plan, en­ters this For­ma­tion world in se­cret after today, must givethe op­po­site party to be at­trac­tive.„This Ju­nior Sis­ter grows, but also is re­ally fresh re­fined, waits to enter that For­ma­tion world, the dan­ger is many, you with Se­nior Brother I, Se­nior Brother I pro­tect you.”Has not stepped into the For­ma­tion world, nine Tian­shan male dis­ci­ple, will then look at white Lulu who the wind and thun­der sword sent.His words, al­though said this of pleas­ant to hear, is thattone, is clearly sex­u­ally ha­rass­ing white Lulu.But, said this say­ing per­son, is not gen­eral dis­ci­ple.This per­sonal name ex­er­cised states­man­ship for Song, he was also Sec­ond Rank Ven­er­a­ble, was nine Tian­shanstrongest dis­ci­ple.„Song ex­er­cised states­man­ship, Sis­ter Ju­nior Brotherwho my wind and thun­der sword sent, did not need you to pro­tect, you man­aged well the peo­ple in your nine Tian­shanon the line.”Ouyang Ping re­mem­bers to say.„I am speak­ing with that Ju­nior Sis­ter, can turn you to in­ter­rupt, what thing/per­son are you?”Song ex­er­cised states­man­ship this say­ing, said verywas low voice, was these two schools of dis­ci­ple, has gath­ered to one, clar­ity that there­fore his say­ing, every­onelis­tened.But re­gard­ing the words of Song Jinglun so provo­ca­tion, Ouyang Ping re­mem­bered nat­u­rally also re­fuses to admit being in­fe­rior.„Song ex­er­cised states­man­ship, flaunts the strength of ar­gu­ment not to have mean­ing, was in­fe­rior that and otheren­tered that For­ma­tion world, con­tend.” Ouyang Ping re­mem­bers to say.„How I flaunted the strength of ar­gu­ment, has the skillyou to act now.”„Cow­ard, does not dare, wanted me say­ing that you will be one will only flaunt the waste of strength of ar­gu­ment.”Song ex­er­cised states­man­ship a face satire to look atOuyang Ping to re­mem­ber.But ex­er­cised states­man­ship provo­ca­tion again and again re­gard­ing Song, Ouyang Ping re­mem­bered also looksthe scowl.But he knows, Song ex­er­cised states­man­ship is stir­ring up him in­ten­tion­ally.Be­gins in in­side, is ac­tu­ally ex­cus­able, but if be­gins out­side, that is per­sonal grudge, will look at the joke.But at this mo­ment, Chu Feng opened the mouth, henot only opened the mouth, his tone, but also very bad: „You can­not enter, if not enter makes way, must lose mytime not.”HissHis say­ing said very is loud, there­fore not to men­tiontwo schools of dis­ci­ple looked to him.Many vi­sion on stand, fell on Chu Feng's.But after see­ing Chu Feng, peo­ple are sur­prised.At this time in the hearts of many peo­ple, emerged a same idea.Who this fel­low is, dares to speak un­ex­pect­edly?


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