Friday, June 7, 2019

1472: The secret of Brahma Emperor

#1472: The secret of Brahma Emperor
Comments 493
„How she will know the Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death mat­ter!?” Qianye Fant­ian ex­claimed lowly, un­ex­pect­edly was some mood out-of-con­trol.
Be­cause this is he, and even en­tire Brahma Em­peror God Realm biggest se­cret!
After the low roar makes noise, he sud­denly vig­i­lant, the arm wields, the arrange/cloth has got­ten down huge sound-in­su­lated for­ma­tion.
Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death, is Cre­ation God of Life Li Suo in Pri­mor­dial Era, is next to An­ces­tral Sword and Evil In­fant Wheel third Supreme Trea­sure, if can re­sult in it to rec­og­nize the Lord, can have end­less life essence!
Also is the eter­nal life!
Al­though it not strongest Supreme Trea­sure, but with­out a doubt, „eter­nal life” two char­ac­ters, are all lives, even if peak pur­sue of True God True Devil!
If seven big Supreme Trea­sure put at pre­sent, but op­tional its one, was cho­sen many is ac­tu­ally not An­ces­tral Sword and Evil In­fant Wheel, but cer­tainly is life and death seal!
In Pri­mor­dial record, after Cre­ation God of Life Li Suo dies, Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death then falls into the hand of Devil Race, later then again does not have the mes­sage, never has ap­peared in the pre­sent world.
But reg­u­la­tions, it ac­tu­ally the hun­dred thou­sand year ago, then by Brahma Em­peror God Realm ob­tained.
Ex­pe­ri­enced Evil In­fant Cat­a­stro­phe, most fears Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death of strength of dark­ness to be the same with Sky Poi­son Pearl, its spirit al­ready with­ered away, Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death that only re­main­ing dying.
Yes, can give the life Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death of strength of eter­nal life ac­tu­ally dead, ac­tu­ally lis­tens some­what sub­tly, but fact ac­tu­ally in­deed so.
But, „eter­nal life” under the en­tice­ment of two char­ac­ters, how Brahma Em­peror God Realm will give up be­cause of its death. Dur­ing these years, all pre­vi­ous Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian, tries the method that makes Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death live in seek­ing of spar­ing no ef­fort.
But seeks Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death after on for­mer gen­er­a­tion Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian, its ex­isted then has be­come the Brahma Em­peror God Realm biggest se­cret, only then all pre­vi­ous Di­vine Em­peror and Brahma God knew, in­clud­ing qual­i­fi­ca­tions that Brahma King has not known.
If Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death ex­ists in the Brahma Em­peror God Realm news spreads, with­out a doubt, the in­nu­mer­able dou­ble greedy eyes will stare, even if East Ter­ri­tory first King Realm, even if knew per­fectly well that Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death is dies, even if Brahma Em­peror God Realm has never pre­sented „eter­nal life” the per­son, could not ex­tin­guish the crazy of life two char­ac­ters ab­solutely to „eter­nal life”.
Pre­sent Brahma Em­peror God Realm just lost three Brahma God, is going against the back ac­cord­ing to the Yun Che's op­pres­sion of Devil Em­peror...... If this mat­ter re­veals, South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm meets 1 mil­lion 10,000 im­me­di­ately launch­ing an at­tack!
No, per­haps has not been one's turn South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror will walk on own ini­tia­tive!
Eter­nal life, suf­fi­ciently in­clud­ing Devil Em­peror greedy thor­oughly stim­u­lates.
Why this is also, after hear­ing the Qianye Ying'er words Qianye Fant­ian will have such re­sponse.
„Xia Qingyue that sev­eral years have been sup­press­ing the civil strife, have never left Moon God Realm, her im­pos­si­ble knows de­pend­ing on the strength of one­self.” Qianye Ying'er said solemnly: „Only may be Yue Wuya!”
The Qianye Fant­ian vi­sion be­comes dark.
„I had al­ready re­al­ized, he then knew in the past the mat­ter of Yue Wugou long ago is my be­hav­ior, but in the sur­face never re­vealed that but, ac­tu­ally has got­ten se­cretly down many un­der­handed tricks.” Qianye Ying'er said: „But, Royal Fa­ther does not need ex­tremely to be wor­ried but ac­tu­ally, Moon God Realm re­al­izes some clue , is only re­stricted in the guess, if dares to dis­close this mat­ter, I have the in­nu­mer­able meth­ods in­stead to di­rect Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death ac­tu­ally ac­tu­ally in Moon God Realm!”
„Said again, Moon God Realm also not with the qual­i­fi­ca­tions that we have no con­sid­er­a­tion for face.”
„Be­fore was so, but is dif­fer­ent at this time.” The Qianye Fant­ian brow more re­ceives is tighter: „If Yun Che in­forms Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror this mat­ter...... Con­se­quence dif­fi­cult ma­te­r­ial.”
„No, he does not dare.” Qianye Ying'er lightly snorted: „If Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror ob­tains Pri­mor­dial Seal of Life and Death in light of this, asks for she more favor, if could not find, that may de­ceive, will also after pos­si­bly bring in fails angry...... Royal Fa­ther thought that Yun Che be­fore con­fir­ma­tion, dares to take risk?”
„Be­cause of so, Yun Che and Xia Qingyue this comes, likely is the probe con­firms this mat­ter!” Was touched the biggest se­cret, ver­ti­cal is Qianye Fant­ian, in the eye pupil also starts to take anx­iously: „Pu­ri­fies devil qi is only the pre­tence, must see you to solve griev­ances sim­i­larly is the pre­tence, this not say­ing a word, next time......”
He deeply in­spires, sud­denly has turned around: „Ying'er, told, these two day I must re­flect on, any­body can not ha­rass!”
Space, same pro­found ark, at this time, pre­cisely Moon God Realm.
„Duty is ac­com­plished!” Yun Che has stretched the body: „Qingyue, then should you tell me your goal?”
„After Moon God Realm, I will tell you com­pletely. This mat­ter, only you can com­plete.” Xia Qingyue said.
„Un......” Yun Che thinks, said: „First did not say ac­tu­ally you must make what, today this should, be only the pre­tence that di­verts the Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian at­ten­tion?”
„I spoke frankly,” Yun Che looked at Xia Qingyue one: „This type of pre­tence can bully oth­ers, basic im­pos­si­ble has ac­tu­ally bul­lied Qianye Fant­ian, oth­er­wise this num­ber one Di­vine Em­peror also white Dang...... On the other hand, should you not un­der­stand this?”
„Wants bul­lies him.” Xia Qingyue quiet sound said: „His pre­sent thoughts, were cer­tainly di­rected ‚an­other place’.”
„An­other place?” Yun Che is puz­zled: „Which place?”
„I know his se­cret, but he should also know I know this se­cret. Our times ‚vis­it­ing’, is you pro­posed, he had the doubts, but I sud­denly travel to­gether...... Al­though did not say a word, but he thinks cer­tainly in that di­rec­tion.” The Xia Qingyue item splits moon glow: „Cer­tain meet­ing!”
„Oh?” Yun Che has se­lected the brow: „Why such be­lieves firmly?”
„Be­cause that is the se­cret that Qianye Fant­ian most fears know, nat­u­rally re­gard­ing this sen­si­tively, once moves this to read, then again is un­able to work loose. Ac­tu­ally does not know...... The pre­tence is the true goal.”
If Yun Che moves the Xia Qingyue pupil light at this time, may first time give birth to „fear­fully” read­ing to her.
„Brahma Em­peror God Realm also such se­cret?” Yun Che thinks say­ing: „What se­cret is, can I know?”
„, I know.” Yun Che curled the lip.
„Now knows that does not have the least bit ad­van­tage to you.” Xia Qingyue said: „If which day, your strength can grow to makes Brahma Em­peror God Realm dread you suf­fi­ciently, does not need you to ask, I com­pletely will also tell you. You know after that se­cret, how must do, com­pletely as you like.”
„Good!” The Yun Che fin­ger ex­tends: „Said it and meant it!”
Moon God Realm and Brahma Em­peror God Realm are sep­a­rated by are not re­mote, after short sev­eral dou­ble-hour, Moon God Realm al­ready in line of sight.
Di­vine Em­peror turns over, orig­i­nally is im­por­tant mat­ter, but Xia Qingyue ac­tu­ally shifts to an ear­lier time to re­ceive pro­found ark, and de­sir­ably hid­den aura, bring­ing Yun Che to enter Di­vine Moon City, has hid­den the truth from all peo­ple.
Ob­vi­ously, her hav­ing no in­ten­tion makes per­son know that Yun Che ar­rived at Moon God Realm.
„It seems like you do not want to know me here. I also think that you will lead me to enter Moon God Realm on a grand scale.” Some Yun Che quite hid­den bit­ter­ness say/way.
„You are not quite good be­cause of the Moon God Realm rep­u­ta­tion!” Xia Qingyue said lightly: „Does not want to pro­voke trou­ble­some, peace­ful treat­ing here, where can­not go.”
Dur­ing the speeches, she brings Yun Che to enter for­ma­tion of Di­vine Em­peror rest­ing palace.
This is the Xia Qingyue rest­ing palace, is ac­tu­ally spe­cial Small World. Since the front sur­face light breeze slowly, near the ear hid­den has the un­der­wa­ter/splash­ing sound mur­mur, the ground falls is not know­ing the gen­tle moon­light that from where comes, such as places one­self like pic­ture moon­light il­lu­sion sud­denly.
But in the gen­tle moon­light, screens three slen­der slen­der and del­i­cate young girl beau­ti­ful fig­ures.
Their front sur­face walks, the gait is lithe, the women's cloth­ing color is var­i­ous, but mov­ingly. Flesh snow white, ten­der and del­i­cate clear, looks fol­low­ing the moon­light, their form beau­ti­ful and grace­ful are slen­der, the curve con­vex-con­cave sends, al­though the mak­ings have the dif­fer­ence re­spec­tively, but the ap­pear­ance is such as the poem is all beau­ti­ful like the pic­ture side.
„Maid wel­comed Mas­ter and Young Mas­ter Yun.”
They lean the body to do obei­sance, is not sur­prised re­gard­ing the Yun Che's ar­rival, ob­vi­ously Qingyue early passes mes­sage.
These three girls, mid­dle that yel­low clothes fe­male Yun Che know, re­mem­bers that calls Jinyue, other two peo­ple are first time sees. Yun Che that their same place, looks at shoul­der to shoul­der has the dizzy feel­ing for a while...... Even if there is Xia Qingyue in the side, they are still to­gether the shock­ing peer­less scener­ies, lets any man for it heart rip­ples day­dream suf­fi­ciently.
„You draw back.” Xia Qingyue said: „If this sev­eral days if the in­struc­tion of al­tru­ism, any­body can not see.”
„Yes.” Jinyue, Yaoyue and Lianyue ac­cord­ingly, then the light step leaves clev­erly, odd/sur­plus Xi­angfeng is only re­mote.
„Moon God Realm is re­ally a good place.” Yun Che said with a smile: „For­tu­nately your per­sonal waiter is a fe­male, if male...... I must expel to you com­pletely!!”
„I al­ready am Moon God's Em­peror, do not say the male to wait on, the ver­ti­cal myr­iad male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bines also all may.” Xia Qingyue beau­ti­ful eyes long light is slant­ing his eyes.
„Male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine?” Yun Che clenches teeth im­me­di­ately: „You must dare to have , many I kill many!”
„Yes?” Xia Qingyue faint smile: „Not to men­tion male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine, you, if can drive away my three maids, I then such as your hop­ing, how?”
„Was right, do not blame me not to re­mind you.” Does not wait for Yun Che to reply, Xia Qingyue con­tin­ued: „Their three peo­ple, Jinyue and Lianyue are my ex­clu­sive Moon God Envoy, cul­ti­va­tion base all are Fifth Level Di­vine Lord. But Yaoyue seems is most del­i­cately good to bully, is ac­tu­ally my as­sis­tance Moon God, with me with is one of the Moon God Realm 12 Moon Gods, and strengths in all Moon God, is next to I and Golden Moon God.”
„~! The words that @#¥%......” Yun Che just about to exits were pounded in the belly by a ham­mer.
„You, if has not man­aged well the hands and feet to pro­voke to of­fend them, they let slip slightly, your hun­dred lives in­suf­fi­ciently die.”
„......” Yun Che heav­ily swal­lowed saliva. Can when the Di­vine Em­peror maid, nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble is the sim­ple char­ac­ter.
But that three seem pam­pered is sup­ple, did not have a rab­bit to threaten the big lit­tle miss , not sim­ple was too ex­ces­sive!
„Enough strength, then has not wanted the light under wild talk. You thought now, if I want ac­cept Nan­fei, you pre­vent?”
„Could not pre­vent also to pre­vent!” Yun Che say/way bit­terly, then com­plex­ion one pos­i­tive: „I be­lieve you def­i­nitely un­able.”
Xia Qingyue flow­ery lips very light mov­ing: „You think, who such as you so las­civ­i­ous such as life?”
„Eh......” Yun Che is at a loss for words for a while.
Xia Qingyue no longer ridicules him, sev­eral steps, are built on moon glow slowly for­ward, light breeze strokes, her black turn­ing pur­ple clothes dance in the breeze with the wind, out­lined grace­fully to the as­ton­ish­ing curve, mak­ing the Yun Che's vi­sion con­geal.
Re­sem­bling was re­al­izes rear area the sta­tic line of sight, the Xia Qingyue white hands lost to the back sud­denly, the sparkling stone pur­ple gauze sleeve of wide vast nat­u­rally fell, in con­vex-con­cave pulled up on the but­tocks waist of heart, has been cut off the Yun Che's vi­sion: „I then tell you then to make any­thing now.”
„When your first time is Qianye Fant­ian pu­ri­fies devil qi, have sev­eral sec­ondary the im­pul­sion that seizes the chance to give him to in­tox­i­cate, and said that will not be re­al­ized by him. I had at that time puz­zled, af­ter­ward knew you to have Sky Poi­son Pearl, just now un­der­stands. Then......” Xia Qingyue vi­sion chilly fan, re­sem­bles fog to be cold slightly: „When I want your next time for he pu­ri­fies devil qi, such that such as you for­merly thought that en­ters the body while pro­found en­ergy, re­leases into his within the body the poi­son of Sky Poi­son Pearl!”
Yun Che knit the brows, said: „Under pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos aura, the Sky Poi­son Pearl tox­i­c­ity re­stores ex­tremely slowly, at the Sky Poi­son Pearl pre­sent restora­tion de­gree, I re­leases the com­plete tox­i­c­ity, im­pos­si­ble kills by poi­son him.”
„My pre­vi­ous time also in pro­found en­ergy en­ters the day­dream that under body ex­tremely good op­por­tu­nity the na­ture lives, im­pulses does not cal­cu­late. More­over...... At that time, even if can kill by poi­son him, I only will have im­pul­sive, but will cer­tainly not be put into ac­tion.”
Xia Qingyue said slowly: „I want is not you kills by poi­son you, you in­deed can­not kill by poi­son him. I want, is the Qianye Fant­ian hope­less sit­u­a­tion, but non- dead bound­ary!”
The hope­less sit­u­a­tion, will make the op­po­site party have the hope to strug­gle, but dead bound­ary...... What trades is flees counter-at­tacks with does not die con­tin­u­ous.
The lat­ter, ab­solutely not Yun Che and Moon God Realm can with­stand.


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