Friday, June 7, 2019

1474: Broken ass of Qianye

#1474: Broken ass of Qianye
Comments 497
The flaw on per­son­al­ity?
Qianye Ying'er this to the ut­most sin­is­ter and ruth­less heart­less per­son, will have this flaw?
„Flaw that you said that is could it be that...... weight/quan­tity of Qianye Fant­ian in Qianye Ying'er heart is very heavy?” Yun Che asked.
Fa­ther's weight/quan­tity in girl's feel­ing nat­u­rally is very heavy, is pre­cisely any oth­ers may not sub­sti­tute and com­pare. But...... that is Qianye Ying'er! When Yun Che said these words, with deep un­be­liev­able.
„Is ex­tremely heavy!” Xia Qingyue said.
Yun Che: „......”
„You should hear, Qianye Ying'er is by the Qianye Fant­ian legal wife, is Brahma Em­peror God Realm Di­vine Em­press lives, but ac­tu­ally, the Qianye Ying'er birth mother, that time was only an or­di­nary im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine, then Di­vine Em­press was an­other per­son, was the Brahma Em­peror Crown Prince birth mother.”
Yun Che: „??”( Brahma Em­peror Crown Prince? How doesn't seem to lis­ten to this title?)
„After Qianye Ying'er birth, in very small age, then ex­posed high as­ton­ish­ing nat­ural tal­ent and more as­ton­ish­ing Pro­found Dao am­bi­tion. But her Pro­found Dao am­bi­tion, part is the en­vi­ron­ment is the re­sult, an­other part, for her fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine.”
„That time Qianye Fant­ian has 2000 im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bines, in ad­di­tion Brahma Em­peror God Realm bru­tal sur­vival prin­ci­ple, the sta­tus of or­di­nary im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine can be imag­ined. The Qianye Ying'er in child­hood and fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine are bound by a com­mon des­tiny, to let the fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine has a higher sta­tus and right to speak in Brahma Em­peror God Realm, the cul­ti­va­tion that she goes all out, to com­pete for the re­sources and op­por­tu­nity, ex­poses more and more heavy plans and mean, in ad­di­tion she high Pro­found Dao nat­ural tal­ent ex­tremely...... nat­u­rally, her growth alarmed Brahma Em­peror God Realm, alarmed Qianye Fant­ian.”
„That time Qianye Ying'er, so does not hes­i­tate all like the pre­sent for the ad­van­tage of one­self. On the con­trary, that time she had half...... or the larger part, lived for mother.”
„After that Qianye Ying'er more and more gained at­tach­ing great im­por­tance to of Qianye Fant­ian, her fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine sta­tus also na­ture day of tall passed/lived day. But growth of Qianye Ying'er ac­tu­ally not there­fore lazy, on the con­trary, be­cause of at­tach­ing great im­por­tance to of Qianye Fant­ian, she ob­tained more op­por­tu­ni­ties and re­sources, orig­i­nally after ex­tremely the ter­ri­fy­ing growth un­ex­pect­edly be­comes more as­ton­ish­ing......, Qianye Fant­ian even is­sued an se­cret order in Brahma Em­peror God Realm.”
„Lets the Brahma Em­peror God Realm per­son, can not dis­close or dis­cuss the Qianye Ying'er mat­ter out­side.” Xia Qingyue vi­sion slightly rev­o­lu­tions: „You may know, what does this se­cret order mean?”
„To her one pro­tec­tion, was...... placed the spe­cial great ex­pec­ta­tions.” Yun Che replied.
„Good. This or­dered se­cretly, Brahma Em­peror God Realm to smell spe­cial aura. But is most anx­ious, with­out doubt is Brahma Em­peror Crown Prince, more­over...... also then Brahma Em­peror Di­vine Em­press! But at that time, in Brahma Em­peror God Realm has the rumor, Di­vine Em­peror Fant­ian this is the clear in­struc­tions vig­or­ously to train Qianye Ying'er, in the fu­ture, nat­u­rally must make her in­herit the po­si­tion of Di­vine Em­peror. Per­haps then, the Brahma Em­peror Crown Prince title will be abol­ished quickly, Brahma Em­peror Di­vine Em­press likely will also be abol­ished by the syn­chro­niza­tion, changes by the Qianye Ying'er fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine.”
„Later...... the short four days of that say/way se­cret order issue later, the Qianye Ying'er fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine died.”
Yun Che: „......”
„Qianye Ying'er also en­coun­tered raided se­cretly. But her pro­found strength at that time is Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm Late Stage, and has heavy vig­i­lance pro­tec­tion, body has also worn guard pro­found tool that Qianye Fant­ian is be­stow­ing, thus evades well......, but she can­not pro­tect mother , or, im­ma­ture she, had not seen clearly the will of the peo­ple at that time com­pletely the fear­ful­ness and bru­tal­ity of sur­vival prin­ci­ple.”
„Also dares to start in Brahma Em­peror God Realm un­ex­pect­edly.” Yun Che shook the head: „The Brahma Em­peror God Realm per­son is re­ally one group of lu­natics.”
„【Al­though had not found clear ev­i­dence or trace】, But every­one is well aware, under tak­ing such big risk not to hes­i­tate this vi­o­lent treach­ery, only may be Di­vine Em­press and Crown Prince.”
„It is said that that day Qianye Ying'er col­lapse des­per­ate...... you have asked for ad­vice Qianye Ying'er mean fear­ful, is very cer­tainly hard to imag­ine her for per­son col­lapse des­per­ate, but, that time Qianye Ying'er is also not pre­sent Qianye Ying'er. Also or, is that ac­ci­dent, ac­com­plished today's Qianye Ying'er.”
„How­ever on the same day, Qianye Fant­ian is fu­ri­ous to spread over en­tire Brahma Em­peror God Realm, he made one to let every­one's shock­ing mat­ter...... he per­son­ally, ex­e­cuted Di­vine Em­press and Crown Prince!”
„What!?” Yun Che is star­tled.
On the same day............ ex­e­cuted own Di­vine Em­press per­son­ally, own son...... Crown Prince!
„And an­nounced that erases from the Brahma Em­peror an­ces­tral home the two peo­ple name for­ever, later can­not any­body men­tion again. And be­stows the Qianye Ying'er fe­male im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine for new Di­vine Em­press.”
„Un­ex­pect­edly...... also such mat­ter.” Yun Che said in a low voice.
„Now, did you un­der­stand?” Xia Qingyue said.
Yun Che nod­ded slightly: „Mother is in her life the most im­por­tant evil per­son, her ef­fort, larger part for mother. The mother is harms, but the fa­ther, has re­venged for her with the most ruth­less spicy cruel way, and gave her mother the biggest glory and com­fort, then, she re­gard­ing mother's that kin­ship and de­pen­dence, meets the part with­out a doubt , may pass the bur­den to Qianye Fant­ian body com­pletely...... also a deeply in­grained grat­i­tude.”
„There­fore......” Xia Qingyue looks askance slightly, does not seem to want to make Yun Che see cold light that her eye pupil deep place flashes un­ceas­ingly: „Qianye Fant­ian is in her human na­ture the only kin­ship and ten­der feel­ing. When she weak­ens other all, then, this only kin­ship and ten­der feel­ing, will then be­come the thing that she most can­not lose.”
„Mean­while, be­came her only flaw!”
Yun Che: „......”
„How­ever this flaw, is ac­tu­ally East Ter­ri­tory num­ber one Di­vine Em­peror, the world, even if all knows, it is es­ti­mated that some peo­ple do not think it is the flaw. But...... the flaw after all is the flaw.”
Being bet­ter than Qianye Fant­ian can be the flaw? It is es­ti­mated that under the en­tire day, ex­cept for Xia Qingyue, no one be­lieves, in­stead will re­gard the joke these words.
But she ac­tu­ally re­ally......
Brahma Em­peror God Realm some se­cret...... the Qianye Ying'er per­son­al­ity flaw...... the Qianye Fant­ian per­son­al­ity char­ac­ter­is­tics...... he Evil In­fant devil qi...... spec­u­lated that Yun Che can con­trol dark pro­found strength...... the Yun Che's Heav­enly Poi­son tox­i­c­ity......
How she is con­forms with these to­gether!?
„Qingyue,” Yun Che said sud­denly: „Can you an­swer me an issue?”
Xia Qingyue: „?”
„Am I...... your flaw?” Yun Che looks at her eye.
„Be­fore was.” No con­sid­er­a­tion hes­i­tates, does not have the in­stant eyes tur­bu­lence, she lightly lan­guage: „In the past, I can, for you be­tray the adop­tive fa­ther and Moon God Realm, can ask Se­nior Shen Xi, of­fers the en­tirety that I have.”
„...... Pre­sent?”
Xia Qingyue re­views, beau­ti­ful and sta­tic quiet pupil light and his vi­sion straight look­ing at each other: „Pre­sent I, with­out flaw.”
Yun Che: „......”
„How­ever you, there are in­nu­mer­able!”
Yun Che stands there, for a long time is speech­less.
Xia Qingyue turns around, grad­u­ally leaves: „You then in time calm the mind well, thinks how good to do when the time comes. Al­though this act is I re­tal­i­ates Qianye Ying'er with your strength, but if suc­cess­ful, has very big ad­van­tage you, after all, I as Moon God Em­peror, how will bor­row your time and power in vain.”
„Right,” her foot­steps stopped sud­denly slightly, asked a strange ques­tion: „How many peo­ple have you al­to­gether killed?”
„...... Sev­eral mil­lion.” Yun Che replied.
„That, nearly three years?” Xia Qingyue also asked.
Yun Che thinks, replied: „Four.”
„Re­ally,” Xia Qingyue slightly closed both eyes: „Your body bloody aura, to made me sur­prised light. Why?”
„The spe­cial rea­son, has not been only for these years, does not want to make in the hand con­t­a­m­i­nate many are too bloody.” Yun Che smiles lightly: „I said, you def­i­nitely find it ridicu­lous. How­ever, after wait­ing for you had the chil­dren, you will un­der­stand.”
„con­versely, I for these years in the per­son who under the crim­son dis­as­ter saved, the per­son must be much more than all my has killed. Also is there­fore, for these years my men­tal­ity also be­came more and more gen­tle, par­tic­u­larly in my daugh­ter nearby time.”
The Xia Qingyue foot­steps move lightly, wipes ex­tremely beau­ti­ful Zi Ying silent to go far away, has not said a char­ac­ter again.
Had the rest­ing palace, Xia Qingyue faintly sighed, then calls lightly said: „Lianyue.”
Wear dark blue moon/month clothes the shadow of young girl ap­pears be­fore her body, full does obei­sance.
„You go to Eter­nal Sky God Realm per­son­ally, invit­ing Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror three days later to come my Moon God Realm for the guest. Re­mem­bers that in­forms his Yun Che here, so he de­cides will not re­ject.”
„Yes.” Lianyue ac­cord­ingly, the form also dis­ap­pears in moon glow gen­tly.
„Hope can suc­ceed.” Xia Qingyue said in a low voice: „Even failed, back ac­cord­ing to Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror, he not by any evil con­se­quence, it's just...”
Her small head lifts, above sky, bright moon tall Lin, it ex­ists in the vast night­time sky, ac­tu­ally knows it to live from no one from where, will be­long to where fi­nally.
South­ern God Ter­ri­tory, no one dares near dan­ger­ous place.
Here, is called Evil God to lose, ac­cord­ing to record, after this is Re­mote An­cient Era Evil God dis­cards the name of Cre­ation God , the place of hid­den world, was past Jas­mine ob­tains the place of blood of ex­tin­guish­ing of Evil God.
Just, here des­o­late­ness of pre­sent, has no spe­cial aura, ac­tu­ally wan­ders one crowd to hear fear­ful pro­found beast that it is awestruck.
Re­mote sky, Jie Yuan sta­tic float­ing there.
She al­ready here one day and one night, en­tire has one day and one night moved, such silently looks.
She wanted to find any­thing, but, a here only piece left un­cul­ti­vated with the bare­ness, even he has had aura and trace have not pre­served tiny bit.
In know­ing here is Evil God loses , after hear­ing Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God found some Evil God In­her­i­tance here, here land every inchs, al­ready by thou­sands of times over­turn­ing, how also to also leave be­hind any­thing.
Fi­nally, she took back the vi­sion and Spirit Sense, has not ac­tu­ally gone back to ac­com­pany You'er, but chose a di­rec­tion ca­su­ally, non-stop flies to go.
She wants to try to seek for any trace that nearby Star Ter­ri­tory does have him to leave.
...... She saw city of the human across the wilder­ness, jun­gle and rivers, but, this human city is ac­tu­ally hit by the dis­as­ter that is falling sud­denly.
„How pro­found beast of lone­some quiet for­est can...... Eaah!”
„could it be that with East­ern God Ter­ri­tory same...... pro­found beast tur­moil!?”
„Walks quickly...... walks quickly!!”
Fac­ing the sud­den pro­found beast riot, human of no pro­tec­tion falls into the huge panic, their re­sis­tances ob­vi­ously es­pe­cially are weak...... the fear under such as the pro­found beast tide of panic-stricken wild waves, piti­ful yell and de­spair, such as the plague rapidly is spread­ing in the en­tire city gen­er­ally.
„fra­grant, run! Run!!”
Pair of hus­band and wife brings to only have ten -year-old over daugh­ters to run away, while deals with pro­found beast that is not sen­tenc­ing to pay at risk of life, near strength has grad­u­ally used up.
A deaf­en­ing sound, this blocked pro­found beast power to hus­band and wife, does not have under the com­plete hin­drance the com­ple­men­tary waves, their daugh­ters such as were curled up by the hur­ri­cane, fling to the re­mote upper air, flew to fall to a claw of dis­tant place huge pro­found beast.
Air­borne re­sounds call­ing out in alarm of girl and that to hus­band and wife des­per­ate shout­ing.
At this time, black glow flashed through to­gether, a jet black form ap­peared be­tween the girl and pro­found beast, rear pro­found beast flick­ered to change to the black mist and dust, but the lit­tle girl had been caught by her in the hand, body power was re­moved by her com­pletely, ex­cept for fright­en­ing, re­turned safe and sound.
The Jie Yuan arm wields, throws the lit­tle girl gives back to her par­ents, then must leave.
Re­ceived daugh­ter who one­self re­turned safe and sound, then re­vealed to the hus­band and wife face on was not grate­ful, but was end­less panic-stricken, they look at Jie Yuan, the body in cow­er­ing re­treat: „Demon...... Devil! Is Devil!!”
Jie Yuan: „......”
„Daddy, was she saved me, she was my sav­ior!” The lit­tle girls frighten have not drawn back, but these words, were say par­tic­u­larly clear.
„No! She is Devil!” The women are pro­tect­ing the daugh­ter, backs up step by step, in the eye pupil glit­ters panic-stricken...... is seem­ing like the also ha­tred: „She was mother and you had said many times, in the world was most fear­ful, dirt­i­est, most evil Devil!!”
„Quickly! In­forms City Lord quickly, not only here has pro­found beast, but also pre­sented Devil!!”
„These tur­moils pro­found beast, likely...... not! Is cer­tainly re­lated with these Devil! Quickly! In­forms City Lord quickly...... also Great Realm King! Can­not make Devil live de­par­ture!”
„......” Jie Yuan closes the eye, van­ished there, a piece does not only know dis­as­ter noise when can stand still.


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