Thursday, March 22, 2018

1047: Dragon's Fault?

#1047: Dragon's Fault?
Comments 158
Flame God Realm Phoenix Wing Pro­found Ark has sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) long fully, ex­cept for Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark of em­bod­i­ment in­de­pen­dent world, this is Yun Che has seen hugest pro­found ark.
Ap­proaches pro­found ark, strong flame aura store front. If other Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, de­cide how­ever will have ill, but Yun Che ab­solutely not in its row.
pro­found ark is not only huge, the im­pos­ing man­ner is broad bound­less, such as a float in the city of air­borne king.
Be­fore pro­found ark, Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect Mas­ter Yan Wan­cang and Phoenix Sect Mas­ter Yan Jue­hai waited there, saw that Mu Xu­anyin and Yun Che fly, they wel­comed on own ini­tia­tive.
„Snow Song Realm King, met.” Yan Wan­cang raises slightly slightly: „This time, then all ac­cord­ing to the strength of Snow Song Realm King.”
„Idle talk is not no need to say much.” Mu Xu­anyin wav­ing the arms about grate­fully, passed over gen­tly and swiftly di­rectly they, flies into pro­found ark: „Looks after this king dis­ci­ple, ex­cept for An­cient Horned Dragon, other, even if huge mat­ter, do not come thank your for your hos­pi­tal­ity this king.”
The sound has not fallen, the Mu Xu­anyin form dis­ap­peared in pro­found ark. Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai did not think that awk­ward or strange, Yan Wan­cang turns round say­ing: „The pro­found ark right wing had the ice­house, Snow Song Realm King, if some in­struc­tion, can­not po­litely.”
„Oh... Hon­ored Mas­ter!?” Yun Che for­wards hastily, com­pletely has ac­tu­ally dis­ap­peared the Mu Xu­anyin trace.
„He He, mak­ing Hon­ored Mas­ter she al­ways like qui­etly, your this left her re­cent dis­ci­ple should clearly to be.” Yan Jue­hai [say / way] with a laugh: „Nephew Yun, has not thought that makes Hon­ored Mas­ter lead you to go to­gether un­ex­pect­edly, is ac­tu­ally un­ex­pected.”
„No, ex­pected.” Yan Wan­cang has also smiled: „By Nephew Yun el­e­ment nat­ural tal­ent, made Hon­ored Mas­ter, if did not lead you to go to­gether, in­stead was un­rea­son­able. If Poyun that boy knows, will de­cide joy­fully ex­cep­tion­ally.”
„Ha­haha, that is nat­ural.” Yan Jue­hai long smiles one: „Lis­tened to Sect Mas­ter Huo say­ing that Poyun after Snow Song Realm one line, had a thought Nephew Yun fre­quently.”
„ju­nior Yun Che, has not seen two se­niors.” Yun Che for­wards, re­spect­ful good a ju­nior rit­ual.
„Does not need the smalltalk.” Yan Wan­cang tem­per­ately lan­guage.
Other Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple... Even if the Ice Phoenix elder, ab­solutely is im­pos­si­ble to make these two big Flame God Sect Mas­ter treat per­son­ally . More­over the man­ner ex­pres­sion is quite tem­per­ate. But to them, Yun Che re­ally has such qual­i­fi­ca­tions, not only be­cause of him is Mu Xu­anyin di­rect dis­ci­ple, be­cause he makes these two big Sect Mas­ter deeply feel shock­ing el­e­ment nat­ural tal­ent.
But lets them to the Yun Che greatly fresh fa­vor­able im­pres­sion, nat­u­rally was at that time Huo Poyun after grieved ad­mit­ting de­feat, Yun Che to that words that he spoke.
In they spoke, red pro­found ark al­ready started, non-stop flies re­mote Flame God Realm.
pro­found ark rips to be spa­tial and good, in an in­stant hun­dred li (0.5km). But in pro­found ark is ac­tu­ally steady in­com­pa­ra­ble, the air does not have the mighty waves, could not feel that is shut­tling back and forth in the ex­tremely fast.
Com­pares in Ice Phoenix God Sect sim­ple chilly, the Flame God Realm style is en­tirely dif­fer­ent, then can be in­ferred from the dec­o­ra­tion of pro­found ark. Yun Che was brought by two Flame God dis­ci­ple in an ar­rang­ing room, the room is not only es­pe­cially spa­cious, but also each, even each inch each wisp is pass­ing mag­nif­i­cently and ex­pen­sively, merely is only a guest room above pro­found ark, ac­tu­ally must Ice Cer­e­mo­nial Palace be lux­u­ri­ous in Ice Wind Em­pire has lived.
„Oh, in com­par­i­son, Snow Song Realm also is re­ally poor.” Yun Che can­not help but sighed one.
Looked from this point only, if Snow Song Realm did not have Mu Xu­anyin, does not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions and Flame God Realm com­pletely places on a par.
Be­fore Yun Che once lis­tened to Mu Bingyun to men­tion, among major some will have trans­mis­sion of in­ter­com­mu­ni­ca­tion, paid enough pur­ple stone pur­ple crys­tal to use. But Flame God Realm ac­tu­ally met with pro­found ark, but the list flies by pro­found ark, al­though speed rapid­ness ex­tremely, but ar­rives at Flame God Realm also to take more than four dou­ble-hour.
Why di­rectly with trans­mit­ting pro­found array? By the Hon­ored Mas­ter strength, tear­ing space goes through must com­pare this quick a lot of times by far, is could it be that the cer­e­mony feel­ing? Per­haps...
No other his mat­ter, Yun Che starts to close both eyes to main­tain men­tal tran­quil­ity, quick has then sat in med­i­ta­tion. Has not known how long, out­side room hears a sound of foot­steps sud­denly, he has also opened the eye.
„Nephew Yun, whether to enter a to chat?” Out of the door, has re­sounded the Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect Mas­ter Yan Wan­cang sound.
Yun Che sets out hastily, goes to open the gate on own ini­tia­tive: „Sect Mas­ter Yan.”
„He He, hasn't dis­turbed you?” Yan Wan­cang [say / way] with a laugh.
„Sect Mas­ter Yan vis­its, ju­nior only has is ex­tremely hon­ored, what to come dis­turbs. Does not know that Sect Mas­ter Yan has what in­struc­tion.” Yun Che re­spect­ful [say / way].
„Not his mat­ter, then ca­su­ally chats, is ac­cord­ing to mak­ing the life of Hon­ored Mas­ter looks after you, come, sits.”
Then, Yan Wan­cang has closed door, sits down on own ini­tia­tive.
„... ju­nior is ter­ri­fied.” Yun Che has not re­treated but ac­tu­ally ar­ti­fi­cial, sits the Yan Wan­cang di­rectly op­po­site.
If this were seen by the Flame God Realm per­son, it is es­ti­mated that can be star­tled the eye­ball to jump. Be­cause of en­tire Flame God Realm, can so treat as an equal with Yan Wan­cang, only has Yan Jue­hai and Huo Rulie.
„Nephew Yun, hears you comes Lower Realm, but does not know, Star Realm that you were born is?” Yan Wan­cang asked.
Ini­tially when Snow Song Realm, he does not evade his fam­ily back­ground, even in ar­rival first day men­tioned it­self with Feng Mo on own ini­tia­tive came from Blue Pole Star. But after Heav­enly Lake was given scold­ing by Mu Xu­anyin, he has alerted thor­oughly, sud­denly was asked this issue by Yan Wan­cang, he is hav­ing the apol­ogy: „This... ju­nior came from small planet, Sect Mas­ter Yan de­cides has not lis­tened, is noth­ing to speak.”
Yun Che's turns down the reply to make Yan Wan­cang slightly sur­prised, but has not closely ex­am­ined or the dis­con­tented, [say / way] with a laugh: „, I ac­tu­ally what kind Star Realm, al­though is ex­tremely cu­ri­ous to nur­ture your this grade of rare tal­ent un­ex­pect­edly, but wants to come, this grade of rare tal­ent only had be­stowed by heaven, which Star Realm with fam­ily back­ground was also but ac­tu­ally un­in­ter­ested.”
„Sect Mas­ter Yan over­praised, ju­nior is not at all ashamedly.” Yun Che said.
„This grade of praise, oth­ers can­not han­dle, ab­solutely but you work as.” Yan Wan­cang looks to sigh sud­denly: „Your Snow Song Realm had your Hon­ored Mas­ter this grade of char­ac­ter, I have once be­lieved that must be un­prece­dented, lat­ter does not have the fu­ture, is im­pos­si­ble to pre­sent one such as the per­son of her suc­ces­sor like that has not thought... It seems like that is re­ally heaven bless your Snow Song.”
At the same time was say­ing, on the Yan Wan­cang face is re­veal­ing the ex­cla­ma­tion of not minc­ing mat­ter... Ad­mired.
After all, has cul­ti­vated to their this grade of ages for with the al­ti­tude, per­haps the biggest pur­sue, was found an in­tel­li­gence ex­cel­lent, can in­herit one­self power and will, had bet­ter be able ex­ceed own suc­ces­sor. How­ever, this is more dif­fi­cult than into a Lord.
Yun Che: „...”
„, He He, spoke over­step­ping some words prob­a­bly.” Yan Wan­cang beck­ons with the hand: „Nephew Yun, after our Flame God Realm, you com­pletely may play. So long as your Hon­ored Mas­ter not anx­iously going back, where you want to go, said one with my good-for-noth­ing son, sure. As for that only Horned Dragon, was your Hon­ored Mas­ter mat­ter, at the ap­pointed time looks from afar well, Ha­ha­haha.”
Yan Wan­cang smiles is es­pe­cially re­laxed, ob­vi­ously ex­tin­guishes An­cient Horned Dragon to be es­pe­cially con­fi­dent to this slaugh­ter. Yun Che thinks slightly, said: „Thanks Sect Mas­ter Yan great kind­ness. ju­nior... Has the in­ci­dent to con­sult. This time hunts and kills the mat­ter of An­cient Horned Dragon, does not know that the se­nior some­what does grasp?”
„This...” Yan Wan­cang just about to replied that the words have not ex­ported, swal­lowed back force­fully, shakes the head to say with a smile: „This say­ing, you should ask that your Hon­ored Mas­ter, be­side your Hon­ored Mas­ter, any­body dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion replied.”
„?” Yun Che stares slightly: „Is the mean­ing of Sect Mas­ter Yan this say­ing?”
„He He, we again per­fect­ness that even if arranges, with after is your Hon­ored Mas­ter that Horned Dragon fights, has con­fi­dence, nat­u­rally can only she some qual­i­fi­ca­tions replies.” Yan Wan­cang slightly ob­vi­ously help­less say­ing with a smile.
Yun Che has been star­tled being star­tled, re­sponded all of a sud­den: „You said... Only then my Hon­ored Mas­ter per­son and An­cient Horned Dragon bat­tle!?”
Yun Che's re­sponded that made Yan Wan­cang also stare under: „This is nat­ural.”
„...” The Yun Che mouth opened: „could it be that, three Sect Mas­ter se­niors... Doesn't enter the war?”
Wipes awk­wardly passes on the Yan Wan­cang face: „It seems like, your Hon­ored Mas­ter has not men­tioned to you have hunted and killed the mat­ter of An­cient Horned Dragon. These for sev­eral thou­sand years sev­eral times hunted and killed Horned Dragon, is al­ways your Hon­ored Mas­ter and it alone bat­tles, three of us ver­ti­cal want to help , has a mind to be in­ca­pable.”
„...” Yun Che there, he for­merly in­deed does not know, even has also thought that is Flame God Realm uses fully, is the main ac­tion strength, but Hon­ored Mas­ter is only the for­eign aid... Meow de­pends en­tirely on a Hon­ored Mas­ter per­son to hit es­pe­cially un­ex­pect­edly!?
Yan Wan­cang smiles bit­terly, said: „Three months ago, you also saw that under your Hon­ored Mas­ter anger how­ever gets rid, even if our three Sect Mas­ter joint ef­fort, was flick­ered to rout. The great strength of your Hon­ored Mas­ter, pre­sent you are un­able to un­der­stand and imag­ine. Oh, do not say you, is I and Sect Mas­ter Yan (炎), Sect Mas­ter Huo, is un­able to un­der­stand sim­i­larly. That is Di­vine Lord Realm... Realm of human clos­est god.”
„How­ever that only An­cient Horned Dragon, its power also en­dures to com­pare human Di­vine Lord Realm. Your Hon­ored Mas­ter enemy, three of us does not beat ab­solutely, rushes, but is brings death, what let alone we cul­ti­vate is fire at­tribute Pro­found Arts, did not threaten.” Yan Wan­cang shook the head: „We can do, judges the time of good Horned Dragon shed scales, when it is sep­a­rated from God Bur­ial Fire Prison, first locks its po­si­tion.”
Es­pe­cially meow... No won­der your Flame God Realm dragon, after hunt­ing and killing, un­ex­pect­edly is will­ing to be taken away the en­tire half by Hon­ored Mas­ter, orig­i­nally de­pends en­tirely on a Hon­ored Mas­ter per­son to strive, you are pro­vide the dragon... Be­fore as well as does , the work of sen­try.
Three months ago, but also thought three big Sect Mas­ter groups visit per­son­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly please has the sin­cer­ity... Now looked that should be com­pletely!
„But, I be­lieve that your Hon­ored Mas­ter this time will have the con­sid­er­able big as­sur­ance, after all, mil­len­ni­ums ago that time, if has not pre­sented that ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, has the pos­si­bil­ity to suc­ceed very much. Al­though fails when suc­cess seemed within reach, but that only Horned Dragon ‚Dragon's Fault’ had been in­jured by your Hon­ored Mas­ter, mil­len­nium should be not enough to re­store.”
„Dragon's Fault!?” Yun Che slip of the tongue.
„Oh?” Yan Wan­cang looks ques­tion.
Yun Che ex­plained hastily: „I had used a sword be­fore, the name was just called Dragon's Fault, the co­in­ci­dence, mak­ing Sect Mas­ter Yan be laughed.”
Dragon's Fault... Good to fondly re­mem­ber.
When at­tains that the sword, Chu Yuechan in bosom... It ac­com­pa­nied to throw over Jing to be bathed in blood, has wit­nessed the most im­por­tant that growth... Dom­i­nates Blue Wind rank­ing tour­na­ment, the slaugh­ter ex­tin­guishes Burn­ing Heaven Clan, over­awes seven coun­try all Xiong... Merit il­lus­tri­ous, has not ac­tu­ally died a nat­ural death...
By Hong'er eat­ing!!
„So that's how it is.” The Yan Wan­cang smile nods.
„Sect Mas­ter Yan, ju­nior, al­though has not seen that only An­cient Horned Dragon, but knew for some time that dragon body is Ven­er­a­ble of Myr­iad Spir­its, the self-re­cov­ery abil­ity should ex­tremely, An­cient Horned Dragon be so for­mi­da­ble , is most suit­able in its God Bur­ial Fire Prison, how after by the wound, the en­tire even thou­sands years to be re­stored?” Yun Che doubts to ask.
The self-re­cov­ery abil­ity of dragon strong, Yun Che is very clear... His one­self has Dragon God Blood­line, the self-re­cov­ery abil­ity strongly to links him to be afraid sim­ply.
„He He, you said right, by body, can com­pare with Dragon Clan with­out any life. If other spots, even if the wound is heavy, fast to re­cover com­pletely, but only Dragon's Fault,” Yan Wan­cang ex­plained with a smile: „It is the Horned Dragon life gate is, is Horned Dragon body can be called the weak­ness only the place. Once is dam­aged, then can as­sign air/Qi to dam­age se­verely, wants fully to re­store, needs to be equal the time. If can cause heavy losses, mak­ing it per­ish di­rectly, by no means not pos­si­bly.”
„You can un­der­stand for sev­enth the cuns (2.5cm) snake.”
„... So that's how it is.” Yun Che nods sud­denly: „Since is the life gate is, wants to cause heavy losses, should be very dif­fi­cult?”
„That is nat­ural. An­cient Horned Dragon will pro­tect by greatly strength­ened power in Dragon's Fault, must pro­tect power to scat­ter then wound Dragon's Fault it, said that ac­tu­ally causes heavy losses to its dragon body to be much more dif­fi­cult than di­rectly, your Hon­ored Mas­ter bat­tles with it mul­ti­ple, de­sir­ably will never at­tack Dragon's Fault, be­cause of de­sir­ably for it, in­stead multi- fee strength. Mil­len­ni­ums ago rea­son that your Hon­ored Mas­ter can in­jure its Dragon's Fault, after the long-time fierce bat­tle its com­pre­hen­sive sup­pres­sion, mak­ing its power burst greatly, just now suc­ceeds.”
„At this time, An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault has not re­cov­ered, but your Hon­ored Mas­ter pro­found strength also has ob­vi­ous striv­ing, there­fore this time...” Yan Wan­cang sound, changes the tonal­ity slightly, as­serted: „De­cides will suc­ceed!”


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