Friday, March 30, 2018

1059: Worst result

#1059: Worst result
Comments 255
„Ha­ha­haha!” Huo Rulie raises head to laugh di­rectly: „The bot­tom of God Bur­ial Fire Prison? I said that your brain rested ig­no­rant, any non­sense that spoke.”
„Brother Yun, you... Def­i­nitely is crack­ing a joke?” Some Huo Poyun wor­ries looks at Yun Che. His words kill some peo­ple not to be­lieve that but his look also is ex­tremely strange.
„Re­ally is this boy Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple? Acts like a mad­man?” A Phoenix elder shakes the head to say.
„Yeah,” Yan Wan­cang has not smiled, is heav­ily sighed: „Yun Che, you are Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, es­pe­cially be­side Snow Song, should care about sect and Hon­ored Mas­ter honor is cau­tious in word and deed, how can talked non­sense! Also dis­trib­utes so the se­ri­ous oath... Has not hur­ried to with­draw words.”
Yan Wan­cang greatly has ap­pre­ci­ated to Yun Che, is he sur­mounts Huo Poyun el­e­ment nat­ural tal­ent in­ces­santly, also he dis­plays the far ultra age at any time un­flus­tered. But a Yun Che per­for­mance, only made him feel sim­ply im­per­vi­ous, like was the brain has burnt out sud­denly.
Yun Che clenches teeth say­ing: „This mat­ter, how I pos­si­bly bring to crack a joke! The mat­ters of two An­cient Horned Dragon, I ab­solutely do not have the lies of half char­ac­ter, oth­er­wise I am Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, how to send out so the se­ri­ous oath!! Asked Sect Mas­ter Yan to be­lieve me!”
„Good!” Yan Jue­hai was also un­able to con­tinue watch­ing, knits the brows: „Yun Che, you may know An­cient Horned Dragon then to have the record my Flame God Realm six hun­dred thou­sand years ago. Which gen­er­a­tion later re­gard­less to, never had stopped to its track­ing down! To its all, is thor­ough know­ing from A to Z! From be­gin­ning to end, one Horned Dragon, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to have sec­ond, oth­er­wise our Flame God Realm is how pos­si­ble the en­tire six hun­dred thou­sand years not to re­al­ize.”
„How­ever you ar­rive at my Flame God Realm short three day time, my Flame God Realm for gen­er­a­tions 60 years, could it be that might as well your this triv­ial three days?”
Yun Che just about to opens the mouth, Yan Jue­hai sound then again sec­ond rolling: „This mat­ter, pure, when you play a sense­less joke. But God Bur­ial Fire Prison... Can you know God Bur­ial Fire Prison are what kind ex­is­tence? I, Sect Mas­ter Yan, Sect Mas­ter Huo, do not say the body, even if the mind strength, most can only ex­tend to thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) depth re­luc­tantly, as for the bot­tom of Fire Prison, the en­tire Flame God Realm his­tory never some peo­ple can touch. But your tal­ent Di­vine Essence Realm Snow Song dis­ci­ple dared the wild talk to the bot­tom of God Bur­ial Fire Prison un­ex­pect­edly...”
„As our Flame God Realm sa­cred source, God Bur­ial Fire Prison by our en­tire awe, only may chal­lenge, can­not bring to crack a joke!”
„Hello!” Huo Rulie stared Yan Jue­hai one ma­li­ciously, dis­con­tented [say / way]: „Your this old bas­tard, taught two also that's al­right ca­su­ally, said that such heav­ily did, he did not live in Flame God Realm, which man­aged our Flame God Realm cus­tom.”
„Oh,” Yan Jue­hai shook the head.
Yan Wan­cang looks at the Yun Che's com­plex­ion, sud­denly said in a low voice: „Looks at his ap­pear­ance, pours is not talk­ing non­sense likely in­ten­tion­ally. It seems like that was af­fected by Fire Prison.”
His say­ing, sur­round­ings peo­ple have be­come aware, Yan Jue­hai nod­ded say­ing: „In­deed, here so heavy burn­ing air/Qi, very easy burn soul, caus­ing the con­scious­ness to be con­fused, let alone he is Snow Song dis­ci­ple.”
„I now sober very much, com­pared with sobers at any time!” Yun Che clenches jaws, going all out is think­ing can let the method that they be­lieve.
Huo Rulie puts out a hand to grasp his shoul­der, the whole face help­less [say / way]: „Well good, even if you said real, even if has an­other Horned Dragon re­ally... Oh, did not say one, even if also an­other two An­cient Horned Dragon, by your Hon­ored Mas­ter strength, wants to es­cape to safely the words, that is also the easy mat­ter, there­fore you put 10,000 hearts to be good. Poyun, or... You lead him to look for place rest a while, the far­ther the bet­ter.”
Huo Poyun just about to com­plies, Yun Che is bel­lows: „So is not sim­ple! These two Horned Dragon en­tire 60 years have not re­vealed any flaw, pre­vi­ous in which was in­jured Dragon's Fault, an­other has not come out, ob­vi­ously their plans and pa­tience are fear­ful! There­fore, an­other ei­ther does not leave, once comes out, surely will choose best the op­por­tu­nity to them! My Hon­ored Mas­ter pro­found strength had con­sumed greatly, again under does not guard is sneak at­tacked by an­other fully... Meets the se­vere wound surely!”
„This is the card in a hand that two Horned Dragon less than at the last minute will not turn out, once turns out, ab­solutely not to the op­por­tu­nity of Hon­ored Mas­ter any respite! Hon­ored Mas­ter copes with one to use fully, pro­found strength greatly con­sumes now, is se­ri­ously in­jured again, but must si­mul­ta­ne­ously face two An­cient Horned Dragon --- most flour­ish­ing con­di­tions, how she pos­si­bly ran away!”
„, Your this boy.” Huo Rulie sev­eral nearly grasp crazily, Yun Che has res­cued the Huo Ye life, by him few piti­ful pa­tience, thinks re­ally di­rect palm of the hand racket faints he: „Your Hon­ored Mas­ter, if had an ac­ci­dent, I ac­com­pa­nied with my short re­main­ing life to you unit!?”
No­body be­lieves that even if he sends some poi­so­nous oath peo­ple not to be­lieve. A Yun Che palm of the hand claps the hand of Huo Rulie, be­fore rush­ing to the Yan Wan­cang body, once again: „Sect Mas­ter Yan, you can not be­lieve that can, when I in non­sense. Also so, ju­nior did not ask you to send greet­ings Hon­ored Mas­ter to make her run away, you only need send greet­ings my Hon­ored Mas­ter, told her in sur­round­ing Fire Prison pos­si­bly to am­bush an­other An­cient Horned Dragon, mak­ing her heart have the se­cu­rity then... This al­ways?”
„It is not good!” Yan Wan­cang ac­tu­ally wants not to think, ab­solute re­fusal: „When your Hon­ored Mas­ter with the Horned Dragon bat­tle, first will be crush­ing sound trans­mis­sion jade, fears all forms of dis­tur­bance! If so passes mes­sage her, will de­cide will make her lose con­cen­tra­tion!”
Yun Che anx­ious sound track: „Now Hon­ored Mas­ter has oc­cu­pied ab­solute win­ning side, An­cient Horned Dragon does not have the strength to hit back, even if be­cause of passes mes­sage loses con­cen­tra­tion can be what kind of? Loses con­cen­tra­tion in­stant, again im­pos­si­ble in­flu­ence im­me­di­ately war!”
„When is not only passes mes­sage los­ing con­cen­tra­tion?” Yan Wan­cang bears the tem­per say­ing: „If your Hon­ored Mas­ter be­lieves ex­is­tence of also an­other Horned Dragon, when she also bat­tles fre­quently di­verts at­ten­tion to guard! But the op­po­site lived has at least counted the hun­dred thou­sand year An­cient Horned Dragon, al­though it now seems like the whole body is the blood, did not have the se­vere wound cer­tainly, un­manned knew its also what kind of card in a hand, if made your Hon­ored Mas­ter there­fore lose con­cen­tra­tion se­ri­ously, pos­si­bly has not ru­ined the cur­rent as­pect!”
„You may know my Flame God Realm al­ready dili­gently and waited for many years for this day painstak­ingly! Be­cause if your this cre­ates a scene to make all be de­stroyed in a mo­ment,” the Yan Wan­cang ex­pres­sion is in­com­pa­ra­bly se­vere: „Not only my Flame God Realm will not for­give you, after your Hon­ored Mas­ter knows, will de­cide how­ever will not for­give you!”
„Good...” The Yun Che lip trem­bles, both hands grip „” straight sound: „I told me Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
Then, soar­ing that he re­nounces, di­rect im­pact Fire Prison.
„Yun boy!” The great strength that Huo Rulie in great sur­prise, putting out a hand like light­ning, Yun Che com­pletely is un­able to re­volt against falls in the sky him, pound­ing of heav­ily falls on the Huo Rulie side, Huo Rulie puts out a hand to hold down him rapidly, roars: „You were in­sane! On your this small physique, the bone that did not have nearly to the thou­sand li(500 km) in de­stroyed does not re­main!”
„That also help­lessly looks at Hon­ored Mas­ter dead strong many com­pared with me!” Yun Che ex­plodes ex­claims.
„Yun Che!!” Yan Wan­cang roars, shakes all per­son Soul to trem­ble, his frown sinks thor­oughly, on the face brings being in­wardly angry that lit­tle is pre­sent­ing ex­tremely: „Can you know this time hunt and kill the Horned Dragon in­ci­dent to be im­por­tant to my Flame God Realm? That merely is not the rare trea­sure of dragon, will also be de­cid­ing our en­tire fu­ture des­tiny and sta­tus!”
„Now, hunts and kills Horned Dragon to near suc­cess­fully, I will not per­mit the oc­cur­rence of any mis­take and any ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, even if small!” Yan Wan­cang pair of Ling Mu looks straight ahead Yun Che: „If not for be­cause of your Hon­ored Mas­ter, trades to be any per­son to dare so to de­lib­er­ately cre­ate trou­ble at this grade of im­por­tant mat­ter, I al­ready ex­e­cuted it under the palm! You give me to shut up now hon­estly, oth­er­wise... Does not do to blame me not being im­po­lite.”
In three big Di­vine Flame, is most tem­per­ate by Ver­mil­ion Bird Fire. Yan Wan­cang is also in three big Sect Mas­ter most has the self-con­trol, the tem­pera­ment most tem­per­ate per­son, a Ver­mil­ion Bird elder, is ex­tremely rare he so to lose one's tem­per --- after all, hunts and kills the Horned Dragon in­ci­dent to re­late greatly is too too big.
„...” The Yun Che's chest is fluc­tu­at­ing fiercely, but his look in look­ing steadily of Yan Wan­cang slowly soft , the sound com­pletely was also soft, has taken deep plead­ing: „Sect Mas­ter Yan, my Yun Che this life, al­though is short, but lit­tle pledged ex­tremely that lit­tle asks oth­ers for help ex­tremely... I pledged again, words that spoke a mo­ment ago, does not have a char­ac­ter is the lies, oth­er­wise, I am will­ing to be ad­ju­di­cated by heaven's way, dies like a dog! Asked Sect Mas­ter Yan to send greet­ings my Hon­ored Mas­ter... Only must re­mind her to ad­mon­ish slightly well... Asked Sect Mas­ter Yan to help, Hon­ored Mas­ter is heavy to my gra­cious­ness like sea, if Hon­ored Mas­ter were saved in light of this, my Yun Che, de­cided the life not to for­get the gra­cious­ness of Sect Mas­ter Yan.”
„...” Yan Wan­cang has not spo­ken, but has turned around cold... Aloof.
„But, if my Hon­ored Mas­ter left any ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised re­ally...” The plead­ing look, be­comes in the flash mean, the sound in shiv­er­ing be­comes hoarse: „Yan Wan­cang, my Yun Che... Will not let off you!!”
These words, mak­ing all peo­ple look the star­tled color.
„Scoundrel!” Yan Wan­cang has not spo­ken, Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect Great Elder is gets angry eye­brow cursed: „What thing you are, matches to say the name of my Sect Mas­ter!? Un­ex­pect­edly also courage threat...”
„Shuts up! Share that some where you spoke!” Huo Rulie ma­li­ciously hor­i­zon­tal his eyes, frowns say­ing: „Looks that this boy truly was brain burnt out, Sect Mas­ter Yan, you when has not been lis­ten­ing. Poyun, you hurry to lead him to look for one...”
Ka ka ka ka ka...
The ear-spit­ting in­com­pa­ra­ble ice crys­tal con­geal­ment sound al­most tears the eardrum of all peo­ple in­stan­ta­neously, pulls back in the line of sight of peo­ple the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion all of a sud­den.
On An­cient Horned Dragon dragon body, a thick ice crys­tal is spread­ing, and replied promptly to fill its whole body quickly. An­cient Horned Dragon roared and strug­gles, the ice crys­tal con­tin­u­ously was pre­sent­ing the close fis­sure , the un­ceas­ing con­geal­ment once more, and be­came in the con­geal­ment more and more sin­cere.
But roar­ing of An­cient Horned Dragon and strug­gles is get­ting more and more weak, under each spot until its en­tire body was blocked, in the foot have sev­eral in a zhang (3.33 m) thick ice crys­tal, is un­able to work loose again.
„Seals... Sealed up!!” Yan Jue­hai is wild with joy ex­claim­ing.
For­merly does not know that many at­tempts frozen, will be shaken the pow­der by An­cient Horned Dragon, this is the first time, its gen­uine to seal|con­fer Jie. Al­though this type seals to tie im­pos­si­ble to main­tain com­pletely too for a long time... But, ac­tu­ally cre­ated one to kill its ex­tremely good op­por­tu­nity cer­tainly.
Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil closed, the both arms light show, the shade of silent light dance body Ice Phoenix, water chest­nut shape ice glow con­denses in her fin­ger­tip, and be­comes in the in­fla­tion pro­found.
Rests, two breaths, three breaths and four breaths...
Sealed to tie the An­cient Horned Dragon ice crys­tal to pre­sent fis­sure all over the body, di­a­mond ice glow of Mu Xu­anyin fin­ger­tip also turned into foot zhang (3.33 m), and re­leased no one has been see­ing the pro­found blue light.
Looks at that to wipe blue light through the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion, all peo­ple felt that their line of sight in the silent down­cast, along with it, the whole per­son as if sud­denly has fallen into the end­less sea un­ex­pect­edly, falls into bot­tom­less cold ice abyss again.
What con­cept let Di­vine Lord calm the mind to con­dense the pro­found strength en­tire four breaths is?
Do not say An­cient Horned Dragon at this mo­ment, even if in most flour­ish­ing con­di­tion, once were hit, meets the in­stan­ta­neous se­vere wound. But by its this time con­di­tion...
Ice-break­ing that mo­ment of but leav­ing, per­haps when is its per­ish­ing!
The air as if con­geals, all peo­ple have turned very quiet, both eyes star­ing stub­bornly in the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion, is wait­ing for that il­lu­sion mo­ment ar­rival... Only has Yun Che, his eye pupil wants to crack, but the body held down by Huo Rulie, in any event tries to strug­gle mo­tion­lessly.
Bad... Bad! Hon­ored Mas­ter runs away quickly... Runs away quickly Ah!!
Blocks the Horned Dragon ice crys­tal to blast open loudly.
But in that flash that Mu Xu­anyin fin­ger­tip ice water chest­nut will soon pro­ject, her rear in­suf­fi­cient hun­dred feet Fire Prison blasts out sud­denly, the flame shadow band is ex­tin­guish­ing the pres­tige of world to­gether, curls the space that layer upon layer bro­ken is ex­tin­guish­ing to pound down loudly.
Mu Xu­anyin power con­denses in fin­ger­tip, mind locks in the front Horned Dragon body com­pletely. Does not guard, is such near dis­tance... In that flash that she faints from fear, back al­ready by ma­li­ciously bang, con­scious­ness in­stan­ta­neous pale piece.
Rum­bles --- --- --- ---
Sur­round­ing three thou­sand miles Fire Prison boil­ing, raises com­pletely wants to bite to ex­tin­guish a sky ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) hot wave.


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