Saturday, March 24, 2018

1048: Initially treads Flame God

#1048: Initially treads Flame God
Comments 304
„Since Sect Mas­ter Yan so said that de­cided how­ever does not have the issue.” Yun Che said that also has sup­ple­mented one: „ju­nior felt that Hon­ored Mas­ter this time should have very big as­sur­ance.”
„Was right, doesn't know that only An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault in the what po­si­tion of its body?” Yun Che cu­ri­ous con­sult­ing said. Be­cause he first time hears Horned Dragon body also „Dragon's Fault” ex­is­tence of this weak­ness.
„Cen­ter its dragon's belly.” Yan Wan­cang said: „It is not dragon body of all drag­ons has Dragon's Fault, Horned Dragon not only has Dragon's Fault, but also is most ob­vi­ous in Dragon Clan, per­haps is un­able to change to the human form be­cause of it the rea­son. How­ever, Nephew Yun, in the fu­ture you, if can­not meet True Dragon that does not beat, even if Horned Dragon, do not try to seek its Dragon's Fault, for it, in­stead in­creases its dan­ger de­sir­ably, was sure to re­mem­ber.”
Yun Che deep nod: „Thanked the Sect Mas­ter Yan in­struc­tion.”
„Oh,” looks at Yun Che, Yan Wan­cang deeply sighs sud­denly: „Was a pity that you are too young, but Pro­found God Con­fer­ence al­ready in close, if this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence can on the slow sev­eral years, give your enough growth time, by your nat­ural tal­ent, must enter first 1000 on Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, is far from the mat­ter of im­pos­si­ble. Later Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm 3,000 years, in­clud­ing me, is hard to imag­ine you to grow to the what kind sit­u­a­tion... Is a pity.”
His deep shak­ing the head, sighed from the bot­tom of one's heart.
Yun Che: „...”
„Birth of Poyun, in ad­di­tion sud­denly Pro­found God Con­fer­ence of ar­rival, this time hunts and kills Horned Dragon to be quite im­por­tant to our Flame God Realm. If can suc­ceed, the col­lec­tion the strength of our three Sect Mas­ter, must be able to make Poyun be re­born in a short time once again, above Pro­found God Con­fer­ence also has very big as­sur­ance to break in first 1000. The ex­pe­ri­ence of later Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm, has the pos­si­bil­ity ex­tremely... Let in my Flame God Realm birth his­tory first Di­vine Lord.”
Yan Wan­cang raised the head, can look, his an­tic­i­pa­tion ex­tremely, ex­tremely anx­ious dis­turbed: „This time, in any event, must suc­ceed... All, must ask your Hon­ored Mas­ter. Al­though ac­cords to his need, but if can the com­plete suc­cess, Flame God Realm take the benev­o­lence as to record surely.”
The air started to move rest­lessly sud­denly at this time, Yan Wan­cang stood up slowly: „It seems like, ar­rived.”
Sim­i­lar and con­tra­dicts with Snow Song Realm, Flame God Realm is an­cient, the hot el­e­ment den­sity and ac­tive de­gree high ex­tremely, the tem­per­a­ture far ex­ceeds the bound­ary that the com­mon per­son can with­stand high, but is ac­tu­ally in­her­its fire at­tribute blood­line and fire at­tribute pro­found beast, as well as cul­ti­vates the fire at­tribute Pro­found Arts heaven.
For­ma­tion of Flame God Realm, be­cause of Pri­mor­dial Flame Veins. Like Snow Song Realm Ice Veins, Flame God Realm Flame Veins stayed be­hind from an­cient times var­i­ous Era of Gods, but the Flame Veins core re­gion, was a con­tin­u­ous nearly 1 mil­lion li (0.5km) huge sea of fire, was God Bur­ial Fire Prison!
The Flame God Realm per­son has the un­sur­passed awe re­gard­ing Flame Veins and God Bur­ial Fire Prison, in the mean­time, they in in­nu­mer­able years, has never stopped the ex­plo­ration to God Bur­ial Fire Prison, but never has the per­son to achieve the God Bur­ial Fire Prison base... On such as never some peo­ple can achieve the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake base in Snow Song Realm.
But, com­pares, only then dozens li (0.5km), can see Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake of bound­ary, the God Bur­ial Fire Prison con­tin­u­ous 1 mil­lion li (0.5km), its ex­is­tence, can be called is the Pri­mor­dial mir­a­cle.
pro­found ark stops, pro­found ark, the air wave then vi­o­lently throws. Com­pares in Snow Song Realm air ice-cold si­lenc­ing, the Flame God Realm air com­pletely is an­other ex­treme, was scald­ing hot and manic, is sim­i­lar to marched into one all of a sud­den in the fired fur­nace.
Here sky, is pre­sent­ing pro­found to as­ton­ish­ing red, sim­ply likely by heat iron. Does not know that ap­proaches God Bur­ial Fire Prison be­cause of here, the Flame God Realm sky is so.
Yan Wan­cang looks to Yun Che, the words has not ex­ported, then has been star­tled, he thinks that cul­ti­vates ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts, will for a long time oc­cupy Snow Song Realm Yun Che quite to be here ill, will ac­tu­ally see his com­plex­ion and aura es­pe­cially to sub­side, does not have the het­e­rochro­sis, in the heart ex­presses ad­mi­ra­tion, then said: „Here, is the Flame God Realm cen­ter, has the short hun­dred li (0.5km) to south again, is God Bur­ial Fire Prison is.”
The Yan Jue­hai con­nec­tion said: „this pe­riod of time, our three big sect have brought per­son of lie here, mo­men­tar­ily in­ves­ti­gates the God Bur­ial Fire Prison trend, brought some young dis­ci­ple to be in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced to this while con­ve­nient. Was right, Poyun also here , he if knows that you came, de­cides hap­pily.”
At this time, cold qi passed over gen­tly and swiftly sud­denly, flash then all scald­ing hot all dis­pelled, the en­tire world all of a sud­den be­came quiet cold in­com­pa­ra­ble, Yun Che saw ob­vi­ously that was two big Sect Mas­ter's Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai fiercely trem­bled under this ice-cold un­ex­pect­edly.
The Mu Xu­anyin form ap­peared in front, the vi­sion looked straight ahead south­ern God Bur­ial Fire Prison.
„Snow Song Realm King...”
Yan Wan­cang for­wards, the words just ex­ported, Mu Xu­anyin is ac­tu­ally the ice shade dodges, lost the trace, only has the pure-heart pierc­ing sound to trans­mit dis­tantly: „this King goes to a God Bur­ial Fire Prison view. Che'er, you stay here, can not take a walk at will, can­not ap­proach God Bur­ial Fire Prison.”
„Yes.” Yun Che obe­di­ently reply.
ice-cold re­moves, Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai si­mul­ta­ne­ously long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief. Yan Jue­hai non­cha­lant ca­resses the fore­head, dis­cov­ered be­fore the vol­ume, on the hair has spread light in­cor­rupt­ible, he sighed im­me­di­ately: „The it mil­len­ni­ums ago, Snow Song Realm King pro­found strength also has to strive un­ex­pect­edly... Re­ally fear­ful.”
Just ar­rived at Snow Song Realm, Yun Che di­rectly is lost by Mu Xu­anyin to Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai.
The earth is with­ered, is send­ing out a quite thick burnt taste, as if may burn any­time. Looks, per­form­ing is des­o­lated, does not have the vi­tal­ity. But this re­gion has the mas­sive per­son's shad­ows, ob­vi­ously, these were Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect, Phoenix Sect and Golden Crow Sect these three big sect peo­ple, Yun Che fast have swept with di­vine sense, has not dis­cov­ered ex­is­tences out­side three big Di­vine Flame aura.
Hunts and kills An­cient Horned Dragon this grade of im­por­tant mat­ter, all ar­rives in­clud­ing Yan Wan­cang, Yan Jue­hai and Huo Rulie three big Sect Mas­ter, can come here, nat­u­rally is far from com­mon char­ac­ters. Every­one body aura, the far ratio erupts the vol­cano also to want the ter­ror not to have the sev­eral fold, these young pro­found prac­ti­tioner, in­evitably is three big sect young gen­er­a­tion of out­stand­ing peo­ple.
A per­son shadow band is burn­ing the fierce storm front sur­face to ar­rive, is Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter Huo Rulie. He asked right in the face: „Did Mu Xu­anyin come? Um... Yun boy?”
Yun Che for­wards: „ju­nior Yun Che, has seen Sect Mas­ter Huo.”
„He He, Snow Song Realm King in­ves­ti­gated God Bur­ial Fire Prison per­son­ally.” The Yan Wan­cang vi­sion has swept sur­round­ing one, says with a smile: „Poyun?”
Huo Rulie deeply looked at Yun Che one: „Has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly will bring this Yun boy to come, snort|hum, pours is not strange. Sect Mas­ter Yan, Sect Mas­ter Yan (炎), you have the im­por­tant mat­ter to be en­cum­bered, goes re­spec­tively busily, this time hunt­ing and killing, did not allow has any mis­take again... As for this Yun boy, gives Poyun.”
„Ha­haha.” Yan Jue­hai long smiles one: „Is so most ap­pro­pri­ate.”
Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai leave. But alone faces with Hon­ored Mas­ter has a grudge, has plot­ted against Mu Bingyun Huo Rulie vir­u­lently, when Yun Che nat­u­rally not fac­ing Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai like that re­laxed. Huo Rulie as if sees through in his heart to think that sud­denly said: „Yun boy, you do not need to be anx­ious, al­though I do not cope with your Mas­ter, but your boy... Cal­cu­lates that my Huo Rulie owes you a big favour!”
Yun Che looks askance to be as­ton­ished how­ever... Is sur­prised solemn Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter, en­dures com­pared with a per­son of king, un­ex­pect­edly said such words to his young dis­ci­ple.
„That day Poyun dis­as­trous de­feat in you, his then made me once panic-stricken de­jected ex­tremely.” Huo Rulie knits the brows: „Poyun this boy nat­ural tal­ent high ex­tremely, the tem­per is also much ar­ro­gant, from in­fancy to ma­tu­rity, never has de­feated, never has to be able on el­e­ment prin­ci­ple to ex­ceed his per­son. But that day, ac­tu­ally not only loses to your hand, but also col­laps­ing com­pletely of de­feat.”
„Oh,” Huo Rulie heav­ily sighed: „Has never de­feated the per­son ad­mits de­feat on own ini­tia­tive, ob­vi­ously dis­ap­pointed big. If no your words, will make him be hard to come out of the shadow in ex­tremely long some time in­evitably, is un­able to re­cover by no means not pos­si­bly, any­body could not help him. How­ever, you have saved him on own ini­tia­tive... Let him not only not in light of this de­jected, in­stead un­der­stood one should al­ways strive for bet­ter truly, after re­turn­ing to the sect, the en­thu­si­asm and ded­i­cated that he cul­ti­vates, wanted by far in the past, par­tic­u­larly his mood, there is a trans­for­ma­tion slightly, mak­ing in my heart con­sole greatly.”
„All these, are do obei­sance you to be­stow.”
Yun Che shakes the head, said humbly: „Sect Mas­ter Huo over­praised. On the same day ju­nior can win, is all op­por­tunis­tic. To Brother Poyun these words, pro­ceeds from the bot­tom of one's heart.”
„Snort! Al­though I thought that your Hon­ored Mas­ter is not pleas­ing to the eyes, but...” Huo Rulie fierce strikes one's chest: „Your boy wants pleas­ing to the eyes 10,000 times com­pared with your Hon­ored Mas­ter. This big favour I must the re­port, you set­tle on my Golden Crow Sect any­thing thing, or wants me to work, said freely!”
„...” This huge tone, mak­ing Yun Che not dare to say for a while.
„I just shouted Poyun that boy, he will come quickly. Where you want to go, al­though told him.”
Huo Rulie was say­ing, sud­denly, a rapid sound fast from far to near.
„Sect Mas­ter... An­ces­tors... Sect Mas­ter!!”
Wears the Golden Crow Fire clothes, the fa­cial color red mid­dle-aged per­son thun­der clashes, on the face is bring­ing deep star­tled.
Huo Rulie brow big wrin­kle, rep­ri­manded: „Any mat­ter is so flus­tered!”
„Young Mas­ter... Young Mas­ter he...”
Hears „Young Mas­ter” two char­ac­ters, Huo Rulie such as is singed by the fire, fierce be­fore holds the shoul­der of mid­dle-aged per­son: „Ye'er he? Said quickly!!”
„Young Mas­ter he... Sud­denly vi­tal­ity chaos, quick... It is not good.”
One group of Golden Crow Fire erupt in out-of-con­trol, the air wave that blasts out vi­o­lently Yun Che dis­tant shov­ing open, nearly spits blood. But Huo Rulie van­ished in­stan­ta­neously, does not know.
„Good fear­ful im­pos­ing man­ner.” Yun Che cov­ers the chest to chant in a low voice, then heav­ily gasped for breath.
Young Mas­ter... Huo Rulie son? Mil­len­ni­ums ago by that per­son of Hon­ored Mas­ter ac­ci­den­tal in­jury?
It is said that this en­tire even thou­sands years, are Huo Rulie does not hes­i­tate the price for him are hang­ing the final one breath... Dur­ing such as these mil­len­ni­ums, what Mu Xu­anyin does not hes­i­tate the price is Mu Bingyun con­tin­ues the life.
Looked at around one, Yun Che was de­pressed im­me­di­ately.
Two big Sect Mas­ter go to Snow Song Realm to meet per­son­ally them, he thinks that per­haps is goes to Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect or Phoenix Sect, the good and evil can also moisten the hon­ored guest who the Hon­ored Mas­ter light is work­ing as big, has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly ar­rives at this God Bur­ial Fire Prison nearby Over­grown Lands di­rectly...
But after the ar­rival, first is Mu Xu­anyin throws down him, then Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai throw him to Huo Rulie... Huo Rulie in a flash runs not to have the shade.
Flame God Realm this hos­pi­tal­ity... Must com­ment to the dif­fer­ence!
Was lost by the alone per­son in this strange place Yun Che does not dare to wan­der about aim­lessly in all di­rec­tions, must wait to be in-situ. At this time, three young pro­found prac­ti­tioner flew fast from the God Bur­ial Fire Prison di­rec­tion, body was bring­ing ex­tremely ac­tive flame aura, as if had com­pleted just some ex­pe­ri­ence of God Bur­ial Fire Prison.
„Golden Crow Sect per­son.” Feels these three young pro­found prac­ti­tioner flame aura, Yun Che is read­ing one lowly.
But, when pass­ing through his side, these three young pro­found prac­ti­tioner ac­tu­ally sud­denly stopped, three vi­sion and aura si­mul­ta­ne­ously locked in his body.
„Who are you? Why can here?” Is bring­ing deep vig­i­lant girl voice shout­ing grate­fully to Yun Che.
The time of An­cient Horned Dragon shed scales, this re­gion, was blocked the re­stricted area by Flame God three, other per­son of half can­not step into. But a Yun Che gar­ish white snow clothes did not say that body does not have Flame God three aura, they nat­u­rally in­stan­ta­neously ad­mon­ish.
Yun Che turns around, po­lite [say / way]: „Below Snow Song Realm, Yun Che.”
These three young peo­ple two men and a woman, age young es­pe­cially, is close with Mu Xi­aolan, the brace re­fuses stub­bornly to ex­ceed the twenty year, but pro­found strength, is ac­tu­ally as­ton­ish­ing Di­vine Soul Realm First Level!
Mu Xi­aolan can be in­te­grated Ice Phoenix Palace by Di­vine Essence Realm, the in­tel­li­gence nat­u­rally is ex­tremely high. But these three young peo­ple ages and Mu Xi­aolan are sim­i­lar, cul­ti­vate to ac­tu­ally must by far in her.
Re­ally, can be brought this place to wait and see to hunt and kill Horned Dragon, is not gen­eral dis­ci­ple.
Those who let Yun Che not think, after he sent out the name, these three young pro­found prac­ti­tioner com­plex­ions si­mul­ta­ne­ously dras­tic change:
„Yun Che!? You are Snow Song Realm that Yun Che!?”


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