Friday, March 30, 2018

1066: Enters Divine Soul

#1066: Enters Divine Soul
Comments 165
Snow Song Realm, Ice Phoenix God Sect.
After Mu Xu­anyin goes to Flame God Realm, con­tin­ual sev­eral days. Mu Bingyun rest­lesses, is hard to calm the mind. She usu­ally is pure in heart, this feel­ing lit­tle has ex­tremely.
On this day, she has used about half dou­ble-hour, can­not sit in med­i­ta­tion com­pletely, the heart ap­peared sud­denly has flick­ered the acupunc­ture se­vere pain.
She ices the pupil to open, con­fesses Mu Xi­aolan one. Flies from Ice Phoenix Palace, goes di­rectly to Ice Phoenix God Hall.
„Does Great Elder, go to Flame God Realm di­men­sion to be pos­si­ble the also en­ergy?” Found Mu Huanzhi, Mu Bingyun asks di­rectly, cres­cent moon eye­brow was dig­ni­fied.
„Do you want to go to Flame God Realm? What hap­pened?” Mu Huanzhi asked hastily.
Mu Bingyun frowns say­ing: „After Sect Mas­ter goes to Flame God Realm, in my this sev­eral days con­tin­u­ously heart dif­fi­cult se­cure, last night was star­tled awake out of a dream. I wor­ried that Sect Mas­ter can have an ac­ci­dent in Flame God Realm.”
Mu Huanzhi one sur­prised, along with it say­ing with a smile: „He He, felt re­lieved, Flame God Realm was un­able to threaten the Sect Mas­ter's thing. That An­cient Horned Dragon Sect Mas­ter has only fought re­peat­edly, even if un­able the slaugh­ter to ex­tin­guish, its will not be in­jured, let alone Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault mil­len­ni­ums ago had been cre­ated by Sect Mas­ter, has not threat­ened.”
Mu Bingyun shakes the head gen­tly: „This feel­ing, never had in the past, and has con­tin­ued the sev­eral days. Not good... I must go to Flame God Realm.”
The Mu Huanzhi short think­ing, the nod said: „Such being the case, good. How­ever, goes to Flame God Realm di­men­sion nearly mil­len­ni­ums not to start, power should al­ready dis­si­pate, I as­sign the per­son im­me­di­ately by pro­found crys­tal heavy pen­e­trat­ing di­men­sion.” Mo­ment, he con­tin­ues say­ing: „To­mor­row, I will go with you to­gether.”
Al­though he be­lieves that by the Mu Xu­anyin strength, has an ac­ci­dent in Flame God Realm im­pos­si­ble again. But Mu Bingyun and she is with the fa­ther's sis­ters with Mu, this type per­haps is the thing that Soul in­duces, can­not ne­glect com­pletely.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark's in­ner-world.
Does not know that vented many times in Mu Xu­anyin body... Said ac­cu­rately that does not know Mu Xu­anyin en­tan­gled in his body vented many from now on, that pair of un­con­scious­ness, ac­tu­ally flat­tered in light blurred beau­ti­ful eyes ob­vi­ously, wanted the flame to sub­side fi­nally slowly.
This con­trol vast Snow Song Realm, is built on the peak in en­tire God Realm supreme Di­vine Lord, at this mo­ment on such as suf­fered the del­i­cate young girl of long-time dev­as­ta­tion, bends down to trem­ble to breathe heav­ily in the Yun Che's bosom to want, until flat­ter­ing pupil closed, has rested lazy.
The cor­ner of the eye, em­bell­ishes the tear stains that sev­eral are wip­ing not to do com­pletely.
Yun Che light how­ever left the body of Mu Xu­anyin, along with sane com­plete sober, his whole per­son stays there, com­plete does not know so- said.
In the air is fill­ing es­pe­cially strong ob­scene aura, a sur­round­ing sub­tilis piece in con­fu­sion, likely had been dev­as­tated by the Kuangfeng rain­storm. Long hair thor­ough dis­or­derly of Mu Xu­anyin, wants in the beau­ti­ful en­chant­ing lus­ter of the skin to hang all over the grace­ful beads of sweat com­pared with myth Im­mor­tal Fairy, on the beau­ti­ful white skin is dis­trib­ut­ing a tinted red mark clearly.
Yun Che dull looks that the heart­beat jumps from time to time crazily, from time to time stops sud­denly, makes one group com­pletely ran­domly.
Things have got­ten to this point... He to res­cue the Mu Xu­anyin life, but at this time, he ac­tu­ally com­pletely can­not be­lieve one such did.
Mu Xu­anyin is the what kind char­ac­ter... Di­vine Lord Realm, Realm of human clos­est god. But achieve­ment Di­vine Lord, then sum­mit sit­u­ated in the en­tire pri­mor­dial chaos, over­looked in­fi­nite uni­verse all lives in the peo­ple the god. Her lan­guage can de­cide that the des­tiny of Snow Song Realm any life, snapped fin­gers to bury to ex­tin­guish a dy­nasty, in­clud­ing the Flame God Realm strongest per­son, be­fore her does not dare hur­riedly.
By her strength, the al­ti­tude that she is, do not say that dares to blas­pheme her per­son, peo­ple who even/in­clud­ing Gan has dis­re­spect­ing to her slightly al­most does not exist,
But he, Lower Realm planet that but from the basis was dis­dained by God Realm, pro­found strength also ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao, in vast God Realm is only a grain of dust par­ti­cle.
After he ar­rives at God Realm, great­est achieve­ment, is be­came her di­rect dis­ci­ple.
Ac­tu­ally gives Mu Xu­anyin...
Since this has been he two lives ab­solutely has done cra­zi­est... Most fear­ful mat­ter.
„This time ended thor­oughly.” Yun Che was think­ing aloud: „Hon­ored Mas­ter will cer­tainly kill me... If passed on, Snow Song Realm any­body will want to ac­cept un­crit­i­cally me.”
Yun Che sits some lit­tle time, has just about to stood up, sud­denly, his lower ab­domen spot pal­pi­tated fiercely, along with a it in­tense in­com­pa­ra­ble cold qi vi­o­lent erup­tion, the flash from in­side to out­side, spread his whole body, then fast gath­er­ing to his Pro­found Vein.
Yun Che has not re­sponded that under en­tire body as­cended the rich cold ice mist air/Qi.
This is... What?
Rum­bles ---
Like has the in­nu­mer­able hur­ri­canes to curl up in within the body, after spread­ing the merid­i­ans com­pletely crazy rush­ing Pro­found Vein, pro­found en­ergy in Evil God's Pro­found Veins such as the hur­ri­cane by whirlpool that curls up, re­volv­ing of ex­tremely fast, and fast in­fla­tion in re­volv­ing.
The scope of in­fla­tion big to has let Yun Che first is sur­prised, along with it is panic-stricken.
This is...
Is Hon­ored Mas­ter Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin!!
He just awak­ened, then all of a sud­den kneels to sit in the place, does not have the op­por­tu­nity of least bit think­ing again, the re­strain­ing mind of going all out, uses tries to guide ice-cold aura of whole body riot fully... But, this aura plane/level high has not ac­tu­ally been able to con­trol to Yun Che, flees in all di­rec­tions in aura of his within the body ob­vi­ously, com­pletely was ac­tu­ally not con­trolled by him, but is spon­ta­neous flow­ing rapidly to Pro­found Vein.
The com­mon sense, high is en­tered the body by plane/level to power aura that one­self is un­able to un­der­stand, the con­se­quence is to ex­plode the body with­out doubt per­ishes. But, this cold qi ac­tu­ally seems com­pat­i­ble com­pletely, melts in the body of Yun Che, al­though is very rich and fear­ful, has not ac­tu­ally brought to Yun Che any ill.
But the Pro­found Vein deep place, as if has ac­tu­ally curled up the dread­ful storm.
When storm as tur­bu­lent as some crit­i­cal point, sad thun­der­ing re­sounds in the Pro­found Vein cen­ter, passes on to his con­scious­ness deep place.
The short dozens breaths, pro­found strength breaks through un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly!
Di­vine Essence Realm Third Level!
The break­through of Di­vine Dao is quite dif­fi­cult, for­merly Yun Che de­pended upon the strength of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, used for three months to break through to Di­vine Essence Realm Sec­ond Level, but this speed in God Realm, is ex­tremely great.
But under com­ing from Mu Xu­anyin Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin, he un­ex­pect­edly is the short dozens breaths then di­rectly breaks through... More­over, this just started.
After the break­through, the storm that in Pro­found Vein sweeps across ac­tu­ally not only does not have in light of this slow, in­stead even more vi­o­lent, fast re­volv­ing of pro­found en­ergy neb­ula in storm, rich, mu­ta­tion...
Di­vine Essence Realm Fourth Level...
Di­vine Essence Realm Fifth Level...
Di­vine Essence Realm Sixth Level...
Di­vine Essence Realm Ninth Level...
Di­vine Essence Realm Tenth Level!!
The Yun Che whole per­son brain is dumb­struck, such as in dream­land. pro­found strength make him un­able to get back one's com­po­sure crazily for a very long time to can­not the crazy am­pli­fi­ca­tion.
Be­fore less than half dou­ble-hour, he is only Di­vine Essence Realm Sec­ond Level, just broke through a few days. Un­ex­pect­edly in a flash free time... Ar­rived at the Di­vine Essence Realm peak!
Any­thing has not done, sur­mounted eight small Realm di­rectly!
How­ever, this had not fin­ished as be­fore, sign that the pro­found en­ergy am­pli­fi­ca­tion has not weak­ened.
Yun Che's soul fierce trem­bling, after he re­mem­bers one­self had ini­tially sup­pressed has not been cap­tur­ing Mu Feixue Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin, Mu Xu­anyin once was bring­ing charm­ing and teases tells him, if can take her Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin, may enter Di­vine Soul Realm in one night.
could it be that, Hon­ored Mas­ter words... Un­ex­pect­edly real?
Under he com­plex in­com­pa­ra­ble mood, fi­nally, some time, his vi­sion, sense of hear­ing, sense of smell and Spirit Sense... All feel­ings van­ish in the flash com­pletely, can­not hear any sound, could not feel own ex­is­tence.
Only some feel­ings, are the pro­found en­ergy neb­ula in Pro­found Vein in the fierce con­trac­tion, con­tracts again...
Then loudly sud­denly to crack.
Soul deep place, hears one to thun­der, seems links Soul also to dis­rupt.
The con­scious­ness is de­feated and dis­persed com­pletely.
Does not know that to be many how long, his con­scious­ness fast sobered... More­over, is the in­com­pa­ra­ble so­bri­ety.
Be­cause uses the com­plete soul strength Dragon Soul Do­main, al­though stu­por some time, but after wak­ing up, re­al­izes is ex­tremely as be­fore ex­hausted, later is Mu Xu­anyin detox­i­fies sev­eral dou­ble-hour, is heavy in­com­pa­ra­ble.
But at this mo­ment, did not have the least bit again heavy ex­hausted, in­stead com­pares any time to want re­laxed clear un­der­stand­ing. The en­tire pho­to­graph bathed in gen­tle breeze in­ter­mit­tent bam­boo for­est, sat­is­fied al­most must flut­ter.
Near ear, sound from world clear, opens the eye, under then saw be­yond dozens li (0.5km). Spirit Sense has not re­leased de­sir­ably, but ac­tu­ally as if ex­tended to the space slit, sen­sa­tion an en­tirely dif­fer­ent world.
Trans­for­ma­tion of Soul!
Di­vine Soul Realm!!
In Pro­found Vein, the pro­found strength neb­ula after rup­tur­ing has com­pleted the re­or­ga­ni­za­tion, is still the star cloud type, were many in­nu­mer­able [say / way] cot­ton fiber dim silk threads.
This is brand-new Pro­found Dao Realm, Yun Che has never felt for­mi­da­ble power.
„This is... Di­vine Soul Realm?” Yun Che can­not be­lieve was read­ing lowly.
To Di­vine Essence Realm is the trans­for­ma­tion of body, Di­vine Soul Realm is the Soul trans­for­ma­tion. After achieve­ment Di­vine Soul Realm, Soul from or­di­nary trans­for­ma­tion to Di­vine Dao. This trans­for­ma­tion is quite ob­vi­ous to other pro­found prac­ti­tioner, Spirit Sense and mind strength and sen­sa­tion strength in­crease the vi­o­lent of enor­mous scope, will enter Di­vine Dao Soul to be hard by Soul Search­ing ex­tremely.
But is the same with Di­vine Essence Realm, be­cause Yun Che's Soul al­ready was aloof every body, there­fore this change is not in­stead big in his body, but makes the mind strength more for­mi­da­ble purely, is in­suf­fi­cient that type sur­mounts plane/level „trans­for­ma­tion”.
After long-time dull is sur­prised, he is star­tled how­ever dis­cov­ered that Mu Xu­anyin the air/Qi of Pri­mor­dial Yin in his within the body cir­cu­la­tion, is lead­ing the pro­found en­ergy fast am­pli­fi­ca­tion as be­fore.
Also... Had not fin­ished!?
Ini­tially en­ters the Di­vine Soul Realm am­pli­fi­ca­tion of pro­found en­ergy neb­ula in his shock, is only, the break­through of Di­vine Soul Realm, nat­u­rally wanted dif­fi­cult many com­pared with it Di­vine Essence Realm, the pro­found en­ergy am­pli­fi­ca­tion slow the sev­eral fold, sign that but has not stag­nated for a very long time, slowly... Moved a bound­ary once more.
Buzz ---
Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level!
body, ice-cold aura ex­ists as be­fore, but pro­found en­ergy fi­nally peace­ful.
Yun Che opens the eye, stands up slowly, is look­ing at own both hands dull, is feel­ing just like new­born for­mi­da­ble power, for a very long time is out of sorts.
Per­haps the en­tire process, less than a dou­ble-hour, was makes his pro­found strength rise sud­denly ten times to con­tinue di­rectly.
Di­vine Soul Realm... I un­ex­pect­edly am Di­vine Soul Realm!!?
This leap vi­sion­ally, Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin from Mu Xu­anyin.
But the Ice Phoenix fe­male loses the Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin con­se­quence, will be nat­ural tal­ent will re­duce greatly, fu­ture cul­ti­vat­ing for ad­vance­ment far weak in for­merly.
Al­though, he to res­cue the life of Mu Xu­anyin has no re­course... But ac­tu­ally oc­cu­pies com­pletely the huge ad­van­tage. But Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally...
„Di­vine Soul Realm... All of a sud­den, was away from Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm near such big one step.” Yun Che was think­ing aloud, once ex­pec­ta­tion, has pulled closer ten thou­sand li (0.5km) re­mote in this mo­ment sud­denly.
That is also use­ful, after Mu Xu­anyin wakes up, his cer­tain im­pos­si­ble life... Even if she knows him to save her.
What to do... What to do should?
Orig­i­nally, he should be wild with joy. But now, more is ac­tu­ally ter­ri­fied and men­tally con­fused.
Re­cited like the light breeze lightly passes on to the ear near, was ac­tu­ally star­tled one in a big way to jump Yun Che, he looked hastily to Mu Xu­anyin, dis­cov­ered that her beau­ti­ful eyes has opened un­ex­pect­edly slightly, the pupil light mist was blurred, too beau­ti­ful to be­hold, on the face, wiped not the nor­mal sun­set glow.
Yun Che goes for­ward hastily, puts out a hand to turn round in her front... In the hands trans­mits a soft scald­ing hot feel­ing im­me­di­ately, al­though weak­ened com­pared with it at first, but is still not the nor­mal tem­per­a­ture.
„It seems like, does not have com­plete so­lu­tion to fall.” Yun Che swal­lowed saliva ma­li­ciously, talked to one­self low voice: „That con­tin­ues to try hard...”


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