Friday, March 30, 2018

1063: Dragon Soul rupturing

#1063: Dragon Soul rupturing
Comments 100
„clouds... Yun Che!?”
„How does he is go to there?”
In pic­ture of Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion, un­ex­pect­edly clear ap­pear­ance Yun Che's form. But makes them stare, is that by the re­gion that berserk the strength of Di­vine Lord floods, even if were Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai this grade of char­ac­ter went , the se­vere wound will be killed in a short time... But Yun Che lived un­ex­pect­edly is ap­pear­ing there.
All peo­ple also rad­i­cally with­out enough time re­sponded that ex­actly had any­thing, then saw that Yun Che lifted the sword to wel­come un­ex­pect­edly to brought An­cient Horned Dragon that angry dragon flame was throw­ing.
This, looks like small ants, raised the arm to wel­come to the heaven of tilt­ing.
An­cient Horned Dragon power, Mu Xu­anyin, even if a per­son , the basic im­pos­si­ble frontage re­sis­tance, do not say that must pro­tect Yun Che, the re­sult, or they si­mul­ta­ne­ously bury to ex­tin­guish, ei­ther she re­ceives the strength to es­cape to leave in­de­pen­dently re­luc­tantly... But fac­ing going all out to rush to her Yun Che, she re­al­izes fuzzily, ac­tu­ally com­pletely is the in­stinct many power will pour into Yun Che body.
Death dragon pres­tige was get­ting more and more near... How­ever, be­fore soon com­pletely will cover next that flash, all power, aura and pres­sure even scald­ing hot van­ish in the flash... Is pre­cisely com­pletely van­ishes, dis­ap­pear with­out a trace.
Looked like the whole per­son is shifted an­other peace­ful world.
Is fu­ri­ous, but also clearly brings painful dragon roar to shake the spa­tial bi­og­ra­phy, Mu Xu­anyin looks back in­stan­ta­neously, saw An­cient Horned Dragon that im­pres­sively on clearly cap­tures in­stant turns un­ex­pect­edly in the sky hor­i­zon­tally, the whole body in­nu­mer­able wounds crack crazily, sprin­kle every­where Dragon's Blood.
„That... What that is!?!?”
Be­fore Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion, all peo­ple, from Sect Mas­ter to dis­ci­ple, such as by the heav­enly thun­der bang body, were sent out to tear to pieces the star­tled roar of throat com­pletely, sev­eral near blast­ing open in pairs an eye­ball in un­prece­dented sud­den en­large­ment.
Their clear see­ing, An­cient Horned Dragon is hav­ing the strength of De­stroy the Heav­ens and Ex­ter­mi­nate the Earth, suf­fi­ciently bro­ken be­comes ashes dragon claw Di­vine Sov­er­eign, when mov­ing great sword in Yun Che hand, turns un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly hor­i­zon­tally, every­where loose blood in sad Hou... Was clearly flick­ered the heavy losses!!
But Mu Xu­anyin that Yun Che and is on the verge of death... Ac­tu­ally is safe and sound!!
„This... This... This...”
They never look like so com­pletely def­i­nitely are un­able to be­lieve their eye at this mo­ment. In them, a large part lived for over ten thou­sand years, but their this life has lis­tened to most in­cred­i­ble rumor, sees the most in­cred­i­ble pic­ture to have added com­pletely, is in­fe­rior to this even­tu­al­ity.
That is Di­vine Lord Realm An­cient Horned Dragon, is en­tire Flame God Realm counts in the hun­dred thou­sand year vast his­tory most for­mi­da­ble ex­is­tence, ver­ti­cal is in en­tire human strongest Yan Wan­cang... Even if ten Yan Wan­cang, ab­solutely ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble achieves... Ac­tu­ally help­lessly saw Yun Che causes heavy losses to a An­cient Horned Dragon sword.
Be­com­ing... Suc­ceeded!!
Yun Che in­ner­most feel­ings rave.
The great strength of Evil God's Se­cret Arts, dis­plays in­tu­itively, in the bound­ary closes open­ing the am­pli­fi­ca­tion after of pro­found strength ex­tremely ex­ag­ger­a­tion, this is also Yun Che can de­feat the pro­found strength by far match takes ad­van­tage most greatly. But its gen­uine for­mi­da­ble place, is the core com­pe­ten­cies is also, ac­tu­ally dis­re­gards, even counter chaotic prin­ci­ple.
The pro­found strength am­pli­fi­ca­tion of ex­ag­ger­a­tion, book has sur­passed the nor­mal prin­ci­ple bound­ary, ter­ror Ice Flame that the flame and cold ice form, power be­side prin­ci­ple.
Falling Moon Sink­ing Star of bound­ary of Evil Soul, Seal­ing Cloud Lock­ing Sun of bound­ary of Burn­ing Heart, De­stroy­ing Sky Dec­i­mat­ing Earth of bound­ary of Pur­ga­tory, al­though is quite for­mi­da­ble, could not have been the heaven de­fy­ing de­gree.
But under Fourth Level Rum­bling Heaven „Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star”, fi­nally ini­tially tow­er­ing of dew counter chaotic prin­ci­ple!
Once Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star takes shape, the power order prin­ci­ple com­plete ret­rogra­da­tion of its cage space, all will touch to power can in­stan­ta­neous re­verse!
Also is... In­stan­ta­neous Re­turn­ing Vi­bra­tion!
More­over this type in­stead shakes is com­plete, be­cause is the con­fu­sion of power order prin­ci­ple, with bang to the power in­ten­sity and form do not re­late, so long as „Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star” can take shape suc­cess­fully, com­pletely re­verse --- re­gard­less of high plane/level power, re­gard­less of what form!
Only if can same usurp chaotic prin­ci­ple with the strength of Evil God!
How­ever, be­cause Evil God's Fourth Art se­ri­ous counter chaotic prin­ci­ple, was also equal to that dis­obeys heaven de­fy­ing to say! The use, must be con­demned by heaven's way force­fully! There­fore once Yun Che starts force­fully, must with­stand the ex­tremely se­ri­ous con­se­quence...
The life dam­ages greatly, the life re­duces sud­denly!
Why this is also, al­though Yun Che can open Fourth Level Rum­bling Heaven re­luc­tantly for a long time, but has never used „Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star” rea­son.
An­cient Horned Dragon brings bil­low­ing dragon flame the strength of de­struc­tion is mov­ing Heaven Smit­ing Sword in­stant, all power on such as shine to the light of mir­ror, in­stan­ta­neous counter- bang to An­cient Horned Dragon body.
Di­vine Essence Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner, has in­stead shaken an at­tack of beast of Di­vine Lord... This is in the en­tire pri­mor­dial chaos Hao vast his­tory, only has the mir­a­cle that the strength of Evil God can cre­ate!
An­cient Horned Dragon under berserk, each at­tack uses the anger, is out­spo­ken. But it in the Mu Xu­anyin sev­eral time's fierce bat­tles in al­ready was cut and bruised, power that was re­flected to the night­mare that it planted with­out doubt per­son­ally.
But this power flick­ers in­stead, can it be that is counter- wound one­self so sim­ple?
Re­gard­less of what life, in fully that flash of bom­bard­ment, with­out a doubt is the pro­found strength de­fense and con­scious­ness de­fend the weak­est time, in in­stan­ta­neously ac­tu­ally by di­rect counter- bang that own power rum­bles, not only basic im­pos­si­ble re­sis­tance, re­ceives it cre­ation, ex­ceeds the habit with­out doubt by far!
An ex­tremely un­com­fort­able feel­ing passes through the full Yun Che whole body... That is a life cut feel­ing. He gasps for breath with­out enough time, ex­hausts hiss­ing ex­claims fully: „Hon­ored Mas­ter! Dragon's Fault!!”
The An­cient Horned Dragon mis­er­able roar is shock­ing, power that whole body wound was in­stead rum­bled has cracked about half, Dragon's Blood that ex­plodes such as rain­storm near spa­tial. But col­lapsed is not only its wound, also its de­fense dragon force. Is un­bal­anced along with the turn over of dragon body, Dragon's Fault clear ap­pear­ing above dragon's belly in the Yun Che's pupil...
There is con­dens­ing biggest de­fense dragon force, ac­tu­ally was com­pletely un­fore­seen and is un­able de­fend in­stead under shakes, com­plete col­lapse.
Even if Mu Xu­anyin is on the verge of death, her con­scious­ness is also far from Yun Che may, does not need his re­minder, the arm of Mu Xu­anyin has wielded like light­ning, cru­en­ta­tion Snow Princess Sword is hav­ing the strength of her final Di­vine Lord, changes punc­tures spa­tial white glow, per­pen­dic­u­lar in­ci­dence An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault.
Snow Princess Sword ac­cu­rate in­com­pa­ra­ble point above An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault... If for­merly, only had the re­sult that Snow Princess Sword was shot di­rectly, but at this mo­ment, this An­cient Horned Dragon only had, was the ex­treme fatal weak­ness, in ra­di­ant bril­liance that Snow Princess Sword bloomed... A sword digs in!
Does not have the sword hilt!
„Dragon's Fault... Is Dragon's Fault!”
„Was passed through!!”
Also is a panic-stricken howl­ing, the Flame God three peo­ple also from a Yun Che sword bang has not turned An­cient Horned Dragon hugely shock to sober, but in­stant to makes their hearts al­most jump out the chest.
To Horned Dragon, Dragon's Fault is then equal to life­line of human.
Dragon's Fault was passed through, like that per­son life­line cut off... Even if per­fect, will wither away quickly, do not say that this only An­cient Horned Dragon is dragon force greatly con­sumes, cut and bruised.
In Dragon's Fault by that mo­ment that Snow Princess Sword passes through... Then has been doomed falling from the sky of this only An­cient Horned Dragon!
„Roar... Roar roar roar roar roar roar!”
Brought great suf­fer­ing dragon roar also to be sud­denly painful the sev­eral fold, and has taken deep sad and shrill and de­spair.
Snow Princess Sword was shaken, Dragon's Blood such as the giant foun­tain spews out from the Dragon's Fault spot... That is not only Dragon's Blood, is power and life that An­cient Horned Dragon is de­feated and dis­persed fast.
„Be­com­ing... Suc­ceeded!” Yun Che flut­ters to yell.
This is the best re­sult that he can think of... Is only wipes un­cer­tain vi­tal­ity --- that he thinks not, should say that is the mir­a­cle.
He lived was ar­riv­ing at side Mu Xu­anyin, the suc­cess­ful re­lease has never used, Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star with­out cer­tainty, Mu Xu­anyin also after that in­stant, has passed through its Dragon's Fault by Snow Princess Sword...
This is he and Mu Xu­anyin to­gether, mir­a­cle of cre­ation.
„Roar roar roar roar ---”
But, all had not fin­ished in light of this, in sad and shrill dragon roar that in let­ting the world trem­bles, giant Dragon's Tail has the des­per­ate strength to sweep to Yun Che...
Dropped did not have dragon flame to the death abyss An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Tail, be­fore this was it falls from the sky the hate to counter-at­tack... As be­fore is the strength of ter­ror peer­less Di­vine Lord!
Mu Xu­anyin has put Yun Che's body, ties the limit ice crys­tal in his body, the bom­bard­ment of Dragon's Tail heav­ily in the back of Mu Xu­anyin.
„Mas­ter... Hon­ored Mas­ter!” That flash, Yun Che such as was passed through the soul by ten thou­sand ar­rows.
Scald­ing hot blood fog dyed com­pletely the Yun Che's shoul­der and back, Mu Xu­anyin was ema­ci­ated chaotic aura to scat­ter com­pletely, has flash that the Yun Che even panic-stricken de­tec­tion ex­is­tence of Mu Xu­anyin aura.
An­cient Horned Dragon strug­gles and roars is get­ting more and more weak, Dragon's Blood of Dragon's Fault blowout started pre­sents the scary scar­let black, but that pair was hated the eye pupil that and des­per­ate floods com­pletely ac­tu­ally stub­bornly is star­ing at Yun Che and Mu Xu­anyin, the des­per­ate strength bursts out once more, to them throws un­ex­pect­edly hor­i­zon­tally, but.
Even if must die, it must lead them to eter­nal hell to­gether!
The Yun Che's my­dri­a­sis, en­larges again... Then sud­denly re­leases gloomily blue ray, dark green blue Dragon Shadow ap­pears to­gether in the sky.
Bets all my wills... Even if tears my Soul!!
Dragon — Soul — Do­main!!
„Roar --- --- ---!!!”
The shade of blue dragon sent out to rip the an­cient times of spa­tial place to roar cer­tainly, un­ex­pect­edly An­cient Horned Dragon roared des­per­ately com­pletely is de­feated... This is Yun Che re­leases one­self all mind strength in­stan­ta­neously, most peak Dragon Soul Do­main! Along with Fire Prison boil­ing sud­denly, roared dark green blue Dragon Shadow to rup­ture loudly...
A Yan Wan­cang piti­ful yell, the fierce squat­ting lower part of the body, both hands grasped their head stub­bornly... His the front, has con­tin­ued the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion sud­denly dis­in­te­gra­tions of sev­eral dou­ble-hour, all im­ages, sounds and aura are de­feated and dis­persed com­pletely.
„Ah? Sect Mas­ter!”
Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect all in great sur­prise, hur­ries to for­ward up and down.
„Was the mind strength al­ready to limit?” Yan Jue­hai knits the brows say­ing that in the heart has doubts: Strange, is only Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion words, should be in­suf­fi­cient such quickly...
Yan Wan­cang both hands are still cov­er­ing the head, as if slightly has not ac­tu­ally heard the out­side the sound, both eyes straight­ens, in the mouth loses the soul read lowly: „That is any­thing... That is any­thing...”
Along with rup­tur­ing of dark green blue Dragon Shadow, the Yun Che final con­scious­ness, is own Soul has dis­rupted, af­ter­ward then falls into the com­plete blank.


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