Friday, March 30, 2018

1052: The graciousness of restoration

#1052: The graciousness of restoration
Comments 66
Huo Rulie and Huo Poyun just left, Yun Che has got­ten rid like light­ning, the palm ac­cord­ing to the Huo Ye Chest po­si­tion, the strength of Rage God re­volved, the world spir­i­tual en­ergy slowly and flows in his body care­fully... If rivulet trickle, pours water on the desert of de­ple­tion.
The Huo Ye phys­i­cal con­di­tion dif­fer­ence ar­rives at the ex­treme, the re­main­ing life air/Qi only re­mains slightly one wisp, he must do first, stands firm his final life air/Qi, but must ar­rive at the ex­treme cau­tiously... Has used about half dou­ble-hour, slowly over­flows the world spir­i­tual en­ergy to his whole body.
The left hand green light presently, fin­ger in the Huo Ye be­tween the eye­brows place, Sky Poi­son Pearl the strength of pu­rifi­ca­tion sim­i­larly was then care­ful the in­com­pa­ra­ble cage to his whole body.
The Huo Ye phys­i­cal con­di­tion, on med­ical skill, is thor­ough­est that oil lamp is com­pletely dry, stud­ies the med­ical skill by him, can as­sert that does not have the med­i­cine med­i­cine, is un­able to res­cue. After all solemn Flame God Realm Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter, only has the de­spair.
But be­side med­ical skill, in this world can res­cue his, only has Yun Che's power.
He per­forms the body that waste and dries up ex­tremely, only has the world spir­i­tual en­ergy to re­cover.
But spreads the silt knot and silt of his whole body to stop up, non- med­ical skill can solve, but Sky Poi­son Pearl peak the strength of pu­rifi­ca­tion can ac­tu­ally achieve!
Also is half dou­ble-hour passes, Sky Poi­son Pearl the strength of pu­rifi­ca­tion also fi­nally dif­fi­cult, but non- dan­ger du­pli­cate fills his whole body. Yun Che mind is slightly loose, this long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief, in a low voice talked to one­self: „Runs into me to cal­cu­late that you have good luck ever after... Also has Golden Crow Blood­line in you well in the body, oth­er­wise my Great Way of the Bud­dha Art ar­rived at Fifth Level also al­most im­pos­si­ble to save you.”
„Hopes after you live, two can melt the arms in light of this.”
The most dif­fi­cult stage is com­pleted suc­cess­fully, the speed that the world spir­i­tual en­ergy and pu­rifi­ca­tion strength of surge speeds up im­me­di­ately, Huo Ye within the body only re­mained the me­te­o­rol­ogy of fee­ble breath­ing life to be wa­tered the germ of spring breeze rain and dew, fast gives full play to the full of vi­tal­ity, along with the open­ing that the body silt ties, the blood starts slow flow­ing, the Des­o­late dies does not know that many years the merid­i­ans, started to pre­sent the slight creep­ing mo­tion...
A dou­ble-hour, two dou­ble-hour, three dou­ble-hour...
Huo Rulie has de­fended in out of the door, the hot tem­pered rest­less mood does not have stop­ping of lit­tle while, if not for Huo Poyun un­ceas­ingly draws is urg­ing him, al­ready reck­less flushed.
If by any chance the time is longer, in the Huo Rulie heart in­stead re­ally has had hope slightly... Be­cause Yun Che's does not have any rea­son to talk ir­re­spon­si­bly firmly . More­over, also in­deed did not have a worse re­sult.
Fi­nally, after the long more than three dou­ble-hour, their ears has re­sounded a Yun Che quite ex­hausted sound: „Sect Mas­ter Huo, comes.”
Huo Rulie such as was singed by the fire, quick steps ad­vance the door to enter, Huo Poyun fol­lows closely be­hind.
Huo Ye with was for­merly same, peace­ful lying down above pil­ing up one on top of an­other pro­found crys­tal, pos­ture not any change. Huo Rulie pushed in­stant, then all of a sud­den to that the gate en­tered the eye of Huo Ye... In a flash, he there, be­cause this eye un­ex­pect­edly no longer was he al­ready the fa­mil­iar death grey, but was... Is hav­ing nearly clear ap­pear­ance.
Looks at Huo Rulie, the lip of Huo Ye is mov­ing lightly, has made the hoarse sound: „Fa­ther... Kisses.”
Al­though hoarse weak, but es­pe­cially clear, falls in the Huo Rulie ear, such as two flat land star­tling thun­der­clap, the whole per­son all of a sud­den was then ig­no­rant there, the eye was dizzy a while ago, body un­ex­pect­edly straight crooked went, heav­ily ac­cord­ing to the side wall, wanted Huo Poyun to sup­port him hastily, per­haps the paral­y­sis has knelt on the ground.
„Se­nior Brother Huo Ye, you...” In the Huo Ye eye, is the ap­pear­ance that Huo Poyun this life has not seen, al­though his com­plex­ion is as be­fore pale, but no longer is that type is dried up to let­ting the per­son does not en­dure to look straight ahead white... But hood­winks the vi­tal­ity that can feel clearly.
„Ju­nior Brother Poyun...” Huo Ye makes the sound, on pale face, even has shown the smile slowly: „I fi­nally... Can see clearly your ap­pear­ance.”
Very long a few words, said slowly is very very light, the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter is clear, the Huo Poyun lip speaks halt­ingly, ac­tu­ally ex­cited for a while could not speak.
„Ye'er... Ye'er!”
Huo Rulie two such as the sum­mon in dream, stag­ger­ing threw, kneels down pro­found crys­tal that all of a sud­den, in Huo Ye be­fore, when close, he felt clearly Huo Ye life aura at this mo­ment, ex­cited can­not be­lieve his con­scious­ness, he puts out a hand, care­ful ac­cord­ing to Huo Ye body, along with his vis­it­ing, the whole per­son was once more ig­no­rant there, quite a while can­not get back one's com­po­sure.
Not was only his vi­tal­ity sud­denly ex­u­ber­ant hun­dred times, he felt clearly his blood was flow­ing, his in­ter­nal or­gans were wrig­gling... Even felt ex­is­tence of merid­i­ans!
„Fa­ther, child... Re­ally not in... Has a dream?” Huo Ye was in­quir­ing, but on face, but was hav­ing the smile... Is dur­ing Huo Rulie these mil­len­ni­ums has never seen, smil­ing of the heart.
The Huo Rulie body trem­bles fiercely, then raises, fan ma­li­ciously on own face.
This, suf­fi­ciently passes to be­yond sev­eral li (0.5km) re­sound­ingly. Huo Rulie Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm cul­ti­vates is, right face by red one piece of fan, he put out a hand to cover the face, is feel­ing the se­vere pain, the flash tears cross­flow, along with it un­ex­pect­edly „hum” pain like the child.
„This is real... This un­ex­pect­edly real... Ye'er...”
Weeps bit­terly with ex­cit­edly ex­tremely, he could not say com­plete words for a long time.
„This... Sim­ply is the mir­a­cle.” Huo Poyun low nan, then looks to Yun Che, deeply sighed: „Brother Yun, you sim­ply are... Un­prece­dented out­stand­ingly able per­son.”
Huo Rulie until now, fi­nally re­mem­bers Yun Che's to exist, he turns the head fiercely, saw that Yun Che is squat­ting to sit there, ex­hausted of face, the con­sump­tion is ob­vi­ously enor­mous. He makes an ef­fort to wipe the eye, sound ac­tu­ally as be­fore trem­bles: „Yun boy, you... You... Ye'er he... Re­ally...”
Huo Rulie is ex­cited thor­ough speaks in­co­her­ently, it is es­ti­mated that he does not know that should say any­thing. Yun Che sim­ply di­rectly said: „Sect Mas­ter Huo had in­ves­ti­gated a mo­ment ago, al­though felt re­lieved, good that very Brother Ye re­stored, the life com­pletely has pre­served now, ju­nior only need treat two times in the sim­i­lar method again, later, sup­ple­ments with or­di­nary ther­apy spirit med­i­cine, Brother Ye slowly will re­store, 2-3 years, can to re­cover com­pletely.”
„...” Huo Rulie mouth big, on the face burn­ing pain told him all not to have a dream, but this pleas­antly sur­prised greatly was too too big, mak­ing his one type be in the il­lu­sory feel­ing in dream as be­fore, his even/in­clud­ing Zhang sev­eral times the lip, was al­most sub­con­scious ask­ing: „That... That... Whether... Gets mar­ried to give birth?”
blood­line cuts off, is his life­time biggest pain.
Yun Che has pressed the tip of the nose, said leisurely: „Sect Mas­ter Huo had not lis­tened a mo­ment ago pos­si­bly clearly, what ju­nior said is to re­cover com­pletely, to re­cover com­pletely! Since is to re­cover com­pletely... Nat­u­rally does not have the issue.”
„... Hey... Hey... Ha­haha... Hey...” The Huo Rulie body bends there, smiles likely men­tal ill­ness.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, Se­nior Brother Huo Ye, good! Good!” Huo Poyun heart­felt is joy­ful, sim­i­larly both eyes with tears. He is usu­ally re­cent from Huo Rulie, these years, Huo Rulie and Huo Ye are shoul­der­ing the how big pain, he looks clearly in the eye.
If Huo Ye can re­ally to re­cover com­pletely, then is not only Huo Ye, to Huo Rulie, sim­i­larly not less than re­birth.
„Is only... I gov­ern wound mat­ter for Brother Ye, but also looks at Sect Mas­ter Huo to keep se­cret, oth­er­wise, might bring in very much trou­ble­some.” Yun Che said.
Huo Rulie in­stan­ta­neous such as chicken cal­lig­ra­phy stroke rice fast nod: „Right! Right! Se­cu­rity, cer­tain se­cu­rity!” Now he ex­cited, was more grate­ful not to know that to Yun Che how should in­di­cate that nat­u­rally was he said that any­thing was any­thing: „My Huo Rulie, if said that half char­ac­ter, lets me by may heaven strike me with light­en­ing five times.”
„Brother Yun felt re­lieved that my Huo Poyun will not say half char­ac­ter.” Huo Poyun heav­ily nods.
„More­over, a also not good news, Sect Mas­ter Huo must have the prepa­ra­tion.” Yun Che tran­quil [say / way].
Huo Rulie stares, is ner­vous im­me­di­ately.
„The body of Brother Ye, ju­nior has the con­fi­dence to re­cover com­pletely in three years, be­comes is the same with the nor­mal per­son. But his pro­found strength is ac­tu­ally... Being doomed is un­able to re­store. More­over Pro­found Vein is dif­fer­ent from other, dry waste will be too long, re­stores ex­tremely to be slow, Brother Ye at least must 30 years later, be able to re­pair pro­found strength.”
The Yun Che sound falls, sur­round­ings im­me­di­ately for a very long time silent, Huo Rulie mouth big, along with is not re­gret­table and dis­ap­pointed, but deeper ex­cite­ment that on it face re­veals: „You... You said... Ye'er he... He can also cul­ti­vate pro­found strength again!?”
„, Nat­u­rally.” Yun Che nods: „Brother Ye Pro­found Vein, al­though the se­vere wound dries up for a long time, but the foun­da­tion has not dam­aged com­pletely, ju­nior al­ready re­luc­tant awak­en­ing. If other peo­ple, feared that does not have means that but Brother Ye car­ries Golden Crow Blood­line, but... By the en­ergy of Sect Mas­ter Huo, can ob­tain var­i­ous high level pro­found crys­tal eas­ily. Golden Crow Blood­line that Brother Ye grad­u­ally re­cov­ers adds on these high level pro­found crys­tal, 30 years later Pro­found Vein de­cides re­triev­able.”
„... Shouted...” The Huo Rulie chest fluc­tu­ates fiercely, if other peo­ple so said that he will not be­lieve de­cid­edly, but faces this time Huo Ye, feared that is Yun Che says again in­con­ceiv­able, he be­lieves that his long breath­ing heav­ily one breath, throws to Huo Ye the front once more, ex­cited in­com­pa­ra­ble [say / way]: „Ye'er, you heard! You com­pletely will be good, more­over short 30 years later, can cul­ti­vate pro­found strength again... Did you hear?”
„! @#¥%...” Yun Che cor­ner of the eye one crooked... To the God Realm per­son, 30 years prob­a­bly are very short, owe I also to think that this can be an at­tack.
Huo Ye opens mouth, vi­sual Yun Che: „Brother Yun... The gra­cious­ness of restora­tion, not thinks re­port.”
Yun Che said: „Does not need to thank. Your wound is my Hon­ored Mas­ter cre­ates, I achieve so the sit­u­a­tion, is un­able to make up for the pain that your year of in­sti­tutes re­ceive by far. Only strove for... You can few some to the hate of my Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Huo Ye is ac­tu­ally gen­tly, but firm shak­ing the head: „No, I have never hated your Hon­ored Mas­ter. In the past, is my in the prime of youth, does not know that Di­vine Lord Realm the ter­ror, ap­proached se­cretly, wants to ob­serve the An­cient Horned Dragon real pos­ture... All, are I have only self to blame, could not com­plain about your Hon­ored Mas­ter. I have also urged the fa­ther mul­ti­ple, but the fa­ther ac­tu­ally sanely all lost in the past... Should be I, to mak­ing Hon­ored Mas­ter, apol­o­gized with Se­nior Bingyun.”
Yun Che: „...”
„Is is, Ye'er said right.” Huo Rulie nods again and again: „In the past in­deed was I sanely all has lost and made the huge mis­take. Ye'er, you want to be good, let alone any­thing vis­its to apol­o­gize, wants me to knock 800 knocks not to have the issue to them. Good, Ye'er you let alone quickly words, well rest.”
„Not...” Huo Ye still shakes the head, [say / way] gen­tly: „These many years, my first time... Felt that one­self is also liv­ing... Let me... En­joys a while feel­ing...”
A few words, mak­ing the Huo Rulie whole body play trem­ble, earnestly, the shoul­der shiv­ers stub­bornly, for a very long time could not say a few words.
„Brother Poyun, we exit.” Yun Che stands up.


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