Thursday, March 22, 2018

1046: The time of Dragon-slaying

#1046: The time of Dragon-slaying
Comments 99
The sur­round­ing pic­ture cuts rapidly, in line of sight, is the Ice Phoenix Realm pale sky, the sur­round­ings, are aura that Tem­ple is in sole pos­ses­sion. Yun Che lies down in the snowy area, long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief.
Along with the re­lax­ation of his mind, the ex­tremely heavy in­jury makes his con­scious­ness more and more fuzzy and heavy, aura, can­not with­stand weakly, he saw Mu Xu­anyin ar­rived at his body side, both eyes coldly vis­its him.
„Mas­ter... Ven­er­a­ble...” The Yun Che opens mouth, makes the painful crabbed sound.
„Snort, un­ex­pect­edly can live com­ing out from Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley, your life also is re­ally hard.” Even if fac­ing the whole body is the blood, se­vere wound to Yun Che that nearly is on the verge of death, her pupil light and fa­cial ex­pres­sion ice-cold, does not have the sen­ti­ment as be­fore.
„...” The Yun Che's lip moves lightly, has not ac­tu­ally made the sound, his right arm moves, not only then bit by bit, in­com­pa­ra­bly slow up­hold, fierce shiv­er­ing, shows is very dif­fi­cult, but also is hav­ing the deep pain that he is lift­ing.
But in palm that he lifts, hold­ing one to bloom mag­nif­i­cently, strange flower of flower petal non- flaw plume feather.
He Ice Feather Spirit Flower that uses half life to trade.
Mu Xu­anyin: „???”
„This is... dis­ci­ple... In flower that Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley picks... Giv­ing... Hon­ored Mas­ter...”
„...” Mu Xu­anyin has not met with the hand... Also does not have any re­sponse.
Holds even more fiercely, Yun Che's con­scious­ness that the palm of Ice Feather Spirit Flower is shiv­er­ing also fast is lax: „dis­ci­ple... Knew that makes the huge mis­take... Did not ask Hon­ored Mas­ter to for­give... Only asked Hon­ored Mas­ter... Be­cause of dis­ci­ple... But air/Qi to one­self...”
„The flower in dis­ci­ple hand... In Hon­ored Mas­ter like dis­ci­ple heart... Very beau­ti­ful... Very cold... But... It... Solid...”
The Yun Che's con­scious­ness was de­feated and dis­persed fi­nally com­pletely, fainted, was hold­ing palm also weak dan­gling of Ice Feather Spirit Flower.
Mu Xu­anyin get­ting rid like light­ning, wipes Ice Feather Spirit Flower that lithe pro­found en­ergy picks up to fall im­me­di­ately, flies in the palm that she has opened slowly.
World, sud­denly peace­ful for a long time.
„, For­gave you for the time being.”
Ice Feather Spirit Flower in she holds silent dis­ap­pears, her turn­ing around body, talked to one­self read lowly, lightly was very very light, did not have Wei ice again.
--- --- --- --- ---
Has not known how long, Yun Che woke up fi­nally spook­ily.
The con­scious­ness re­cov­ers, whole body se­vere pain as be­fore, but is no longer fierce, be­yond se­vere pain, what are more is an in­com­pa­ra­bly cool com­fort­able feel­ing, bathes likely in the pleas­antly warm cool breeze.
Yun Che opens the eye, dis­cov­ered one are soak­ing in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake. Sur­round­ings, se­lects point ice spirit to sur­round him to wave light and lively, in ad­di­tion, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake like usu­ally the si­lenc­ing, again does not have other peo­ple to exist. That cov­ers for­ma­tion of Heav­enly Lake re­gion also to be the off-po­si­tion.
In the body, has sev­eral not to be­long to his spir­i­tual en­ergy, these, are high level spirit med­i­cine aura, and melted, tem­per­ate is moist­en­ing his whole body in­jury, in ad­di­tion his greatly strength­ened self-re­cov­ery abil­ity, al­though is the se­vere wound ini­tially awakes, whole body in­jury ac­tu­ally al­ready good about 30%, along with sober­ing that he re­al­izes with the restora­tion of pro­found strength, the speed of re­cov­ery will be get­ting more and more fast.
Melts spirit med­i­cine for him, posts Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake again, only may be Mu Xu­anyin.
„Shouted... It seems like that Hon­ored Mas­ter should not be angry.” Yun Che long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief , the whole per­son re­laxed, in com­par­i­son, the body wound was noth­ing.
Nat­u­rally, he does not know com­pletely, rea­son that one­self by this mis­for­tune, are the Mu Xu­anyin be­hav­ior... In order to let him grows the mem­ory.
Re­lieved, Yun Che has closed eye, under the Great Way of the Bud­dha Art rev­o­lu­tion, the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake spir­i­tual en­ergy emerges the speed of body the sev­eral fold to speed up im­me­di­ately.
After short sev­eral dou­ble-hour, his pro­found strength re­stored most prob­a­bly, in flesh wound also good over 60%, al­though as be­fore empty soft, but al­most could not feel the pain.
But at this mo­ment, in his Pro­found Vein trans­mits the change sud­denly, four color pro­found en­ergy neb­u­las started spon­ta­neous re­volv­ing, and is get­ting quicker and quicker, whole body pro­found en­ergy also by rel­a­tive quick speed back­flow to Pro­found Vein.
This is... Must break through!
After pro­found strength marches into Di­vine Dao first time broke through --- only to use short three half a month!
More­over this pe­riod of time, he is cul­ti­vat­ing Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex as well as Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, al­most de­sir­ably has never prac­ticed pro­found strength, the ac­cu­mu­la­tion pro­mo­tion of pro­found strength com­pletely de­pends upon the ab­sorp­tion of body to Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake spir­i­tual en­ergy, only has ac­tu­ally used short three half a month, has com­pleted span­ning of Di­vine Dao small Realm!
Yun Che swiftly con­denses mind, dives next in knows, starts to greet the life first Di­vine Dao break­through.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Out­side Ice Phoenix Realm, is ex­tend­ing the giant pro­found ark slowly lie of scar­let-red long wing, its ex­is­tence, ap­pears ex­tremely strik­ing in the ice white world.
Be­fore the tem­ple, the Mu Bingyun form ap­pears in flash­ing past ice glow, the lotus steps move lightly, walk into the tem­ple, saw Mu Xu­anyin back to her form. Per­haps is the co­in­ci­dence, with first sev­eral times is the same, she was stand­ing once was bloom­ing Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus the side of basin.
„Flame God Realm pro­found ark to?” The Mu Xu­anyin cold words said.
„Is Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai.” Mu Bingyun ar­rives at the Mu Xu­anyin body side: „Elder Sis­ter, do you pre­pare to go to Flame God Realm along with them now?”
Dur­ing the speeches, she saw has cul­ti­vated in the Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus basin, was float­ing un­ex­pect­edly a busy white bloom, the petal, if the great wild goose feather, were re­leas­ing the es­pe­cially tem­per­ate spir­i­tual en­ergy.
„Ice Feather Spirit Flower?” Mu Bingyun looks being as­ton­ished color, hav­ing the deep ques­tion to look to Mu Xu­anyin.
This basin, be­fore is 9000, Mu Xu­anyin to cul­ti­vate Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus sup­poses, what pours into is the water of Heav­enly Lake, and dripped into three drops of Ice Phoenix source blood, and will in­ject once in a while then the Ice Phoenix spir­i­tual en­ergy, po­si­tion that it has, is the dead cen­ter of this core tem­ple. Usu­ally, around the basin will have the in­vis­i­ble for­ma­tion great dis­tance, do not say that was moved by the by­stander, do not want to ap­proach in­clud­ing a dust par­ti­cle.
These among 9000, in this spirit pond, only has Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus.
Today, un­ex­pect­edly many Ice Feather Spirit Flower!?
If other high level strange flower dif­fer­ent grass, Mu Bingyun will not be ex­tremely sur­prised. After all the flower petal of Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus had been picked com­pletely, be­fore it blooms, has not needed the too strong spir­i­tual en­ergy. But, Ice Feather Spirit Flower in Snow Song Realm, al­though is ex­tremely high level rare spirit flower, is not strange to them, around Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake ca­sual, wants by far Ice Feather Spirit Flower by the spir­i­tual en­ergy.
Let alone, this also merely is only the flow­ers that splits open com­pletely, but was not com­plete --- puts in this to pour into the Heav­enly Lake spir­i­tual en­ergy and in the Ice Phoenix spir­i­tual en­ergy spirit pond un­ex­pect­edly!?
„Emp­ties is also emp­ty­ing, throws to look that ca­su­ally also cal­cu­lates the pleas­ing to the eyes flower goes.” Mu Xu­anyin don't face: „Flame God Realm per­son, since came, ex­plained that the time was also up, just now also the safe is en­cum­bered, then on today.”
The Mu Xu­anyin ap­pear­ance, seems de­sir­ably is chang­ing the topic. Mu Bingyun once more deep looked at that Ice Feather Spirit Flower to be the same, again has not closely ex­am­ined, [say / way] of worry: „Does the de­ci­sion take a per­son to go?”
„No,” Mu Xu­anyin is ac­tu­ally the vi­sion moves slightly: „I pre­pare to lead a per­son.”
„Great Elder?”
„Yun Che.”
„Yun Che?” Mu Bingyun is star­tled.
„His cog­ni­tion to the God Realm, cur­rently also has Snow Song Realm, was the time brings his ex­it­ing long point to ex­pe­ri­ence.” Mu Xu­anyin in­com­pa­ra­bly des­o­late [say / way]: „Since is my dis­ci­ple, how can sit the well to be ig­no­rant.”
„...” Mu Bingyun has re­vealed very shal­low smil­ing sud­denly: „It seems like, Elder Sis­ter did not live him air/Qi.”
coldly snorted that Mu Xu­anyin dis­dains: „Snort! Since he has good luck ever after to live com­ing back, I am also dis­in­clined again and a lit­tle devil set at the air/Qi.”
Mu Bingyun flow­ery lips leans, silent smiles: „Yun Che body the strength of flame must ex­ceed cold ice, lead­ing him to go to Flame God Realm, in­deed is a very good de­ci­sion. Elder Sis­ter, surely is ac­tu­ally care­ful.”
„Relax.” Mu Xu­anyin does not have the wor­ried look: „Pre­vi­ous time, that only Horned Dragon is not other spots that I cause heavy losses, but is ‚Dragon's Fault’. Dragon's Fault was in­jured, short mil­len­nium im­pos­si­ble to re­cover com­pletely, its threat to re­duce ab­solutely surely greatly, this time, be­fore it com­pletes shed scales, I have at least 80% as­sur­ances its slaugh­ter!”
Mu Bingyun nod slowly.
„Told Huanzhi, I not in this pe­riod of time, in sect, if had the im­por­tant mat­ter, ple­nary pow­ers took re­spon­si­bil­ity by him. Only if there is a un­solv­able im­por­tant mat­ter, oth­er­wise can not send greet­ings to me.”
Mu Xu­anyin said that has turned around, goes out to the palace. Just ar­rived at the en­trance, she has thought of any­thing sud­denly, the foot­steps stopped, sud­denly the palm turned, wiped white glow to be pushed to Mu Bingyun by her.
Mu Bingyun puts out a hand, wipes white glow to meet that in the hand, is her Cloud But­ter­fly Blade.
„Elder Sis­ter...”
„Does not need to ex­plain.” The Mu Xu­anyin cold words said: „This is the most im­por­tant thing that mother leaves be­hind, can­not give the by­stander... Any­body can­not! This time con­sid­ers as fin­ished for the time being, is not to a prece­dent!”
„Yes.” Mu Bingyun re­ceives Cloud But­ter­fly Blade, the heart has the shame how­ever.
The Mu Xu­anyin palm strokes, the space cracks, in­stan­ta­neous, her form dis­ap­pears same place, ap­peared be­fore Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake.
Con­sol­i­dated pro­found strength Yun Che in Heav­enly Lake was feel­ing sud­denly Heav­enly Lake for­ma­tion is open­ing, he sets out from Heav­enly Lake hastily, just fell the pool, the Mu Xu­anyin form ap­peared in him at pre­sent.
Fac­ing Mu Xu­anyin, in Yun Che heart as be­fore myr­iad dis­turbed, does obei­sance hastily: „dis­ci­ple pays re­spect to Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
For­merly, after he did obei­sance next, will look straight ahead Mu Xu­anyin, but this time, he was ac­tu­ally low­er­ing the head of obe­di­ently, partly flick­ered does not dare to lift... Lest own vi­sion does not move her chest care­fully.
„Fol­lows me.” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said. In the pupil is ac­tu­ally micro sud­denly sur­prise... In­jury un­ex­pect­edly good such rapid­ness, more­over un­ex­pect­edly broke through!
„Does Ah? go?” Yun Che sub­con­scious ask­ing,
„Flame God Realm!”
Yun Che has not re­sponded that the body then sud­denly a light, pre­sent pic­ture fast switch­ing, ar­rived at sky over Ice Phoenix Realm.
Yun Che re­mem­bered at this time sud­denly, be­fore one­self en­tered Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley, Mu Bingyun had said that has sev­eral days again, the Flame God Realm per­son will ar­rive... Also means that ar­rived at God Bur­ial Fire Prison the time of An­cient Horned Dragon shed scales , when is Dragon-slay­ing!
But Mu Xu­anyin, this is must lead him to go to­gether!
An­tiq­uity God Bur­ial Fire Prison, Yun Che al­ready had to be charmed, if can look at An­cient Horned Dragon in leg­end from afar, that is the ex­tremely rare ex­pe­ri­ence.
This to Yun Che, nat­u­rally is good deed one.
Mu Xu­anyin is bring­ing Yun Che, washes the cold qi ex­tremely fast to go through, red pro­found ark out­side fast close Ice Phoenix Realm. Yun Che peeped Mu Xu­anyin back sev­eral, weak ask­ing: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, could it be that... Has dis­ci­ple and Hon­ored Mas­ter they? Elder Huanzhi and Palace Mas­ter Bingyun not same place?”
He knows, in sect ex­cept for Mu Xu­anyin, pro­found strength strongest is Mu Huanzhi and Mu Bingyun.
Speak­ing of Mu Bingyun, the Yun Che sud­denly com­plex­ion changed, lost the sound track: „Was bad!”
Mu Xu­anyin: „??”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Yun Che said wear a look of star­tled: „dis­ci­ple re­mem­bers sud­denly, Palace Mas­ter Bingyun gives a dis­ci­ple thing, was lost by dis­ci­ple care­lessly in Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley. dis­ci­ple must in­form Palace Mas­ter Bingyun im­me­di­ately, oth­er­wise...”
On the same day in Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley, Yun Che with quench­ing Cloud But­ter­fly Blade of toxin of Horned Dragon pricked the eye of Ice Ar­mored Giant Ape suc­cess­fully, but was swept by a Ice Ar­mored Giant Ape arm along with it, the in­stan­ta­neous se­vere wound, Cloud But­ter­fly Blade also nat­u­rally lets go to de­part, does not know.
But Mu Bingyun has said per­son­ally, Cloud But­ter­fly Blade is the in­her­ited thing, with­out a doubt im­por­tantly.
„You say Cloud But­ter­fly Blade?” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said.
„...” Yun Che mouth big: „Is...”
„Does not need, to give back to her for the mas­ter for you.”
„...” Yun Che's throat heav­ily „gur­gle”, in short sup­ply [say / way]: „Thanks Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Mu Xu­anyin beau­ti­ful eyes has leaned, sud­denly palm turns, wipes ice glow to fly to Yun Che, by Yun Che sub­con­scious catch­ing.
Falls starts, is one is flash­ing the ice-cold cold light short blade edge, the but­ter­fly ptery­goid blade edge han­dle, ices the white blade edge body, light and lively as does not have the thing... The shape, its breath, its point, all and Mu Bingyun gives his Cloud But­ter­fly Blade to be ex­actly the same.
The only dif­fer­ence, is the di­rec­tion of but­ter­fly wing is op­po­site.
„This is...”
„This blade edge, named ‚Sound But­ter­fly’. Looked you use is con­ve­nient, then for the time being bor­rows you to use.” The Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion has trans­ferred, the sound does not have the sen­ti­ment: „But you, if dares to lose it, I must kill you!”
Yun Che gawked some lit­tle time, hastily said: „Thanked the Hon­ored Mas­ter gra­cious gift, dis­ci­ple ex­tremely trea­sures cer­tainly.”
Yun Che cau­tiously re­ceives Sound But­ter­fly Blade, the brain some­what can­not make a turn for a while.
Yeah? Wait / Etc., why Hon­ored Mas­ter knows I use is very con­ve­nient? could it be that...
Under the cold wind, they left the Ice Phoenix Realm range. the front, not nor­mal burn­ing air/Qi trans­mits faintly, that flame pro­found ark from Flame God Realm, ap­peared in the line of sight.


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