Friday, March 30, 2018

1057: Panic-stricken discovery

#1057: Panic-stricken discovery
Comments 265
„Brother Yun, I lead you to go to Se­nior Brother Huo Ye there.” Huo Poyun said hastily that si­mul­ta­ne­ously in the heart sighed darkly: Is Brother Yun, el­e­ment con­trol abil­ity re­ally makes the per­son praise to the heav­ens worthily, Di­vine Essence Realm, ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts that cul­ti­vates can stay about half dou­ble-hour un­ex­pect­edly here. These Di­vine Essence Realm Flame God dis­ci­ple ab­solutely are un­able to in­sist such for a long time.
„You look at me, un­ex­pect­edly this for­get­ting. Poyun, you then bring Yun boy to go to re­cu­per­a­tion a while.” Huo Rulie also hur­ries to say.
„Does not need.” Yun Che has wiped under the hot per­spi­ra­tion on fore­head, beck­ons with the hand say­ing: „Brother Poyun, such im­por­tant mat­ter, ver­ti­cal has the re­gret that misses to be able un­able to make up for slightly. More­over I am far away from rest a while, is not the im­por­tant mat­ter, where need per­son is in­vited along.”
At the same time was say­ing, Yun Che the puff­ing half step left: „Brother Poyun, I pass the lit­tle while to come again.”
„... Good.” Be­fore Huo Poyun foot­steps sub­con­scious moves, thinks the Yun Che's words, fi­nally not with.
The war of Di­vine Lord be­fore, any­body does not want to miss pic­ture that even if flick­ers. After Yun Che leaves, no­body looks at one to the di­rec­tion that he goes, com­plete vi­sion bril­liant is star­ing at the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion.
The Yun Che speed speeds up, has been far away from dozens li (0.5km) quickly, then an­chors the foot­steps after a high hot crag, had con­firmed re­peat­edly after body not aura locks, rapidly by Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning own aura deep hid­den under.
„Good, the pre­sent is to sub­merge the God Bur­ial Fire Prison ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nity.” Yun Che dis­cussed lowly.
Per­haps enough 1 mil­lion li (0.5km) god's ves­tiges, its base re­ally will have to make him enter the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm rare trea­sure... More­over the prob­a­bil­ity is not small!
Yun Che is re­strain­ing aura, to east not the quick speed move to dozens li (0.5km), how­ever changes the Fire Prison edge again. When only re­mains sev­eral li (0.5km) from the edge, he pro­vides against con­tin­gen­cies, he dis­plays Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, the body changes im­me­di­ately in­vis­i­ble.
Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow adds the Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning limit to go into hid­ing, in ad­di­tion Flame God three at­ten­tion firmly cen­tral­ized in the Ver­mil­ion Bird pro­jec­tion... Al­most im­pos­si­ble was de­tected is right.
Yun Che post­pones the foot­steps, cau­tiously ap­proaches to the sea of fire edge.
If he ex­pect is smooth, quick, he then trod the Fire Prison edge, the en­tire process not star­tled did not have the dan­ger, swept aura of his po­si­tion not to have. Yun Che in­spires, is main­tain­ing the aura re­strain­ing con­di­tion, silent has leapt for­ward in end­less Fire Prison.
The Yun Che's body sub­merged in the flame of tum­bling im­me­di­ately com­pletely, the Stealth con­di­tion also along with it dis­ap­pear­ance, the strength of plane/level high ex­tremely burn­ing ex­tin­guish­ing from all di­rec­tions wells up, then changes to a warm air cur­rent, emerges the Yun Che's body.
In the sea of fire, can the clear feel­ing power from dis­tant place surge.
En­ters the sea of fire, the Yun Che's body then fast sank, in an in­stant then pen­e­trated thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) depth... Be­fore this is also , Huo Poyun spoke thought­lessly to men­tion, the Yan Wan­cang mind strength can pass on to limit. Also means that to this depth, even if three big Flame God Sect Mas­ter's Spirit Sense find out by se­cret in­quiry fully, will not have dis­cov­ered him ab­solutely.
Like Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, is thor­ough, God Bur­ial Fire Prison the strength of flame is the ter­ror. To thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) depth, here flame plane/level has sur­mounted his cog­ni­tion com­pletely.
„Here bunch of flame, it is es­ti­mated that can burn dry Lower Realm a vast sea.” Yun Che dis­cussed lowly: „Then thou­sand zhang (3.33 m), then al­ready so ter­ri­fy­ing, down­ward is un­able to imag­ine again. But such ter­ri­fy­ing place, un­ex­pect­edly enough 1 mil­lion li (0.5km), and burnt for at least 1 mil­lion years not to have the sign that the least bit ex­tin­guished.”
„The source of its power, is that says Flame Veins... Shouted.” Yun Che im­plored one lightly. That said Flame Veins, was Pri­mor­dial True God era re­mains. That era rein pri­mor­dial chaos True God, rad­i­cally is ex­is­tence that one crowd of pre­sent world lives def­i­nitely are un­able to un­der­stand.
Feared that is pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos power peak --- Di­vine Lord Realm, can only de­gen­er­ate into tiny in the face of the strength of True God.
No longer sighed that felt flame aura to emerge the speed of body ap­prox­i­mately, Yun Che no longer stays, pro­found en­ergy re­volved, sank to below flame world ex­tremely fast.
2000 zhang (3.33 m)...
3000 zhang (3.33 m)...
4000 zhang (3.33 m)...
5000 zhang (3.33 m)!!
Yun Che in this time vi­sion down­ward, sud­denly in the dis­tant place of line of sight, saw a red light arc.
In this flame to was un­able scald­ing hot with the place that any world of mor­tals spo­ken lan­guage de­scribed, any ray com­pletely was swal­lowed by the glow of flame. But, this red light arc is away from him to be ex­tremely far ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­ble clear flash eye in the Pur­ga­tory world.
The Yun Che's per­sonal ap­pear­ance, this time slowly was also stop­ping... Be­cause his pro­found en­ergy was un­able to ex­tend down­ward.
The under foot, is the God Bur­ial Fire Prison end!
The both feet stands firm on the firm and smooth ob­ject, touch rock, but any rock in Yun Che cog­ni­tion, even if the eter­nity won­der stone, will move here flame, will melt surely in­stan­ta­neously. Per­haps, the bot­tom of Fire Prison „rock”, is re­ally the thing of Era of Gods.
The flame spir­i­tual en­ergy such as the storm is spilling into to his within the body gen­er­ally, but, starts from thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) depth, the ab­sorp­tion rate has then been the bound­ary, later did not have the change again... When with being at the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake deep place is com­pletely same.
But this God Bur­ial Fire Prison depth, is quite close with Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, is at about 5000 zhang (3.33 m).
Com­pares is pure in bot­tom of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake ex­treme, here world ac­tu­ally with­out doubt is most ter­ror­ist hell that human can imag­ine. Yun Che looks at dumbly there some lit­tle time, in brain emits „I can sur­vive un­ex­pect­edly here” read­ing to think im­pres­sively.
Does not have to for­get one come here goal, Yun Che starts to for­ward fast. The limit flame of bot­tom of God Bur­ial Fire Prison, ac­tu­ally can­not hin­der his five senses and speed, only be­comes the ori­gin of his power. The God Bur­ial Fire Prison bound­less 1 mil­lion li (0.5km), want to search for the rare trea­sure and ves­tige and so on, with­out doubt not less than looks for a nee­dle in a haystack. But Yun Che sneaks here, book bets the luck, he has not cho­sen a di­rec­tion ca­su­ally, but is vi­sual that [say / way] re­mote red light arc bar­rel.
That red arc, is only very likely sup­ports this piece of God Bur­ial Fire Prison Pri­mor­dial Flame Veins!
In di­rec­tion that red light arc is, Yun Che across layer upon layer flame, straight line van­guard. Along with his fast shut­tle, the sur­round­ing world does not change from be­gin­ning to end, the won­der stone of under foot, the sur­round­ing flame, tem­per­a­ture and aura are com­pletely ex­actly the same, com­pare in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, is an­other pure, but ac­tu­ally wants huge too many are too many.
A dou­ble-hour passes by...
Two dou­ble-hour pass by...
Sur­round­ings, as be­fore is the pure flame world, went through more than two dou­ble-hour in the same di­rec­tion, let alone found any rare trea­sure ves­tige, even/in­clud­ing Di­an­shao has dif­fer­ent aura not to have. The only change, was the red light arc in line of sight was big­ger.
„It is not good, time some were too long, turns back also re­quires the same time... Looks for half dou­ble-hour again, even if has achieved noth­ing, must go back.”
Yun Che quite some not will­ingly low dis­cussed that the speed of shut­tle sea of fire faintly sped up a point. At this mo­ment, his heart beat sud­denly fiercely.
The Yun Che's per­sonal ap­pear­ance stops sud­denly, palm sub­con­scious ac­cord­ing to ap­proach­ing own chest.
This feel­ing...
Does the front, what thing have to sum­mon me?
This is one type is mys­ti­cal and dim, re­sem­bles il­lu­sory, es­pe­cially clear strange feel­ing. As if some rap from an­cient times sound heav­ily one his soul.
The Yun Che's vi­sion de­cides looks at the line of sight an­cient times red light arc... He feels faintly that this strange feel­ing, is the ori­gin from that di­rec­tion.
Is what?
could it be that with bot­tom of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake Ice Phoenix Di­vine Spirit same... Also is some have not an­ni­hi­lated com­pletely, to main­tain final ex­is­tence will for­ever keep here An­cient Spir­i­tual God?
Is its Soul is sum­mon­ing me?
Under this thought that Yun Che's mind rouses in­stan­ta­neously, the speed in­creases sud­denly, di­rect im­pact the front goes, but just in the num­ber of lines, the front sud­denly has ap­peared one group of huge shad­ows, sur­round­ing aura, had change slightly... Are many one type not to be­long to flame aura.
Is this?
Yun Che's speed im­me­di­ately slow, care­ful near­ness to the line of sight the front strange shadow. But along with his near­ness, that wipes un­usual aura also be­comes at the ex­tremely quick speed strong. When its as strong as some de­gree, Yun Che re­al­ized sud­denly...
This aura... Very much looks like with that only An­cient Horned Dragon aura!!
The Ver­mil­ion Bird's Will pro­jec­tion not only can the pro­jec­tion image, some also sounds and basic aura.
He was re­al­iz­ing at first when this wipes dif­fer­ence aura, had a fuzzy fa­mil­iar feel­ing, at this time has been able to de­ter­mine that this should be that only Horned Dragon aura with­out doubt!
could it be that here is...
The Yun Che speed was also fast, then ar­rived at that quickly ap­prox­i­mately high of hun­dred zhang (333 m), be­fore hun­dred zhang (333 m) the wide shadow.
„Re­ally...” Yun Che read one lowly.
This shadow, im­pres­sively is a shape in lair.
Can sur­vive in this place, even if no aura, Yun Che also com­pletely de­ter­mined, this only then pos­si­bly is that only An­cient Horned Dragon lair.
Be­fore Huo Poyun, has said that An­cient Horned Dragon is ap­proach­ing the Fire Prison north bank po­si­tion to ap­pear each time, its lair also de­cides how­ever in this di­rec­tion... Re­ally so!
Has not thought un­ex­pect­edly nearly to this de­gree. It seems like that its shed scales ap­pears each time, south will move ahead of time de­sir­ably is very far, should be feared when bat­tle de­stroys here lair.
Un­ex­pect­edly bumps into was at to the An­cient Horned Dragon lair... In the Yun Che's heart also im­me­di­ately surges fear, were has dived while this time for­tu­nately. Oth­er­wise, rad­i­cally dies to ap­proach here.
Since came... Nat­u­rally can­not come in vain!
body of Fan dragon is the trea­sure, let alone this only An­cient Horned Dragon! Under Yun Che rouses, in high spir­its breaks in its lair.
Quick, he was black the face to walk.
Be­cause in this dragon nest, sim­ply clean just had been swept likely. Ex­cept for strong Horned Dragon aura, any­thing does not have!
Even if piece of dragon scale also good... How­ever does not have, does not have in­clud­ing root dragon hair!
„Oh.” Yun Che de­pressed sigh­ing of: „Early should think, sheds the thing that from An­cient Horned Dragon body, once left the main body, is re­mained by the dregs that here flame will burn in­stan­ta­neously... Um??”
Whis­pered, the Yun Che's brow moved sud­denly fiercely, in the eye dodged the deep doubt­ful color.
the front that be­cause is apart from less than one li (0.5km), he saw an­other shadow.
The shape and size of this shadow, look like with the dragon nest that he is at this time very much.
„What is that? This fel­low total does im­pos­si­ble con­struct two lairs?”
Under the doubts, the Yun Che body dodges to move, be­fore then ar­rived at this shadow quickly, has gawked.
This im­pres­sively... Re­ally is a dragon nest. More­over not only very much looks like with just now that ba­si­cally is ex­actly the same.
The same size, same shape, the same ma­te­r­ial qual­ity, only has to face con­tra­dicts.
Also re­ally has con­structed two lairs... Yun Che some­what is quite speech­less. Idles is being all right to do two lairs, un­ex­pect­edly also puts in order two ex­actly the same, does this live to have the dif­fer­ence?
But im­me­di­ately, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion sud­denly changes, in the eye pupil ap­pears fast deep sur­prised.
Wait / Etc.... dragon breath of this lair, how prob­a­bly and a mo­ment ago that... Is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent?
The flame of here ex­tremely top level, even if Yan Wan­cang ar­rives, even if can live, Spirit Sense com­pletely will also be blocked, but to the Yun Che Shad­ow­less sound. This lair, has Horned Dragon's Breath sim­i­larly ex­ists... But, Yun Che's Spirit Sense is ex­tremely sen­si­tive, he just came out from the first lair, es­pe­cially is nat­u­rally clear to that lair dragon breath mem­ory, but the tran­si­tion to dragon breath of this lair, makes him live a non- co­or­di­nated feel­ing steep.
Yun Che rapid book­let body, re­turned to the first lair, after whis­tle stop, re­turns fast, en­tered the sec­ond lair, then does not lose heart re­turns to the first lair once more.
Con­sec­u­tively sev­eral back and forth, Yun Che stood be­tween two lairs, a train of thought con­fu­sion.
What's all this about!?
Here has two Horned Dragon lairs, and two lairs both have dragon breath... Al­though these two dragon breath look like very much, but, clearly also has the lit­tle dif­fer­ence! could it be that...
Sud­denly, Yun Che has thought of An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault...
The mil­len­nium ago war of Dragon-slay­ing, An­cient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault was in­jured, Mu Xu­anyin, also Yan Wan­cang, be­fore in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves firmly that its cer­tain im­pos­si­ble re­stores within the mil­len­ni­ums.
But of today... Dragon's Fault is ac­tu­ally per­fect!
could it be that...
could it be that God Bur­ial Fire Prison An­cient Horned Dragon is not one... But is two!?
And is two!!
Their shed scales times are not 1,000 years... But is 2,000 years!?
Every other mil­len­ni­ums, are two An­cient Horned Dragon in al­ter­nately shed scales, al­ter­nately ap­pear­ance! Two An­cient Horned Dragon aura are quite close, more­over is sep­a­rated by the mil­len­ni­ums to come each time, is un­able to dis­tin­guish. But when its hid­den in God Bur­ial Fire Prison, def­i­nitely is un­able to re­al­ize its aura...
This read wants just a ap­pear­ance, then fast be­came clear. All non- co­or­di­nated feel­ings, be­come under this fear­ful sus­pi­cion log­i­cal.
Yun Che the whole body feels cold im­me­di­ately, then sud­denly cries, in­sane gen­eral flushes away to the re­versed di­rec­tion.
Which his can also give a thought to that to seem to be the Soul sum­mon that does not have, which can also at­tend to that say­ing Pri­mor­dial Flame Veins, the erup­tion that whole body pro­found strength is out­spo­ken erupts again, wishes one could one­self to break through the space...
Bad! Hon­ored Mas­ter was dan­ger­ous!!
But she has bro­ken to pieces sound trans­mis­sion jade... One want to in­form im­me­di­ately can­not!
Two An­cient Horned Dragon both not in lair, then an­other, is very likely on hid­den under nearby Fire Prison.
If this time as be­fore, to still has not hunted fi­nally and killed suc­cess­fully, then an­other Horned Dragon will not ap­pear as usual... This is their de­signs, does not ar­rive at the card in a hand that fi­nally will not use!
But, this dif­fer­ence! It looks like from the Flame God three Sect Mas­ter be­fore­hand ap­pear­ances, Mu Xu­anyin this time may hunt and kill Horned Dragon very much suc­cess­fully... Then, be­fore that only Horned Dragon thor­oughly caused heavy losses to some time, an­other Horned Dragon will cer­tainly ap­pear!
Mu Xu­anyin falls sound trans­mis­sion jade bro­ken, fears slight di­vert­ing at­ten­tion. But when she con­denses the mind and deals with An­cient Horned Dragon fully, under sit­u­a­tion that own pro­found en­ergy greatly has also con­sumed, an­other An­cient Horned Dragon is ready un­ex­pect­edly, strikes...
With­out doubt must be fatal dying strikes suf­fi­ciently!
„Hiss­ing!!” Yun Che clenches teeth to want bro­ken, opens „Rum­bling Heaven”, the speed has reached the limit of his al­ways limit... He only asks Mu Xu­anyin not to com­pel the hope­less sit­u­a­tion An­cient Horned Dragon now, does not want.
Quickly... Again quickly!!
Who can think that who dares to think, God Bur­ial Fire Prison will have two Horned Dragon un­ex­pect­edly!!
About the record of God Bur­ial Fire Prison An­cient Horned Dragon, ear­li­est can trace to 600,000 years. But from be­gin­ning to end, some peo­ple have not re­al­ized this point.
If not for Yun Che sneaks to the bot­tom of Fire Prison, has a dream im­pos­si­ble to think.
These two An­cient Horned Dragon, not only for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble... More­over de­ceit­ful fear­ful­ness! De­ceived to play jokes upon Flame God Realm to count the hun­dred thou­sand year!!


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