#1048: Initially treads Flame God
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„Since Sect Master Yan so said that decided however does not have the issue.” Yun Che said that also has supplemented one: „junior felt that Honored Master this time should have very big assurance.”
„Was right, doesn't know that only Ancient Horned Dragon Dragon's Fault in the what position of its body?” Yun Che curious consulting said. Because he first time hears Horned Dragon body also „Dragon's Fault” existence of this weakness.
„Center its dragon's belly.” Yan Wancang said: „It is not dragon body of all dragons has Dragon's Fault, Horned Dragon not only has Dragon's Fault, but also is most obvious in Dragon Clan, perhaps is unable to change to the human form because of it the reason. However, Nephew Yun, in the future you, if cannot meet True Dragon that does not beat, even if Horned Dragon, do not try to seek its Dragon's Fault, for it, instead increases its danger desirably, was sure to remember.”
Yun Che deep nod: „Thanked the Sect Master Yan instruction.”
„Oh,” looks at Yun Che, Yan Wancang deeply sighs suddenly: „Was a pity that you are too young, but Profound God Conference already in close, if this Profound God Conference can on the slow several years, give your enough growth time, by your natural talent, must enter first 1000 on Profound God Conference, is far from the matter of impossible. Later Eternal Sky Divine Realm 3,000 years, including me, is hard to imagine you to grow to the what kind situation... Is a pity.”
His deep shaking the head, sighed from the bottom of one's heart.
Yun Che: „...”
„Birth of Poyun, in addition suddenly Profound God Conference of arrival, this time hunts and kills Horned Dragon to be quite important to our Flame God Realm. If can succeed, the collection the strength of our three Sect Master, must be able to make Poyun be reborn in a short time once again, above Profound God Conference also has very big assurance to break in first 1000. The experience of later Eternal Sky Divine Realm, has the possibility extremely... Let in my Flame God Realm birth history first Divine Lord.”
Yan Wancang raised the head, can look, his anticipation extremely, extremely anxious disturbed: „This time, in any event, must succeed... All, must ask your Honored Master. Although accords to his need, but if can the complete success, Flame God Realm take the benevolence as to record surely.”
The air started to move restlessly suddenly at this time, Yan Wancang stood up slowly: „It seems like, arrived.”
Similar and contradicts with Snow Song Realm, Flame God Realm is ancient, the hot element density and active degree high extremely, the temperature far exceeds the boundary that the common person can withstand high, but is actually inherits fire attribute bloodline and fire attribute profound beast, as well as cultivates the fire attribute Profound Arts heaven.
Formation of Flame God Realm, because of Primordial Flame Veins. Like Snow Song Realm Ice Veins, Flame God Realm Flame Veins stayed behind from ancient times various Era of Gods, but the Flame Veins core region, was a continuous nearly 1 million li (0.5km) huge sea of fire, was God Burial Fire Prison!
The Flame God Realm person has the unsurpassed awe regarding Flame Veins and God Burial Fire Prison, in the meantime, they in innumerable years, has never stopped the exploration to God Burial Fire Prison, but never has the person to achieve the God Burial Fire Prison base... On such as never some people can achieve the Netherfrost Heavenly Lake base in Snow Song Realm.
But, compares, only then dozens li (0.5km), can see Netherfrost Heavenly Lake of boundary, the God Burial Fire Prison continuous 1 million li (0.5km), its existence, can be called is the Primordial miracle.
profound ark stops, profound ark, the air wave then violently throws. Compares in Snow Song Realm air ice-cold silencing, the Flame God Realm air completely is another extreme, was scalding hot and manic, is similar to marched into one all of a sudden in the fired furnace.
Here sky, is presenting profound to astonishing red, simply likely by heat iron. Does not know that approaches God Burial Fire Prison because of here, the Flame God Realm sky is so.
Yan Wancang looks to Yun Che, the words has not exported, then has been startled, he thinks that cultivates ice attribute Profound Arts, will for a long time occupy Snow Song Realm Yun Che quite to be here ill, will actually see his complexion and aura especially to subside, does not have the heterochrosis, in the heart expresses admiration, then said: „Here, is the Flame God Realm center, has the short hundred li (0.5km) to south again, is God Burial Fire Prison is.”
The Yan Juehai connection said: „this period of time, our three big sect have brought person of lie here, momentarily investigates the God Burial Fire Prison trend, brought some young disciple to be informed and experienced to this while convenient. Was right, Poyun also here , he if knows that you came, decides happily.”
At this time, cold qi passed over gently and swiftly suddenly, flash then all scalding hot all dispelled, the entire world all of a sudden became quiet cold incomparable, Yun Che saw obviously that was two big Sect Master's Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai fiercely trembled under this ice-cold unexpectedly.
The Mu Xuanyin form appeared in front, the vision looked straight ahead southern God Burial Fire Prison.
„Snow Song Realm King...”
Yan Wancang forwards, the words just exported, Mu Xuanyin is actually the ice shade dodges, lost the trace, only has the pure-heart piercing sound to transmit distantly: „this King goes to a God Burial Fire Prison view. Che'er, you stay here, can not take a walk at will, cannot approach God Burial Fire Prison.”
„Yes.” Yun Che obediently reply.
ice-cold removes, Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai simultaneously long breathing a sigh of relief. Yan Juehai nonchalant caresses the forehead, discovered before the volume, on the hair has spread light incorruptible, he sighed immediately: „The it millenniums ago, Snow Song Realm King profound strength also has to strive unexpectedly... Really fearful.”
Just arrived at Snow Song Realm, Yun Che directly is lost by Mu Xuanyin to Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai.
The earth is withered, is sending out a quite thick burnt taste, as if may burn anytime. Looks, performing is desolated, does not have the vitality. But this region has the massive person's shadows, obviously, these were Vermillion Bird Sect, Phoenix Sect and Golden Crow Sect these three big sect people, Yun Che fast have swept with divine sense, has not discovered existences outside three big Divine Flame aura.
Hunts and kills Ancient Horned Dragon this grade of important matter, all arrives including Yan Wancang, Yan Juehai and Huo Rulie three big Sect Master, can come here, naturally is far from common characters. Everyone body aura, the far ratio erupts the volcano also to want the terror not to have the several fold, these young profound practitioner, inevitably is three big sect young generation of outstanding people.
A person shadow band is burning the fierce storm front surface to arrive, is Golden Crow Sect Master Huo Rulie. He asked right in the face: „Did Mu Xuanyin come? Um... Yun boy?”
Yun Che forwards: „junior Yun Che, has seen Sect Master Huo.”
„He He, Snow Song Realm King investigated God Burial Fire Prison personally.” The Yan Wancang vision has swept surrounding one, says with a smile: „Poyun?”
Huo Rulie deeply looked at Yun Che one: „Has not thought that unexpectedly will bring this Yun boy to come, snort|hum, pours is not strange. Sect Master Yan, Sect Master Yan (炎), you have the important matter to be encumbered, goes respectively busily, this time hunting and killing, did not allow has any mistake again... As for this Yun boy, gives Poyun.”
„Hahaha.” Yan Juehai long smiles one: „Is so most appropriate.”
Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai leave. But alone faces with Honored Master has a grudge, has plotted against Mu Bingyun Huo Rulie virulently, when Yun Che naturally not facing Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai like that relaxed. Huo Rulie as if sees through in his heart to think that suddenly said: „Yun boy, you do not need to be anxious, although I do not cope with your Master, but your boy... Calculates that my Huo Rulie owes you a big favour!”
Yun Che looks askance to be astonished however... Is surprised solemn Golden Crow Sect Master, endures compared with a person of king, unexpectedly said such words to his young disciple.
„That day Poyun disastrous defeat in you, his then made me once panic-stricken dejected extremely.” Huo Rulie knits the brows: „Poyun this boy natural talent high extremely, the temper is also much arrogant, from infancy to maturity, never has defeated, never has to be able on element principle to exceed his person. But that day, actually not only loses to your hand, but also collapsing completely of defeat.”
„Oh,” Huo Rulie heavily sighed: „Has never defeated the person admits defeat on own initiative, obviously disappointed big. If no your words, will make him be hard to come out of the shadow in extremely long some time inevitably, is unable to recover by no means not possibly, anybody could not help him. However, you have saved him on own initiative... Let him not only not in light of this dejected, instead understood one should always strive for better truly, after returning to the sect, the enthusiasm and dedicated that he cultivates, wanted by far in the past, particularly his mood, there is a transformation slightly, making in my heart console greatly.”
„All these, are do obeisance you to bestow.”
Yun Che shakes the head, said humbly: „Sect Master Huo overpraised. On the same day junior can win, is all opportunistic. To Brother Poyun these words, proceeds from the bottom of one's heart.”
„Snort! Although I thought that your Honored Master is not pleasing to the eyes, but...” Huo Rulie fierce strikes one's chest: „Your boy wants pleasing to the eyes 10,000 times compared with your Honored Master. This big favour I must the report, you settle on my Golden Crow Sect anything thing, or wants me to work, said freely!”
„...” This huge tone, making Yun Che not dare to say for a while.
„I just shouted Poyun that boy, he will come quickly. Where you want to go, although told him.”
Huo Rulie was saying, suddenly, a rapid sound fast from far to near.
„Sect Master... Ancestors... Sect Master!!”
Wears the Golden Crow Fire clothes, the facial color red middle-aged person thunder clashes, on the face is bringing deep startled.
Huo Rulie brow big wrinkle, reprimanded: „Any matter is so flustered!”
„Young Master... Young Master he...”
Hears „Young Master” two characters, Huo Rulie such as is singed by the fire, fierce before holds the shoulder of middle-aged person: „Ye'er he? Said quickly!!”
„Young Master he... Suddenly vitality chaos, quick... It is not good.”
One group of Golden Crow Fire erupt in out-of-control, the air wave that blasts out violently Yun Che distant shoving open, nearly spits blood. But Huo Rulie vanished instantaneously, does not know.
„Good fearful imposing manner.” Yun Che covers the chest to chant in a low voice, then heavily gasped for breath.
Young Master... Huo Rulie son? Millenniums ago by that person of Honored Master accidental injury?
It is said that this entire even thousands years, are Huo Rulie does not hesitate the price for him are hanging the final one breath... During such as these millenniums, what Mu Xuanyin does not hesitate the price is Mu Bingyun continues the life.
Looked at around one, Yun Che was depressed immediately.
Two big Sect Master go to Snow Song Realm to meet personally them, he thinks that perhaps is goes to Vermillion Bird Sect or Phoenix Sect, the good and evil can also moisten the honored guest who the Honored Master light is working as big, has not thought that unexpectedly arrives at this God Burial Fire Prison nearby Overgrown Lands directly...
But after the arrival, first is Mu Xuanyin throws down him, then Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai throw him to Huo Rulie... Huo Rulie in a flash runs not to have the shade.
Flame God Realm this hospitality... Must comment to the difference!
Was lost by the alone person in this strange place Yun Che does not dare to wander about aimlessly in all directions, must wait to be in-situ. At this time, three young profound practitioner flew fast from the God Burial Fire Prison direction, body was bringing extremely active flame aura, as if had completed just some experience of God Burial Fire Prison.
„Golden Crow Sect person.” Feels these three young profound practitioner flame aura, Yun Che is reading one lowly.
But, when passing through his side, these three young profound practitioner actually suddenly stopped, three vision and aura simultaneously locked in his body.
„Who are you? Why can here?” Is bringing deep vigilant girl voice shouting gratefully to Yun Che.
The time of Ancient Horned Dragon shed scales, this region, was blocked the restricted area by Flame God three, other person of half cannot step into. But a Yun Che garish white snow clothes did not say that body does not have Flame God three aura, they naturally instantaneously admonish.
Yun Che turns around, polite [say / way]: „Below Snow Song Realm, Yun Che.”
These three young people two men and a woman, age young especially, is close with Mu Xiaolan, the brace refuses stubbornly to exceed the twenty year, but profound strength, is actually astonishing Divine Soul Realm First Level!
Mu Xiaolan can be integrated Ice Phoenix Palace by Divine Essence Realm, the intelligence naturally is extremely high. But these three young people ages and Mu Xiaolan are similar, cultivate to actually must by far in her.
Really, can be brought this place to wait and see to hunt and kill Horned Dragon, is not general disciple.
Those who let Yun Che not think, after he sent out the name, these three young profound practitioner complexions simultaneously drastic change:
„Yun Che!? You are Snow Song Realm that Yun Che!?”
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Saturday, March 24, 2018
1048: Initially treads Flame God

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