Friday, March 30, 2018

1051: Huo Ye

#1051: Huo Ye
Comments 191
„Re­ally is be­yond de­scrip­tion mag­nif­i­cent.” Yun Che vi­sual the front, deep said after a sigh, a snow clothes, even his pair of pupil, al­ready by map­ping a set pro­found red.
Huo Poyun looked at Yun Che one, said sur­pris­edly: „Brother Yun, you... Doesn't could it be that think ill?”
Even if ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao Flame God dis­ci­ple, will be hard to with­stand here for a long time, but the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance, is not only „for­tu­nately”, the fa­cial color is usual, the breath is steady, body has not pro­tected one­self pro­found en­ergy to re­volve.
But thinks that Yun Che ini­tially com­pletely iso­lated his Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury by cold ice, he in the heart feels re­laxed: „This grade of mir­a­cle, only has the strength of An­tiq­uity True God to cast. True God... Is hard to imag­ine the strength of god to be the what kind great strength.”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter they have be­lieved the God Bur­ial Fire Prison base has cer­tainly An­tiq­uity True God the thing of carry-over, if can seek, is very likely to let on our Flame God Realm again one. But...” Huo Poyun shakes the head: „True God ves­tige, can it be that mor­tal can con­trol. Ac­tu­ally Hon­ored Mas­ter they al­ready knew, ex­pec­ta­tion that the bot­tom of Fire Prison, can only not be pos­si­ble to seek even­tu­ally, only if God Bur­ial Fire Prison has one day of ex­tin­guish­ment. Such words...”
Huo Poyun has not said that its mean­ing is self-ev­i­dent.
Yun Che is silent for a while, he has thought of bot­tom of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake Ice Phoenix.
That un­ex­pect­edly is the main body that an­cient times Ice Phoenix re­mained!
If this mat­ter spreads, suf­fi­ciently stren­u­ous vi­bra­tion en­tire God Realm.
This God Bur­ial Fire Prison wanted in a big way sev­eral thou­sand times com­pared with it Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, power also na­ture by far Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake that its con­tained. Its base, will be hid­ing any­thing...
Can have any­thing to be able by the big chance that own pro­found strength soars!
Yun Che's both hands grip slowly... Good, must look for op­por­tu­nity thor­ough God Bur­ial Fire Prison! By con­sti­tu­tion that my ten thou­sand fires do not in­vade, ar­rives at the base to be com­pletely easy.
Just, comes un­able ex­tremely to bring to the at­ten­tion of Flame God Realm, two... Huo Poyun said a mo­ment ago, this po­si­tion should ap­proach the An­cient Horned Dragon lair. By the great strength of An­cient Horned Dragon, in ad­di­tion aura and God Bur­ial Fire Prison melt, then it Spirit Sense range in­evitably broad ex­tremely in God Bur­ial Fire Prison, dives rashly, if were re­al­ized by it... 10,000 lives also died thor­oughly.
Then, best op­por­tu­nity... When is An­cient Horned Dragon emerges Fire Prison, Hon­ored Mas­ter and it bat­tles!
This time, the Flame God Realm peo­ple are pay­ing at­ten­tion to hunt and kill the mat­ter of Horned Dragon, some peo­ple will not pay at­ten­tion to his where­abouts, will sub­merge Fire Prison not to have the bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence An­cient Horned Dragon dan­ger.
„Brother Yun, what are you think­ing?” Saw that Yun Che is pon­der­ing, Huo Poyun spoke thought­lessly to ask.
Yun Che also quite op­tional [say / way]: „I am think­ing that this An­cient Horned Dragon but ac­tu­ally also some­what is only piti­ful, has not done any mis­de­meanor, never has gone out of God Bur­ial Fire Prison, year to year was ac­tu­ally killed. Thinks that we sim­ply are the evil peo­ple.”
„Ha­ha­haha,” Huo Poyun has smiled: „In­deed so, but on Pro­found Dao prin­ci­ple, its ex­is­tence is the crime, but the strength, is prin­ci­ple.”
„This words are good.” Yun Che nod­ded: „On the other hand, that only An­cient Horned Dragon big? Can be the height ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m)... Ten thou­sand li (0.5km)?”
„,” Huo Poyun does not shake the head im­me­di­ately: „Say­ing may let Brother Yun ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, ac­cord­ing to Hon­ored Mas­ter, al­though that only An­cient Horned Dragon has at least counts the hun­dred thou­sand year the life, but its length of body, in­clud­ing its Dragon's Tail, three hun­dred feet.”
„Three hun­dred feet?” Yun Che re­ally greatly is ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised: „Three hun­dred feet?”
Al­though can­not the list ac­cord­ing to the build dis­tinc­tion strength, but, 1 mil­lion li (0.5km) God Bur­ial Fire Prison is preg­nant to live, has at least counts the hun­dred thou­sand year life, has Di­vine Lord Realm power ter­ror Horned Dragon, the length of body un­ex­pect­edly three hun­dred feet... Also is re­ally un­sci­en­tific.
If said that it is height ten thou­sand li (0.5km), pre­sents then cov­ers the sky to block out the sun, the world does not have the light, Yun Che so will not be in­stead sur­prised.
„, Al­though the build is very small, but its strength ac­tu­ally re­ally in­com­pa­ra­ble ter­ror. My Hon­ored Mas­ter that strong per­son, let alone bat­tles with it, ap­proaches its basic im­pos­si­ble con­tin­u­ally. Can with it, as soon as war, only had com­mand Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Dur­ing the Huo Poyun speeches, scar­let Jin Ming yu on his left shoul­der glit­tered sud­denly rapid [gold/metal], he put out a hand hastily, turns round above the in­scrip­tion jade, along with it, his com­plex­ion big change, star­tled shouted blurted out: „What!?”
Yun Che turns the head rapidly: „Brother Poyun, what hap­pened?”
„Yes... Is Se­nior Brother Huo Ye, he... He re­sem­bles... It is not quickly good.”
Huo Ye?
Yun Che re­mem­bers sud­denly, be­fore Huo Rulie leaves hur­riedly, has shouted life „Ye'er”, could it be that...
„It is not good! I must go back im­me­di­ately, if flame Ye Se­nior Brother real... The words of real mishap, Hon­ored Mas­ter will cer­tainly go crazy. At pre­sent is the im­por­tant mat­ter cur­rent, per­haps, only then I can calm down Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
The sound has not fallen, Huo Poyun turned round with great speed, the rapid flight goes.
„Wait / Etc., I and go to­gether.”
Huo Poyun is burn­ing with im­pa­tience, said any­thing with­out enough time, di­rect brings Yun Che, when by nearly ten times in com­ing the speed ex­tremely fast flies back.
Huo Ye is the Huo Rulie first son, after Huo Rulie when cul­ti­vates fin­ishes in a hast, en­coun­ters Golden Crow Fire fierce back­lash, causes un­able to be hu­mane, Huo Ye also be­came his only son.
But after Huo Ye can­not re­main, then by Mu Xu­anyin hav­ing no in­ten­tion se­vere wound. His one­self has Golden Crow Blood­line, is prac­tice Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, fears the ice ex­tremely, was in­jured to re­sult in the whole body func­tion to be com­pletely waste di­rectly, can barely man­age to main­tain a fee­ble ex­is­tence today, is the mir­a­cle, can look at Huo Rulie is how does not think that he dies.
After all, is his only pos­ter­ity. If he died, then also rep­re­sented this [lin­eage/vein] thor­ough break­ing.
Has sup­ported these many years, con­sumed does not know many con­tin­u­ing as­signed med­i­cine pill, Huo Ye also after all reaches the limit, this pe­riod of time his con­di­tion dras­ti­cally wors­ened, under Huo Rulie did not feel re­lieved, even if ar­rived at the God Bur­ial Fire Prison re­gion, still led him in the side.
„Go away! Get lost com­pletely! Go away!!”
„Ye'er... Ye'er!!”
Hot tem­pered, out-of-con­trol also has the end­less painful sor­row­ful sound to trans­mit like the star­tling thun­der­clap dis­tantly, Huo Poyun whole body one tight, the speed speeds up once again, quick, in the line of sight pre­sents the house that has built tem­porar­ily, the house sur­round­ings has sev­eral pro­found array. Ar­rives here pro­found prac­ti­tioner nat­u­rally un­able to need any house for Horned Dragon, its ex­is­tence, only for Huo Rulie son Huo Ye.
Around the house, has en­closed sev­eral per­son's shad­ows, looks from their wear, is the Golden Crow Sect peo­ple.
The Huo Poyun rapid flight, sees Huo Poyun, below per­son is the micro dew happy ex­pres­sion, an old man anx­ious sound track: „Poyun, quick! Calms down quickly your Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
Huo Poyun replied with­out enough time that the di­rect im­pact en­ters in room. Yun Che slightly hes­i­tant, fol­lows. The Golden Crow Sect per­son, with enough time has not put out a hand to stop in con­ster­na­tion.
En­ters in the room, as­sorted pro­found light and rich aura head on. Yun Che sees, sur­face like the white paper, ap­pear­ance old dry per­son empty soft lying down there, his eye is open­ing, is mo­tion­less, even can­not see ex­is­tence of pupil, body, al­most does not have tiny bit aura, ap­pointed who saw that will con­clude di­rectly this is a de­ceased per­son.
Under his body, is spread­ing thick pro­found crys­tal. These pro­found crys­tal col­ors vary, but is re­leas­ing ex­tremely high level aura, ob­vi­ously, to con­tinue life to him.
Huo Rulie kneels there, deep lay­ing down, the whole body trem­bles, the asthma like the cow, aura ar­rives at the ex­treme chaotic, on the face even is the tears able to move un­hin­dered.
The Huo Ye con­di­tion lets in the Huo Poyun heart in great sur­prise, al­though will ap­proach on this day sooner or later, but at this time...
„Is who makes you come in... Go away! Get lost!” Huo Rulie calls out, the sound is com­pletely hoarse, is bring­ing the deep pain and de­spair.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, is I!” Huo Poyun for­wards hastily, wants to help up him: „Se­nior Brother Huo Ye is so strong, he will cer­tainly be all right... Hon­ored Mas­ter, you calm down first, he will cer­tainly be all right.”
He does not know how should com­fort this time Huo Rulie, can only speak the pale words vig­or­ously.
The Huo Poyun sound makes shiv­er­ing of Huo Rulie body relax slightly, he does not have to bel­low again, the head that deeply bends down has not lifted, in the mouth, has voiced sad sob­bing: „In­cur­able... My Ye'er... Was in­cur­able... My Huo Rulie... Must not have the son...”
From Soul is in­fect­ing here each aura sadly, Huo Rulie at this mo­ment no longer is Wei Ling Quan­jie Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter, but is one falls into the end­less sor­row and des­per­ate fa­ther.
Huo Poyun kneels down side Huo Rulie, said in a soft voice: „Hon­ored Mas­ter is heavy to the Poyun gra­cious­ness like moun­tain, if fa­ther. Hon­ored Mas­ter did not have Se­nior Brother Huo Ye... So long as Hon­ored Mas­ter not aban­doned, Poyun is will­ing to ac­com­pany about Hon­ored Mas­ter en­tire life.”
„Good... Good Yun'er...” Huo Rulie soft mur­mur­ing, in re­cent years, to Huo Rulie that mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly loses a child, Huo Poyun has be­come he biggest mind sup­port.
Yun Che's pro­found en­ergy is as­signed away from the cap­i­tal, sweeps the body of Huo Ye fast, the brow deeply has sunk... The Huo Ye con­di­tion how is piti­ful, whole body merid­i­ans, Pro­found Vein, blood ves­sel and in­ter­nal or­gans... All is in a com­plete mess, not only de­stroys can­not de­stroy again, but also al­ready the com­plete silt tied in the same place, can­not with­stand the word sim­ply mis­er­ably, takes to Yun Che's to feel that looked like a sec­tion is dried up was very long, ac­tu­ally still force­fully liv­ing dead wood.
But his within the body is most in­tense, ac­tu­ally reaches dozens var­i­ous spirit med­i­cine aura, is these spirit med­i­cine, as well as plants and other pro­found crys­tal re­spec­tively, stub­bornly is hang­ing Huo Ye final life air/Qi.
But, under this con­di­tion, even if liv­ing, is lives to might as well die, good that might as well sooner ex­tri­cates.
But Huo Ye has ac­tu­ally in­sisted the pre­sent... Per­haps, sup­ports his not seek­ing live­hood de­sire, but feared that Huo Rulie col­lapses be­cause of his death.
Al­though the whole body is all rem­nant, but this Huo Ye , is quite un­yield­ing, lets per­son who the per­son ac­claimed, poured also has no qualms is Golden Crow Young Mas­ter.
„Sect Mas­ter Huo, Brother Poyun, you exit first, I have the means to save him.” Yun Che opens the mouth to say.
Huo Rulie fierce raise one's head, im­merses under the great suf­fer­ing, he until now dis­cov­ers Yun Che's to exist un­ex­pect­edly, sees Yun Che that Ice Phoenix snow clothes, his in­stan­ta­neous both eyes torch­ing, ex­plodes ex­claims: „Who makes you come in! Go away! Go away!!”
Yun Che is with­out turn­ing a hair: „I said again, I have the means to save him. Does not want to make him die, you hurry!”
„You talk non­sense!” Huo Rulie stands up slowly, whole body pro­found en­ergy scur­ries about: „My Ye'er , be­cause your Ice Phoenix God Sect turns into this ap­pear­ance, you, you also dare un­ex­pect­edly...”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Huo Poyun keeps off be­fore the Huo Rulie body hastily, anx­ious sound track: „Brother Yun was said that he must res­cue Se­nior Brother Huo Ye.”
„Res­cues? Res­cues? Res­cues!!” The Huo Rulie sad sound calls out: „Mil­len­ni­ums ago, Ye'er... Was in­cur­able, these years, I have spent many price, is Ye'er con­tin­ues the life to today. Now... Now did not have the means thor­oughly, de­pends on him...”
„De­pends on me to be what kind of? Since I dare to say a mo­ment ago, does not want to save him, does could it be that want to harm him to be in­ad­e­quate?” Yun Che puts out a hand one fin­gered, if Huo Ye of de­ceased per­son, sink­ing sound track: „On him this ap­pear­ance, how I can also harm him now?”
Huo Rulie that a few words, said ma­li­ciously is shocked.
„He only re­mains final one breath now, thor­ough that mo­men­tar­ily can die. If you do not want to make him die, under this con­di­tion, even if your ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able per­sonal enemy, or a beg­gar of pass­ing by said that can save him, he also can only be­lieve that must be­lieve that with­out any re­fuses to ques­tion the rea­son that! Nat­u­rally, if you do not want to make him live from the start... When I had not said!”
Yun Che said that turns around then to walk.
„Brother Yun!” Huo Poyun shouts one, the half step to the front bumper in Yun Che the front, to the Huo Rulie anx­ious sound track: „Hon­ored Mas­ter! Brother Yun is far from the per­son of talk­ing ir­re­spon­si­bly, since he dares to say such, cer­tainly has the con­sid­er­able as­sur­ance. Brother Yun said right, Se­nior Brother Huo Ye al­ready so... Al­ready not worse re­sult, again slightly small hope, has no rea­son the re­jec­tion.”
Huo Rulie deeply breathed heav­ily sev­eral thick air/Qi, the body shiv­ered to con­tinue as be­fore: „Good... Good, Yun boy, you said right... Good... is true or false that no mat­ter you said that even if you can be Ye'er con­tinue as­sign sev­eral days, or sev­eral dou­ble-hour, my Huo Rulie...”
„Time press, does not need to talk too much, hur­ries! Be­fore I come out, any­body can not come in! Do not visit with Spirit Sense!” Be­fore Yun Che ar­rives at the Huo Ye body, with order lan­guage gas chan­nel.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, we exit first, I be­lieve Brother Yun.” Huo Poyun said.
Huo Rulie deeply in­spires, clenches teeth, draws Huo Poyun to turn around to leave, then seals the door tightly.


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