Saturday, March 24, 2018

1049: Monopolizes to refuse to accept

#1049: Monopolizes to refuse to accept
Comments 110
After Yun Che sent out the name, these three peo­ple not only the re­sponse was enor­mous, but also re­vealed that clearly was the greatly strength­ened hos­til­ity.
„Waits, can be false? His was aura too also weak?” Left youth small sound track.
„Will not be wrong, heard Ice Phoenix God Sect dis­ci­ple puts on has the white cloth­ing of Ice Phoenix chart mark, Hon­ored Mas­ter had also said today's Snow Song Realm King will come, can come with Snow Song Realm King, def­i­nitely was her di­rect dis­ci­ple.”
„Se­nior Brother Poyun has also said that Yun Che's pro­found strength has Di­vine Essence Realm.”
Yun Che: „...”
Three peo­ple of fast low voice dis­cussed that a small lit­tle while, has de­ter­mined the Yun Che's sta­tus, the right young fel­low goes out, chins up and chests out say­ing: „Are you are that di­rect dis­ci­ple that Snow Song Realm King just re­ceived?”
Yun Che nods: „Is I.”
„That... Three months ago, was you have de­feated Se­nior Brother Poyun!”
Yun Che nods once more: „Also is I.”
„You... Your un­ex­pect­edly also face ac­knowl­edg­ment!” Young girls in three peo­ple one step treads, threat­ens say­ing: „Se­nior Brother Poyun is so fierce, to lose how pos­si­bly to your this such per­son! You at that time... Clearly de­pends in the Snow Song Realm do­main plays to cheat!”
„Is! You such weak per­son, can hit 100 in­clud­ing me, Se­nior Brother Poyun will lose how pos­si­bly to you! Even if Se­nior Brother Poyun ac­knowl­edged per­son­ally that we will not be­lieve ab­solutely!”
„...” Yun Che showed the whites of the eyes se­cretly, he is knows that these three young fel­lows will hear why his name re­sponse so to be big, im­me­di­ately quite some­what help­less ex­pla­na­tion: „I slightly win your Se­nior Brother Poyun on el­e­ment prin­ci­ple, if by pro­found strength, I were cer­tainly well below.”
„You talked non­sense!” That young girl, threat­en­ing, but also whole face anger: „Se­nior Brother Poyun fiercest is flame prin­ci­ple, is fiercer than his pro­found strength, in­clud­ing Sect Mas­ter said that Se­nior Brother Poyun is the eter­nal first rare tal­ent! You with Se­nior Brother Poyun pro­found strength quite, basic im­pos­si­ble wins him, let alone triv­ial Di­vine Essence Realm... Is clearly afraid of los­ing to play to cheat in se­cret, your Snow Song Realm per­son, was too mean!”
„Is!” About two young fel­lows echo loudly.
„Be­lieves as you like then.” Yun Che do not go ex­ces­sively, is dis­in­clined to ex­plain.
„Snort! Did not have the words to say!” The young girls look at the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance, im­me­di­ately reaches out for a yard after tak­ing an inch: „Do not think that this mat­ter con­sid­ered as fin­ished, you play to cheat in Snow Song Realm, but here, is our Flame God Realm do­main! Should be we asks for the just time for Se­nior Brother Poyun.”
The young girls said that the form moves for­ward sud­denly, body ig­nites the Golden Crow roar­ing flame, the im­pos­ing man­ner im­me­di­ately be­comes es­pe­cially as­ton­ish­ing: „Yun Che! You were not known as that has de­feated Se­nior Brother Poyun! You come every­where to look with me that my Se­nior Brother Poyun small fin­ger can­not com­pare, if you link me not to hit, hon­estly ac­knowl­edged that you are play to cheat!”
Yun Che: „...”
„... Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aorou, he Di­vine Essence Realm Sec­ond Level, is... Did the guests, this lit­tle bully the per­son? More­over, if were known by Snow Song Realm King...” Left young man small sound track.
„Shut up! My this is giv­ing Se­nior Brother Poyun to want the jus­tice!” The young girls see Yun Che not to re­spond, supine cheeks: „Snort! Feared! Was afraid? You hon­estly ac­knowl­edged that you could not win Se­nior Brother Poyun, three months ago that com­pe­ti­tion was play­ing to cheat! Oth­er­wise... But must suf­fer loss!”
„Well.” Yun Che help­less sighed a sound track. Looked at one three peo­ple, said worn out: „Good good, such being the case, your sim­ple three peo­ple on to­gether.”
One hear of this say­ing, three young fel­lows stare. The young girl body flame leapt up im­me­di­ately high one time, got angry to yell: „The per­son fa­cial skin of your Snow Song Realm so is thick! You such weak per­son, I used a fin­ger to suf­fice. Three peo­ple? Was sim­ply funny!”
The young girl voice has not fallen, the Yun Che arm stretches out, Heaven Smit­ing Sword presently in hand, along with his body has trans­ferred, pro­found en­ergy and sword po­ten­tial also erupts, in a flash, the earth shiv­ers slightly, a scary air wave pushes out hor­i­zon­tally, such as the Tsunami of erup­tion, cov­ers in which three peo­ple sud­denly.
Three young fel­low in­stan­ta­neous com­plex­ion big changes, stand be­fore most young girl "Ah" one call out in alarm, the under foot draws back con­tin­u­ally sev­eral steps, on small face ram­pant changed im­me­di­ately panic-stricken.
Yun Che that pre­vi­ous one flick­ers, Di­vine Essence Realm Sec­ond Level aura makes them not spare a glance merely, but his pro­found en­ergy erupts in­stant, the ter­ror of im­pos­ing man­ner, mak­ing three peo­ple such as be pressed the body by the moun­tain, com­pletely turns very quiet in­clud­ing the breath.
„Lit­tle Sis­ter,” Yun Che slug­gish Heaven Smit­ing Sword hor­i­zon­tal half: „You must re­con­sider under are on a per­son, is three peo­ple to­gether?”
„He... He... He is re­ally... Di­vine Essence Realm?” Right young fel­low throat ma­li­ciously „gur­gle”, whole face can­not be­lieve.
„Al­ways... In brief his im­pos­si­ble de­feats Se­nior Brother Poyun ab­solutely!” The young girls were star­tled ob­vi­ously, the sound im­pos­ing man­ner re­duces greatly, but the tooth bites im­me­di­ately, some shorts of breath said: „You are also gawk­ing doing! On to­gether... Must make him ac­knowl­edge per­son­ally won the Se­nior Brother Poyun mat­ter is plays to cheat!!”
„... Yes.”
Be­fore did not pre­pare to re­veal ob­vi­ously the young girl of weapon fast stressed one from the space ring with the wide sword that her pe­tite stature did not match very much, drank ten­derly, sword dance Flame Dragon, curled Yun Che.
An­other two young fel­lows also grasp the ex­tremely sim­i­lar wide shoul­der, under the Golden Crow roar­ing flame com­bus­tion, the burn­ing hot air tem­per­a­ture el­e­vated once more crazily, three peo­ple of forms shut­tle back and forth, clearly ex­tremely has the tacit un­der­stand­ing, in the same in­stance, three wide swords si­mul­ta­ne­ously di­rectly pounds to Yun Che, three peo­ple of Golden Crow Fire also in in­stan­ta­neously blends the same place that the sword body pounds down, the sword has not ap­proached, the flame has ex­ploded vi­o­lently.
The strong flame in­com­pa­ra­bly burns the eye, the Golden Crow Fire pres­tige is the ter­ror is more peer­less, but Yun Che is ac­tu­ally looked that does not look at one, what­ever the body were em­bez­zled by three peo­ple of Golden Crow Fire, pro­found en­ergy gath­ers, a sword sweeps away con­ve­niently.
Con­denses three big Di­vine Soul Realm Golden Crow Sect dis­ci­ple Golden Crow Di­vine Flame, under a Yun Che this sword, is the flimsy is flick­ered con­ve­niently to rip open likely, but the sword pres­tige does not have, even if a weaken, sweep­ing of heav­ily in body of three peo­ple.
Golden Crow Fire by sword tear­ing, three peo­ple are the com­plex­ion is star­tled changes, but from the Yun Che's pro­found en­ergy storm near body, they felt clearly under own rum­bles power then to rum­ble un­ex­pect­edly in a flash the loose, great strength such as the ex­tremely heavy steel­yard weight pounds ma­li­ciously in their body, si­mul­ta­ne­ously swept three peo­ple to air­borne.
They in panic-stricken stands firm the body, im­pres­sively al­ready be­side hun­dred zhang (333 m).
But Golden Crow Fire that they rum­ble with joint forces turned into the bro­ken flame that scat­ters in all di­rec­tions, Yun Che mo­tion­less stand­ing in bro­ken in­flam­ma­tions, that slug­gish op­tional physique, seems like de­spis­ing them to be com­mon.
„Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aorou, he... He so will be how fierce.” The right young fel­low spoke be­comes some­what stut­ters.
„He... Per­haps... Re­ally...”
„Aaah!” young girl breath­less yelling, is un­able to ac­cept this re­sult ob­vi­ously... Or she is un­able to ac­cept Huo Poyun to be de­feated this mat­ter by Yun Che in any event. She re­ceives the wide sword, both hands gather, holds up high, full play that the Golden Crow Fire strength is out­spo­ken.
„Yun Che! Se­nior Brother Poyun said that you can catch his Golden Flame Sword with the hand! I do not be­lieve! Plants, you meet my try­ing to look!!”
„Hello! You are in a daze, makes them know our fierce quickly!! Se­nior Brother Poyun is ab­solute ~~ ab­solutely ~~ ab­solute im­pos­si­ble loses to him!!”
„Ah? oh!!”
These three Golden Crow dis­ci­ple usu­ally ob­vi­ously fre­quently to­gether prac­tice, tacit un­der­stand­ing is ex­tremely high, when their Golden Crow Fire strength re­volves, the aura then sub­tle syn­chro­niza­tion, „Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion” might is quickly enor­mous, the con­sump­tion is enor­mous, con­denses the flame strength time needed rel­a­tively is very long, al­though these three peo­ple pro­found strength wins Yun Che Great Realm, but de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble and Yun Che's con­trol com­pared with the hot abil­ity, burns and com­presses along with their Golden Crow Fire fully, enough after three breaths, Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion fi­nally takes shape... Also takes shape.
But this process, three peo­ple with­out a doubt are the flaw big dew, but Yun Che is ac­tu­ally moves to be dis­in­clined, to three Golden Crow Fire sword for­ma­tions... Then in same cuts in­stant to his top of the head.
Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion, the Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World first seven bound­aries most fear the de­struc­tion abil­ity a move, de­stroys the hard­est de­fenses, even if same level, also im­pos­si­ble re­sists ab­solutely hardly, let alone three sword Qi Luo.
Yun Che raises head slightly, vi­sual three Golden Crow Fire swords from are cut­ting to fall spa­tially, what­ever they are get­ting more and more near, the under foot moves also mo­tion­less.
Golden Flame Sword ar­rived at the Yun Che top of the head in a flash, Yun Che has been with­out turn­ing a hair, Golden Crow three dis­ci­ple are in the heart greatly is hur­ried...
He... Will not plan that re­ally doesn't hide?
He is Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, if were not care­ful that killed him... Was bad.
In their hearts pan­icked and dis­or­derly, even if wants to re­ceive the hand al­ready im­pos­si­ble. Three Golden Crow Fire sword aura are con­nected, the path is con­sis­tent, in mov­ing that flash be­fore Yun Che over­lapped in one... But also in this in­stance, the Yun Che's right hand like light­ning stretches out, grasped ac­cu­rately above the points of in­ter­sec­tion of three flame swords.
Is equal to sin­gle-handed, si­mul­ta­ne­ously held three Golden Crow Fire swords!
Buzz ---
The air wave shakes, three Golden Crow Fire swords have not cut Yun Che's arm in light of this, but also stops in his hand, then along with his palm grasps gen­tly...
Bang bang!!!
The Golden Crow flame of three Golden Crow dis­ci­ple con­den­sa­tion si­mul­ta­ne­ously Beng Duan, the flame hor­i­zon­tally flies fully.
Three scream re­sound in the sky, under back­lash that Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion force­fully routed, three Golden Crow dis­ci­ple Pro­found Vein such as were hit hard, whole body pro­found en­ergy chaos, but Yun Che ran out at this time sud­denly, the rich blue band of light will be punc­tur­ing the soul cold qi to be star­tled to al­most the soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken three peo­ple cov­ers com­pletely.
dīng dīng dīng dīng dīng dīng dīng dīng!
The air tem­per­a­ture plum­mets, three peo­ple can­not re­turn to nor­mal in­clud­ing aura with enough time, had been sealed into sin­cere cold ice in­stan­ta­neously, the Yun Che form flashes through, ar­rived at their rear area, did not re­turn, Heaven Smit­ing Sword back­ward fierce sweeps.
In cold ice that ice crys­tal blast­ing open, cold wind every­where, three peo­ple are danc­ing in the air chaotic flew hor­i­zon­tally, dis­tant pound­ing falls in the with­ered ground, crossed for a long time, no­body has stood up.
These three Golden Crow dis­ci­ple good and evil are the Di­vine Soul Realm pow­er­houses, under col­lab­o­rates, is in­suf­fi­cient by Yun Che so rout­ing eas­ily again. But, three Golden Flame Sword to them is cre­ated ex­tremely huge shock by Yun Che by one that the palm rum­bled, they sat down ex­hausted there, was hard to get back one's com­po­sure, in any event is un­able to be­lieve...
Be­fore such as them in any event is un­able to be­lieve that such as Huo Poyun of god child will lose to a Snow Song Realm tal­ent Di­vine Essence Realm per­son in their look tal­ent.
The most omi­nous young miss who be­fore shouted stared the big eye, looks at Yun Che, the frozen straight trem­bling of body under cold qi, ac­tu­ally does not know that scat­tered with pro­found en­ergy. Mat­ter that it is es­ti­mated that now she most be­lieves that is she is hav­ing a dream.
A clear and bright big laugh­ter from far to near, quick, wears the young man of pure gold long dress to drop from the clouds, is Huo Poyun, he looks at three Ju­nior Brother and Ju­nior Sis­ter in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, says with a smile: „Now you know that any­thing was out­side per­son has the per­son, one should al­ways strive for bet­ter.”
„Poyun... Se­nior Brother.” young miss weak shouted, as be­fore com­pletely has not ac­tu­ally got­ten back one's com­po­sure.
Huo Poyun turns around, on the face re­veals the heart­felt joy: „Brother Yun, leaves for three months, you can come to re­ally be good. Has not thought ac­tu­ally that Brother Yun not only el­e­ment prin­ci­ple shocks every­body, links pro­found strength so to be also as­ton­ish­ing un­ex­pect­edly, Poyun only gasps in ad­mi­ra­tion.”
Yun Che says with a smile: „My this pro­found strength, with the Brother Poyun bad hun­dred thou­sand eight thou­sand li(500 km) far more. More­over, this short three months, Brother Poyun pro­found strength un­ex­pect­edly also had so the ad­vance­ment, what this gasp­ing in ad­mi­ra­tion is I am right.”
Com­pares for three months ago, Huo Poyun aura had the change of rel­a­tive big ob­vi­ously. By Realm that he is , the short three months can have such change, are re­ally as­ton­ish­ing.
Huo Poyun shook the head with a smile, said: „Is a pity here to be des­o­lated, is away from sect es­pe­cially to be also re­mote. After hunt­ing and killing the Horned Dragon in­ci­dent set­tles, Brother Yun anx­iously going back, can not allow that Poyun per­forms the friend­ship of Yi­fandi Lord well.”
„Ha Ha, good, that was re­spect­ful might as well obey or­ders.” Yun Che has not shirked, smiles the com­pli­ance.
Huo Poyun puts out a hand, has in­curred to three peo­ple that just crawled: „Your three, have not hur­ried to apol­o­gize to Brother Yun.”
Yun Che beck­ons with the hand say­ing: „Does not need, they to be harm­less, you do not need to blame them. I, re­ally envy you to have one crowd of such sin­cer­ity to cher­ish your Ju­nior Brother Ju­nior Sis­ter ac­tu­ally.”
Which looks like me... After be­com­ing Hon­ored Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, day in day out was closed in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, do not say that plays the power and pres­tige, the Ju­nior Brother Ju­nior Sis­ter per­son's shadow can­not see.
Be­fore under also Mu Xi­aolan can tease, yeah.


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