Saturday, March 31, 2018

1067: Escapes Hei Ya (First Part)

#1067: Escapes Hei Ya (First Part)
Comments 370
Above God Bur­ial Fire Prison, Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark has floated in air­borne. After the Flame God three re­treats, un­manned comes back again, thus nat­u­rally can­not some peo­ple dis­cover that here has been stop­ping strange pro­found ark.
The Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark in­ter­nal world, con­firmed after blood of com­plete so­lu­tion Mu Xu­anyin within the body Horned Dragon, he wears the snow clothes for her, then looks at the sky, has looked at dumbly was very long, for a long time, along with tight­en­ing of his brow, had the final de­ci­sion fi­nally.
Not far away, is the giant body of An­cient Horned Dragon. Its body cold ice melted, above dragon body cut and bruised.
Be­fore Yun Che moves side­ways to ar­rive at the An­cient Horned Dragon corpse, the left hand reaches its big dragon mouth, along with flash­ing be­fore of green light, mas­sive Horned Dragon's Breath was in­haled in Sky Poi­son Pearl.
Mo­ment, the Yun Che palm takes back, the ap­prox­i­mate sen­sa­tion a Horned Dragon's Breath quan­tity, talked to one­self in a low voice: „These, use ap­pro­pri­ate words, killed by poi­son sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple enough.”
After hes­i­tant, he has ab­sorbed the blood of some Horned Dragon from its wound... Which day is per­haps use­ful.
This is Di­vine Lord Dragon, has at least counts the hun­dred thou­sand year the life. Its body any part, is world trea­sure... In­clud­ing mas­cu­line ex­tremely fierce Dragon's Blood and deadly poi­son dragon breath.
But be­sides these two types, Yun Che other has not taken... Be­cause he wants to take does not take. Di­vine Lord Realm Horned Dragon, even if did not have the corpse of power pro­tec­tion, is far from he can dam­age. Let alone cuts open dragon body to at­tain the heart of Horned Dragon, in­clud­ing bang next piece of dragon scale is the basic im­pos­si­ble mat­ters.
The Mu Xu­anyin in­jury and aura have con­sol­i­dated, will not have any dan­ger, be­cause is ex­tremely weak and loss is too heavy, then meets coma surely a long time. Per­haps sev­eral days, per­haps sev­eral months.
Her pro­found strength starts grad­u­ally to re­store... But re­leased For­bid­den Array, to dam­age blood essence and nat­ural tal­ent force­fully greatly, lost Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin, she can re­store to what de­gree fi­nally, Yun Che was un­fore­seen.
But, cer­tainly far weak in the past.
But this to any pro­found prac­ti­tioner, is un­able to ac­cept the mat­ter... Let alone ar­ro­gantly to ex­treme Mu Xu­anyin.
But if he con­tin­ues to re­main, after Mu Xu­anyin wakes up, the first mat­ter that can do, has killed him.
There­fore, only choice that he can think, be­fore she wakes up, leaves Snow Song Realm. Be­cause he does not want dead, can­not die.
Kneel­ing of Yun Che heav­ily be­fore the Mu Xu­anyin body, deep lay­ing down.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter,” Yun Che ashamedly how­ever light lan­guage: „dis­ci­ple ini­tially to God Realm, re­cidi­vist blun­der, if not Hon­ored Mas­ter re­minded, al­ready ex­posed body many se­crets not to know. Hon­ored Mas­ter knows dis­ci­ple body to in­herit the strength of Evil God, has Heav­enly Pro­found Trea­sure Sky Poi­son Pearl, never has the heart of pos­ses­sion / seize the body, but also re­ceives dis­ci­ple for own bi­og­ra­phy. Later, Cold Snow Palace does not have Mu Sushan and Mu Feng­shu again, dis­ci­ple ap­par­ent, de­cid­ing is Hon­ored Mas­ter to avoid the dis­ci­ple fu­ture trou­ble, but writes off them...”
„The dis­ci­ple book thinks that Hon­ored Mas­ter to also dis­ci­ple res­cue the gra­cious­ness of Palace Mas­ter Bingyun. But... Hon­ored Mas­ter is dis­ci­ple takes Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, to take the heart of Horned Dragon, spares no sac­ri­fice mas­sive Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin to help dis­ci­ple, pours into half a life­time painstak­ing care Nine Rev­o­lu­tion Bud­dha Heart Lotus, com­pletely used in dis­ci­ple body...”
„dis­ci­ple two times leaves side Hon­ored Mas­ter, one time to go to Ice Wind Em­pire, Hon­ored Mas­ter in pro­tected un­ex­pect­edly in se­cret. One time makes huge mis­take be­cause of dis­ci­ple, was pun­ished into Fog Van­ish­ing Val­ley... Hon­ored Mas­ter is fu­ri­ous ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­ally as be­fore is wor­ried about the dis­ci­ple safety, once again pro­tects in se­cret...”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter is the day fe­male's com­mon char­ac­ter, but dis­ci­ple, but came from the Lower Realm neg­li­gi­ble ju­nior, have what skills and abilites re­ceives the Hon­ored Mas­ter so heavy gra­cious­ness... dis­ci­ple this life not had thought re­port, now ac­tu­ally does so the mat­ter of trea­son and heresy to Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
In­spi­ra­tion of Yun Che heav­ily, ashamed clos­ing eye how­ever: „Hon­ored Mas­ter has the gra­cious­ness of restora­tion to dis­ci­ple, but after Hon­ored Mas­ter wakes up, will de­cide be­cause of dis­ci­ple the angry de­sire cer­tainly... dis­ci­ple did not have the face coun­te­nance to Hon­ored Mas­ter, if Hon­ored Mas­ter ex­e­cutes dis­ci­ple, per­fectly jus­ti­fied. dis­ci­ple also im­por­tant wish not... When the dis­ci­ple wish is com­pleted, cer­tainly get lost side Hon­ored Mas­ter, to Hon­ored Mas­ter han­dling.”
The Yun Che upper body bends down, three is knock­ing on to Mu Xu­anyin gen­tly.
Ar­rives at side Mu Xu­anyin, move­ment leisurely care­ful re­or­ga­nizes the good snow clothes for her, be­fore the fin­ger has can­celled her vol­ume , the dis­or­derly hair, then hugs gen­tly her, went out of the Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark's world.
Be­fore de­par­ture, he must first back Snow Song Realm of Mu Xu­anyin se­cu­rity.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect, main hall.
After Mu Bingyun and Mu Huanzhi ar­rive at Snow Song Realm, ar­rived at Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect di­rectly. After they waited here for a long time, fi­nally some peo­ple ar­rive... More­over is three peo­ple.
Ver­mil­lion Bird Sect Mas­ter Yan Wan­cang and Phoenix Sect Mas­ter Yan Jue­hai, Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter Huo Rulie.
Saw that three Sect Mas­ter ap­pear to­gether, Mu Huanzhi has been star­tled ob­vi­ously, quite in a ter­ri­fied way said: „Ice Phoenix God Sect Mu Huanzhi has seen three Sect Mas­ter. He He, has not thought that Sect Mas­ter Yan (炎) and Sect Mas­ter Huo un­ex­pect­edly also here, was re­ally too skill­ful.”
„... Brother Huanzhi was po­lite.” Yan Jue­hai said that three Sect Mas­ter ex­pres­sion ex­tremely non- na­tures.
Mu Xu­anyin and Yun Che „being buried” the mat­ter of Fire Prison, they have not sent greet­ings Snow Song Realm. They to today have not thought how good to con­fess this mat­ter to Snow Song Realm, after Yan Wan­cang from God Bur­ial Fire Prison comes back, then could not find way out, ac­tu­ally in just now sud­denly re­ceives Mu Huanzhi and news of Mu Bingyun ar­rival.
Why re­gard­less, them al­ready ar­rived, then the Mu Xu­anyin mat­ter was doomed un­able to con­ceal. He des­per­ate, does not dare a per­son fac­ing this mat­ter. Shouted Yan Jue­hai and Huo Rulie rapidly.
Not only three big Sect Mas­ter Qi Ying, dur­ing spo­ken lan­guages also po­lite in­com­pa­ra­ble, makes Mu Huanzhi some­what feel ex­tremely flat­tered ac­tu­ally. But this type ex­cep­tion­ally, is ac­tu­ally makes the Mu Bingyun in­ner­most feel­ings fierce sinks, for­ward cold sound track: „Shouldn't you in God Bur­ial Fire Prison? My Elder Sis­ter? She where?”
These words also make Mu Huanzhi awaken im­me­di­ately, the com­plex­ion changes. The Horned Dragon shed scales time, three big Sect Mas­ter should be right near God Bur­ial Fire Prison. They al­ready came back, ex­plained that hunts and kills the mat­ter of Horned Dragon to ter­mi­nate... But Mu Xu­anyin does not have the mes­sage!
„This...” The mat­ter of Mu Xu­anyin re­lates is too big, com­pels not to know that three big Sect Mas­ter how should exit / to speak, Yan Jue­hai says with a smile re­luc­tantly: „This mat­ter, men­tioned some words long...”
Is Sect Mas­ter, is afraid to say a word, in Mu Bingyun heart rest­less hun­dred times of en­large­ments, the sound again is not im­me­di­ately chilly, only has panic-stricken: „My Elder Sis­ter she in which... Said quickly that said!”
„Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, you, and is calm first.” Yan Wan­cang sighed the one breath lightly.
„Was good, is me!” Huo Rulie can­not en­dure pa­tiently again, the stride for­wards, said di­rectly: „When Mu Xu­anyin yes­ter­day and An­cient Horned Dragon bat­tle, al­ready to die!”
„You... What you said!?” The Mu Huanzhi whole body play trem­bles, flash ghost all braves.
„...” Mu Bingyun coldly is star­ing at Huo Rulie, for a long time, low [say / way]: „No... But... Can...”
„Right! Right... im­pos­si­ble, im­pos­si­ble.” Shak­ing the head that Mu Huanzhi all loses pres­ence of mind: „By the Sect Mas­ter's strength, triv­ial Horned Dragon, how pos­si­ble wound she, im­pos­si­ble, cer­tainly... Ab­solute im­pos­si­ble. Sect Mas­ter Huo... This... This joke may not open.”
„I know that you are un­able to be­lieve that but this is the fact!” Huo Rulie heavy sound track: „An­cient Horned Dragon could not cer­tainly in­jure your Sect Mas­ter, but we have not thought that in God Bur­ial Fire Prison has ac­tu­ally had two Horned Dragon, she en­coun­tered to plot against the se­vere wound, was sup­pressed by two An­cient Horned Dragon with joint forces, in­escapable, fi­nally...”
„...” Mu Bingyun is mo­tion­less, does not utter a word, a snow face be­comes at the ex­tremely quick speed a pale­ness, the body in los­ing the strength creakies.
„How to have this mat­ter... im­pos­si­ble... im­pos­si­ble...” Mu Huanzhi sits on the chair, at pre­sent is dizzy, both eyes straighten, in the mouth were al­ways talk­ing, such as was pos­sessed by a demon sud­denly.
If Mu Xu­anyin falls from the sky, to Ice Phoenix God Sect, to en­tire Snow Song Realm, will be a giant dis­as­ter... In a big way does not dare to imag­ine to any­body.
„I... No...... Let­ter...” Mu Bingyun flow­ery lips moves lightly, the sound is tran­quil, brings to let the per­son soul de­press­ing gloomi­ness.
„This mat­ter, wrong in our Flame God Realm.” Huo Rulie said: „You could rest as­sured that we will surely give you a sat­is­fac­tory con­fes­sion.”
„Con­fes­sion?” Mu Bingyun wooden light lan­guage: „Can Elder Sis­ter... Gives back to me...”
Huo Rulie the syl­labic final, could not speak im­me­di­ately, Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai do not know that should say any­thing. The op­po­site party has not cursed an­grily and not had berserk, does not have the pain, but that flash spread ice-cold sad, deep digs in their hearts... They as if heard the Mu Bingyun soul shat­tered sound.
„Yun Che... Yun Che?” She asked sud­denly, sound float­ing cot­ton wool.
„Yun Che he...” Still is Huo Rulie, his heav­ily sighed, died re­gard­ing Yun Che's, he has in­fi­nite re­gret­ting: „He to res­cue your Sect Mas­ter, over­ran force­fully... Fi­nally... Oh! My se­ri­ous to this boy real lik­ing, who knows him... Oh!”
„...” Mu Bingyun put out a hand at this time sud­denly, put out one to flash glim­mer Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, then [say / way] gen­tly: „Yun Che... Re­ally is you?”
„You... What did you say?” Mu Bingyun spo­ken lan­guage sud­denly, mak­ing the Huo Rulie three peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously stare.
The snow pupil of Mu Bingyun re­stored some focal dis­tances and ap­pear­ances sud­denly, grasps Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade white hands one to trem­ble lightly, sud­denly fierce raise one's head, anx­ious sound track: „Quick! Im­me­di­ately leads me to go to God Bur­ial Fire Prison!!”
„Ah? this... This is...” Three big Sect Mas­ter are per­plexed com­pletely.
But Mu Bingyun flushed in the cold wind to­gether.
--- --- --- --- ---
Flashes close to the God Bur­ial Fire Prison di­men­sion pro­found array ray, three Sect Mas­ter are bring­ing Mu Bingyun and Mu Huanzhi ar­rives once more. Goes out of pro­found array, three big Sect Mas­ter in­stan­ta­neous such as were struck by light­ning, eye si­mul­ta­ne­ously also stares is big­ger than the cow, saw the ghosts and gods likely sud­denly.
In their the front, they im­pres­sively sees Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly liv­ing stand­ing there... In the bosom, is hug­ging a coma fe­male.
„Yun Che... also... Recita­tion... Snow Song Realm King!?” The Yan Jue­hai slip of the tongue makes noise, under the pan­icked and dis­or­derly, bit the tongue un­ex­pect­edly all of a sud­den.
„... This... What's all this about?” The Huo Rulie chin al­most pounds on the ground.
„Elder Sis­ter!”
„Sect Mas­ter!”
Mu Bingyun and Mu Huanzhi had rushed anx­iously anx­iously, Yun Che for­wards, Mu Xu­anyin cau­tiously hands over in the Mu Bingyun bosom: „Elder Huanzhi, Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, felt re­lieved, Hon­ored Mas­ter was all right, was only the con­sump­tion is over­sized, meets the stu­por some time.”
„Good... Shouted, good.” Mu Huanzhi ac­cord­ing to the spot of heart, the fierce sev­eral big respites, among the greatly sad great hap­pi­ness, wan­dered on the life and death edge sim­ply likely.
Mu Bingyun has held Mu Xu­anyin lit­tle, both hands en­clasps... Has not spo­ken, is feel­ing her aura, silent, but tears.
„Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, Hon­ored Mas­ter... Gave you.”
The Yun Che's sound is very light, lightly to al­most only then he can hear. Fi­nally looked at Mu Xu­anyin fa­cial fea­tures one, he took a step to for­ward, wel­comes the delay vi­sion to ar­rive at side three Sect Mas­ter's, has not ac­tu­ally looked at Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai, said to Huo Rulie di­rectly: „Sect Mas­ter Huo, ju­nior has a mat­ter, wants to con­sult with you alone... Whether to bor­row one?”
„...” Huo Rulie con­tin­ued some lit­tle time, to nod, brought Yun Che, flew from by far.
„Yun Che, where do you go to?” Feels his aura being far away of sud­denly, Mu Bingyun has turned around, shouts. But the Yun Che's form ac­tu­ally dis­ap­peared along with Huo Rulie in her line of sight, not replies.


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