Tuesday, April 9, 2019

1395: One evening Divine Dao

#1395: One evening Divine Dao
Comments 332
pro­found beast of riot com­pletely peace­ful, even/in­clud­ing these are nat­u­rally cruel, of­fen­sive pro­found beast aura be­comes es­pe­cially tem­per­ate, in tran­quil and con­fused turned back own ter­ri­tory or the lair in abun­dance.
Phoenix Lost Clan the dis­as­ter has not erupted, then has sub­sided.
The Yun Che item sweeps all around, after con­firm­ing does not have the dan­ger, from air­borne fell light. Al­though, by his pre­sent power, must kill Ten Thou­sand Beast Moun­tain Range all pro­found beast is in an in­stant. But, does this, al­though may the fu­ture trou­ble, ac­tu­ally to the ecol­ogy, also have the ex­tremely bad ef­fect cer­tainly in the fu­ture...... pre­vi­ously, Feng Xue'er also sup­presses re­gard­ing the pro­found beast tur­moil of each re­gion erup­tion through­out, only if to sit­u­a­tion be­yond re­demp­tion, oth­er­wise does not dare de­ci­sively a pro­found beast ex­tinc­tion of side land.
The Phoenix Lost Clan per­son catches up, gath­ered in Yun Che and Feng Xian'er side. They look that the Yun Che's vi­sion again changed, the teenage boys and girls who the es­pe­cially those have not grown into, nim­ble and re­source­ful eyes such as are look­ing up to re­deem the world Di­vine Spirit.
„Yun Che, a mo­ment ago was this?” Feng Baichuan is hard to damp ex­cited ask­ing.
Yun Che said: „These pro­found beast meet the per­son­al­ity big change, might come under the in­flu­ence of some dark pro­found en­ergy, dark pro­found en­ergy will en­large the neg­a­tiv­ity of life. I used one type a mo­ment ago with pro­found en­ergy that it con­tra­dicts, paci­fies their neg­a­tiv­i­ties.”
He when the speech, has very deep doubts at heart.
It looks like from the con­di­tions of all pro­found beast tur­moils, they de­cide by some dark pro­found en­ergy in­flu­ence with­out doubt.
But why...... can't I ac­tu­ally feel ex­is­tence of this dark pro­found en­ergy?
could it be that, this does not know dark aura that from where comes, plane/level high doesn't even have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to find out by se­cret in­quiry to me?
low grade pro­found beast Spirit Sense is more sen­si­tive than human, is frailer than human, will be be­fore will come under the in­flu­ence is not strange. Mean­while...... the pro­found beast tur­moil markedly has been in­ten­si­fy­ing, if gets down, not only the range will ex­pand, high level pro­found beast grad­u­ally will also be af­fected.
Again in the fu­ture, can even/in­clud­ing peo­ple also......
Yun Che's brow un­con­scious tight­en­ing.
„so that's how it is.” Feng Baichuan nod, has not closely ex­am­ined.
„But,” Yun Che said: „The ori­gin of this dark pro­found strength may not know, but its in­flu­ence con­tin­ues to exist, and has been in­ten­si­fy­ing. Al­though Ten Thou­sand Beast Moun­tain Range pro­found beast was com­forted tem­porar­ily, but...... can­not con­tinue is too long.”
One hear of this words, on the nu­mer­ous Phoenix de­scen­dant's face re­vealed anx­iously.
„Fa­ther,” Feng Zu'er said: „Do we want to move from this place? Now did not have the pro­tec­tion of Sir Phoenix God, can­not...... ask bene­fac­tor Elder Brother to come each time.”
Feng Zu'er said, these young Phoenix men and women in abun­dance vi­sion twin­kles, but, Feng Baichuan has not re­sponded, these el­ders did not say a word, they look at the front, the look was very com­plex.
They live in seclu­sion in this en­tire life, has long been used, even if re­lieved the blood­line curse, had more and more pow­er­ful power, they do not want enter world...... to make them leave here as be­fore, how could they eas­ily ac­cept.
„Does not need so.” Yun Che smiles, then the arm lifts, the flame light flashes.
The Phoenix Fire light flash moves to­gether in the re­mote sky, in the flame light, with pre­vi­ously the Phoenix for­ma­tion pro­duc­tion of gen­eral size . More­over, com­pared with it pre­vi­ous also wants strong big sev­eral times, only if has Phoenix Blood­line, oth­er­wise that fears Sov­er­eign to ar­rive, do not want to step into.
Yun Che cur­rent power still in the re­cov­ery pe­riod, was still less than most flour­ish­ing con­di­tion 20%, but must be over Phoenix Spirit in­nu­mer­able times, casts such Phoenix for­ma­tion, rad­i­cally is easy.
„Wa!” screams re­sound: „Is new Phoenix for­ma­tion!”
Not is only new, clearly but also each of them feels, new life Phoenix for­ma­tion is re­leas­ing com­pared with orig­i­nally blaz­ing Phoenix aura.
„This for­ma­tion by the words of ex­ter­nal force im­pact, can­not con­tinue about 200 years.” The Yun Che smile said: „Every 200 years, I can re­in­force...... I to be­lieve one time, 200 years later, you did not need this for­ma­tion.”
„very good...... very good!” A Mr. Phoenix makes noise ex­cit­edly.
After they have known Yun Che re­stores power , are ex­tremely surely pow­er­ful, but a mo­ment ago, they look with own eyes Yun Che wields con­ve­niently, as if fluc­tu­ates in­clud­ing pro­found en­ergy does not have, then ties one more pow­er­ful than Phoenix God in­stan­ta­neously, and can have en­tire 200 years of for­ma­tion, their side Zhi, Yun Che's is pow­er­ful, has gone be­yond the cat­e­gory that they have un­der­stood rad­i­cally, was far in ex­cess of the bound­ary of this world.
„Thank you...... bene­fac­tor Elder Brother.” The Feng Xian'er pupil light is grace­ful.
„Eh...... you do not live me air/Qi well.” Yun Che is say­ing with a smile.
Feng Xian'er low­ers the head, very low voice say/way: „How I can...... be mad your.”
„......” Feng Zu'er looks at the two peo­ple ap­pear­ance, is feel­ing some­what strange at­mos­phere, ef­fort stared star­ing.
Feng Baichuan and Feng Caiyun look at each other one, the for­mer shakes the head with a smile, lightly said: „Yeah, young peo­ple.”
For these days, the Yun Wuxin whole time in the deep sleep, woke up oc­ca­sion­ally, be­cause vi­tal­ity were weak and go off quickly.
Mean­while, Yun Che peace­ful mind as far as pos­si­ble with rapt at­ten­tion, is also restor­ing own power, then fi­nally re­stored to be able for her to re­store the pro­found strength de­gree.
Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, Yun Clan.
for­ma­tion opens in the gar­den, is iso­lat­ing all lines of sight, voice/sound and aura. This is for­ma­tion that Yun Che sup­poses per­son­ally, this plane, no one can break open.
In for­ma­tion, not only there is Yun Che and Yun Wuxin, Cang Yue, Lit­tle Demon Em­press, Feng Xue'er, Xiao Lingxi, Su Ling'er, Chu Yuechan and Feng Xian'er, were all shouted spe­cially by Yun Che.
Yun Wuxin ac­cord­ing to the bosom of Chu Yuechan, face is still pale, any­body looked that will love dearly ex­tremely, Yun Che sits be­fore her body, takes out an ex­quis­ite jade bot­tle from Sky Poi­son Pearl, in the jade bot­tle is drop of Di­vine Water of Life and drop of Dragon's Dawn Jade Dew.
„Can Yun Che, re­ally re­store? Can have the wound to her pos­si­bil­ity?” Chu Yuechan asked that she knows that she asked a very silly issue, with love and guilt of Yun Che to Yun Wuxin, will not allow any in­jury to exist to her pos­si­bil­ity de­ci­sively, but she is un­able to re­lieve of the worry in heart com­pletely.
Yun Che smile: „Relax, these spirit liq­uid, most will not in­jure power of life at this world in tem­pered, not only will not in­jure Xin'er, will also strengthen her con­sti­tu­tion and Pro­found Vein enor­mously, pro­found strength, will also grow to Xue'er that plane/level.”
"Ah!" Yun Che these words say­ing, has a scare the fe­males, si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­udes screams.
Is Feng Xue'er what kind of cul­ti­va­tion base? Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent Phoenix God­dess, this plane first steps into the Di­vine Dao per­son truly, ex­cept Yun Che, she is the first per­son that en­tire Blue Pole Star de­serves, is the shak­ing the old and il­lu­mi­nat­ing the new Pro­found Dao mir­a­cle......
Yun Che was say­ing, can make Yun Wuxin that pro­found strength all loses...... achieve plane/level that Feng Xue'er is at di­rectly!?
Al­though this is Yun Che says per­son­ally, but these words are ex­tremely re­ally un­think­able, even if Feng Xue'er and Lit­tle Demon Em­press, are also un­ac­cept­able to be­lieve and for a long time.
Yun Che had not ex­plained, a fin­ger gen­tly point, im­me­di­ately, Di­vine Water of Life and Dragon's Dawn Jade Dew in jade bot­tle con­cen­trate in the fin­ger­tip, two bead clear jade re­veal, are ac­tu­ally re­fract­ing the stars dif­fer­ent glow.
The pure and sa­cred that aura is un­able to say a word also flooded the en­tire space.
„Xin'er, any­thing does not need to think, any­thing does not serve as, be­lieves Daddy.” Yun Che gen­tly said.
„Un.” Yun Wuxin ac­cord­ingly, then clever open­ing flow­ery lips.
The Yun Che body white light ap­pears, his to close eyes, the fin­ger stretches out slightly, the light point on the fresh-faced lip of Yun Wuxin, pro­found en­ergy moves slightly, leads into her within the body Di­vine Water of Life and Dragon's Dawn Jade Dew.
That split sec­ond, Yun Wuxin felt sim­i­lar the mi­cro­cosm to ex­plode in own within the body.
bound­less ma­jes­tic power un­folds in each cor­ner of her body......, but, ar­rives ob­vi­ously abun­dantly vastly in­con­ceiv­able, was tem­per­ate to peak, has not made her feel that a wee bit ill­ness, in­stead had one type such as in the ex­treme com­fort of heaven.
Ex­tremely huge power also over­flows her body at the same time, curls up one in the sur­round­ing space sim­i­larly huge, ac­tu­ally es­pe­cially gen­tle pro­found en­ergy storm.
But im­me­di­ately, this storm van­ishes in­stan­ta­neously, with the turn over of Yun Che wrist/skill, light pro­found strength cov­ers in Yun Wuxin's body, Di­vine Water of Life and Dragon's Dawn Jade Dew ef­fi­cacy lock firmly in Yun Wuxin within the body, is un­able to over­flow the half a point again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously guides the spir­i­tual en­ergy of re­leas­ing, fast and body, blood, merid­i­ans and Pro­found Vein fu­sion Yun Wuxin......
Then, pre­sents in the nu­mer­ous fe­male line of sight and Spirit Sense...... each breath is such as the dream-like scene.
Orig­i­nally is ema­ci­ated life aura then be­comes after the short sev­eral breaths es­pe­cially pow­er­ful, mak­ing Yun Wuxin not have the half a point again weakly con­di­tion, then, her body started to pre­sent pro­found strength aura, and pos­si­ble be called the ter­ri­fy­ing speed to rise dra­mat­i­cally.
El­e­men­tary Pro­found Realm...... Nascent Pro­found Realm...... True Pro­found Realm...... Spirit Pro­found Realm...... Earth Pro­found Realm...... Sky Pro­found Realm...... Em­peror Pro­found Realm......
The cul­ti­va­tion of Pro­found Dao, must build the base, must ac­cu­mu­late, must com­pre­hend, wants the op­por­tu­nity, bot­tle­neck that es­pe­cially the pro­mo­tion of Great Realm, needs likely to span life­time cross......
But Yun Wuxin body pro­found en­ergy, ac­tu­ally goes against the com­mon sense, stretches across sharp in­crease of Realm.
Short less than the lit­tle while, has then bro­ken through Em­peror Pro­found, achiev­ing the bound­ary of Over­lord...... is also Realm that Yun Wuxin pre­vi­ously just achieved.
But all have not stopped, Yun Wuxin pro­found en­ergy is ris­ing dra­mat­i­cally as be­fore...... her eye in the by ex­tremely quick speed closed, a face tran­quil­ness, does not have the color of pain.
Tyrant Pro­found Realm...... Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm......
Fi­nally, after less than half dou­ble-hour, pro­found en­ergy no im­ped­i­ment of Yun Wuxin body breaks through the Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm bound­ary, broke through the bound­ary of every say/way, the re­lease...... they only had in Di­vine Pro­found aura that Feng Xue'er body will feel.
Yun Wuxin body white glow, fi­nally started to dis­si­pate at this time.
Yun Che has ex­tended in the air­borne arm takes back, opened the eye with Yun Wuxin.
Yun Wuxin this time Pro­found Dao Realm...... Di­vine Essence Realm First Level!
Half dou­ble-hour, does not have pro­found strength to enter Di­vine Dao!
Yun Wuxin lifts the hand, is feel­ing body power, then looks to the fa­ther, the item splits star light: „Daddy, you are too re­ally fierce!”
„Haha,” looks at the Yun Wuxin pleas­antly sur­prised de­lighted ap­pear­ance, Yun Che smiled heart­feltly: „That is nat­ural, how to make your Daddy.”
„, You the un­der­stand­ing of Pro­found Dao could not have fol­lowed power that you have by far, there­fore also re­quires the quite long time to sense and adapt, but relax,” Yun Che strikes one's chest: „Has Daddy, these are not the is­sues. Later, I will teach you per­son­ally.”
„Un!” Yun Wuxin in­com­pa­ra­bly smiled hap­pily


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