Sunday, April 21, 2019

1414: Returns to sect

#1414: Returns to sect
Comments 334
On the mouth de­nied, but Yun Che's ac­tu­ally goes full steam ahead at heart.
What sit­u­a­tion?
What's all this about!? Does she rec­og­nize come out? Is un­rea­son­able, not pos­si­ble!
Blind ig­no­rant/veiled? It is not right! Even if blind ig­no­rant/veiled, is at least well-founded. But his ap­pear­ance, voice/sound, tone and name have all made the change, pro­found en­ergy that is re­leased ex­ter­nally also only then light­ning aura, let alone, also „Yun Che died” the major premise that this God Realm all knows.
even/in­clud­ing and he con­tacts is more, pro­found strength and di­vine sense reach as high as Di­vine Lord Realm Huo Poyun com­pletely have not known him to come, Mu Feixue emits „Se­nior Brother Yun” these three char­ac­ters to come!?
Mu Feixue not be­cause of his words, but angry and sus­pected, a pair of ice pupil af­fec­tion­ately looks at his eye...... In the past, she will not look straight ahead Yun Che with such vi­sion ab­solutely, in­stead will be mov­ing his eye first put aside the vi­sion.
But, in this world, after biggest touch­ing is „for­ever loses ac­tu­ally” and „for­ever loses ac­tu­ally re­gain­ing”......
„I know that is you.” She said gen­tly, light vast voice/sound such as from il­lu­sory dream.
Yun Che cor­ners of the mouth one crooked, the opens the mouth wants to deny...... But moves her vi­sion, was sud­denly is ac­tu­ally not able to say come out the fol­low­ing words, then, his even/in­clud­ing vi­sion also avoid­ance can­not help but.
Mu Feixue not only has rec­og­nized him, but also...... Clearly also in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves firmly!
Re­ally fan­tasy! Where flaw are one­self?
More­over, she looks at one­self look......
Hiss...... Should...... Can't??
„You...... Why said that what I am ‚Se­nior Brother Yun’?” Yun Che pulls down voice/sound to ask.
The words that the vi­sion that he dodges and gets down ob­vi­ously weakly, ap­proached in the de­fault. Mu Feixue said: „For these years, Hon­ored Mas­ter will men­tion with me about your mat­ter fre­quently, Hon­ored Mas­ter said, you once left sect, is in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced to named Heiya Realm Star Realm, dur­ing that time, you changed name as ‚Ling Yun’.”
The Yun Che eye stares, com­pels ig­no­rant: „...... Be­cause of this?”
When Yun Che changes name out­side, will use „Ling Yun”, is not his Young Villa Mas­ter Ling Yun to Heav­enly Sword Villa has any pre­sump­tu­ous sen­ti­ment, be­cause this name sim­ple freely spo­ken rot­ten av­enue...... That is all.
He runs away the mat­ter that Heiya Realm did dur­ing that time, Mu Xu­anyin in­deed is ap­par­ent, knows that he used „Ling Yun” this fic­ti­tious name to be also nor­mal. But, such a name of rot­ten av­enue, ca­sual small Star Realm can dis­cover sev­eral thou­sand tens of thou­sands, Mu Feixue de­pends on this men­tal as­so­ci­a­tion to his body!?
This did not talk non­sense es­pe­cially!!
Said that lis­tens to the ghosts not to be­lieve to the ghost!
„This name, mak­ing me be­lieve firmly.” Mu Feixue pupil light as be­fore: „I am see­ing your first...... Al­though the ap­pear­ance, voice/sound and aura are dif­fer­ent, but I have thought all of a sud­den of you.”
Yun Che: „......???”
„Be­cause......” she looks that he con­tin­u­ously in the eye that does not dodge on own ini­tia­tive: „I re­mem­ber your eye and fla­vor.”
„......” Yun Che there, sud­denly un­ex­pect­edly feels help­less.
He is not Huo Poyun that type quite blank the per­son in the sen­ti­ment of men and women, his too clear Mu Feixue these words mean any­thing.
Eye...... Fla­vor...... And such rec­og­nized cam­ou­flaged per­fect him ex­tremely, the only pos­si­bil­ity, was his shadow in her mind in­com­pa­ra­ble depth, deep to Soul most deep place.
„......” Yun Che could not speak for a long time, be­cause of him at once, is un­able to be­lieve.
His life con­tact ex­ces­sively out­stand­ing fe­male, the ex­pe­ri­ence in sen­ti­ment of men and women is in­com­pa­ra­bly rich. Which fe­male in­tends to one­self, eas­ily he can feel. But Mu Feixue...... One­self and her only di­rect oc­cur­ring to­gether, in Mu Xu­anyin „plot­ting” under falls down the in­fringe­ment her, then does not hes­i­tate by force­fully from stop­ping from the way of bang, later, is the sur­face has not seen re­ally con­tin­u­ally sev­eral times.
Oc­ca­sion­ally saw, he also for­ever only then ice-cold and repel that feels from Mu Feixue body...... But in light of the Mu Feixue per­son­al­ity and to she has done the mat­ter, one­self should be ab­solutely she in the per­son who in this world most loathes.
Now, fac­ing pupil light that she gazes, lis­ten­ing to her to say „I re­mem­bered your eye and fla­vor”...... The Yun Che whole per­son is ig­no­rant.
What's all this about? When mat­ter is this? Should not Ah...... Does not have rea­son Ah...... Not pos­si­ble!
„Do you also want to deny?” Her ask­ing gen­tly.
„You...... Did not fear do one­self admit mis­takes? After all...... After all......” Yun Che some­what speaks in­co­her­ently.
„Some­what touches, life only one time, only has one per­son.” She still vis­its him, is not will­ing to put aside the vi­sion: „There­fore, im­pos­si­ble will be wrong.”
Words that „......” Mu Feixue spoke, for­merly to his re­lated with Huo Poyun how sim­i­larly.
Right, Huo Poyun......
Yun Che's has had a headache.
In the past, after he be­came Mu Xu­anyin di­rect dis­ci­ple, he in the Ice Phoenix God Sect sta­tus im­me­di­ately no one may, he also knows, in sect many Se­nior and Ju­nior Sis­ters adored in him...... But, he in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves firmly, even if the en­tire sect fe­males like him, the per­son also de­cides to him does not spare a glance.
That is Mu Feixue.
But today...... At this mo­ment, he de­tected in long-time dumb­struck sud­denly, one­self does not un­der­stand the woman prob­a­bly as be­fore.
took a deep breath, the Yun Che's Spirit Sense re­lease, to sur­round­ing fast sweeps, con­fir­ma­tion not other peo­ple in rear, look com­plex say/way: „Good, I ac­knowl­edged, I am Yun Che...... Live Yun Che.”
Dur­ing the speeches, he puts out a hand, in palm, wipes ice glow to flash to pass, brings in­stant Ice Phoenix aura, then, the palm lifts, op­tional wiped on the face, has re­vealed his ap­pear­ance/por­trait.
„......” Mu Feixue bead lip moves lightly, fac­ing his near at hand fa­cial fea­tures, she ices pupil trem­bling, has been gaz­ing at his vi­sion ac­tu­ally in­stead some­what flur­ried mov­ing aside, aura also ob­vi­ous was chaotic.
The palm wipes again, short counts breaths, his face then re­gains to „Ling Yun” con­di­tion, in heart a feel­ing...... Own per­fect dis­guise! Un­ex­pect­edly such col­laps­ing at the first blow be­fore woman?
Eye? Fla­vor? This thing this cam­ou­flages!?
After vi­sion flur­ried mov­ing aside, Mu Feixue has turned around sud­denly, chest fluc­tu­at­ing, some lit­tle time, her aura is gen­tle, voice/sound sup­ple as is cold: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, if knows that you are also liv­ing, was very cer­tainly happy.”
„First me also not liv­ing the mat­ter told any­body.” Yun Che said.
„I know.” Mu Feixue had not asked that he is liv­ing why, also where has not asked him for these years, why also comes back: „Re­turns to sect with me, I lead you to see Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
„Good.” Yun Che nod.
The Mys­tic Mist City pro­found beast tur­moil was sub­sided, the even/in­clud­ing deep hid­den biggest dis­as­ter was also elim­i­nated, later again has the beast tide to at­tack a city, Mys­tic Mist City should also be able to de­fend.
Mu Feixue in­jury tem­porar­ily un­ob­struc­tive, Ice Phoenix nu­mer­ous dis­ci­ple greeted to Mys­tic Mist City Lord, then mounts pro­found ark, re­turns to sect. But Yun Che in the name of vis­it­ing Snow Song Realm King ac­com­pa­ny­ing.
Ice Boat washes the snow against the wind, flies to Ice Phoenix Realm that sect is. Stands be­fore Ice Boat, Yun Che looks not to have the pale world of bound­ary, the surg­ing emo­tions to fluc­tu­ate fiercely.
Fi­nally must re­turn to sect, fi­nally can see again/good­bye to Hon­ored Mas­ter and Palace Mas­ter Bingyun.
Does not know that they see them­selves, can be what kind of re­sponse...... One­self „dying” these years, made cer­tainly them worry about.
„How to have seen Young Sect Mas­ter Huo?” Yun Che asked that when they left Mys­tic Mist City, ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised has not seen the Huo Poyun form.
Mu Hanyan said: „Oh! I have nearly for­got­ten, Young Sect Mas­ter Huo as if tem­porar­ily re­ceives sect to send greet­ings, there­fore de­parts in a hurry, just be­fore leav­ing be­fore , lets me says good-bye be­fore leav­ing to Se­nior Ling and Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue for him.”
„so that's how it is.” Yun Che nod, thought in­dis­tinctly as if where does not suit, but has not thought.
„Se­nior Ling,” Mu Hanyan some­what hes­i­tant say/way: „You should hear, Sect Mas­ter her cold tem­pera­ment, is not will­ing to be dis­turbed. Al­though you can be saved the oblig­a­tion of Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue life, and Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue pre­sents per­son­ally, but...... The se­niors do not have the too high ex­pec­ta­tion for good.”
„I un­der­stand.” A Yun Che face is re­laxed: „If can re­sult in sees, is lucky. If misses, that should also, I con­ceive a plan ac­tu­ally tem­porar­ily, as if some were of­fen­sive.”
A Mu Hanyan rit­ual, felt re­lieved hastily slightly.
Mu Feixue walked, she stands be­fore Ice Boat, the Yun Che body side, re­mote looks at the dis­tant place with him to­gether, two peo­ple al­ready does not have the eye con­tact, does not have the spo­ken lan­guage.
The si­lence of two peo­ple, mak­ing the world ap­pear es­pe­cially peace­ful. Stands there Mu Hanyan thought sud­denly in­ex­plic­a­bly one­self some­what are prob­a­bly un­nec­es­sary, his opened the mouth, has not ac­tu­ally made noise, puts the light foot­steps to leave.
„That......” did not have the by­stander, Yun Che could not bear make noise fi­nally: „How you did not ask that I am liv­ing why also?”
Mu Feixue did not re­spond.
„Huo Poyun he......” voice/sound slightly, Yun Che said: „You af­firmed that the feel­ing re­sults in come out, he had a lik­ing for you.”
The re­sponses look like from Mu Hanyan and the oth­ers, this al­ready was not the se­cret. In­deed, the achieve­ment Di­vine Lord Huo Poyun, he has the ab­solute en­ergy fac­ing any fe­males. Mean­while, he es­pe­cially is also dri­ving, in this year the time, many time came Snow Song Realm ob­vi­ously...... Only is Mu Feixue.
„With my what does/works.” She replied with­out the slight­est show of feel­ing.
The Yun Che vi­sion has leaned qui­etly, is thick the fa­cial skin to ask: „You can rec­og­nize my such one dead by the fla­vor and eye ‚’ the per­son. You should un­able...... Un­re­quited loves me?”
„...... With your what does/works.” Her reply is as be­fore in­dif­fer­ent, as if re­turned to the past con­di­tion all of a sud­den.
„......” Yun Che is speech­less for a while.
Huo Poyun likes Mu Feixue, en­tire 3,000 years has not given up the idea. But Mu Feixue ob­vi­ously...... Yun Che puts out a hand to pull the hair, the skull hurts...... The skull hurts.
The ac­tion of his un­con­scious­ness, mak­ing ice glow in Mu Feixue pupil slightly gloomy, her coldly makes noise sud­denly: „How he, is his mat­ter. How I, am my mat­ter. Cer­tainly all has noth­ing to do with you, you do not need there­fore to bother.”
Then, she turns around cold, silent leaves.
Yun Che turns around, looks at the back that she goes far away, long ex­haled...... If so were re­ally sim­ple is good.
Re­ally felt strange why she will like me?
Until now, Yun Che is un­able to un­der­stand why Mu Feixue will ex­cite the emo­tions to him...... Is a wee bit signs and rea­son can­not think se­ri­ously.
Along with the flight of Ice Boat, in di­vine sense of Yun Che re­lease, pre­sented Ice Phoenix Realm aura fi­nally, lets in his heart gets up to pal­pi­tate, the Mu Xu­anyin fa­cial fea­tures and form are even more clear in his mind.
Four years......
Does not know pre­sent me whether also in her world...... Was can­celled from mem­ory by her.
Ice Boat passes through Ice Phoenix Realm, then falls fast, Ice Phoenix God Sect in mem­ory pulls closer in the line of sight fast.
Among his gods, Mu Feixue ap­pears in his body side sud­denly: „We go to the tem­ple di­rectly.”
The sound still in the ear, Mu Feixue is the mov­ing quickly, Yun Che ca­resses the surg­ing emo­tions, fol­lows.
Freely the sect Tem­ple, be­side Mu Xu­anyin, can come and go out only has Mu Bingyun and Mu Feixue, is led into by Mu Feixue with­out doubt is the op­ti­mal choice. Looks that Mu Feixue brings „Ling Yun” to leave, al­though nu­mer­ous Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple in the heart slightly feels strangely, but did not have one per­son to say any­thing.
Ice Phoenix Tem­ple, fly­ing snow like rain­bow. The both feet treads in this an­cient du­pli­cate snows Saint ter­ri­tory, the Yun Che's foot­steps on own ini­tia­tive were not lighter, has ar­rived at her body side from Mu Feixue be­hind.
He re­moved cam­ou­flage on face, aura also trans­ferred cold qi that Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex was in sole pos­ses­sion.
Be­fore the tem­ple, Mu Feixue wor­ships on bended knees under: „Feixue pays re­spect to Hon­ored Mas­ter......”
Her words just ex­ported, in the tem­ple then spreads ice-cold voice/sound: „Makes him roll!”


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