Monday, April 29, 2019

1426: Xuanyin Meiyin

#1426: Xuanyin Meiyin
Comments 282
Yun Che such re­marks, causes the peo­ple to look askance com­pletely. Mu Xu­anyin knits the brows slightly, said: „Che'er, this mat­ter has noth­ing to do with med­ical skill, can not un­guard­edly the non­sense.”
„Oh?” The Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror vi­sion has trans­ferred, said with a laugh: „You can have this heart, Old Man are much re­lieved. How­ever, the strength of Evil In­fant, you can­not un­der­stand, Old Man will seek his law.”
Yun Che no longer spoke, the palm lifted, wiped the white pro­found light to con­dense in his palm, re­lease holy-white stain­less ra­di­ance.
The white pro­found light is com­mon. Or­di­nary pro­found prac­ti­tioner looked, will not have any other re­sponses. But, side Yun Che six peo­ple...... two Di­vine Em­peror, two Realm King and two new Di­vine Lord that ex­pe­ri­ences Eter­nal Sky 3,000 years, they while see­ing white pro­found light, feels, clearly is named „sa­cred” aura!
„Light...... light pro­found strength!?” Shui Qian­heng loses one's voice im­me­di­ately.
This time, even/in­clud­ing Mu Xu­anyin and Xia Qingyue are also beau­ti­ful eyes trem­ble, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror is the whole body one stiff, then fierce rais­ing the head looks to Yun Che, vi­sion chang­ing sud­denly: „You...... this......”
„In the world has light pro­found strength, not just Shen Xi...... se­nior.” With­stands every­one to shock the in­ex­plic­a­ble vi­sion, a Yun Che face is calm: „Four years ago, dur­ing ju­nior stays Dragon God Realm, is...... cough cough...... the se­nior gives shel­ter by Shen Xi, she said that my con­sti­tu­tion may cul­ti­va­tion light pro­found strength, there­fore then taught me Light Di­vine Arts.”
Xia Qingyue and Mu Xu­anyin look­ing at each other as if by prior agree­ment, from the op­po­site party sur­prised and puz­zled pupil light, they con­firmed that the op­po­site party does not know this mat­ter.
Mu Xu­anyin was ten thou­sand years of Realm King, Xia Qingyue in­her­ited all pre­vi­ous Moon God Em­peror mem­ory and cog­ni­tion, they were very clear „light pro­found strength” are the what kind of con­cepts, clear aware­ness pre­sent age has light pro­found strength only to have Shen Xi, be­cause cul­ti­vated the light pro­found strength con­di­tion to be ex­tremely harsh, must have purely „Sa­cred Body” or „Sa­cred Heart”.
Yun Che and these two...... have the nickel re­la­tions!?
„Had this mat­ter...... Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to be star­tled un­ex­pect­edly”, thor­ough was star­tled, how re­gard­less of he does not dare be­lieve again, in the Yun Che hand re­leased, was ac­tu­ally real light pro­found strength! sa­cred aura that is in sole pos­ses­sion, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to im­i­tate and coun­ter­feit.
Yun Che con­tin­ued: „Se­nior Shen Xi has the gra­cious­ness to ju­nior, per­mits with­out her, ju­nior does not dare to dis­close too. But if light pro­found strength is help­ful to the se­nior se­ri­ously, ju­nior is will­ing vig­or­ously to try.”
The brow tip gear­ing of Shui Qian­heng, does not con­trol self talked to one­self: „This boy...... sim­ply is freak......, more­over gave shel­ter by Dragon Em­press Shen Xi un­ex­pect­edly? This...... this sim­ply......”
He does not know how should de­scribe in the heart shocks.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror this grade of char­ac­ter must see Dragon Em­press Shen Xi to be dif­fi­cult time, did Yun Che...... give shel­ter to by her un­ex­pect­edly?!
„Hee hee,” Shui Meiyin is quite ac­tu­ally happy: „Man who I set­tle on, nat­u­rally is in the world is great­est.”
„......” Shui Qian­heng nod.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror for­wards, puts out a hand to hold the Yun Che arm un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, ex­cited say/way: „Is this re­ally...... Dragon Em­press Shen Xi gives?”
He just said, then knows one­self asked an idle talk. Per­son who has light pro­found strength as world only one, Yun Che's light pro­found strength only then pos­si­bly came from Shen Xi.
„Un.” Yun Che nod, re­gard­ing „Dragon Em­press” this name, he lis­tens...... is not very un­com­fort­able now.
He said „Se­nior Shen Xi” four word-time, quite dis­likes.
But......, even if con­cen­trates the heads of God Realm all pow­er­houses, can­not think ab­solutely that year in Sam­sara For­bid­den Land, be­tween he and Shen Xi has had any­thing......
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror both hands slightly tight, is ex­cit­edly hard to damp: „Yun Che, you have no qualms are my East­ern God Ter­ri­tory mir­a­cle. Per­son who my East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, had a body to have light pro­found strength un­ex­pect­edly!”
„To cul­ti­vate/re­pair light pro­found strength, must have Sa­cred Body or Sa­cred Heart. Al­though your body is at vari­ance with the av­er­age man, but aura non- Dragon Em­press like that sa­cred Wugou (stain­less), na­ture im­pos­si­ble is Sa­cred Body. So may know, you have ‚Sa­cred Heart’ un­ex­pect­edly the per­son.” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror pair of old eyes vis­its him, to praise sighed: „Sa­cred Heart, Soul Wugou (stain­less), sad heaven pities the world, the in­ten­tion ten thou­sand lives, does not dye the evil, not sink­ing six sex­ual at­trac­tions...... your nat­ural tal­ent is shock­ing, has to pity world Sa­cred Heart, se­ri­ously is lucky of my East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
Xia Qingyue: „.........”
Shui Meiyin: „............”
Yun Che: „~! # ¥ %......”( what this spe­cial said is who?)
„Coughs...... cough cough......” Yun Che face red­den, the palm trem­bles, said hastily: „Se­nior er­ro­neous to praise, the ju­nior re­al­ity is not at all. Al­though ju­nior may con­trol light pro­found strength, but cul­ti­va­tion base is su­per­fi­cial, is un­able to guar­an­tee suc­cess­fully, can only try strongly. If the se­nior does not shut out, ju­nior can at­tempt to re­duce and solve for the se­nior now.”
„Good.” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror has not re­jected, joy­fully nod. Ex­uded on the gloomy face also to float off ex­cited red light.
To him, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory pre­sents light pro­found prac­ti­tioner, the spe­cific en­ergy re­duces and solves dark pro­found strength this mat­ter to want joy­ful hun­dred times for him.
„In view of this, ask­ing Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to step Ice Phoenix Palace, ju­nior can per­son­ally Pro­tec­tor.” Mu Xu­anyin said im­me­di­ately, her voice falls, the ear­li­est pos­si­ble time has sent greet­ings Mu Bingyun.
Yun Che and Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror enter Ice Phoenix Palace, Mu Xu­anyin sup­pose next cold ice for­ma­tion per­son­ally.
Per­haps how to re­duce and solve dark devil breath of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror within the body, Yun Che does not know, but Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror will di­rect him.
Leaks the sig­nif­i­cant se­cret, will make one covet. But ex­poses light pro­found strength is ac­tu­ally an­other en­tirely dif­fer­ent con­cept, it will cause God Realm shock to focus at­ten­tion on, but Evil God Di­vine Power and Sky Poi­son Pearl same will not bring in covet greed­ily, be­cause this is the thing that can­not win. In­stead, will cause count­less peo­ple to ask a favor from him.
Like today, he can make Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror owe him rel­a­tive big benev­o­lence.
for­ma­tion com­pletes, Mu Xu­anyin flick­ers the body, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Shui Qian­heng fa­ther and daugh­ter body, said: „Glazed Light Realm King and Lit­tle Princess this time come for my Snow Song, Xu­anyin ap­pre­ci­ates. To, might as well keeps sev­eral days ini­tially, be­lieves that the Snow Song scenery will not let two dis­ap­point­ments.”
Shui Qian­heng shows a faint smile, said: „Can see the grace­ful bear­ing of Snow Song Realm King, this Shui is trip has not been made in vain, does not dare to add thank your for your hos­pi­tal­ity. Ac­tu­ally......”
„Glazed Light Realm King, if some in­struc­tion, might as well spoke frankly.”
„In­struc­tion is not at all, it's just...” he saw a youngest daugh­ter, said: „Snow Song Realm King in the past not to Eter­nal Sky Realm, but should also hear, dur­ing Di­vine Be­stow­ment Bat­tle, the daugh­ter and Yun Che be­come a bud­dhist get to know be­cause of the war, al­ter­nate growth feel­ings, thus under con­tract­ing en­gage­ment, after Eter­nal Sky 3,000 years, then the line gets mar­ried.”
This mat­ter, in the past Shui Qian­heng after Brahma Di­vine Em­peror an­nounced sud­denly must Brahma Em­peror God­dess mar­ries Yun Che, im­me­di­ately sets out, an­nounced this mat­ter in the pres­ence of every­one, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory no one does not know.
Af­ter­ward, the Yun Che dies Star God Realm news trav­elled, when Shui Qian­heng sigh, is think­ing „after 3,000 years” Shui Meiyin should light even for­get this mat­ter, after she had Eter­nal Sky Pearl, knew that Yun Che has died, was the cry­ing dark world is un­ex­pect­edly dark, he knows, Shui Meiyin must give in­stead of tak­ing Yun Che in the past sud­denly, play­ing that did not start for a while was noisy.
There­fore, he men­tioned again this mat­ter on own ini­tia­tive.
„Pre­vi­ously all passed on Yun Che dead, daugh­ter for it sad for a long time. Now he is alive safely, in the past an­nounced that in world the en­gage­ment, this Shui also from this at­taches great im­por­tance. How doesn't know Snow Song Realm King...... under in­tent?”
„......” Mu Xu­anyin looks to Shui Meiyin, Shui Meiyin is also vis­it­ing her, the two peo­ple vi­sion touches shortly...... is ac­tu­ally Mu Xu­anyin first avoids.
„Glazed Light Lit­tle Princess, I asked your ques­tion.” The Mu Xu­anyin side opens an item of eclip­tic: „In the past in Eter­nal Sky Realm, you and Yun Che can have many con­tacts?”
„wu......” Shui Meiyin thinks slightly, said very much earnestly: „Are not many, he is not will­ing to speak with me, more­over has prob­a­bly also been evad­ing me......”
Shui Qian­heng: „cough cough cough......”
Shui Meiyin and Yun Che's hap­pen­ing to­gether in­deed shal­low, can be hap­pen­ing to­gether truly , the Soul war of after Di­vine Be­stow­ment Stage......, is Shui Meiyin var­i­ous col­lects force­fully up­ward, to Yun Che, to any­body's im­pres­sion, is sus­pect love-struck fool of young girl be­gin­ning to be in­ter­ested in the op­po­site sex pe­riod, any­body also felt, her „en­thu­si­asm” quick will dis­si­pate com­pletely. „What he may have to pay for you, or what life-long un­for­get­table mat­ter has done?” Mu Xu­anyin asked again.
„No!” Shui Meiyin a wee bit hes­i­tates no reply.
„Not only does not have is too to­gether, he what and has not done for you, why will you achieve so the sit­u­a­tion for him?” Mu Xu­anyin knits the brows slightly: „3,000 years also has not given up the idea, for the first time lis­tens to rumor, then first ar­rives, but also...... sees to be un­for­get­tably en­graved on one's mind with your fa­ther se­ri­ously?”
„......” An­other side, Huo Poyun turns around, closed the eye.
„Ac­tu­ally, has a very im­por­tant rea­son.” Shui Meiyin said: „In the past, I and Elder Brother Yun Che by soul strength bat­tle, when I must win, ac­tu­ally by him by very...... very...... very not good method counter- vic­tory, in the mean­time, be­cause also prob­a­bly is sim­i­lar ‚back­lash’ the thing, my Stain­less Di­vine Soul got down his Soul Im­print to record by very firm en­grav­ing.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
„There­fore......” Shui Meiyin smiled, more­over is very warm smile: „After that I will al­ways re­mem­ber him, every day will re­mem­ber him. Es­pe­cially these years in Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm, the cul­ti­va­tion is so arid, but he in my heart ap­pears, al­ways I hap­pi­est time, so many years are so, feel­ing that lit­tle have not been sick. Es­pe­cially will soon leave Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm these years, that quick can see again/good­bye to his joy­ful feel­ing, de­scribe with any lan­guage very much dif­fi­cultly.”
„......” Mu Xu­anyin was star­tled was star­tled, icing the eye­brow was pressed: „You, since knows why does not can­cel his Soul Im­print to record, what­ever do that re­ceive it to in­ter­fere?”
The will was in­ter­fered, this to any pro­found prac­ti­tioner may not the mat­ter of tol­er­ance, but looks at the Shui Meiyin ap­pear­ance, the neg­a­tive image en­joys un­ex­pect­edly?
„Why can can­cel?” Shui Meiyin asked back with a smile: „I like this think­ing very much a per­son, is car­ing about a feel­ing of per­son, that is the an­tic­i­pa­tion and joy­ful also happy feel­ing that any other feel­ings could not re­place, liked lik­ing...... you very much very much, could it be that don'y like it?”
Speech time, if in she dark night eyes has the stars to glit­ter.
„......” The Mu Xu­anyin in­stan­ta­neous fa­cial ex­pres­sion frames.
„Meiyin, how spoke with the se­nior can be so im­po­lite.” The Shui Qian­heng light re­spon­si­bil­ity said, then said to Mu Xu­anyin: „Snow Song Realm King, en­gage­ment in­ci­dent, when must look at the mean­ing of Yun Che. Now he is just Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror re­duces and solves devil qi, our fa­ther and daugh­ter then hold some time, when he......”
„Daddy!” Shui Meiyin said sud­denly: „We re­turn to Glazed Light Realm now.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......?”
„Eh?” Shui Qian­heng stares: „Now? But...... the mat­ter of en­gage­ment......, more­over your words had not said that with him sev­eral, do leave?”
„Snort, his ob­vi­ous does not want to man­age my ap­pear­ance.” Shui Meiyin very low voice whis­per, then replied: „Mother said that can­not be too ini­tia­tive to the man, but must be nei­ther friendly nor aloof, oth­er­wise he will def­i­nitely not trea­sure. I can come here for him with­out hes­i­ta­tion, can turn around to leave with­out hes­i­ta­tion, like this, he will per­haps also think me, wor­ries about my point.”
„Mother added that in the past, she was such to Daddy, there­fore mother has most been fa­vored.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „.........”
„But...... this......” Shui Qian­heng some­what is still ig­no­rant.
„Walks walks.” Shui Meiyin en­trains fa­ther's sleeves lightly, then sud­denly feels re­lieved to smile to Mu Xu­anyin: „Se­nior Mu, Elder Brother Yun Che has you such good Mas­ter, I can feel re­lieved very much, is quite happy. I know, the mat­ter of en­gage­ment, I have ac­tu­ally one-sided wished, but, I...... one day, I will make him like on me very much dili­gently.”
Who dares be­lieve, said these words, was Sev­enth Level Di­vine Lord...... is pre­cisely in the God Realm his­tory youngest Sev­enth Level Di­vine Lord, is pre­cisely Glazed Light Realm King's daugh­ter, the body has pre­sent age only Stain­less Di­vine Soul, in the world in the eyes, has grad­u­ally en­dured with the day that „Dragon Em­press and God­dess” com­pared the ar­ro­gant fe­male.
„Eh...... this Shui said good­bye, says good­bye.”
Shui Qian­heng was drawn by Shui Meiyin is leav­ing...... re­ally walks.


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