Sunday, April 28, 2019

3902: Do not forget father

MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战
#3902: Do not forget father
Comments 27
„Dog is mixed, what did you annoy to trou­ble?”
At this time, the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother was also anx­ious, not only on her face has the scowl, more was ac­tu­ally wor­ried.
„Pa­ter­nal grand­mother, all right, this time is re­ally all right.”
„Sir, you wait for me here, I urge to go faster come.”
The dog knows Chu Feng's cul­ti­va­tion realm mixed, but he has not made Chu Feng solve the plan of issue for him, but di­rect ran.
„Dog shakes the big brother, I came, I came.”
The dog like the grand­son, be­fore run­ning up to that group of peo­ple, mixed.
But the dog in his mouth shakes the big brother, pre­cisely that has the Eight Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal cul­ti­va­tion realm fel­low.
„Dog is mixed, do you bor­row my thing/per­son?” That dog shakes asks.
„Dog shakes the big brother, in my, has not lost, I take care may be good.”
Dur­ing the dog mixed speeches, took an axe and a ham­mer.
Then the axe and that the ham­mer, Chu Feng had seen be­fore.
Be­fore that pre­cisely dog is mixed them, in that rock cave, pounds the tool of that colos­sus bone.
Chu Feng dis­cov­ered at that time, this tool was some­what spe­cial.
Be­cause that colos­sus died even if, but their bone also very hard, com­mon Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal Realm, but also re­ally makes not the bro­ken bone.
not to men­tion Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal Realm, Mar­tial Im­mor­tal Realm also uses en­ergy very much.
But the dog is mixed they, can break open the bone, de­pended pre­cisely this tool.
At that time, Chu Feng thought that this tool was not sim­ple, orig­i­nally was the dog bor­rows mixed.
After that dog shakes re­ceived the tool, first re­ceived, later said to it: „Source?”
„Dog shakes the big brother, pre­pared for you.” Dur­ing the dog mixed speeches, then took a ves­sel, that pre­cisely he pre­vi­ous, gath­ers the Source ves­sel cau­tiously.
„So to be how few, does your his mother tease me?”
How­ever, after re­sult ves­sel, that dog shakes flies into a rage un­ex­pect­edly, raises legs a foot, tram­ples the dog di­rectly mixed turns in the place.
„Dog ex­plodes the big brother, fought for the Source per­son is too many, I re­ally made con­tri­bu­tion, I have not re­mained, I Source that I un­earthed, gave you com­pletely.”
Dog mixed face suf­fer­ing say­ing.
„I tak­ing ad­van­tage of your tool time said that you make the full pot to take the re­mu­ner­a­tion for ser­vices ren­dered to me.”
„Re­main­ing, you can stay be­hind, this is the cus­tom.”
„But you have not made full pot Source now, the re­mu­ner­a­tion for ser­vices ren­dered is in­suf­fi­cient, have I man­age your re­mained, the re­mu­ner­a­tion for ser­vices ren­dered is in­suf­fi­cient, you must com­pen­sate me.” That dog shakes said.
„But the dog shakes the big brother, my also pot, I was the lane com­pletely a pot.” The dog said mixed.
„You are any pot, a pot that I said that is such a pot.”
That dog shakes dur­ing the speeches, from took out a ves­sel be­hind.
That that but that ves­sel, is more mixed than the dog, big enough ten times con­tin­ued.
„Dog shakes the big brother, you had not said at that time, more­over you said a pot time, gave my pot, I think that is such a pot.” Dog mixed some­what help­less. ”
„You un­der­stood that the abil­ity has the issue, does not do to blame me, comes the per­son, turns to me his trea­sure, if in­suf­fi­cient, calls me.” That dog shakes dur­ing the speeches, then re­lease pres­sure, dog mixed op­pres­sion on the ground.
Oth­ers then run go, go to Sougou mixed.
At this time, Chu Feng has stood up, he thought that he can­not sit by and do noth­ing.
Al­though, he with the dog mixed is ca­sual ac­quain­tance, but he thought that the dog mixed is per­son of the feel­ing sorry.
And, the dog at that time, can con­tinue to un­earth Source mixed ob­vi­ously, but he ac­tu­ally must guide for Chu Feng on own ini­tia­tive.
Al­though, the dog has the self­ish­ness mixed, his self­ish­ness, is hopes that Chu Feng can pre­tend to be his friend, mak­ing his pa­ter­nal grand­mother happy.
But this self­ish­ness, Chu Feng can un­der­stand.
Nat­u­rally, what is main, that named went too far, this that the dog shook is com­pletely per­sis­tently un­rea­son­able, by the be­hav­ior of fraud, squeez­ing out the dog was mixed.
How­ever, just set out in Chu Feng, the prepa­ra­tion walks, the side ac­tu­ally passed over gen­tly and swiftly fresh breeze.
Is the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, is cul­ti­va­tor, al­though her cul­ti­va­tion realm might as well dog is mixed, only has Third Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal realm.
How­ever this time she, ac­tu­ally used the quick­est method, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the dog mixed body, di­rectly.
„Sir, do not hit my fam­ily dog to be mixed, do not hit my fam­ily dog to be mixed.”
„He owes you money, I come, I come for him.”
The dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, after the dog mixed per­son shoves open, then di­rectly lies on the dog mixed body, is very afraid these peo­ple to beat a dog again mixed.
„Does your old codger, what thing/per­son have to be able for him to re­place pre­cious Source?”
That dog shakes ask­ing that a face dis­dains.
„Sir, I had an­cient times Se­cret Skill, this an­cient times Se­cret Skill, was pre­cious, at all was not Source may com­pare, the Sir you had a look.”
The dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother spoke, then a paper, cau­tious took out from the bosom, gives that dog to shake.
The dog shakes a face not to be­lieve that may re­ceive that paper, but after re­ceiv­ing, then rips the smash­ing im­me­di­ately, lost on the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother's body.
„Your old codger, dares to play the fa­ther, comes the per­son, calls me, this old and small, gives me to hit to­gether.” That dog is fu­ri­ous to ex­claim.
But he such re­marks, these lack­eys also leaves im­me­di­ately, re­ally must beat a dog un­ex­pect­edly mixed with his pa­ter­nal grand­mother, does not let off the el­derly men.
But, these peo­ple just about to act, then the pow­er­ful rip­ples re­lease, that rip­ples change to the fresh breeze, un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly these peo­ple, blown being off their feet.
„Dog is mixed, you were in­sane, do you dare to re­volt?”
That dog shakes a face an­grily looks at the dog to be mixed.
Be­cause, is the hand that the dog is mixed.
When he, one­self en­coun­ters en­dan­gers, he has not acted.
But, fac­ing as­pect that his pa­ter­nal grand­mother is going to be hit, he acted fi­nally.
„Dog shakes the big brother, you must hit hit me, lets off my pa­ter­nal grand­mother.”
The dog hugs own pa­ter­nal grand­mother to say mixed.
„Dog is mixed, your boy ac­tu­ally a lit­tle strength of spirit.”
„Like this, I give you an op­por­tu­nity, you fol­low me to mix, the be­fore­hand ac­count not only writes off, from now hence­forth, in this dog state, I can also let drink spic­ily, from now has the aus­pi­cious day that you and your pa­ter­nal grand­mother are pop­u­lar.” The dog shakes said.
Heard this words, the dog to smile mixed sud­denly.
„In this dog state, can any aus­pi­cious day.”
The dog is smil­ing bit­terly mixed shak­ing the head, at once says: „Dog shook the big brother, the ex­cuse our in­abil­ity to com­ply, my dog will not fol­low mixed your.”
„, You may re­ally give the face not to want, such being the case, I keep you not to.”
That dog shakes dur­ing the speeches, un­ex­pect­edly item of re­veal killing in­tent, he do not tidy up the dog so to be mixed sim­ple, he was plans to kill the dog to be mixed.
But at this mo­ment, a sound of cough, such as thun­der gen­eral crack.
That sud­denly crack the sound, mak­ing every­one stare, be­cause peo­ple can­not think through, is whose cough sound, can so re­sound­ing, such as is the thun­der un­ex­pect­edly com­mon?
The most im­por­tant thing is, that sound, con­veys from the dog mixed that tent prob­a­bly.
„Dog is mixed, you are in­sin­cere, comes across this mat­ter, un­ex­pect­edly fa­ther for­get­ting?”
In the peo­ple are puz­zled, the form also walked from that tent to­gether.
This per­son is not oth­ers, pre­cisely Chu Feng.


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