Saturday, April 13, 2019

1401: Bursts heart Dragon Sovereign

#1401: Bursts heart Dragon Sovereign
Comments 526
Under low roar of Dragon Sov­er­eign, bound­less such as day di­vine sense in­stan­ta­neous re­lease, cov­ered en­tire Sam­sara For­bid­den Land, in­stant, the cool breeze stag­nates, the space con­geals, all flow­ers and plants stopped drag­ging, even/in­clud­ing danced in the air the bird bee but­ter­fly, each grain of sand dust that even flut­tered framed in air­borne, mo­tion­less.
„......” Shen Xi vi­sion slightly low, in the heart pro­nounces un­stressed one „is not re­ally clever”, ac­tu­ally does not en­dure to blame, sighs: „Here not oth­ers.”
„No, here in­deed has oth­ers aura.” Dragon Sov­er­eign sink­ing eye­brow say/way: „Re­ally is the big courage, ex­cels at rush­ing to Sam­sara For­bid­den Land un­ex­pect­edly! List crime, must ex­e­cute the nine gen­er­a­tions!”
„You do not need to seek again.” Shen Xi slowly lan­guage: „Here in­deed does not have oth­ers again, you de­tect, is in my ab­domen child.”
When the Dragon Sov­er­eign what kind of char­ac­ter, is in Sam­sara For­bid­den Land, his mind is al­ways at most re­laxes, the con­di­tion of not gar­rison­ing, de­lib­er­ately will never re­lease di­vine sense.
But once he re­leases di­vine sense full power, all over the world, noth­ing can hide the truth from his Spirit Sense. There­fore, Shen Xi has not needed to con­ceal.
„......” Prob­a­bly has a hun­dred mil­lion hon­ored sledge­ham­mer to pound di­rectly on the brain, the brain of Dragon Sov­er­eign „buzz”, he in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves firmly that for the first time one­self sense of hear­ing had cer­tainly the ab­surd de­vi­a­tion: „What did you...... say a mo­ment ago?”
„aura that you de­tect, is in my ab­domen child.” Shen Xi light du­pli­cate word, she looked at Dragon Sov­er­eign one, slowly said: „By your en­ergy, should de­tect a mo­ment ago why isn't will­ing to be­lieve?”
The world pre­sents the in­com­pa­ra­bly fear­ful peace, cov­ers Sam­sara For­bid­den Land di­vine sense seems like in­volved in Kuangfeng (fierce wind), fierce in­com­pa­ra­ble trem­bling swings, Dragon Sov­er­eign stands there is mo­tion­less, two pupils seem like by the un­ceas­ing the bal­loon of gasi­fi­ca­tion and de­fla­tion, and is con­tract­ing by in­com­pa­ra­bly ter­ri­ble scope en­large­ment.
His re­sponse, mak­ing Shen Xi knit the brows, dis­ap­pointed shak­ing the head of: „Dragon Sov­er­eign, I once taught in you sev­eral times, as the em­peror of Dragon Clan, is pre­sent age supreme, you are most may not the per­son of chaotic heart, no mat­ter when or where, what Qinghe the bound­ary, you may not put be­hind your ‚Dragon Sov­er­eign’ rever­ing.”
„......” Dragon Sov­er­eign is still mo­tion­less, if the shape loses the soul, per­haps, he heard clearly the Shen Xi spo­ken lan­guage, dragon of cow­er­ing re­stored some focal dis­tances fi­nally, ac­tu­ally burst out in­com­pa­ra­bly to be hot-tem­pered chaot­i­cally, ap­pointed no one is able to be­lieve that will ap­pear in the Dragon Sov­er­eign body pupil light un­ex­pect­edly, his one step, the body swayed for­ward: „Who is...... is...... who! Is whose child......!!”
voice/sound that he exits, hoarse such as the sand­pa­per rubs, every time shouted a char­ac­ter, the land of under foot then meets the split open to­gether deep fis­sure.
„......” Shen Xi has not said a word, faintly sighed. She does not want this mat­ter to be known by Dragon Sov­er­eign, is the worry at this mo­ment......, but the per­for­mance of Dragon Sov­er­eign, es­ti­mates com­pared with her must un­able to with­stand.
Also is I from be­hav­ing badly...... she shakes the head in se­cret.
Brain of Dragon Sov­er­eign chaotic such as vault of heaven avalanche, but at least also pre­serves the most basic elab­o­ra­tive fac­ulty. The Shen Xi per­son­al­ity is ex­tremely light, is never will­ing to con­tact with the world, even/in­clud­ing he, each time ar­rival, will only stay a small lit­tle while then to de­part im­me­di­ately...... in re­cent years, and even about hun­dred years...... the mil­len­ni­ums...... ten thou­sand years...... the hun­dred thou­sand year...... here Sam­sara For­bid­den Land, be­sides him, the man has only en­tered.
Yun Che!
„Yun...... Che...... Yun Che!?”
This name roars from his mouth, his dragon stopped the con­trac­tion, but was ex­pands in a big way: „...... im­pos­si­ble...... im­pos­si­ble...... ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble...... is not he...... is he...... no, no...... is not......”
Yun Che has come here man be­sides him only, but also stayed lasted one year. He is the only pos­si­bil­ity......, but, Dragon Sov­er­eign pos­si­bly be­lieves how pos­si­bly to ac­cept!?
Ini­tially he knew that Shen Xi gave shel­ter to Yun Che, al­though the heart was as­ton­ished, but quick also felt re­laxed, be­cause Yun Che's was re­ally an un­usual per­son, es­pe­cially his body ex­tremely spe­cial Dragon God aura, let­ting Shen Xi is will­ing to save him not the mat­ter of un­der­stand­ing.
But he...... is un­able to imag­ine in any event in any event......
She is Shen Xi, is in the world only some God­dess, is the Dragon God Clan ten thou­sand th bene­fac­tor, is all Di­vine Em­peror does not dare the ex­trav­a­gant de­mands to see, is fe­male who his Dragon Sov­er­eign does not match to touch.
But how Yun Che...... was only slightly spe­cial a point young ju­nior...... pos­si­ble...... how pos­si­ble!!
„She in­deed is I and Yun Che's child,” Shen Xi im­mor­tal face, have not no longer looked at the ap­pear­ance that he can­not with­stand, straight­for­ward say/way: „30 months ago, I then had her with Yun Che. My des­tiny tied up, is un­able to leave the body, she is not also able born. Seven years, I can break out of the fet­ter again, leaves this place, she is only then born.”
Dragon Sov­er­eign body in­tense shock...... near the ear the word, is Shen Xi ac­knowl­edged per­son­ally.
His vi­sion thor­ough fall into dis­or­der, a pair of dragon eyes blasts out the in­nu­mer­able scar­let cap­il­lar­ies, that an­cient dig­ni­fied face twists like the ma­li­cious ghost in a flash un­ex­pect­edly: „Not...... im­pos­si­ble...... false how...... to have this mat­ter...... how pos­si­bly to have this mat­ter......”
„How Shen Xi...... you are Shen Xi...... Yun Che he are pos­si­bly pos­si­ble...... how!!”
„Dragon Sov­er­eign!” Shen Xi fi­nally knit­ting the brows head of: „You were rude.”
In the past, Shen Xi rep­ri­manded the as­so­ci­a­tion to make Dragon Sov­er­eign im­me­di­ately the heart cau­tious lightly, but this time, he was ac­tu­ally even more de­mented: „False...... is all false, you are how pos­si­ble with Yun Che......”
„Long Bai!” In the Shen Xi heart is even more dis­ap­pointed, rep­ri­manded lightly, is ex­tremely rare call­ing their name: „Is this then the pos­ture of your Dragon Sov­er­eign? Is this then you pre­cip­i­tates three hun­dred thou­sand years state of mind?”
„You are lis­ten­ing,” Shen Xi voice/sound is still gen­tle, but with deep faint­ness: „I for Shen Xi, I in­tend what is, wants to­ward where, wants the com­mit­tee body with any­one, de­sire with who gives birth, all hopes de­pend­ing on me! Has noth­ing to do with any oth­ers , there is noth­ing to do with you!”
Dragon Sov­er­eign all of a sud­den an­chor­age.
„hun­dred thou­sand year ago, two hun­dred thou­sand years ago, three hun­dred thou­sand years ago...... pro­duces the first year to me from you fab­ri­cated read­ing, I then told you to break this to read for­ever ab­surdly! You in my eyes, just like an owner of Dragon God lin­eage/vein, were ju­nior that I must look after...... I know your so many years never is also will­ing com­pletely to break in the past read ab­surdly, there­fore did not want to make you know this mat­ter, has not ac­tu­ally thought that you un­ex­pect­edly rude hence!”
„Okay clear, you are a Dragon God lin­eage/vein em­peror, is now the supreme­ness of pri­mor­dial chaos, you do not have the so rude qual­i­fi­ca­tions!” Shen Xi spo­ken lan­guage slightly, sighed: „So also good, thor­oughly cer­tainly early cer­tainly you may also should go ab­surd read, sought for your true Dragon Em­press , to con­tinue Dragon God lin­eage/vein.”
„...... no, no......” the Shen Xi words have not made Dragon Sov­er­eign re­store soberly, in dragon eye blood threads is spread­ing, his aura is each breath even more is more chaotic: „Fab­ri­cated read...... me not to read fab­ri­cat­edly......, be­cause I did not have......, even if I be­came Dragon Sov­er­eign, I still did not match...... me to be close to you once in a while, heard that your sound, has as­cended the sky to the gra­cious gift that I was in sole pos­ses­sion of......”
Shen Xi: „......”
„I never dare to ex­pect that...... touches the ex­pec­ta­tion of your lower hem cor­ner never to dare to have con­tin­u­ally......, be­cause I do not match...... in this world also no one to match!!” Dragon Sov­er­eign voice/sound from trem­bling to hoarse: „Why his Yun Che............ why...... why...... is false...... is all false!!”
Dragon Sov­er­eign such con­di­tion, no one con­ceiv­able.
In­deed, such as he said that he re­gard­ing Shen Xi, never dares to have the ex­pec­ta­tion. Even if be­comes Dragon Sov­er­eign, Shen Xi as be­fore is in the dream that he can only look up to the per­son. He and Shen Xi is ac­quainted three hun­dred thou­sand years, he as Dragon Sov­er­eign more than 200,000 years, the name of Dragon Sov­er­eign Dragon Em­press also had two hun­dred thou­sand years......, but from be­gin­ning to end, his even Shen Xi send­ing tree top and lower hem cor­ner have not re­ally bumped.
But dur­ing these years, in only one as the world can enter Sam­sara For­bid­den Land, can with the per­son of Shen Xi close con­ver­sa­tion, he be in­com­pa­ra­ble sat­is­fac­tions.
He never ex­pected that can re­sult in Shen Xi to look upon with favor...... him also to know, Shen Xi for­ever and ever im­pos­si­ble adores him, im­pos­si­ble adores pre­sent age any­one.
But why......
She...... was just ac­quainted with her with Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly, an age was still less than his even­tu­al­ity, cul­ti­va­tion base, fam­ily back­ground, sta­tus and pres­tige...... no point can with the per­son who he places on a par......
also child......
Shen Xi turns away from him, said lightly: „I have said that how I want, to de­cide as one pleases , there is noth­ing to do with you. I and Yun Che has any­thing, is my free­dom. Is he en­ti­tled, by my wish, with you, is un­in­ter­ested with any­body.”
„...... How pos­si­ble ir­rel­e­vant......” Dragon Sov­er­eign not to shake the head, the under foot is one stag­gers un­ex­pect­edly, nearly falls to the ground softly: „You...... are Dragon Em­press...... you are my Dragon Em­press! En­tire West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, en­tire day under all knows you are my Dragon Em­press!!”
Shen Xi slightly closed both eyes, Dragon Sov­er­eign this word, showed with­out doubt he had lost thor­oughly men­tal, shakes the head, Shen Xi dis­ap­pointed and weak say/way: „‚Dragon Em­press’ the name source has where, did you for­get se­ri­ously? I had not op­posed at that time, is only a pu­rity, be­cause, this to me, rad­i­cally not so-called...... this, in your heart should be very clear, why must de­ceive peo­ple to bully one­self.”
But, if she knew in the world to pre­sent a Yun Che such per­son at that time, per­haps not „not so-called”.
„Dragon Em­press” this title source has where, Dragon Sov­er­eign in­deed was clear com­pared with any­body. He is clear, „Dragon Em­press” two char­ac­ters are the high­est great honor that in the world the fe­male can ob­tain, but to Shen Xi is re­ally only a not so-called title. But this title can let Sam­sara For­bid­den Land that the world does not dare to dis­turb her to oc­cupy, there­fore, she not re­jects.
But, that to Shen Xi.
But Dragon Sov­er­eign, ac­tu­ally spreads over West­ern God Ter­ri­tory this title at the max­i­mum speed, and even en­tire God Realm, wish­ing one could will make the world all know Shen Xi...... he to know for­ever im­pos­si­ble for his Dragon Em­press, in the heart was un­am­bi­tious, ac­tu­ally by this lit­tle gra­cious gift com­pli­ance, gave it­self to weave a lowly il­lu­sion.
But, the even/in­clud­ing this lowly il­lu­sion, will soon be dis­il­lu­sioned com­pletely.
Saves him from being on the verge of death hope­less sit­u­a­tion since Shen Xi, is the en­tire three hun­dred thou­sand years...... three hun­dred thou­sand years knew per­fectly well ob­ses­sion that hope­less is not ac­tu­ally will­ing to put down, does not know this re­sent­ment one­self, is the re­sent­ful day......
Com­plained about Yun Che.
„This mat­ter, I do not want to talk too much again,” Shen Xi beau­ti­ful eyes closed, if air/Qi quiet cloud: „Re­cently, you do not need to­ward East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, not to need to come this again, now you most need is the peace­ful mind. This to you, may be a very good turn­ing point.”
„In the past, if I can know in the world to pre­sent a Yun Che such per­son ahead of sched­ule, I will con­sent Dragon Em­press ab­solutely not ‚’ the name. After I leave Dragon God Realm, in the fu­ture might per­haps im­pli­cate your rep­u­ta­tion, this is my mis­take, I meet the com­pen­sa­tion of sev­eral times your Dragon God Clan.”
She is never will­ing to have a deficit any­body.
The Dragon Sov­er­eign pupil is cow­er­ing as be­fore, the lip is shiv­er­ing, looks at the Shen Xi back, among the souls the sound swings her fully is being dis­ap­pointed...... one type is com­pletely to ju­nior that dis­ap­pointed spo­ken lan­guage, he is un­able to say a few words again.
Al­though, even if no Yun Che, has again, no mat­ter many years, until he died in bed of old age/be ex­hausted, still still im­pos­si­ble re­sults in Shen Xi one to look askance.
But, the back that he has not ex­pected, is he be­lieves that in the world no one has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be joined to her.
The en­vi­ous ha­tred like the poi­so­nous snake, can bite re­gard­less of how tena­cious rea­son and will rem­nantly...... even the dig­nity and char­i­ta­ble dis­po­si­tion.
Be­cause, that is the world's most fear­ful devil.
En­vi­ous ha­tred that es­pe­cially...... en­tire three hun­dred thou­sand years ob­ses­sion de­rives.
Dragon Sov­er­eign lifts the step fi­nally, has not ac­tu­ally flown, walk-off step by step, each step, will make the ground play trem­ble...... this with­out doubt, is Dragon Sov­er­eign this life most se­ri­ous foot­steps.
Dragon Sov­er­eign, the name of Pri­mor­dial Chao's most supreme, con­cerns the firm­ness of state of mind, he also with­out a doubt is the pre­sent age first, no one may. But dur­ing at this mo­ment, in his soul, ac­tu­ally the devil in strug­gling to wreak havoc and shout roars...... and is roar­ing crazy is bit­ing his all thoughts rem­nantly......
Fi­nally, in even/in­clud­ing his a pair of dragon eyes, screened the shad­ows of two dev­ils...... until sub­merg­ing his all rea­son.
He turns around sud­denly, the Sam­sara For­bid­den Land world re­sounds the Dragon Shadow pro­found light that dis­tor­tion des­per­ate Dragon Roar...... neighed to­gether sud­denly such as abyss from crack­ing, lower ab­domen of straight Shen Xi.


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