Sunday, April 28, 2019

3901: Pitiful life

MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战
#3901: Pitiful life
Comments 4
„Dog is mixed, your here sky through­out this?” Chu Feng asked.
„Sir, the per­son of our dog, is the gust of wind hunts for the crim­i­nal of clan, we do not match to see the light, does not match to have the lux­u­ri­ous con­struc­tion.”
„The per­son of sol­dier, will come here to go on pa­trol every month, if who dares to vi­o­late the pro­vi­sion, will then be pun­ished.”
Dog var­i­ous views say­ing time, is ac­tu­ally said that it seems like he has adapted.
Why does not know, looks that such dog is mixed, some Chu Feng un­ex­pect­edly sym­pa­thies.
After all, is their an­ces­tors makes mis­takes, but he has not made mis­takes.
But only be­cause of his an­ces­tor's mis­take, he from the birth, then can only this lowly day.
What is most piti­ful, not only his life must cross like this, his de­scen­dant, must so.
Thinks of here, Chu Feng is some­what sigh with emo­tion.
Orig­i­nally, the human race world is in­ces­santly bru­tal, the An­cient Or­gan­isms world , is so un­ex­pect­edly bru­tal.
„Sir, en­ters en­trance of peo­ple, be­hind these trash moun­tains.”
„Sir, whether to go late again?”
The dog mixed words to here, on the face emerged the hes­i­tant color, com­ing out that Chu Feng looked, he should have the mat­ter to say, but ac­tu­ally does not dare to say.
„Dog is mixed, do you have the mat­ter?” Chu Feng asked.
„Sir, does not know whether the Sir can help vil­lain busy.”
„Nat­u­rally, Sir , if not want, you when all our fart on line.”
Dog var­i­ous views say­ing time, trem­bling with fear, was full of the fear to Chu Feng, is very afraid one­self to speak in­cor­rectly prob­a­bly any­thing, en­coun­ters Chu Feng's to beat mer­ci­lessly gen­eral.
„Any busy, you said.” Chu Feng said.
„Sir, my pa­ter­nal grand­mother she, al­though has not stated clearly, and has urged me, so long as is liv­ing well, does not need to pur­sue cul­ti­va­tion realm.”
„But I ac­tu­ally know, my pa­ter­nal grand­mother's her heart of hearts, has ac­tu­ally been hop­ing I can grow am an out­stand­ing sol­dier.”
„But I, too do not make every ef­fort to suc­ceed, my tal­ent is re­ally lim­ited, I al­ready cul­ti­va­tion in 1000, but my cul­ti­va­tion realm is ac­tu­ally such weak.”
„My pa­ter­nal grand­mother is not healthy, how long per­haps un­able to live.”
„I hope that makes him happy, there­fore I hope the Sir, can pre­tend is the friend of mine, then as my friend, vis­its my pa­ter­nal grand­mother.”
„My pa­ter­nal grand­mother, if sees me, un­ex­pect­edly was the friend with the Sir of sol­dier, de­cid­ing how­ever will be very happy.” The dog mixed words to here, do not dare to look at each other with Chu Feng, his very fear.
He is not only afraid Chu Feng to re­ject him, what he is afraid, Chu Feng will tidy up him.
Looks both hands that his grips tightly, Chu Feng knows, his these words, arouse the courage to say.
„Good, guides.” Chu Feng said.
„Sir, did you...... you com­ply?”
Dog raise one's head, looks mixed sud­denly to the Chu Feng's look, is glit­ter­ing the clear ray, he does not dare be­lieve sim­ply, Chu Feng com­plied with his re­quest un­ex­pect­edly.
„I said that made you guide, couldn't un­der­stand the words?” Chu Feng said.
„Okay, my guides for the Sir, this guides for the Sir.”
The dog is wild with joy mixed, dur­ing the speeches then hur­ries is Chu Feng leads the way.
But under dog mixed lead­ing the way, Chu Feng also ar­rived at the in­sti­tute of dog mixed hous­ing.
And saw the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother.
Re­ally, was sim­i­lar to the dog to say mixed, when the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, knew that Chu Feng un­ex­pect­edly was the sol­dier clan per­son, and after the dog mixed was the friend, very happy.
Put out pile of ap­pear­ance ugly food to en­ter­tain Chu Feng.
But Chu Feng can ac­tu­ally guess cor­rectly, al­though these food ap­pear­ances are ugly, but in this dog state, is very pre­cious food.
Later, Chu Feng also chat­ted with his pa­ter­nal grand­mother.
From chat­ted with his pa­ter­nal grand­mother, Chu Feng also knew, the dog their an­ces­tors, were sol­dier.
In the past, they fol­lowed the mil­i­tary of­fender the blun­der, the sol­dier clan per­son who their these fol­lowed that gen­eral, suf­fered in­volve­ment.
Then, they were re­duced to dog.
In dog mixed newly-born that year, his fa­ther and mother, be­cause fights for the cul­ti­va­tion re­sources on trash moun­tain, was killed while still alive.
Is his pa­ter­nal grand­mother, fos­ters to grow up his dog.
„Did Grand­fa­ther, which the grand­fa­ther go?” Chu Feng asked to his pa­ter­nal grand­mother.
„Dog mixed grand­fa­ther, in the trash moun­tain, fights for the cul­ti­va­tion re­sources time, was killed.” The dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother said.
„Was killed by whom, the per­son of dog?” Chu Feng asked.
„Yes, the per­son of peo­ple, we do not dare to of­fend, the per­son of sol­dier does not dare to of­fend, our where dares to fight for the cul­ti­va­tion re­sources with them.” The dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother said.
„, The per­son was killed, does no one man­age?” Chu Feng asked.
„No one man­ages, the per­son of dog, is the gust of wind hunts for in the clan low­est ex­is­tence, we are die live, some peo­ple will not man­age, so long as they can guar­an­tee us, is liv­ing like the dog, on line.” Spoke this say­ing time, a help­less­ness of dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother face.
„This en­mity, my cer­tain bul­letin.”
In the mean­time, the dog said mixed.
He said this say­ing time, com­ing out that hav­ing made up mind of face, Chu Feng looks, he is earnest.
„This words, do not say again, how many times the pa­ter­nal grand­mother strove for in the past oth­ers, oth­ers had not killed you, are you also think­ing re­veng­ing un­ex­pect­edly?”
„You must live well, do not cause trou­ble, you lit­tle pro­voke them, pa­ter­nal grand­mother all my that one could wish.”
But, com­pares in fill­ing with the ha­tred dog is mixed, the dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, ac­tu­ally prob­a­bly and has not taken re­venge the heart.
After re­prov­ing the dog was mixed, dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother, then looks to Chu Feng, not only in the look was full of the re­spect, but also was full of the grat­i­tude.
„Sir, be­fore the dog is mixed, said with me, he was the friend with an Sir of sol­dier, I have not be­lieved.”
„The per­son of our dog, is so hum­ble, even/in­clud­ing Min­shi the per­son, is not will­ing to be the friend by us, is the noble sol­dier Sir, how pos­si­bly the friend with us?”
„But I have not thought, the dog mixed this brat, re­ally has the skill un­ex­pect­edly, un­ex­pect­edly made the Sir ap­prove him.”
„Sees the dog to be mixed, has Sir such friend, I also felt re­lieved.”
The dog mixed pa­ter­nal grand­mother said.
„Dog is mixed, rolls to the fa­ther.”
But at this mo­ment, shouted an­grily to re­sound, waited and saw along the sound, Chu Feng can see, had one group of peo­ple in the dis­tant place, enor­mous and pow­er­ful caught up.
Looks at that wear, they are also the peo­ple of dog, and cul­ti­va­tion realm is not strong, gen­er­ally is Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal Realm, but cul­ti­va­tion realm, ac­tu­ally be mixed com­pared with the dog.
The dog mixed is Sev­enth Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal, but that is Eight Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal.
As for oth­ers, ma­jor­ity is Fourth Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal, or Fifth Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal, Sixth Rank Ce­les­tial Im­mor­tal is rare.
But at this time, these peo­ple enor­mous and pow­er­ful comes, and di­rectly soars the dog mixed place.
But hears shout­ing of these peo­ple, the sur­round­ing clans­man, then walked.
Just, the dog mixed these neigh­bors, do not seem to prob­a­bly help dog mixed mean­ing, in­stead watches the fun by one type is not afraid of get­ting into trou­ble the big men­tal­ity, shouts to the dog mixed hous­ing.
„Oh, the dog is mixed, what goods did you annoy?”
„Dog is mixed, your pa­ter­nal grand­moth­ers are dying, do not let her kneel down, asked favor for you.”
„Plea, even if kow­tows to knock it­self is still use­less, who also does not have a look at that new­comer is, that is the per­son who the dog shakes helps.”
„Dog shakes the per­son who helps, the dog dares to annoy mixed, he may re­ally court death.”
At once, var­i­ous sounds re­sound through un­ceas­ingly, but taunted com­pletely, and taunt.


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