Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1792: Final-015 secret space!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1792: Final-015 secret space!
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for­merly, Shi Lei is not very clear, why Angel Par­lia­ment will aban­don him!
After all Shi Lei was Angel Par­lia­ment has per­formed the dog or horse merit, Shi Lei was Angel Par­lia­ment has solid name­less Fifth Giant, only needed Shi Lei to nod, joins Angel Par­lia­ment Core Layer, then can be­come Angel Par­lia­ment true Fifth Giant.
So hon­ored iden­tity, in ad­di­tion the World Sum­mit Grade Hacker strength, Angel Par­lia­ment sim­ply does not have the truth to aban­don him!
Let alone any Shi Lei wants to re­trieve the rid­dle of life ex­pe­ri­ence, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei plans at­tack Xia Na­tion Cap­i­tal City Air­port Man­age­ment Sys­tem, will bring a giant dis­as­ter to Xia Na­tion Cap­i­tal City, Angel Par­lia­ment will not get rid of Shi Lei, in­stead will pro­vide the help of en­tire as­pect.
Until this mo­ment, had dis­cov­ered the clas­si­cal small build­ing Un­der­ground space, an­cient Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory, had de­ter­mined ap­prox­i­mately its ex­is­tence time, Shi Lei al­most un­der­stands the cause and ef­fect of mat­ter.
When the clue passes through after the same place, orig­i­nally un­rea­son­able sit­u­a­tion, be­comes rea­son­able.
Angel Par­lia­ment in­deed does not hate to get rid of Shi Lei, but Angel Par­lia­ment is. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion half branch Or­ga­ni­za­tion. When. The Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion ini­tia­tor, after [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] is­sues order, even though ar­ro­gant [Je­ho­vah], only then the im­ple­ment order, the choice gets rid of Shi Lei.
In the final analy­sis, was not Angel Par­lia­ment has got­ten rid of Shi Lei, was not [Je­ho­vah] has got­ten rid of Shi Lei, but was Shi Lei tries to con­tact the truth of some­thing, fi­nally caused under the [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] pain Killer.
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen], is the keys of all events!
All sorts of rid­dles were cut through the dense fog, Shi Lei un­der­stood [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] fi­nally, is se­cret [Black Hand] of all mat­ters, un­der­stood [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] so-called ‚fi­nally a war’. Ac­tu­ally is any opin­ion.
‚Shi Wen, ac­tu­ally you are who!’ Shi Lei was pon­der­ing this issue, in Shi Lei's in the heart, is fer­ment­ing a fear­ful an­swer, the an­swer that keeps Shi Lei from with­stand­ing.
But that an­swer. As if the pos­si­bil­ity is high.
Just, Shi Lei is not will­ing to be­lieve that an­swer, how re­gard­less of he is un­able to be­lieve that he spares no sac­ri­fice him­self, an­swer that must look, un­ex­pect­edly is such re­sult!
Ini­tially. Shi Lei wants to seek for the rid­dle of life ex­pe­ri­ence time, for­merly ob­tained the warn­ing of [Je­ho­vah], [Je­ho­vah] passed on to Shi Lei through [Ab­diel], gave up seek­ing for the rid­dle of life ex­pe­ri­ence, for­got. Greets new stu­dent|life.
But in an­other Life Jour­ney, Shi Lei's spell of good or bad for­tune un­usual sad re­minder, not only has not ob­tained the ad­mire of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, has not known lit­tle de­moness He Wan­qiu, will not have any­thing to be con­nected with up­right and never stoop­ing to flat­tery Ouyang Xiang.
Only with Shi Lei mu­tu­ally for mind repos­ing Li Zhiyue, the rea­son that be­cause ac­tu­ally dis­fig­ures one's face, has been avoid­ing Shi Lei. Caused Shi Lei to be very bi­ased and vi­o­lent dis­po­si­tion, thus stepped onto rid­dle of in­ves­ti­ga­tion life ex­pe­ri­ence road fi­nally.
In order to seek for the rid­dle of life ex­pe­ri­ence. Shi Lei is com­pletely reck­less. Ac­tu­ally, at that time, the rid­dle of Shi Lei's life ex­pe­ri­ence. Re­gard­ing Shi Lei, not any spe­cial mean­ing, what he wants is only tar­get and an­swer.
After all that time Shi Lei, al­most lost to lose, ex­cept for the an­swer of rid­dle of life ex­pe­ri­ence, it may be said that not wanted not to strive. In­clud­ing Angel Par­lia­ment Fifth Giant hon­ored iden­tity. It is not able to at­tract Shi Lei.
If at that time, Shi Lei ac­cepted Angel Par­lia­ment Fifth Giant iden­tity. The riches and hon­ors, is beau­ti­ful woman. Is ex­tremely easy to ob­tain.
But Shi Lei does not need!
Thoughts fluc­tu­ate er­rat­i­cally in the Shi Lei's mind, Shi Lei clenched teeth, mak­ing one­self tran­quil, searches the Un­der­ground space with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory, best dis­cov­ers some use­ful in­for­ma­tion.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] fol­lows side Shi Lei, any­time and any­where pre­vents to have the con­tin­gency, is Shi Lei pro­vides some help.
Sud­denly, [Izual] in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, has sent out the voice prompt.
„Sir, Sys­tem dis­cov­ers se­cret space!” [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing re­lated image in­for­ma­tion.
In the Shi Lei's dead ahead, the alloy wall sur­face has car­ried on frost­ing stan­dard pro­cess­ing of mo­saic, mak­ing the alloy wall sur­face seem like not so mo­not­o­nous. But in fact, ac­cord­ing to the [Izual]'s sur­vey, the po­si­tion of alloy wall sur­face, the tem­per­a­ture has the un­usual cir­cum­stance. And, through the short dis­tance sur­vey of Ul­tra­sonic de­tec­tor, after dis­cov­er­ing the alloy wall sur­face, has the cav­ity, has the hide­away space.
Be­cause the thick­ness of alloy wall sur­face is as­ton­ish­ing, if the long-dis­tance range uses the Ul­tra­sonic de­tec­tor, will not dis­cover this hide­away space, but in the sit­u­a­tion of short dis­tance, then can dis­cover!
„Opens it?” Shi Lei in­quired.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing im­me­di­ately nu­mer­ous in­for­ma­tion, [Izual] cur­rently car­ries on the ana­log test com­pu­ta­tion.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] under the [Izual]'s con­trol, ar­rived at the front of alloy wall sur­face, has knocked the alloy wall sur­face with the hand, the in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion of pass­ing the echo de­ter­mine alloy wall sur­face.
„Sir, ac­cord­ing to the Sys­tem sur­vey, the alloy wall sur­face thick­ness is 30 cen­time­ters, tem­porar­ily has not dis­cov­ered Con­trol Sys­tem, Sys­tem sug­gests to use Laser Weapon, cuts the alloy wall sur­face di­rectly!” [Izual] pro­posed the most rea­son­able plan.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] has pro­vided pow­er­ful Laser Weapon, cuts the alloy wall sur­face, ab­solutely is not issue.
Shi Lei nods, hints [Izual] to cut the wall sur­face im­me­di­ately.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], starts to cut the alloy wall sur­face, the daz­zling red laser, is cap­tur­ing an­other three peo­ple of at­ten­tion, but they have not come, but is han­dling own mat­ter re­spec­tively.
Laser Weapon that Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] pro­vides, in­deed fierce and tough, short less than one minute of time, then on the alloy wall sur­face, has cut one ‚gate’ the shape.
When Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], will be cut the hol­low alloy block draws, Shi Lei is siz­ing up the alloy wall sur­face back space.
Al­though hides in the alloy wall sur­face back space is very black, but draws sup­port from out­side Light­ing Sys­tem light to scat­ter, in ad­di­tion LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor sco­topic vi­sion, Shi Lei also re­luc­tant saw clearly in­side sit­u­a­tion.
In the alloy wall sur­face back space, un­ex­pect­edly is a bed­room!
On the Shi Lei face shows sur­prised ex­pres­sion, was telling the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] open­ing, the in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­side sit­u­a­tion. Be­cause the area of bed­room is very small, a Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] minute of minute in­ves­ti­gates, Shi Lei walked per­son­ally.
This bed­room is very small, has prob­a­bly ten squares, be­sides a small bed, be­side a small table, any­thing did not have.
Be­cause is the en­closed com­part­ment, in the bed­room does not have the dust, the bed­ding to fold ac­tu­ally puts very neatly, the bed sheet that but fades, has in­di­cated the out­flow of time, af­fected here.
Shi Lei is ob­serv­ing in bed­room sit­u­a­tion, on small table spot­less, any thing does not have, the small bed is neat, Shi Lei or­ders Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] to change under the bed sheet and pil­low, has not dis­cov­ered any thing.
Af­ter­ward, bed bot­tom by the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] in­ves­ti­ga­tion, any­thing did not have sim­i­larly, under bed com­pletely empty, the slip­per does not have one pair.
Shi Lei faint some are not will­ingly, he care­fully is ob­serv­ing the bed­room once more, he does not be­lieve that in so covert Room, hasn't been hid­ing se­cret?
This se­cret bed­room, in­fers ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, per­haps should be this an­cient Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory, some high-level se­cret Room.
This high-level iden­tity, may be high­est per­son-in-charge, may be the de­signer, or con­structs total per­son-in-charge. These three peo­ple are the biggest sus­pect, they have the priv­i­lege hide­away se­cret room.
Ac­cord­ing to nor­mal log­i­cal in­fer­ence, if not need to hide se­cret, why builds a covert bed­room?
„[Izual], in­ves­ti­gates all around wall, all grounds, de­ter­mined whether also has the se­cret room in hide­away!” Shi Lei told.
[Izual] the im­ple­ment order, is con­trol­ling three Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] im­me­di­ately, starts hide­away se­cret room that searches pos­si­bly has.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) searched en­tire Lab­o­ra­tory, had not dis­cov­ered that any paper data, tests the record, is other records, does not exist.
Ob­vi­ously, be­fore this Lab­o­ra­tory by close, had been car­ried out the thor­ough clean-up, has not left be­hind any clue.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ar­rives at Shi Lei, re­ports to say to Shi Lei: „Boss, searched en­tire crea­ture Lab­o­ra­tory, has not dis­cov­ered any paper data. I guessed that Lab­o­ra­tory un­der­went the clean-up, is im­pos­si­ble to keep the goes of­fline rope.”
Shi Lei frowns, de­nied the view of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), „, if has cleaned up Lab­o­ra­tory, why the test in­stal­la­tion won't clean up com­pletely? Even an­ni­hi­lates en­tire Lab­o­ra­tory com­pletely? Has the en­ergy to con­struct this Lab­o­ra­tory in­flu­ence, wants to an­ni­hi­late this Lab­o­ra­tory, ab­solutely doesn't have any issue, isn't that right?”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) hes­i­tated the nod, Shi Lei was being half right that or was the larger part. The rea­son that does not clean up the test in­stal­la­tion is very sim­ple, the test in­stal­la­tion up­date up­date was quick, has de­mol­ished use­lessly.
As for some valu­able thing, in­clud­ing Light­ing Sys­tem, Cul­ture Tank wait / etc. foun­da­tion equip­ment, de­mol­ishes and moves to new Lab­o­ra­tory, cost as­pect is quite high, more­over is very trou­ble­some, is easy to pre­sent the care­less mis­take, sim­ply com­pletely gives up.
Shi Lei said right the larger part, was be­cause, if wanted to clean up Lab­o­ra­tory, can in­deed an­ni­hi­late en­tire Lab­o­ra­tory, thor­ough De­stroy all traces of ex­is­tence.
Then, wants to dis­cover that this Lab­o­ra­tory ex­is­tence trace, is al­most un­likely. Even if above the Lab­o­ra­tory ruins, es­tab­lishes the brand-new build­ing, will not un­earth to over a hun­dred me­ters depth.
There­fore, if tries to keep se­cret, an­ni­hi­lates en­tire Lab­o­ra­tory di­rectly, is the best choice!
Al­though Un­der­ground space about 800 squares, but [Izual] is con­trol­ling three Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], the speed of search se­cret space is quick, less than two min­utes, [Izual] then ac­com­plish search!
„The se­cret space that sir, ex­cept for dis­cov­ered that Sys­tem has not dis­cov­ered any se­cret space!” The [Izual] re­port said.
Shi Lei frowns, this Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory, re­ally what value? Aban­doned se­cret Lab­o­ra­tory?
How­ever, Shi Lei this idea, quick was over­thrown...


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