Saturday, January 20, 2018

1848: Final-071 Worldwide discusses!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1848: Final-071 Worldwide discusses!
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Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net pre­sents mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus, sweeps across en­tire Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net, Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, sim­i­larly be­sets with a cri­sis in mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus!
This news, in In­ter­net Safety and net­work Hacker World, starts the mighty waves im­me­di­ately!
Nanyue Na­tion pe­riph­eral Na­tion(s), Of­fi­cial per­son­nel of In­ter­net Safety, starts to block and Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net com­mu­ni­ca­tion im­me­di­ately, makes every ef­fort to seal off mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus to enter a coun­try.
net­work Hacker World Ex­pert, were dis­cussing, mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus that Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net World, pre­sents, is ac­tu­ally any Virus, links the Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency also un­for­tu­nate move un­ex­pect­edly.
Al­though Nanyue Na­tion net­work strength rel­a­tively frail, but also is only rel­a­tive!
How­ever, strange sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­rence!
Wo Sang Na­tion First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Takama-ga-hara three Elite, un­der­stood the Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net in­ves­ti­gate sit­u­a­tion, they have dis­cov­ered the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus sit­u­a­tion in Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net, and has got­ten rid of in­fected in­de­pen­dent com­puter equip­ment.
When they pre­pare the in­ves­ti­gate sit­u­a­tion, an­nounced that when Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker World and Safety, they dis­cov­ered sud­denly that Wo Sang Na­tion In­ter­net World, ac­tu­ally also has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
Takama-ga-hara three Elite, must as­sist, [Thoughts of Heaven] and [Moon is Dark] sep­a­rately, al­though is World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, but their as be­fore trough [Venge­ful God­dess] dis­sem­i­na­tion range!
When Takama-ga-hara must as­sist, al­ready am­bushed [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in the Wo Sang Na­tion sit­u­a­tion, after an­nounc­ing, en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion raises im­me­di­ately sought for the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus up­surge.
Short sev­eral min­utes. Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker World and Spe­cial­ist Ex­pert of Safety, dis­cover [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, pro­lif­er­ates en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion in­ter­con­nec­tion net world un­ex­pect­edly.
More­over. Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker World and Safety Ex­pert Spe­cial­ist, but also the dis­cov­ery, al­most every with com­puter equip­ment of In­ter­net ac­cess, has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
The [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus spirit seems to be same, hides in Com­puter Sys­tem, mak­ing the per­son ne­glect its ex­is­tence.
What com­pared with co­in­ci­dence is, Wo Sang Na­tion Cyber Se­cu­rity. [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, in­deed names as ‚Ghost Virus’!
Watch­ing the fun Nan­chao Na­tion and Xia Na­tion. Al­most at the same time, has dis­cov­ered our In­ter­net World, is flood­ing [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
This all of a sud­den, watch­ing the fun has be­come the vic­tim. Also can smile?
In Li Jian Na­tion of Pa­cific Ocean other shore, part of Hacker World per­son­nel, taunted mys­te­ri­ous Virus [Storm] that Asia was blow­ing, should in the dis­gust­ing hype.
After all, Li Jian Na­tion Hacker World, boasts of being First Hacker World fre­quently.
Li Jian Na­tion Hacker World mem­ber, is look­ing down upon other Na­tion(s) Hacker World mem­ber, that is the mat­ter that has fre­quently.
This time, Li Jian Na­tion Hacker World part of per­son­nel. Then con­ceit­edly has rec­og­nized, Asian Area Hacker World, is going for any schemes and tricks. Fic­tion­al­ized any­thing ‚Ghost Virus’ to come out, play­ing tricks wanted to frighten the per­son, or drummed up sup­port.
In order to counter-at­tack Li Jian Na­tion part of Hacker, Asian Area Hacker World Ex­pert, en­tered Li Jian Na­tion im­me­di­ately. Their thoughts evil, pre­pare [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus very much. Dis­sem­i­nates Li Jian Na­tion.
Ac­cord­ing to [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus high dis­sem­i­na­tion, so long as they en­tered Li Jian Na­tion net world. And suc­cess Seize Zom­bie, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus will enter Zom­bie Server ab­solutely, then starts to in­vade the in­fec­tion on own ini­tia­tive with com­puter user that it is con­nected.
Let the Asian Area Hacker World Ex­pert grat­i­fied and happy mat­ter oc­cur­rence!
They in Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World, have dis­cov­ered [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus di­rectly, has dis­cov­ered the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus form in each web­site.
Even is CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site, as well as White House Of­fi­cial Web­site, has dis­cov­ered ex­is­tence of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
This re­sult, lets Asian Area Hacker World Ex­pert, im­me­di­ately posts in Li Jian Na­tion major Forum, in­di­cated that taunted Li Jian Na­tion Hacker World.
Orig­i­nally, Li Jian Na­tion Hacker World pre­pares to re­fute, but after their in­ves­ti­gate, dis­cov­ered that is re­ally such sit­u­a­tion, im­me­di­ately has bit­ter not being able to say!
FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, in the sit­u­a­tion by net­work had a scare im­me­di­ately. They in Hacker World, nat­u­rally had in­for­ma­tion per­son­nel, the First time re­ceived the sit­u­a­tion about [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
They ex­am­ined in their Of­fi­cial Web­site re­spec­tively that re­ally has dis­cov­ered ex­is­tence of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus. Mean­while, they have also dis­cov­ered that [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, is at­tempt­ing to in­vade In­ter­nal Net­work un­ex­pect­edly.
If in­vades In­ter­nal Net­work merely, was un­able let them to feel sur­pris­edly, what true let them is sur­prised, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in­vades In­ter­nal Net­work time, they sim­ply have not re­ceived any warn­ing!
FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, has listed as High De­gree dan­ger Com­puter Virus im­me­di­ately, and in­forms major Se­cu­rity Firm.
World­wide Top Level Cyber Se­cu­rity man­u­fac­turer, after FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and prompt of CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, starts to pay at­ten­tion to [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
When just, they pay at­ten­tion to [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, dis­cov­ered that [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, al­ready hung in their Of­fi­cial Web­site home page.
And bad luck Se­cu­rity Firm, even in In­ter­nal Net­work, has dis­cov­ered [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus shadow!
In the schaden­freude Eu­rope al­liance re­gion, dis­cov­ered one have be­come the bad luck ghost, the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in­fec­tion re­gion, con­tained the Eu­rope al­liance area.
As more and more local re­ports dis­cov­ered that ex­is­tence of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, en­tire World In­ter­net Safety and Hacker World, start to be anx­ious.
Mys­ti­cal Com­puter Virus, cur­rently in­fects en­tire World net­work un­ex­pect­edly, al­though so far, this mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus, what evil in­ten­tion has not dis­played tem­porar­ily, who knows that it can dis­play the evil in­ten­tion?
In the evening close 11 points.
In­fects the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment total, al­ready jumped close 400 mil­lion de­grees, this data, but also dur­ing in­creases rapidly.
Shi Lei has not paid at­ten­tion to data. source code that but in up­date [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus source code, will com­pile newly, has in­jected the par­ent sub­stance pro­ce­dure of [Izual] con­trol. Then through the par­ent sub­stance pro­ce­dure, trans­mits to each [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus sub­field.
After up­date [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, does not have mod­ify to in­fect the prop­a­ga­tion mode, but in­creased the multi- Sys­tem sup­port. Only sup­ported Mi­crosoft Com­pany win se­ries Sys­tem, now after up­date source code, AP ple Com­pany mac Sys­tem, as well as open linux and unix. Also was con­tained.
Al­though linux and unix of Sys­tem cus­tomiz­ing essence, was in­fected very much dif­fi­cultly. But has not passed through mod­ify Core stan­dard Sys­tem, meets the tragedy ab­solutely!
In­creases the multi- Sys­tem sup­port [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, will have more wide­spread dis­sem­i­na­tion chan­nel, can in­fect many Com­puter Sys­tem.
Shi Lei shows ab­solutely no con­cern. [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in the en­tire World range, cre­ated the how huge stir, Shi Lei only cared how to save Ling Yumo their life.
In­ter­net World, some mys­te­ri­ous Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
By Xia Na­tion, Yin­jia Na­tion, Wo Sang Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion, four Na­tion(s) Hacker World co­or­di­nated, gath­ered en­tire Asian Area, First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion mem­ber, gath­ered at this mys­te­ri­ous Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, was dis­cussing how to process [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
Al­though most time. Each Na­tion(s) Hacker World, is in a state of hos­til­ity.
But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent, mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus. Has swept across en­tire World In­ter­net un­ex­pect­edly, in­fected com­puter equip­ment is count­less.
If to ig­nore mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus were con­cerned with that no one knows ac­tu­ally to cause any con­se­quence.
In mys­te­ri­ous Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, Xia Na­tion First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pro­tec­tor Leader [In­her­i­tance], First spoke: „The cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, every­body was clear. Al­though usu­ally, our re­la­tions are not good. But my [Hope] under the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, the joint ef­fort that we can work as one, stud­ies that mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus to­gether, ends it thor­oughly.”
Wo Sang Na­tion First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Takama-ga-hara Leader, [Hon­or­able Heav­ens] also in mys­te­ri­ous Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, he uses Eng­lish to re­spond: „[In­her­i­tance], the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, we are clear. How­ever, how we can de­ter­mine that this mys­te­ri­ous Virus, doesn't stem from your hands?”
Xia Na­tion an­other First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Nine Caul­drons, it is more mys­ti­cal than Pro­tec­tor, these time only came a rep­re­sen­ta­tive, the code num­ber is ‚dragon’, other in­for­ma­tion are un­clear.
‚Dragon’ cold snort|hum, dis­dained say­ing: „Quib­bled! This issue, suits you sim­i­larly! After all, your Takama-ga-hara, al­ready was the mis­deeds stained, for­merly also had to have sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion. Your Takama-ga-hara, ini­tially a thief cry­ing " stop thief " mat­ter, thinks that we did for­get?”
for­merly, Takama-ga-hara has man­u­fac­tured Virus, the ex­per­i­ment of small range, puts in the Asian coun­tries Mil­i­tary Net­work, tries to ob­tain Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion.
This mat­ter, on own ini­tia­tive was blown out by Takama-ga-hara at first, ex­pressed that in Wo Sang Na­tion mil­i­tary Sys­tem, had dis­cov­ered mys­te­ri­ous Com­puter Virus, may steal se­cret data.
Fi­nally by Xia Na­tion First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Nine Caul­drons, the de­ter­mi­na­tion is Takama-ga-hara very also seizes the thief, mak­ing the Takama-ga-hara face coun­te­nance sweep the floor.
Takama-ga-hara [Hon­or­able Heav­ens], hears ‚dragon’ view, dis­con­tented snort|hum, had not said any­thing again.
Yin­jia Na­tion First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Brahma Leader [Pra­jap­ati], has acted as the peace­maker, „[In­her­i­tance], [Hon­or­able Heav­ens], the dragon, your three peo­ple should not be noisy! The pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, what do we also quar­rel? That mys­te­ri­ous should Com­puter Virus, ac­cord­ing to your guesses, who be makes? En­tire World, has Hacker of this strength, should many Right? first re­move us!”
The peo­ple are Hacker do­main em­i­nent exist, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus ac­tu­ally let them felt that thorny, can only ex­plain that makes the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus fel­low ex­cel­lent, the tech­no­log­i­cal strength.
„Can be Li Jian Na­tion that fel­low?” Yin­jia Na­tion [Pra­jap­ati], First pro­posed the sus­pi­cion ob­ject.
The [Hon­or­able Heav­ens] re­sponse said that „you said that [Dr. Sky]?”
Pro­tec­tor [In­her­i­tance], sec­onds the mo­tion say­ing: „Has the pos­si­bil­ity! [Dr. Sky] is known as World­wide Com­puter Virus First Ex­pert, if there is any per­son to make that de­gree Com­puter Virus, he is the First sus­pect!”
The Nine Caul­drons rep­re­sen­ta­tive dragon, re­futed di­rectly: „Is im­pos­si­ble! [Dr. Sky] real iden­tity, is not only we knows that Li Jian Na­tion Of­fi­cial also knows. If [Dr. Sky] makes the Virus that the pre­sent has wreaked havoc, you think that Li Jian Na­tion will make him put? Per­haps after Li Jian Na­tion will fur­ther im­prove, treats as elec­tronic war­fare weapon!”
„Dragon, your well-in­formed, you said to look, this mat­ter, ac­tu­ally what's the mat­ter? What sus­pi­cion ob­ject do you have?” [In­her­i­tance] was in­quir­ing the dragon.
The dragon has con­sid­ered, about after ten sev­eral sec­onds, opens the mouth say­ing: „You should know, named. Devil Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Right?”


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