Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1795: The riddle of Final-018 life experience, makes known!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1795: The riddle of Final-018 life experience, makes known!
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Just dis­cov­ered this an­cient Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory be­fore, and had de­ter­mined ap­prox­i­mately its ex­is­tence time, Shi Lei then when good luck comes the wits are sharp­ened raises a fear­ful thought.
Now, as Shi Lei was read­ing this yel­low­ing diary, this fear­ful thought that as if fur­ther was shown.
If, [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] is re­ally Shi Lei's ‚one's own’ fa­ther, Shi Lei should treat Shi Wen?
Luck­ily, this fear­ful in­fer­ence, has big log­i­cal issue!
As the say­ing goes the tiger toxin does not eat, if [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] is Shi Lei's ‚one's own’ fa­ther, why must aim at Shi Lei, even wants to set at the death­trap Shi Lei?
This issue in­deed is hard to ex­plain!
Pon­der an­swer that Shi Lei has not thought of every means that he guessed, an­swer per­haps in diary. After all, Sev­enth page diary, by no means last page.
Crossed the Sev­enth page diary, Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing the Eighth page diary.
On Sep­tem­ber 12, 1987, cloudy.
Today's mood is very de­pressed!
The bud­dhists have re­jected me un­ex­pect­edly once more, but in­di­cated that waited for our de­scen­dants, after thor­ough ac­com­plish trains, then dis­cussed the sen­ti­men­tal mat­ter.
I and bud­dhist the de­scen­dant of all nor­mal, at pre­sent has trained close seven months, but also takes three months, most three months, the bud­dhist, our de­scen­dants, suc­cess­fully will then ar­rive at the so­ci­ety.
I felt faintly, the bud­dhist, as if has con­cealed some­thing to me!
Eighth page diary, in­dis­tinct dis­closed some­thing, but in­for­ma­tion was too fuzzy, did not have many data. It is not able to make fur­ther in­fer­ence.
Shi Lei opens the Ninth page diary, the Ninth page diary heaves in sight, is dif­fer­ent from the di­aries of other page num­bers, merely only then few sev­eral lines of records, Ninth page diary. Has recorded very many in­for­ma­tion!
In 1987, on De­cem­ber 12, clear.
The bud­dhists, died!
I have killed her!
I have killed per­son­ally, the woman of that my deeply love, that made me wait for six years of woman ag­o­niz­ingly!
I do not hate the bud­dhist. Even if the bud­dhist be­trayed me, my she, I hates that damn man not very much!
That named Shi Wen man!
That bas­tard can­cels un­ex­pect­edly. Di­rect­ing. The bud­dhists, the bud­dhist sud­denly was con­fused by his hon­eyed words, the bud­dhist trusted him wrongly. The bud­dhist is only...
But, the bud­dhist be­trayed me even­tu­ally!
Bud­dhists, we six years of sen­ti­ment, but can also 't com­pare for two years?
Ning Yu Fan, Shi Wen, you think that you carry on the in­for­ma­tion ex­change through In­ter­net, then ab­solute Safety? Do not think. Shi Wen is su­per­vi­sory per­son­nel that the high level dis­patches, is skilled in the com­puter tech­nol­ogy, then can hide the truth from me!
You do not know. My com­puter tech­nol­ogy, is sim­i­lar to the crea­ture do­main tech­nol­ogy is the same, has achieved World ad­vanced stan­dard!
Ning Yu Fan, since you have cho­sen rac­coon dog ex­changed for crown prince plan, mak­ing Shi Wen re­place me, be­came the Zhuge Plan actor. Why you be­lieve that I will let off you?
You may know. The sen­ti­ment is on this World most is un­able ra­tio­nal ex­pla­na­tion thing, if has such one day. My beloved woman be­trayed me, put into the arms of other men... hē hē, is not if, but is the fact!
Will I be what kind of?
Can I Bless­ing you be silently happy?
I think me to be able Bless­ing well you...
I can Bless­ing, I change a Bless­ing way, lets this per­haps ro­man­tic love, has been sub­li­mated, be­comes the leg­end.
I will be glad to wit­ness very much, when your meat. Body. When with­er­ing away, only re­main­ing so-called Soul, can change to the but­ter­fly that is a happy cou­ple, will be sim­i­lar to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Ying­tai such eter­nity pin­na­cle of po­etic cre­ation!
Per­haps such leg­end, is only de­ceiv­ing peo­ple Right?
You have not changed to the but­ter­fly!
Ning Yu Fan, in life final mo­ment, you asked me, looked, in the depth loved in your share, let off you and Shi Wen child, you have vi­o­lated the high-level order un­ex­pect­edly, not ac­cord­ing to Zhuge Plan im­ple­ment, but also wanted to leave be­hind the de­scen­dant, has say­ing that stu­pid woman, blind ma­ter­nal bril­liance.
Ning Yu Fan, you be­lieve why I am will­ing to help you?
I Love You, loved en­tire for­merly, the life in a hurry years, the hap­pi­est six years, I of­fered to you com­pletely, what did you give me?
Ex­cept for be­trayal and De­spair, but also re­main­ing what?
This lives, was in­signif­i­cant!
How­ever, Ning Yu Fan, I promise you, you and Shi Wen child, I will take care of him well, help­ing him be sep­a­rated from the mon­i­tor­ing of Or­ga­ni­za­tion, fos­ters his adult!
But Ning Yu Fan I will make you know that you give my De­spair and be­trayal, I can 11 re­pay­ments give him, the re­pay­ment gives you and Shi Wen bad child!
Thank me!
I made him in­herit the Shi Wen sur­name, I had de­cided that named ‚Shi Lei’ for him, was sim­i­lar to Stone feral child, was sim­i­lar to Stone of road­side is the same, bad child that mo­men­tar­ily can get rid of!
I will fos­ter him, and lets growth that he al­lows na­ture to take its course, waited for his mar­riage giv­ing birth, I will kill his wife and child, then told him the truth, I must make him live for a life­time dur­ing the pain and re­gret!
Ning Yu Fan, are you very happy?
Start­ing today, I in the name of Shi Wen, you will not like Shi Wen, I now am Shi Wen, I am the Shi Lei's bi­o­log­i­cal uncle, hā hā hā hā!
Ninth page diary, al­ready thor­ough has re­vealed the rid­dle of Shi Lei's life ex­pe­ri­ence, Shi Lei is re­ally the test-tube baby of cul­ture, and bi­o­log­i­cal fa­ther also in­deed is Shi Wen.
But [Chaos Ser­pent] is not true Shi Wen, but has pre­tended to be Shi Wen iden­tity, bor­rowed the Shi Wen name, [Chaos Ser­pent] is not Shi Lei's bi­o­log­i­cal fa­ther, but kills the fa­ther to kill the fe­male per­sonal enemy ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able!
When on De­cem­ber 12, 1987, Shi Lei's birth par­ents Shi Wen and Ning Yu Fan, had been killed by [Chaos Ser­pent].
The Shi Lei dou­ble fist grips tightly, bites the tooth stub­bornly, the look ice-cold.
This diary, al­most ex­plained Shi Lei in the heart all ques­tion­able points.
It is why des­o­late to him in­clud­ing [Chaos Ser­pent], and has fos­tered him \; Also in­cluded Angel Par­lia­ment fi­nally to aban­don his basic rea­son \; Why also has re­vealed Shi Lei in wis­dom as­pect, demon­strated the tal­ent of being a notch above every­body else.
Shi Lei crossed the Ninth page diary, the Tenth page did not have any record. Fol­low­ing page num­ber, does not have record sim­i­larly. Ob­vi­ously, this diary, al­to­gether has only writ­ten nine pages.
Shi Lei layer on layer has closed the diary, the face darken much.
„[Izual]. in­for­ma­tion that will record just, lists as top-se­cret data, be­sides me, any­body does not per­mit the ex­am­i­na­tion. Any has not been au­tho­rized then the be­hav­ior that tries to ex­am­ine, im­me­di­ately re­ports to me.” Shi Lei first is­sues the se­cu­rity order.
Shi Lei when watches the diary con­tent, [Izual] passes LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor. The re­lated con­tent, will col­lect.
If Shi Lei does not make the au­thor­ity set­ting, per­haps Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael], have the au­thor­ity ex­am­i­na­tion.
The Shi Lei right hand is think­ing over in the hand the yel­low­ing diary, is con­sid­er­ing this diary. Ac­tu­ally must pre­serve. Fi­nally, Shi Lei de­cides to de­stroy it!
Some mat­ters, con­ser­v­a­tive se­cret com­pared with open to the pub­lic se­cret, is more ap­pro­pri­ate!
„[Izual], used Laser Weapon, De­stroy it!” Shi Lei is­sues the order say­ing that the yel­low­ing diary, threw con­ve­niently on the ground.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider]. Started Laser Weapon, aims at the yel­low­ing diary, ad­justs the Laser Weapon sup­ply en­ergy. The cor­re­spon­dence weak­ens the Laser Weapon might, pre­pares to de­stroy the yel­low­ing diary.
The laser pro­duc­tion of red, [Izual] is con­trol­ling Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], lets the red laser beam, the ac­cu­rate line-by-line scan­ning diary, burns down the diary fi­nally com­pletely.
After the Shi Lei con­firmed yel­low­ing diary was de­stroyed per­son­ally. Re­laxed.
Ac­tu­ally, Shi Lei was not wor­ried. He was dis­cov­ered as iden­tity of ar­ti­fi­cial test-tube baby, de­stroys the diary the ul­ti­mate goal. Also does not want more to know, he and [Chaos Ser­pent] grat­i­tude and grudges.
„[Izual], looks up Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen data.” Shi Lei told.
Al­though the order of Shi Lei in­struc­tion, be­longs to the fuzzy order, but [Izual] just to­gether watched diary in­for­ma­tion with Shi Lei, [Izual] un­der­stands that Shi Lei's opin­ion is, in­ves­ti­gate Ning Yu Fan and true Shi Wen data.
How­ever, along with [Izual]'s in­ves­ti­gate, bad news trans­mits.
Be­cause had ex­plicit tar­get and time node in­for­ma­tion, al­though the in­ves­ti­gate process is very com­plex, but [Izual] uni­fied big data in­for­ma­tion to an­a­lyze some pre­cise in­for­ma­tion.
[Chaos Ser­pent] ob­vi­ously is not the heart broad gen­er­a­tion!
[Chaos Ser­pent] has not only mas­sa­cred Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen, but also has killed the Ning Yu Fan fam­ily mem­ber, even in­cludes the Ning Yu Fan rel­a­tive, has achieved the true ex­ter­mi­na­tion nine gen­er­a­tions!
This case, al­though has not an­nounced that but in Po­lice Sys­tem, ac­tu­ally spe­cial note. There­fore, was searched by [Izual].
As for Shi Wen in­for­ma­tion, after re­peated set­backs, [Izual] has dis­cov­ered the ex­plicit news. Ini­tially, Shi Lei also in­ves­ti­gate Shi Wen in­for­ma­tion, but ini­tially in­ves­ti­gate time, Shi Lei sim­ply has not con­sid­ered Shi Wen iden­tity issue.
There­fore, at that time when in­ves­ti­gate Shi Wen in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei ne­glected part to sub­or­di­nate Of­fi­cial iden­tity data di­rectly, until now, Shi Lei knows that Shi Wen iden­tity in­deed sub­or­di­nated Of­fi­cial.
[Izual] in­ves­ti­gate, Of­fi­cial had is­sued a state­ment, in­di­cated that sub­or­di­nated Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency in­for­ma­tion Tech­ni­cal Ex­pert Shi Wen dead in line of duty. But the spe­cific rea­son, Of­fi­cial had not ex­plained.
This news, for­merly Shi Lei also has been, but at that time, Shi Lei had not taken se­ri­ously this news, thinks that Shi Wen in this news, is only the same sur­name of the same name.
How could to think of this time sit­u­a­tion?
The sit­u­a­tion and Ning Yu Fan of Shi Wen fam­ily are the same, [Chaos Ser­pent] has not let off Shi Wen all rel­a­tives, cre­ates mas­sacre that Sec­ond had to im­pli­cate the nine gen­er­a­tions!
[Chaos Ser­pent] worthily is the stan­dard cold blood heart­less dis­ci­ple, was sim­ply bad in the bone, be­cause merely Ning Yu Fan did not com­ply to as­so­ci­ate with him, then has killed the peo­ple of these many not guilty.
Per­haps ini­tially Ning Yu Fan, rea­son that did not choose [Chaos Ser­pent], ex­actly as stated has seen through the cam­ou­flage of [Chaos Ser­pent], has seen through the [Chaos Ser­pent] hyp­o­crit­i­cal true col­ors.
Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strated all in­for­ma­tion that see only the Shi Lei's dou­ble fist to grip tightly, both eyes have flowed out Tears silently.
Shi Lei thought Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen, al­though died, but has at least left be­hind the rel­a­tive, but Shi Lei has not thought that [Chaos Ser­pent] does un­ex­pect­edly so cer­tainly!
„[Chaos Ser­pent], Damn Your Mother!” The Shi Lei loud anger ex­claimed, set firm re­solve se­cretly, must kill [Chaos Ser­pent]!


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