Thursday, January 18, 2018

1809: Final-032 does not do not dead!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1809: Final-032 does not do not dead!
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Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion bat­tle, at pre­sent. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion had the ab­solute su­pe­ri­or­ity.
[Chaos Ser­pent] ac­tu­ally has Su­per­nat­ural Force, and is the pow­er­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble Grav­ity Con­trol strength. Ac­cord­ing to truth, nor­mally, [Chaos Ser­pent] , if not do not dead.
But [Chaos Ser­pent], opened ob­vi­ously has made the dead pat­tern!
If [Chaos Ser­pent] en­ters the outer space with [Split­ting Skies Mark], re­gard­ing [Chaos Ser­pent], is not the good mat­ter. Be­cause the outer space does not have the air, even if [Chaos Ser­pent] through Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, fet­ters the nu­mer­ous air to enter the outer space , will not be con­ve­nient.
How­ever, was [Chaos Ser­pent] too as if self-con­fi­dent a point?
[Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 in front fast flight, [Chaos Ser­pent] is pur­su­ing in be­hind, [Split­ting Skies Mark] Num­ber One is away from the right rear in [Chaos Ser­pent] dis­tant place, flies with [Chaos Ser­pent] to the outer space.
Al­though [Chaos Ser­pent] was sur­rounded by two [Split­ting Skies Mark] faintly, but [Chaos Ser­pent] was too proud with being proud, even if two [Split­ting Skies Mark], has not placed in the [Chaos Ser­pent] eye.
[Chaos Ser­pent] does not care about sur­rounded sit­u­a­tion!
[Split­ting Skies Mark], is [Chaos Ser­pent], both's fly­ing speed is quick, has been 10 Mach de­gree, is one hour 12240 kilo­me­ters, one minute 204 kilo­me­ters.
At­mos­phere High De­gree, is about 3000 kilo­me­ters, but in fact, has sur­passed 100 kilo­me­ters High De­gree, air then very thin.
LEO satel­lite low­est High De­gree. Also chooses 100 kilo­me­ters is the bound­ary, was higher than 100 kilo­me­ters, then can make satel­lite work. Al­though thin air. Will cre­ate LEO satel­lite life not long issue, but satel­lite has been able to move around Earth nor­mally.
One minute, two [Split­ting Skies Mark] and [Chaos Ser­pent], ar­rived at close 210 kilo­me­ters upper air, this High De­gree, should be an ion­ized layer.
Again out­side, ex­actly as stated mesos­phere. The mesos­phere air, was un­able by the grav­ity con­trol of Earth. Dis­si­pa­tion to uni­verse.
Shi Lei looks at [Chaos Ser­pent], re­ally pur­sues with two [Split­ting Skies Mark] outer space out­ward, on the face has re­vealed the light happy ex­pres­sion.
Tao Wenx­ian says with a smile: „Big Brother Stone, [Chaos Ser­pent] is quite ar­ro­gant!”
„Is good from the great abil­ity!” Shi Lei hēng hēng said.
[Chaos Ser­pent] and [Split­ting Skies Mark] bat­tle. As if fi­nally starts not to be again in­def­i­nite. So long as en­tered the mesos­phere, whether [Chaos Ser­pent] can re­sist [Split­ting Skies Mark], but also is re­ally an un­known num­ber.
How­ever, is [Chaos Ser­pent] doing re­ally?
[Chaos Ser­pent] has not cer­tainly done!
In sur­passes 200 kilo­me­ters High De­gree from the ground, [Chaos Ser­pent] speed once more sud­denly to in­crease, as if started moved in­stan­ta­neously is the same, orig­i­nally from the [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine, about 30 kilo­me­ters straight line space.
But after merely is one sec­ond, [Chaos Ser­pent] and [Split­ting Skies Mark] dis­tance. Re­duced ten kilo­me­ters.
One sec­ond, [Chaos Ser­pent] sur­mounted ten kilo­me­ters dis­tance!
Such speed is orig­i­nal speed over three times!
„dan­ger!” The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) loud re­minder said.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has been ob­serv­ing [Chaos Ser­pent] vig­i­lantly, he does not be­lieve [Chaos Ser­pent]. Is will­ing to enter the space war­fare.
Sure enough, [Chaos Ser­pent] is using the trick!
After Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) bel­lows, [Chaos Ser­pent] car­ried on two times ‚to move once more in­stan­ta­neously’, en­tered the nearby po­si­tion of [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine eas­ily.
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, Vir­tual an­i­ma­tion of [Izual] sim­u­la­tion, red lu­mi­nous spot red translu­cent re­gion. Has cov­ered the [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine thor­oughly.
[Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine, lost con­tact!
The Shi Lei brow wrin­kled in one. Can­not bear in the satel­lite tele­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel, the start to talk of taunt said: „[Chaos Ser­pent], you just did not com­ply, out­side the outer space and do we fight to the death?”
[Chaos Ser­pent] ironic [say / way]: „Shi Lei, was you were ac­tu­ally silly, was I am silly? The outer space en­vi­ron­ment, will be com­pre­hen­sive to me is dis­ad­van­ta­geous, you think that I pos­si­bly stu­pid to own ini­tia­tive did enter the outer space to bat­tle re­ally?”
Here, [Chaos Ser­pent] used a teas­ing lan­guage gas chan­nel: „What kind, Shi Lei, are you spe­cially dis­ap­pointed?” [Chaos Ser­pent] clar­i­fied has been play­ing tricks on Shi Lei!
Shi Lei cold snort|hum, has no longer paid at­ten­tion to [Chaos Ser­pent].
[Chaos Ser­pent] ob­vi­ously is ac­tu­ally not will­ing to let off ridicules the Shi Lei's op­por­tu­nity, „Shi Lei, you fa­vored!”
The Oc­ta­he­dron [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine, lost with the [Izual]'s link, the flight in­stal­la­tion stopped the ac­tiv­ity, but the [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine has not ac­tu­ally crashed. Be­cause, the [Chaos Ser­pent] use right hand, is lift­ing [Split­ting Skies Mark], and uses for­mi­da­ble Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, is com­press­ing the [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine.
Feeds back through op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem of [Split­ting Skies Mark] Num­ber One ma­chine, Shi Lei four peo­ple through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, clear looks at the [Split­ting Skies Mark] No. 2 ma­chine, fast and fierce dis­tor­tion.
In less than ten sec­onds, [Split­ting Skies Mark] of Oc­ta­he­dron con­tour, al­ready turned into a sil­ver-white metal ball!
Su­per­nat­ural Force that [Chaos Ser­pent] has, ac­tu­ally to have how for­mi­da­ble pres­tige en­ergy?
„hēi hēi, Shi Lei, when I ex­tin­guished your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group an­other Air­craft, I fuse in them to­gether, then from over 200 kilo­me­ters upper air, aims at your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Head­quar­ters to throw, you go ahead and guess, your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Head­quar­ters, ac­tu­ally what hap­pened?” [Chaos Ser­pent] has filled wicked in­ter­est play­ing tricks on Shi Lei.
Play­ing tricks on Shi Lei heartily, is the life sig­nif­i­cance that [Chaos Ser­pent] has!
[Izual] re­minded Shi Lei in the First time, if lets the metal ball that two [Split­ting Skies Mark] com­pose, throws from over 200 kilo­me­ters upper air, even if Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has for­mi­da­ble De­fense Sys­tem, is un­able 100% im­ped­i­ments!
When the time comes, the re­sult of cre­at­ing, can think that the me­te­orite hits the Earth ef­fect!
„Shi Lei, quickly es­capes! Only takes sev­eral min­utes, I will throw them!” [Chaos Ser­pent] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei again, was sim­i­lar to Chee­tah held the game. Be­fore hunt­ing and killing, heartily plays with be the same.
In the Shi Lei eye flashes through wipes se­vere light, since [Split­ting Skies Mark] is not the [Chaos Ser­pent] match. Had Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group by [Chaos Ser­pent] been com­pelled the dead end, what Shi Lei also to need to es­ti­mate?
Shi Lei only then starts the last move!
Why hadn't Shi Lei cho­sen self-ex­plo­sion?
From Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], Shi Lei has not cho­sen, meets issue on Power Source Core of self-ex­plo­sion [N235 Metal] Third Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan man­u­fac­ture -based.
Chooses self-ex­plo­sion, is only the plan of one after next!
Not only will arouse the High De­gree in­ter­est of Li Jian Na­tion, will also cause hos­til­ity of Li Jian Na­tion. Mean­while, [N235 Metal] Third Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan man­u­fac­ture -based Power Source Core ex­ploded. The en­ergy of re­lease re­veals. Then, en­tire World De­vel­oped Na­tion. Knows that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group mas­tered some spe­cial Power Source tech­nol­ogy.
These Na­tion(s), will also let off Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group?
Shi Lei does not want to stare by agent per­son­nel of Coun­try Grade in­flu­ence daily, fre­quently needs to con­sider that came from the as­sas­si­na­tion of Na­tion(s) level.
Con­sid­ered ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's. If can not use the self-ex­plo­sion sit­u­a­tion, then so­lu­tion all issue, even if pays the deeply grieved price, Shi Lei can also ac­cept.
Spends to let go at that does not have what mis­take.
But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, was [Chaos Ser­pent] opened the in­vin­ci­ble con­di­tion ob­vi­ously, any strength will un­able to kill [Chaos Ser­pent], Shi Lei and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has faced life and death Phase, Shi Lei at risk of life will cer­tainly have wres­tled!
„[Izual]. Pre­pares, [Split­ting Skies Mark] self-ex­plo­sion! The High­est Au­thor­ity au­tho­riza­tion, does not need to con­firm con­ven­tional!” Shi Lei is­sues the order.
[Izual] ac­ti­vated [Split­ting Skies Mark] self-ex­plo­sion Sys­tem im­me­di­ately. And adopted the Shi Lei's high­est au­tho­riza­tion, [Split­ting Skies Mark] mo­men­tar­ily is at the self-ex­plo­sion con­di­tion.
The Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] [N235 Metal] stor­age ware­house, merely is 2 l, ex­ploded the De­stroy ra­dius to be about 10 kilo­me­ters, if in the spa­cious re­gion, this ra­dius range will also in­crease.
[Split­ting Skies Mark] en­ergy cabin ca­pac­ity. Has achieved 2000 l, is 2 cubic me­ters. Ac­cord­ing to the [N235 Metal] 5.7 kg / l com­pu­ta­tion, [N235 Metal] of 2000 l vol­ume, 11.4 tons in weight.
11.4 tons in weight [N235 Metal] ex­plo­sion, Nu­clear Bomb of equiv­a­lent to what de­gree?
The Nu­clear Bomb ex­plo­sion en­ergy level, usu­ally at ‚equiv­a­lent’ weight, means might that equiv­a­lent to many t.n.t ex­plo­sions have.
Takes Li Jian Na­tion well-known ‚Titan mis­sile’ in­ter­con­ti­nen­tal tra­jec­tory Guided Mis­sile for the ex­am­ple, bul­let that this toy car­ries is di­vided into two types, sep­a­rately is w-53 and mk-6, two bul­let qual­i­ties sep­a­rately ap­prox­i­mately are 3.4 tons and 3.7 tons, might as­pect is 10 mil­lion tons t.n.t TNT equiv­a­lent.
Al­though w-53 and mk-6 bul­let weight, has been 3.4 tons and 3.7 tons, but this does not mean, the nu­clear mat­ter weight that their in­te­rior in­cludes, has then been that many.
In fact, the Nu­clear War­head out­side, the metal­lic coat­ing, the guid­ance equip­ment, ad­vances the equip­ment wait / etc., syn­the­sized, the pro­por­tion of Nu­clear War­head in­ter­nal ef­fec­tive nu­clear mat­ter, prob­a­bly is only about 50%.
In other words, about 0.7 ton to 1.0 tons nu­clear mat­ter, then can re­lease the ef­fect that 10 mil­lion tons t.n.t ex­plodes. How­ever, the Titan mis­sile was in 1970 about Prod­uct, the nu­clear ma­te­r­ial ef­fi­ciency was quite awful.
Third Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan [N235 Metal], man­u­fac­ture Power Source Core, once ex­plodes, the blast ef­fect , the equal to Nu­clear Fis­sion ef­fect, in might as­pect, at least can sur­pass Titan mis­sile era Nu­clear Weapon com­pletely, over two times.
The en­ergy that in other words, the [Split­ting Skies Mark] ex­plo­sion has, has at least achieved the t.n.t ex­plo­sion of 220 mil­lion tons equiv­a­lent.
Per­haps to the Nu­clear Bomb ex­plo­sion of 220 mil­lion tons equiv­a­lent, sim­ply does not have what di­rect-view­ing con­cept, con­trasts data through one group, then can un­der­stand eas­ily that this every­body, can ac­tu­ally cause any con­se­quence.
1961 time, So­viet Rus­sia has made Nu­clear Weapon of 50 mil­lion equiv­a­lent, lost has con­ducted the blast test in the Arc­tic Re­gions.
When every­body of this 50 mil­lion equiv­a­lent ex­plodes, even if hu­man­ity 100 kms away, has en­coun­tered the third de­gree burn. Mush­room cloud High De­gree that forms has been 64 kilo­me­ters, the width has been 40 kilo­me­ters.
If these data have not been able to ex­plain issue, is un­able to feel 220 mil­lion tons equiv­a­lent Nu­clear Weapon might, said again data com­pares.
If ini­tially Nu­clear Bomb of So­viet Rus­sia ex­plo­sion test, con­tin­ued the pro­moted ex­plo­sion power, mak­ing the might be 100 mil­lion equiv­a­lents, is a pro­moted time of might.
Then, the Nu­clear Weapon ex­plo­sion of 100 Mil­lion equiv­a­lent, will cre­ate the World­wide 25% re­gions, cov­ers in the en­vi­ron­ment of nu­clear pol­lu­tion!
Now, the ex­plo­sion of [Split­ting Skies Mark], will have at least 220 mil­lion tons equiv­a­lent the blast ef­fect, Shi Lei does not be­lieve that [Chaos Ser­pent] will not die!
If, in such sit­u­a­tion, [Chaos Ser­pent] does not die, issue that Shi Lei will per­haps con­sider to sur­ren­der!


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