Friday, January 19, 2018

1844: Final-067 is still insufficient!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1844: Final-067 is still insufficient!
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Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan, is can dis­cover the [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress plan only.
Al­though this plan, will con­sume the giant re­sources, but Shi Lei does not care!
Shi Lei only cares, can dis­cover that [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, when as well as can dis­cover [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress.
The Shi Lei's fe­male friend, en­tered in the line of sight of Death God, wants to save com­pletely them, must race against time with Death God.
Es­pe­cially Ling Yumo, she now only re­main­ing less than 115 hours of life!
[Izual] started Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan, the Log­i­cal Analy­sis pro­ce­dure started, starts to an­a­lyze in In­ter­net World, each ip ad­dress, as well as the sub­net under ip ad­dress wait / etc..
Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan is most im­por­tant, ex­actly as stated Grad­ing Sys­tem!
So-called Grad­ing Sys­tem, is car­ries on the dif­fer­ent clas­si­fi­ca­tions In­ter­net in­ter­nal ip ad­dress, ac­cord­ing to dif­fer­ent Level, di­vides dif­fer­ent at­ten­tion.
Through Grad­ing Sys­tem, ef­fec­tive re­duced Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan work load. Sim­i­lar to the work of screen­ing soy­bean, if has mixed in the black soy­beans, must first re­move the black soy­beans.
Now, Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan Grad­ing Sys­tem, ex­actly as stated in di­vi­sion dif­fer­ent ip ad­dress, sub­or­di­nates in any user. Ac­cord­ing to re­stric­tion(s) of Shi Lei set­ting, Grad­ing Sys­tem will first re­move in­di­vid­ual user ip sec­tion, the ob­ject who then re­moves is the known or­ga­ni­za­tion, en­ter­prise, the Gov­ern­ment de­part­ment and other ip sec­tions.
After re­mov­ing in­di­vid­ual user, com­mer­cial user and ip sec­tion of Gov­ern­ment or­ga­ni­za­tion. Re­main­ing ip ad­dress that needs to an­a­lyze, sig­nif­i­cant re­duc­tion.
Through Grad­ing Sys­tem, Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan work load. At least can re­duce half!
Not re­moved ip ad­dress, will be di­vided Grade sim­i­larly. Ac­cord­ing to the height di­vi­sion of de­gree of threat, from low to high, dis­tin­guishes the Safety level and un­known level and sus­pi­cion level.
And, the Safety level was 100% has de­ter­mined, ab­solutely was not [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, will put in the Safety level.
After the un­known level is [Izual] scans ini­tially. It is not able to de­ter­mine the sit­u­a­tion, will then in­clude the un­known level. Be­cause. If after the [Izual]'s pre­lim­i­nary scan­ning, after is un­able to de­ter­mine the sit­u­a­tion, if [Izual] fur­ther im­ple­ment scans Task, need many com­put­ing re­sources. Thus im­pli­cates the Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea over­all progress.
In order to avoid such sit­u­a­tion, ip ad­dress of Shi Lei set­ting dis­cov­ery un­known level, in­cludes the un­known level di­rectly, in­forms Sys­tem Ad­min­is­tra­tor, is scanned the analy­sis by Sys­tem Ad­min­is­tra­tor per­son­ally.
Last sus­pi­cion level, then after is [Izual] car­ried on scanned ini­tially, di­rectly dis­cov­ers ip ad­dress, might is [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress.
The quan­tity of sus­pi­cion level, def­i­nitely can­not too much. Es­tab­lishes this Level, but to pre­vent even­tu­al­ity!
„Grad­ing Sys­tem con­structs, Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan of­fi­cial open­ing!” [Izual] has sent out the prompt once more.
In the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen. Was demon­strat­ing Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan for­mally starts im­ple­ment. Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan first screen­ing re­gion, by the Shi Lei choice in Li Jian Na­tion!
After all. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is Angel Par­lia­ment, both take root in Li Jian Na­tion. In an­other Life Jour­ney, Shi Lei then knows. [Ab­diel] Par­ent Server, is lo­cated in Li Jian Na­tion.
[In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] gath­er­ing com­put­ing re­sources. Through Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group pri­vate Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work, all emerged Li Jian Na­tion, starts to scan the Li Jian Na­tion en­tire In­ter­net World sit­u­a­tion.
Has sur­passed 1 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources, emerges Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World, al­most fright­ens the urine CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment!
So huge com­put­ing re­sources, CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, is FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, can­not guar­an­tee, they can 100% blocks.
Even if these com­put­ing re­sources, merely are only Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources. When Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources gath­ered cer­tain ex­tent, was very as be­fore scary.
CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, dis­cov­ered that emerges Li Jian Na­tion net world mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources, is scan­ning the net­work space merely, as if has not car­ried out the plan of de­struc­tion, they re­laxed tem­porar­ily.
Li Jian Na­tion is democ­racy open Na­tion(s), at least in the sur­face is so!
CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency is also good, FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, or is their Boss NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, even is Big Bro big DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau, their In­ter­nal Net­work, in In­ter­net World, exist to meet the en­trance, even is the open to the pub­lic meet­ing en­trance.
Hacker that any well-known point, knows their In­ter­nal Net­work meet­ing en­trance com­pletely.
In­clud­ing Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment net­work, net­work of mil­i­tary, in the In­ter­net World meet­ing en­trance, is not se­cret. The true stor­age must not ex­posed to the light data Server, def­i­nitely has been iso­lat­ing the In­ter­net en­vi­ron­ment, even did not have com­put­er­ized data.
There­fore, CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, dis­cov­ered that emerges, mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources, merely is only when net world searches ip ad­dress in­for­ma­tion, re­laxed com­pletely.
If this mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources ac­tual mas­ter, to have the con­flict with Li Jian Na­tion, or is to steal Li Jian Na­tion Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion, im­pos­si­ble to scan ip ad­dress in­for­ma­tion in net world ab­solutely, but is im­pact def­i­nite tar­get of di­rect lu sleeve.
Now, the be­hav­ior that mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources, dis­plays, ex­plic­itly showed a mat­ter, mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources is seek­ing to hide tar­get, more­over should be per­sonal grat­i­tude and grudges, but to not steal Li Jian Na­tion Of­fi­cial se­cret data.
Such re­sults analy­sis, lets CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Spe­cial­ist feels at ease, ac­tu­ally se­cretly wor­ried.
After all, mil­lion quan­tity Level com­put­ing re­sources, broke in Li Jian Na­tion net world, even if has not dis­played the evil in­ten­tion tem­porar­ily, but dis­played the evil in­ten­tion ac­ci­den­tally?
Every­one is un­war­rantable, whether the op­po­site party has ma­li­cious Right?
In order to pre­vent mil­lion mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources in­vades Li Jian Na­tion Of­fi­cial net­work, even is Mil­i­tary Net­work, CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, starts to pre­pare the coun­ter­mea­sure.
If Shi Lei knew their worry, Shi Lei will taunt ab­solutely con­temp­tu­ously, Shi Lei pos­si­bly wastes the time and com­put­ing re­sources, in­vades Li Jian Na­tion Net­work Sys­tem?
Do not crack a joke!
The Shi Lei's time is pre­cious, in such a case, ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble and they waste the time!
„Big Brother Stone, ip ad­dress of un­known level, had been marked 27, which start do we from an­a­lyze?” Tao Wenx­ian was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
„These two!” Shi Lei has cho­sen di­rectly two ad­dress, as First batch of first choice ar­ti­fi­cial analy­ses un­known level ip ad­dress.
Tao Wenx­ian has shown the puz­zled look, is Shi Lei ca­sual choice two ad­dress?
[Raphael] re­places Shi Lei to ex­plain: „Two ip ad­dress both are New York!”
Tao Wenx­ian has coughed, he did not re­mem­ber ob­vi­ously the hobby of ip ad­dress own­er­ship place, in any case Re­al­ity ad­dress of in­ves­ti­gate ip ad­dress cor­re­spon­dence, is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter, why can re­mem­ber?
In order to con­ceal own awk­ward­ness, Tao Wenx­ian told: „[Izual], ip ad­dress of all un­known lev­els, in com­plete la­belling own­er­ship place.”
Shi Lei has not teased Tao Wenx­ian, after all any stip­u­la­tion, has not in­di­cated World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, needs to record the ip ad­dress own­er­ship place.
Nat­u­rally, a large num­ber of Hacker, will have in­deed recorded the ip ad­dress own­er­ship place, fa­cil­i­tates the di­rect fast de­ter­mine ip ad­dress re­spec­tive area.
Shi Lei choice ip ad­dress of two New York City, are mainly be­cause, Angel Par­lia­ment [Ab­diel], Par­ent Server is lo­cated in New York City.
Do not think that New York City is too lively, tar­get is too big, [Chaos Ser­pent] will then not place New York City [But­ler] Par­ent Server.
In fact, such pos­si­bly ex­ists com­pletely!
As the say­ing goes, greatly faintly in Shi!
If [But­ler] Par­ent Server, in New York City?
This issue an­swer, be­fore the final out­come comes out, no one can de­ter­mine the an­swer!
The Shi Lei three peo­ple scan to an­a­lyze two un­known lev­els fast ip ad­dress, un­known level ip ad­dress, but also was in­vaded by three peo­ple, dis­cov­ered that un­known level ip ad­dress, is de­fense strict in­ter­state web­site, is mainly the over­seas pro­vides the pri­vate Love Ac­tion Art movie down­load ser­vice.
Shi Lei very good in­ten­tion has not tam­pered with op­po­site party Data Server, after all this good per­son, served too much too much to have need otaku, can't break otaku ben­e­fit(s), isn't that right?
Two un­known level ip ad­dress that Shi Lei chooses, do not have the nickel to re­late with [But­ler], re­gard­ing such re­sult, Shi Lei does not have the ac­ci­dent.
If so sim­ple, then had dis­cov­ered [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, how Shi Lei does need to wage a war?
Pre­ferred tar­get does not have the re­sult, the Shi Lei three peo­ple to start to an­a­lyze each un­known level ip ad­dress, along with three peo­ple with [Izual]'s syn­chro­nous work­ing, ip ad­dress was ex­plained that as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally ob­tained the an­swer.
Shi Lei found time to look at the Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan im­ple­ment progress, the pre­sent is 12 half, Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan im­ple­ment a half hour, but the im­ple­ment progress was piti­ful!
The Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan First screen­ing re­gion is Li Jian Na­tion, a half hour, un­ex­pect­edly screen­ing progress, merely less than 3%!
This means that merely one Li Jian Na­tion, wants com­pletely tra­ver­sal Li Jian Na­tion net world each ip ad­dress, at least takes over 20 hours!
The en­tire World range is so big, [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, may exist in the net­work space of any place.
Shi Lei has prob­a­bly that many time, slowly, areas searches?
Put sim­ply, com­put­ing re­sources that Shi Lei grasps, is still in­suf­fi­cient!


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