Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1802: If Final-025

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1802: If Final-025
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[Split­ting Skies Mark] after the 12 minute, will ar­rive in fi­nally a bat­tle­field of war, [Chaos Ser­pent] the jour­ney of life, started the final count­down.
How­ever, will [Chaos Ser­pent] sit wait­ing for death re­ally?
An­swer nat­u­rally neg­a­tive!
[Chaos Ser­pent] in­deed does not know ex­is­tence of [Split­ting Skies Mark], does not know that [Split­ting Skies Mark] will soon par­tic­i­pate in the fight. But [Chaos Ser­pent] is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to sit wait­ing for death, does [Chaos Ser­pent] in Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy and ab­solute Ge­nius of com­puter in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy dual do­main, so the char­ac­ter pos­si­bly eas­ily admit de­feat?
The black mist re­gion that [Demon Fog War­rior] emits, [Chaos Ser­pent] does not have the least bit tense look, does not have the slightly sur­rounded con­scious­ness.
Even, on the [Chaos Ser­pent] face is also hav­ing the light taunt!
The cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, truly is [Chaos Ser­pent] is put up Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] sur­round­ing by 125, but [Chaos Ser­pent] has the strength of re­volt ab­solutely.
In fact is just the op­po­site!
[Chaos Ser­pent] has the strength of for­mi­da­ble re­volt, even has the De­stroy Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] strength, but why doesn't [Chaos Ser­pent] re­volt?
The rea­son lies, [Chaos Ser­pent] was wait­ing for!
[Chaos Ser­pent] was wait­ing for that the Shi Lei's card in a hand ap­pears, [Chaos Ser­pent] does not be­lieve that pre­sent these Robot, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei final card in a hand.
[Chaos Ser­pent] has to ac­knowl­edge that Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] is very in­deed for­mi­da­ble, not only has the flight func­tion, but also had for­mi­da­ble Weapons Sys­tem.
Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, is Laser Weapon, ob­tained the af­fir­ma­tion of [Chaos Ser­pent].
for­merly. [Chaos Ser­pent] has not thought highly of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], thinks that [Demon Fog War­rior] and [Ni­hilist War­rior], then can re­sist Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider].
Now after by one­self ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self great strength of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider]. [Chaos Ser­pent] dis­cov­ered that Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] is very for­mi­da­ble. Es­pe­cially just Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], used Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery sat­u­rated at­tack, if no help of [Chaos Ser­pent], through Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, de­flected the most Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery ball, [Ni­hilist War­rior] could not block. [Demon Fog War­rior] nat­u­rally meets the tragedy.
If the [Demon Fog War­rior] tragedy, [Chaos Ser­pent] could the tragedy!
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] Laser Weapon. Let [Chaos Ser­pent] suit­able dread­ing, per­haps few Laser Weapon, [Chaos Ser­pent] is also ca­pa­ble of re­sist­ing.
But 125 puts up Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] col­lec­tion fire at­tack, thinks might that type lets per­son De­spair. [Chaos Ser­pent] thought that does not need to vi­o­late the dan­ger by body.
[Chaos Ser­pent] only thinks that now wait­ing of quiet, waited for that Shi Lei lifts other cards in a hand. [Chaos Ser­pent] can guar­an­tee that Shi Lei def­i­nitely will lift other cards in a hand.
Be­cause in view of the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, [Chaos Ser­pent] and Shi Lei both sides was in has re­fused to com­pro­mise Phase.
[Chaos Ser­pent] using the [Demon Fog War­rior] emit­ting black mist, formed one piece to re­sist the Laser Weapon re­gion, in ad­di­tion [Ni­hilist War­rior] and [Chaos Ser­pent] re­sisted Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery to­gether, thus has cre­ated the both sides evenly matched sit­u­a­tion.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] gave up at­tack, Laser Weapon. Elec­tro­mag­netic Weapon, stopped in­signif­i­cant at­tack.
125 puts up Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], is only sur­round­ing the black mist re­gion. Is wait­ing for the ar­rival of [Split­ting Skies Mark].
Has say­ing that Shi Lei and [Chaos Ser­pent] sit­u­a­tion is strange!
Shi Lei is wait­ing for [Split­ting Skies Mark], [Chaos Ser­pent] is also wait­ing for [Split­ting Skies Mark], they are wait­ing for [Split­ting Skies Mark] un­ex­pect­edly to­gether. Just, ac­tu­ally who will laugh last, at pre­sent looks like. An un­known num­ber!
„Shi Lei, opens your final card in a hand!” [Chaos Ser­pent] probes with a smile. Voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween he and Shi Lei, had not in­ter­rupted.
[Chaos Ser­pent] did not ex­pect that Shi Lei will give the an­swer, he wants to reply through Shi Lei's that an­a­lyzes some in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei hēi hēi sneers, „card in a hand? Do I also need to open the card in a hand? [Chaos Ser­pent], you rather think highly of your­self Right? to have a look at your pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, pariah dog that was sim­i­lar to being home­less, ex­cept for hid­ing in gloomy cor­ner, will you also do?”
[Chaos Ser­pent] has not replied Shi Lei, in­stead sat­i­rized: „Orig­i­nally your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­side story is so su­per­fi­cial, triv­ial sev­eral Robot, ex­actly as stated your final cards in a hand?”
„Our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­side story is very cer­tainly su­per­fi­cial, after all our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group es­tab­lishes less than two years of time. How­ever, how many triv­ial puts up Robot un­able to be used as the card in a hand? Aren't you by triv­ial sev­eral Robot, sup­pressed now re­sult in the basis to be in­ca­pable of re­volt­ing?” The taunt that Shi Lei smiles said.
[Chaos Ser­pent] self-con­trol Gongfu (ef­fort) is very good, does not mind Shi Lei's to taunt, „, if only triv­ial sev­eral Robot, I can con­clude, Shi Lei, this war, you lost!”
„Right?” Shi Lei in­dif­fer­ently was re­spond­ing.
Boasted com­pared with whom can­not?
Even if Shi Lei looks at [Chaos Ser­pent] again high, will not im­prop­erly be­lit­tle one­self dis­par­ages it­self. The cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, in­deed was [Chaos Ser­pent] has been in the ab­solute in­fe­ri­or­ity, will soon come to the life end.
In such a case, how lets the Shi Lei hear of [Chaos Ser­pent] boast­ing ra­tios?
„Shi Lei, you have con­sid­ered, did you lose this logic of war?” [Chaos Ser­pent] asked with a smile, as if had rec­og­nized Shi Lei lost this war.
„Does not have the con­sid­er­a­tion un­likely mat­ter!” Shi Lei was say­ing self-con­fi­dently.
Shi Lei's spec­u­lated that is the [Izual]'s ana­log com­pu­ta­tion, the re­sult of final war, the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group vic­tory prob­a­bil­ity has sur­passed 50%.
Ac­tu­ally does [Chaos Ser­pent] how win?
„I urged you to con­sider!” [Chaos Ser­pent] for the ex­pres­sion that Shi Lei con­sid­ers, lets Shi Lei suit­able not being feel­ing well.
Shi Lei has laughed at one, „does [Chaos Ser­pent], have the per­son to tell you, your ex­pres­sion of this speech, quite un­com­fort­ing?”
„Is un­com­fort­able? What has not to be un­com­fort­able? If you are un­com­fort­able, I sug­gested that you are en­dur­ing! Be­cause, then, mak­ing you un­com­fort­able mat­ter have!” [Chaos Ser­pent] hā hā has laughed.
Be­fore Shi Lei has not replied, [Chaos Ser­pent] con­tin­ues say­ing that „works as fi­nally a war, your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group fail­ure time, your fe­male friend, will pay the first life price.”
„Makes me cal­cu­late that you al­to­gether do have five fe­male friends, isn't that right?” [Chaos Ser­pent] was say­ing con­tin­u­ously, „whom First does tar­get choose? Re­ally good awk­ward choice ques­tion, man­ages Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group top hero Mu Shuang, or your in the heart Good fet­ters Ouyang Xiang, or is Li Zhiyue that you most like, is naive chaste Ling Yumo, as well as full does Xia Na­tion, be­come fa­mous He Wan­qiu of over­seas?”
The Shi Lei com­plex­ion is pale, al­though knows that [Chaos Ser­pent] has no time to care about them rad­i­cally, but [Chaos Ser­pent] this sup­po­si­tion, truly touches Shi Lei's re­verse scale!
„Hēng! [Chaos Ser­pent], you court death!” Shi Lei cold -ly snorted and said.
[Chaos Ser­pent] has ac­tu­ally ne­glected the Shi Lei's man­ner, in­stead says with a smile, „such dif­fi­cult choice, has the per­son of choice dif­fi­culty sick­ness re­gard­ing my this type, but also is re­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly dif­fi­cult big issue. Is in­fe­rior to this, Shi Lei, I give you priv­i­lege, al­low­ing you to choose, under First Hell list!”
Here, [Chaos Ser­pent] sighed, „this priv­i­lege, in for­merly, I greatly has not shown the kind­ness of heart. How­ever, who made us live to­gether that many years, was to your giv­ing fa­vored treat­ment!”
Shi Lei clenched teeth, con­trols the mood of mov­ing rest­lessly dili­gently, Shi Lei has to ac­knowl­edge that he and [Chaos Ser­pent], were too ten­der a point. Con­cerns to pro­voke the will of the peo­ple the abil­ity, Shi Lei is also not the [Chaos Ser­pent] match.
„Silent?” [Chaos Ser­pent] has smiled, „is each of them, sta­tus in your mind same? hā hā hā, I do not be­lieve! The will of the peo­ple, is al­ways strangest not mea­sured that wants to hold a bowl of water steady, is im­pos­si­ble. If you do not make the de­ci­sion, I will help you make the de­ci­sion, I will be dis­pos­able their five peo­ple kill com­pletely!”
Shi Lei sighed, the state of mind reply is tran­quil, „[Chaos Ser­pent], when you have the abil­ity achieves these mat­ters the time, you came to say these issue with me again!”
„Oh?” [Chaos Ser­pent] very cu­ri­ously seems to be same, „, if, I have achieved these mat­ters, you will make the choice?”
Fac­ing the sup­po­si­tion of [Chaos Ser­pent], Shi Lei once more silent, he does not know how should reply, per­haps the Shi Lei sub­con­scious­ness is avoid­ing this issue.
This, the road of Shi Lei's sen­ti­ment walks very bad, he thinks that he is Pride of Heaven, is the lucky fel­low of des­tiny favor, is re­birth of being a cut above other peo­ple.
There­fore, ini­tial time, Shi Lei places high own po­si­tion is very very high, but with the lapse of time, Shi Lei knows that he has made a mis­take, this Life Jour­ney as be­fore is real Life Jour­ney, any per­son and he is the same, is vividly feels emo­tion the life in­di­vid­ual of right­eous­ness.
Shi Lei has learned the re­spect life grad­u­ally, has learned the re­spect love.
Just, some­thing, in the event, then can­not treat as have not oc­curred. Some­times, hasn't the so-called spe­cial sen­ti­ment, been heart­less?
Shi Lei can only re­ceive all sen­ti­men­tal debts silently, can only pray that in other this life days, he can do well, he can repay all debts well, he can make his fe­male friend happy.
[Chaos Ser­pent] by the Shi Lei's fe­male friend, treated as the threat method to threaten Shi Lei, al­ready moved the Shi Lei's bot­tom line. Re­gard­ing [Chaos Ser­pent], Shi Lei al­ready only killing hearts of re­main­ing naked!
„You also said that that is only if!” Shi Lei tran­quil re­but­tal.
[Chaos Ser­pent] hā hā laughs once more, „, if? hēng hēng Hēng! Shi Lei, [Hope] you re­mem­ber today's words!” In the [Chaos Ser­pent] ex­pres­sion, brings to wipe to have the fla­vor of pro­found mean­ing.
Shi Lei in the heart one cold, but looks at the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen af­ter­ward, is demon­strat­ing two green lu­mi­nous spots, as well as final count­down time.
Ar­rives in fi­nally a bat­tle­field of war from [Split­ting Skies Mark], less than five min­utes, [Chaos Ser­pent] only re­main­ing dead ends, sup­po­si­tions of these ter­ri­fy­ing, pos­si­bly re­al­izes?


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