Sunday, January 21, 2018

1857: Final-080 Destroy the World eruption!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1857: Final-080 Destroy the World eruption!
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Shi Lei was guess­ing He Zhen­bang con­tact he, ac­tu­ally has any im­por­tant mat­ter. At pre­sent, mat­ter of pri­mary im­por­tance, being Shi Lei must de­stroy De­stroy the World the mat­ter.
Shi Lei shriv­elled mouth, is choice an­swer­ing. Sim­i­lar to the [Raphael] analy­sis, Shi Lei does not want De­stroy en­tire World, but wants through De­stroy en­tire World, threat­ens some peo­ple , help­ing to seek. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server.
„Hello? Com­man­der He, had any mat­ter a bit faster say­ing that I also in busy!” Shi Lei was say­ing with the some­what rapid ex­pres­sion.
He Zhen­bang said hastily: „Shi Lei, your brat do not make the tele­phone call!”
„I am lis­ten­ing!” Shi Lei re­turned to one fast.
„Your this brat! Is that post in net­work, you sends?” He Zhen­bang straight­for­ward ask­ing.
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally in­ten­tion­ally plays the fool say­ing: „What post?”
„Did you say?” He Zhen­bang dis­con­tented cold snort|hum, „that threat­ened that wants the De­stroy en­tire World post, isn't you sends?”
„Yes! I am busy at this mat­ter now! If noth­ing, I first hung up!” Shi Lei was say­ing calmly, as if De­stroy en­tire World, but planned that an egg is so sim­ple.
He Zhen­bang had a scare, „your was brat in­sane?”
„You think that I was in­sane?” The Shi Lei dis­con­tented [say / way], „Com­man­der He, I am very nor­mal, I want some in­for­ma­tion, but I could not find!”
„Can't look slowly?” He Zhen­bang a lit­tle ex­cited loud [say / way], „Shi Lei. Ex­tremely don't be good? What mat­ter at the worst, does have a need for De­stroy en­tire World? You are not three -year-old young kid!”
Shi Lei has sneered, „in­deed! I am not three -year-old small child! Be­cause. Three -year-old small child, ex­pressed the dis­con­tented way, will only make a tear­ful scene! I can ac­tu­ally choose De­stroy en­tire World!”
He Zhen­bang has smiled bit­terly, „can we chat well? I dis­patch He­li­copter to meet you im­me­di­ately! What mat­ter had un­able to solve, wanted De­stroy en­tire World? Even if there is a major dif­fi­culty, is not un­solv­able.”
„Your daugh­ter was dying!” The Shi Lei in­dif­fer­ent re­sponse said.
„What?” The He Zhen­bang sur­prised [say / way], he thinks that he mis­un­der­stood. Was his daugh­ter, why dying?
Shi Lei has du­pli­cated one time. „Com­man­der He, I said that your daugh­ter was dying! In her gene Virus, but I could not find the an­ti­dote. There­fore I was not happy that my [Hope] en­tire World per­son, help­ing me look for the an­ti­dote. If could not find the an­ti­dote, she died! Bor­rows words of for­merly match, they died, what sig­nif­i­cance do I live am also hav­ing? There­fore, this lives, was in­signif­i­cant!”
If not the He Zhen­bang daugh­ter is in­volved, He Zhen­bang wants to say very much. You died dead, why can im­pli­cate en­tire World?
How­ever, He Zhen­bang daugh­ter. In­volves in!
„This... Has other so­lu­tions?” He Zhen­bang awk­ward ask­ing.
Shi Lei hēi hēi has smiled sev­eral strangely, „Com­man­der He, you should know that our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, has the how huge en­ergy. Said grate­fully, re­sources that you have. Does not have the re­sources that I have to be many. Be­fore mak­ing the de­ci­sion of De­stroy en­tire World, strength that I con­trol. for­merly scanned en­tire World In­ter­net World, in­clud­ing our Na­tion(s) s Cyber Se­cu­rity In­tel­li­gence Di­vi­sion, as well as Li Jian Na­tion NSA and DARPA, but does not have data that I need. There­fore, my pre­sent man­ner this, ei­ther gives me the an­ti­dote, mak­ing me save them \; Ei­ther, every­body dies to­gether!”
He Zhen­bang swal­lows the saliva, sud­denly does not know how should per­suade Shi Lei. After all, love thing, truly is the most dif­fi­cult per­suad­ing by rea­son­ing mat­ter.
Is stranded for the sen­ti­ment, in­deed non-so­lu­tion!
Only if Shi Lei awak­ens, oth­er­wise, wants to con­sole Shi Lei, ba­si­cally does not have what pos­si­bil­ity.
„Shi Lei, I asked issue fi­nally, if did not have the an­ti­dote, you...” He Zhen­bang has not asked that then by the Shi Lei di­rect in­ter­rup­tion.
„My meet­ing! I have said that they died, what sig­nif­i­cance do I live am also hav­ing? This lives, was in­signif­i­cant! Let en­tire World be buried along with the dead to us, pours is also very ro­man­tic mat­ter!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion nat­u­rally was say­ing, does not have the De­stroy en­tire World feel­ing of guilty.
„I un­der­stood! I will pass on to the high level, let them seeks fully, in­for­ma­tion that you need!” After He Zhen­bang said that has hung up the tele­phone on own ini­tia­tive, then looks to El­derly Zhang.
„Has the fa­vor­able turn?” El­derly Zhang in­quired.
He Zhen­bang nar­rated sim­ply and Shi Lei's ex­change, af­ter­ward said: „Pre­sent issue is, that brat fe­male Friends is poi­soned com­pletely, he needs the an­ti­dote, if no an­ti­dote, his fe­male Friends will die. If his fe­male Friends died, we will also die, such sim­ple truth.”
„Hasn't re­sulted in dis­cussed?” The El­derly Zhang anger said with a smile ex­tremely.
Thinks also to think laugh­able, was only the girl­friend death, ac­tu­ally wanted en­tire World to be buried along with the dead, didn't this talk non­sense the ghost to put in order?
Too does not press the reper­toire to play a card!
„Dis­cussed!” He Zhen­bang speed way, „, so long as we give in­for­ma­tion that he needs, saved his fe­male Friends life, all dis­cussed well!”
„What in­for­ma­tion does he need that?” El­derly Zhang can­not re­mem­ber. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion name.
Su Ding was re­mind­ing at the same time, „he needed. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress.”
El­derly Zhang nods, „that this in­for­ma­tion, where should we from gain? That any­thing. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, what Or­ga­ni­za­tion is also? Do we have their data?”
Su Ding shakes the head, „per­haps does not have! More­over, does not know how to seek. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, that is very mys­te­ri­ous com­puter Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, in which mem­ber, the tech­no­log­i­cal strength is high. How­ever, we should not need to be wor­ried. Hearsay. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion is Li Jian Na­tion Or­ga­ni­za­tion, and is re­lated with Li Jian Na­tion! Now, Li Jian Na­tion wor­ries com­pared with us Right?”
He Zhen­bang sec­onds the mo­tion to say im­me­di­ately: „Said right, said right! Li Jian Na­tion should worry, they are not al­ways self-praise, are they en­tire World Over­lord? Now, was one's turn Over­lord to act, lev­els Shi Lei that fel­low!”
El­derly Zhang has also smiled, ob­vi­ously ap­proves the view of He Zhen­bang.
Time one minute one sec­ond of out­flow, net­work posts a re­ward to threaten with net­work, has not ob­tained the ef­fect, about. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress, a wee bit news do not have.
Al­though Shi Lei the ex­pres­sion is calm, but in fact, starts to worry.
After all, each minute, re­gard­ing Ling Yumo, is pre­cious in­com­pa­ra­ble. Per­haps, one minute, then can de­cide Ling Yumo birth and death.
„[Jazz], Phin­ney, you sleep!” Shi Lei looked at Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael], three peo­ple stayed up a all night, now soon will be the rhythm of Sec­ond night.
Tao Wenx­ian shakes the head di­rectly, „, Big Brother Stone, I was ac­com­pa­ny­ing you!”
[Raphael] is also only silent shak­ing the head, what has not said that at this time, they had can fall asleep?
In the si­lence, the time ar­rived at the morn­ing 7.5 ten.
Five younger sis­ter, are sleep­ing un­ex­pect­edly still, the nor­mal con­di­tion, Mu Shuang should get out of bed, but today, Mu Shuang is also sleep­ing.
Shi Lei was guess­ing, per­haps was un­known Gene Toxin, af­fected them.
„[Izual], First cer­tifi­cate tar­get, pre­pared Right? Shi Lei to in­quire [Izual] ap­pro­pri­ately”.
[Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing a red lu­mi­nous spot, that lu­mi­nous spot in the Xia Na­tion east side, is away from Xia Na­tion to be very close, the exact lo­ca­tion is Wo Sang Na­tion Shizuoka Pre­fec­ture Mount Fuji.
Mount Fuji is the Wo Sang Na­tion First peak, High De­gree is about 3775 me­ters, is one of the en­tire World max­i­mum ac­tive vol­canos, but after 1707, once more has not then erupted, the prob­a­bil­ity that erupts once more is very small.
In an­other Life Jour­ney, Wo Sang Na­tion Mount Fuji, in 2013, will apply be­comes World Her­itage, and ob­tains suc­cess­fully, be­comes Wo Sang Na­tion Sev­en­teenth lo­cates World Her­itage.
But in this Life Jour­ney, does Mount Fuji be­come World Her­itage? It is not pos­si­bly doomed!
Be­cause, Shi Lei is going to let Mount Fuji, be­comes proves him, has to de­stroy the De­stroy the World strength the step­ping-stone!
„Is­sues the no­tice, First cer­tifi­cate in­for­ma­tion, tar­get ad­dress is Mount Fuji! Will have the t.n.t ex­plo­sion of equiv­a­lent to Ten Thou­sand ton equiv­a­lent! Mean­while, warn­ing Wo Sang Na­tion, Mount Fuji to be pos­si­ble to be ex­ploded ac­ti­vates, thus caused the vol­canic erup­tion.” Shi Lei ex­pres­sion in­dif­fer­ent [say / way].
Al­though the vol­canic erup­tion, will cause very se­ri­ous con­se­quence, but nearby Mount Fuji, does not have what res­i­dent, after vol­canic erup­tion, will not cause the huge per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties, but causes the prop­erty dam­age.
The prompt that as [Izual] sends out, the en­tire Wo Sang Na­tion In­ter­net users burst with joy, es­pe­cially the Shizuoka Pre­fec­ture In­ter­net users, ac­cuse h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is im­ple­ment­ing Ter­ror­ist At­tack, is ter­ror­ist of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices.
Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment, has is­sued the warn­ing of right­eous­ness words, if h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, has made the t.n.t ex­plo­sion of equiv­a­lent to Ten Thou­sand ton equiv­a­lent in Mount Fuji, Wo Sang Na­tion h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, will arrange in order into the Ter­ror­ist Or­ga­ni­za­tion list.
Fac­ing the warn­ing of Wo Sang Na­tion, Shi Lei does not care!
This for a while other for a while, if be­fore, Shi Lei can­not such Crazy, but now? Does Shi Lei have some­thing to lose?
World­wide var­i­ous coun­tries Gov­ern­ment, is also wait­ing and see­ing the h Or­ga­ni­za­tion man­ner, if h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, has not ex­ploded plan in Mount Fuji im­ple­ment, per­haps Shi Lei's World De­struc­tion Plan, is a big joke.
But if Shi Lei im­ple­ment the Mount Fuji ex­plo­sion, the World De­struc­tion Plan au­then­tic­ity, will at­tach great im­por­tance to by High De­gree!
Xia Na­tion Time, on July 14, at ex­actly 8 : 00 am \; Cor­re­sponds the Li Jian Na­tion time, on July 13, the twenty point put in order in the evening. Dur­ing Shi Lei posts, the time point of First cer­tifi­cate event.
In the Mount Fuji mid-hill, the ex­plo­sion of equiv­a­lent to Ten Thou­sand ton t.n.t equiv­a­lent, blooms loudly...


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