Monday, March 4, 2019

1336: Desperate Dragon Roar

#1336: Desperate Dragon Roar
Comments 215
A sword de­stroys the spear/gun to break the arm, a sword buries the life bro­ken body, merely two swords, other Star Guardian even with­out enough time re­sponded and goes for­ward, three Star Guardian then died an un­timely death in the sky.
These three peo­ple are not no­bod­ies, even not in com­mon peo­ple cog­ni­tion „pow­er­house”, Star God Star Guardian that but was looked up to by God Realm ten thou­sand hun­dred mil­lion pro­found prac­ti­tioner! In three peo­ple pro­found strength cul­ti­va­tion base is low­est, is Third Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign, but under the Yun Che's sword, un­ex­pect­edly likely is three eas­ily then crushed rot­ten wood.
First Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign?
How this pos­si­bly is First Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign power!!
Star Guardian that rear been ready star­tled stands com­pletely at the scene, trem­bling with fear such as by ghosts and gods fear body. Xing Ling tragic death, af­ter­ward in an in­stant, is three Star Guardian bro­ken bod­ies per­ishes, has the strong po­si­tion, power and glory they, un­ex­pect­edly in any event is un­able to be­lieve and ac­cept can die by Star Guardian that the com­mon peo­ple look up at so eas­ily, is so piti­ful.
But while their with amaze­ment, a sword breaks to pieces three Star Guardian Yun Che to throw sud­denly, but, blood en­ergy and fishy smell heads on, near the ear, wants fear­ful shout­ing com­pared with des­per­ate wild beast.
„Are you doing!!” Alarmed and afraid and sub­con­scious re­treat­ing that on the nu­mer­ous Star Guardian face ap­pears makes the Xing Mingzi star­tled anger occur si­mul­ta­ne­ously: „You as Star Guardian, could it be that are scared by the triv­ial Lower Realm ju­nior young child un­ex­pect­edly!”
His howl­ing lets alarmed and afraid in the nu­mer­ous Star Guardian heart in­tense shock, but at this time, bel­lows to re­sound, a per­son's shadow shoots up to the sky from the rear area, his golden armor, in the hand the sword is sparkling eye-catch­ing star light.
The Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard com­mands Xing Lou...... Ninth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign of a strength above Xing Ling! In the hand, is the stars sword that Star God Em­peror be­stows!
Xing Lou moves, his be­hind nu­mer­ous Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard also all fol­lows...... They were been for­merly dif­fi­cult to bear by the word of ex­cit­ing shame Yun Che, but under the shame may have the shame and shame ex­tremely, but more can ac­tu­ally be the anger, one shame was ripped open, glory tram­pled being hot-tem­pered anger...... also killing in­tent!
Dif­fer­ent with other Star Guardian, Xing Lou dou­ble pupil ex­cep­tion­ally ice-cold, can­not see alarmed and afraid of any other Star Guardian in the eyes, he wel­comed Yun Che, along with stars sword light even more ra­di­ant, his body, re­leased one may be called the heav­enly might fear­ful im­pos­ing man­ner, cov­ered in which Yun Che firmly.
Looks at Xing Lou, sev­eral Star God Elder nod­ded slightly, a say/way: „Xing Lou not only nat­ural tal­ent dif­fer­ent re­ported, the state of mind is also un­usual, per­haps again sev­eral thou­sand years, then suf­fi­ciently are Elder.”
„Yun Che! You kill my Star Guardian, the crime do not ac­com­mo­date the amnesty!!” Xing Lou a vi­o­lent roar, stars sword light rises sud­denly hun­dred zhang (333 m), sweeps sud­denly...... sword light of il­lus­tri­ous world brings the ter­ri­fy­ing peer­less space rip­ples to sweep away the Yun Che's both legs, the po­ten­tial must cut di­rectly his both legs.
Hiss CHA!!
Space dis­rupted sound ear-pierc­ing ar­rives at the ex­treme, stars sword light has swept the Yun Che's both legs, brings is ac­tu­ally in­stan­ta­neous shat­tered phan­tom.
Xing Lou stares, along with a it ice-cold sense from his back straight vine his whole body...... One type fear­ful to in­com­pa­ra­bly de­scribed, gloomy and cold that is un­able to imag­ine, mak­ing his split sec­ond such as fall bot­tom of the abyss, firm, if the soul of rock in crazy dis­tor­tion...... Fright­ened and de­spair of be­fore that is Xing Ling died, with­stands.
„Xing Lou!!”
Blood glow blast­ing open, sword straight Xing Lou back.
Sound in­com­pa­ra­ble ear-spit­ting of Xing Lou spine break, al­most makes all per­son hearts stop. His a piece be­comes dark at pre­sent, the world did not have the color and sound again...... Even if Yun Che mas­sacre Xing Ling, a sword bang kills three Star Guardian, Xing Lou is as be­fore fear­less, how ac­tu­ally un­able to think, as Ninth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign, can un­ex­pect­edly so...... Col­laps­ing at the first blow.
The body of strongest spine Di­vine Sov­er­eign, was bro­ken by a sword bang.
If the me­te­orite crashes, Xing Lou from air­borne pounds down ruth­lessly, land­ing is the blood dyes the whole body in­stant...... He lies on the ground, stares the big dou­ble pupil al­most un­able to see any color. As the Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard com­mands, under Di­vine Lord can show dis­dain for all Ninth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign, caused heavy losses by a First Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign sword un­ex­pect­edly hence.
His life­time pride and glo­ri­ous, com­pletely wipe to ex­tin­guish under this sword, even if he can live today, this shadow, will cer­tainly fol­low his en­tire life.
But, cov­ered his shadow of death not to re­move, Yun Che is bends down to empty, Heaven Smit­ing Sword brought to make the blood en­ergy heart­less bang that the ghosts and gods suf­fo­cated fall suf­fi­ciently.
„Xing Lou!!”
Panic-stricken howl­ing every­where re­sounds, could not at­tend to panic-stricken and fright­ened in heart with sev­eral Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard that Xing Lou to/clashes, makes a move hastily, six star Di­vine Pro­found light straightly shoots Yun Che, the de­sire com­pels him.
But Yun Che ac­tu­ally pays no at­ten­tion, body flood, only whether there is hate and killing in­tent com­pletely.
The ground shakes, was de­stroyed the faith bro­ken body of Xing Lou under a Yun Che this heart­less sword to per­ish by a sword, same dies with Xing Ling with­out com­plete corpse, but at the same time, six star Di­vine Pro­found light have also been rum­bled Yun Che's back, brings six blood glow of blasts.
Yun Che turns round, that scar­let such as the vi­sion of blood star­tles six Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard in­stan­ta­neously to look ashen, but Yun Che threw to them to sud­denly, a blood wolf roared, erup­tion sword might such as the stars crashed...... Also is the blood-color stars.
The Heav­enly Wolf third sword, Heav­enly Star Grief!
Heav­enly Wolf Di­vine Power is strength of the hate, when hates the full uni­verse, Heav­enly Wolf sword might makes the world trem­ble suf­fi­ciently, the ghosts and gods are alarmed and afraid.
As the Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard, how can also not know this Heav­enly Wolf's Sword. But, when that blood-color wolf shadow band the stars are crash­ing, their wills al­most in­stan­ta­neously com­pletely are de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish...... The power and in­flu­ence of this sword, nat­u­rally can­not com­pared with Heav­enly Wolf Star God, but, ac­tu­ally as if ac­tu­ally com­pared with Heav­enly Wolf Star God also fear­ful......
Stars blast­ing open, a space whirlpool ap­pears in the dis­tor­tion, counts breaths will dis­si­pates, but in the space whirlpool, six Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard van­ished com­pletely, dis­ap­pear­ance dis­ap­pear with­out a trace, their bod­ies, weapons and Star God armor, be­come the ni­hili­ties to peak Heav­enly Wolf sword might di­rect de­struc­tion by that ter­ri­fy­ing, has not stayed be­hind, even if tiny bit trace.
But be­fore dying, six peo­ple all are mo­tion­less, no­body has the hand re­volt, to re­sist or es­cape to leave...... Be­cause of their wills, was be­fore the life is de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish.
„......” In for­ma­tion, Star God Em­peror has stood, both eyes stare want to crack, has al­most put be­hind it­self also in the cer­e­mony.
The body of Star Guardian, under the Yun Che's sword un­ex­pect­edly such as worth­less. Es­pe­cially Heav­enly Wolf's Sword, that split sec­ond pres­sure, dis­tinct has touched......
Di­vine Lord plane/level!
One year has not seen, Yun Che marched into the bound­ary of Di­vine King from Di­vine Spirit Realm In­ter­me­di­ate Stage, trem­bled with fear has pre­sented all peo­ple, but he who now, the whole body is bathed in blood, erupts, ap­proaches Di­vine Lord plane/level power un­ex­pect­edly!
Fam­ily back­ground Lower Realm, not hav­ing King Realm to in­herit, the age still less than half sixty-year cycle young peo­ple, un­ex­pect­edly can erupt close to Di­vine Lord plane/level power...... This time, Star God Em­peror, was sus­pect­ing that today's all rad­i­cally is a pre­pos­ter­ous il­lu­sion.
Is less than 30 years old, does not have „in­her­i­tance”, can ac­tu­ally erupt the strength of Di­vine Lord...... Hehe, the en­tire God Realm his­tory, all ab­surd mat­ters add com­pletely, is in­fe­rior to this even­tu­al­ity.
The in­ter­mit­tent big roar star­tled day swings, com­mands buries to ex­tin­guish with six Star Guardian in an in­stant com­pletely, to at this mo­ment, how nu­mer­ous Star Guardian will not be also clear, al­though pro­found strength dis­obe­di­ent com­mon sense berserk Yun Che is re­leas­ing First Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign aura, but the strength has ac­tu­ally sur­passed them, even has far ex­ceeded their imag­i­na­tion.
Star Guardian „act­ing with con­straint” has be­come in this mo­ment with dig­nity the joke, the nu­mer­ous Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard sticks out sud­denly com­pletely, that split sec­ond shin­ing gets up, im­pres­sively is more than 100 Heav­enly Wolf Star glow!
More than 100 Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard si­mul­ta­ne­ously make a move to deal with one per­son, this is never has „mar­velous sight”, but op­po­site party, an age is less than their any per­son of 1% ju­nior...... Even if Yun Che buries to ex­tin­guish in light of this, this, Star God Realm does not have the face ab­solutely its record on Star God Di­vine Scrip­ture.
More than 100 Heav­enly Wolf Star God power erupt, bloom­ing star light the shin­ing white that Star God City each cor­ner shines upon daz­zling. But over­laps in the same place pres­sure is ex­tremely fear­ful, sub­merged all, Yun Che's body de­press­ing stub­bornly, body blood-color pro­found glow also by star light en­gulfed.
Yun Che from air­borne sinks fiercely, Heaven Smit­ing Sword falls down, as if could not move. Xing Mingzi does not have, there­fore has the least bit happy ex­pres­sion, in­stead the sur­face sinks such as the water...... More than 100 Star Guardian also make a move, this rad­i­cally is the shame!
„Do not keep the hand, has aban­doned him!!” His sink­ing sound ex­claimed.
star light flashes, such as hun­dred me­te­ors crash, rum­bles to­gether Yun Che...... Yun Che rais­ing the head slowly, in blood-color pupil, flashes through wipes the pro­found blue light.
Dragon Shadow presently, proud empty/sky re­cites for the first time.
„Asura's Sal­va­tion” , the Yun Che's life and Soul are burn­ing, power that he erupts, places one­self the abyss des­per­ate strength, but this Dragon Roar, any time was also more fear­ful than the past...... Des­per­ate Dragon Roar!
Under Dragon Roar, charges into the Yun Che's Star Guardian com­plete pupil to change col­ors, Soul crashes into fright­ened abyss, the body also from air­borne plants to fall. But under Dragon Roar, is Yun Che that like wild beast roar­ing, his Heaven Smit­ing Sword holds up, the pur­ple light­ning bolt crazy wind­ing, along with swing of sword light, blasts open end­less sparkling stone pur­ple.
The space that Yun Che is at changes to light­ning bolt Pur­ga­tory in­stan­ta­neously, the Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard that ap­proaches was twined by light­ning bolt com­pletely, but these cir­cle light­ning bolt of body in all light­ning with their cog­ni­tion com­pletely to be dif­fer­ent, they pro­tect one­self pro­found strength and Star God armor, in these seem like under or­di­nary light­ning bolt are un­ex­pect­edly frail like the flimsy, is al­most is torn in­stan­ta­neously then......
„What's wrong...... What's the mat­ter?” The Xing Mingzi star­tled sound just ex­ported, dou­ble pupil then split sec­ond en­larged the sev­eral fold......
Be­cause pre­sents in him at pre­sent, is this whole life has seen most fear­ful pic­ture.
Under the Yun Che's sword bang, brings sharp in­com­pa­ra­ble thun­der­ous. Was en­cum­bered by light­ning, the en­tire 107 Heav­enly Wolf Star health/guard, com­pletely rup­tured light­ning bolt rips two!!
That split sec­ond piti­ful yell sound, the sad and shrill let­ting world pre­sented faint shiv­er­ing.
„What......” Star God Em­peror whole body fierce in a flash, the eye pupil is star­tled al­most at the scene blasts open.
His sur­round­ings, many Star Gods has not changed col­ors with amaze­ment.
„Heaven's Way...... tribu­la­tion light­ning?” Tumi makes noise, is ac­tu­ally hoarse is un­able to hear clearly. He felt that one­self heart is jump­ing crazily...... That was a fright­ened feel­ing, sta­tus ex­tremely high, life essence com­pletely, al­ready will for­get that what fright­ened was he, in the heart was mul­ti­ply­ing the fear un­ex­pect­edly!?
What kind of Di­vine Sov­er­eign ex­ists, the body was twisted, at the scene will not die. But, this to them in­stead is the huge mis­for­tune. They look help­lessly one­self body breaks bro­ken, looks own bro­ken upper body and bloody lower part, the pain next, that type fears and de­spairs, by far world all tor­ture.
At this mo­ment, they no longer are Star Guardian, im­pos­si­ble has the Star Guardian dig­nity and glory again, but is only one crowd asked un­able ma­li­cious ghost, their rem­nant body des­per­ate strug­gling, neighed and cry loudly, drench are sprin­kling blood and in­ter­nal or­gans every­where, was lay­ing out piece of liv­ing bru­tal hell.
Stands in the hell cen­ter, can bury Yun Che that ex­tin­guishes them com­pletely eas­ily is ac­tu­ally mo­tion­less, he en­joys their blood with cry­ing loudly, be­cause they damn...... Most piti­ful death!!


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